Photoshop :: Selecting?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm having trouble selecting an image on Photoshop 7. I'm trying to crop an image but when I use the marquee tool, it keeps jumping to different spots when I drag the corner. I recently had troubles with my computer mouse in that it was double-clicking faster than humanly possible and wouldn't allow me to highlight anything. I believe I have fixed the mouse problems because everything that I was having difficulty with before has been fixed - just not in Photoshop. I was wondering if it could be a problem with the program. I hadn't encountered this problem before anything was wrong with my mouse. As for the settings I'm using, feather is set to 0px and the style is normal.

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AutoCad :: Delay In Selecting Object And Selecting Command?

Sep 25, 2008

I am having a problem with a delay in selecting an object and selecting a command.

When I select an object the pointer has at least a 3 second delay before it starts moving around normally again. It is the same with selecting a command. This has started to get tedious. It has worked fine in the past so I don't think it is a RAM/graphics card problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mouse Selecting / Not Selecting?

May 15, 2012

OK, today, or actually just this afternoon I've noticed it has become much harder to select items with the mouse.

Points, nodes, etc...anything where you'd typically hover the mouse over the item and it highlights for you to select it.

For example, lets say you want to project a point from another sketch, or select the center node of a line, etc.

Never really had an issue until this afternoon where now it seems I have to be right on top of the item and I cannot budge one bit or it won't select it. It is now taking me numerous attempts to select things like points (zooming in does not work, points scale accordingly).

Is there a setting somewhere? I can't seem to find such under Tools>Application Options and the like.

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Photoshop :: Selecting A Mask

May 25, 2012

I'm still having no luck with Refine Edge / Mask (CS5 & Win 7).

Following a tutorial at[URL]....

I come unstuck right after clicking on the Add Mask icon. In the tutorial the mask appears with a black/white checkered edge. As the commentary says, "You can tell when the mask is selected by the dotted border."

Well no matter what I do I do not get that dotted border, not when I click on the mask, double click, right click. (Nor do I get the checkered border when I click on the Layer icon. Both the layer and mask have plain white borders.)

I can't get to a Refine Mask option, only Refine Edge. When I try to improve the selection it looks as though I'm using an eraser tool at about 20% opacity, it just gets steadily more transparent. So how do I get the mask selected?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Different Layers

Sep 1, 2011

Usually when I want to work on a different layer, I will select the layer in the layers panel first, or alternatively hold down ctrl and left click on the image in my actual design that's on the layer I wish to change to. However I must have done "something" because now no matter what layer I am on, if I click on a part of my design that's on a different layer to which I am working on, it will automatically select this image and change to this layer. This is highly annoying because every time I am trying to edit something or move something around I suddenly find I am on a different layer again!

I'm not sure how I did this or how to change it back. When I started this design a few days ago it was working normally.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Highlights

Nov 11, 2004

I can't get Ctrl + Alt + ~ keyboard short cut to work which selects the highlights in an image. The problem is that on my keyboard I have to press Alt Gr to make ~ so can't use Ctrl + Alt + ~ . How can I change the short cut? I know that you can select the highlights by "Select -> Color Range.. -> Highlights" but the result is not as soft as with the short cut. Are there any other ways to select the highlights?

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Photoshop :: Selecting More Than One Area

Mar 13, 2007

I have three areas in an image that I want to select. Using the magnetic lasso, I select one, then when I move to the other one, the first selection disappears. How can I keep the first one and move on to two others?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Hair

Oct 1, 2004

I have this picture, of course a jpeg, so the quality sucks, and i'm having problems selecting the two girls' hair. It blends into the background to where i almost have an impossible time seeing it at all but if i just cut it out it doesn't look natural anymore.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Layers

May 4, 2006

How do i select only a certain layer's and merge or group them together? I though it would be something like... Ctrl + G or etc.

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Photoshop :: Selecting An Object?

Dec 18, 2006

I edited a .jpeg in Photoshop, and removed the baground. I have a picture of a snowflake. It is on a blue rectangular background. I ONLY ant the snowflake in Publisher, so I edited the picture in Photoshop and now I have JUST the snowflake with softened edges in Photoshop. But when I go to paste it into Publishe, I always get an image with a white rectagular background, which defeats the purpose of the editing in the first place.. How do I get JUST the snowflake layer to paste into the flyer?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Won't Work

Sep 26, 2005

I have been creating an image in PS CS with the pen. Now I have added a new part to the picture by making a new path, selecting it and transforming it into a parth of the layer that allready existed. The strangest thing happens:

I can't select the original pic I created, it only selects the whole image. I can select the parts that I just added to the pic but I can't fill it with colour?

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Photoshop :: Colors Not Selecting Right

Oct 4, 2004

I want to alter a simple image from one color to another. The image is a gif image and I want to change it to color code #EF8216. Should be simple enough but when I type that in it gives me a color close to that but not that color (even though it says it is #EF8216). I have used CatchColor to test this and PhotoShop CS is not selecting the right color. I have tried using different ways of selecting the same color but none work. I need the color to match with part of my web site which is using #EF8216. When I use the bucket and save it, you can tell the diffence very easily with the naked eye.

How can I get PhotoShop to select the color I want?

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Photoshop :: Selecting A Layer PS 7

Mar 7, 2005

i have a black image on a white background. i want to copy the image only to another image without the background. how do i do it with photoshop 7?

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Photoshop :: CS 2 .. Layer Selecting

Oct 16, 2005

I have CS 2 at work and work I can select multiple layers by holding down shift and clicking the mouse..and I can link them in the layer pallette but on CS2 at home I cannot do this..

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Photoshop :: Selecting Layers

Sep 5, 2008

I've been having issues selecting my layers in CS2. The first thing I noticed is that i'm not able to select more than one unless I put them in a folder. The second issue, new tonight as far as i can tell, happens when i'm selecting a layer in the image by clicking on the graphic and and it doesn't select the one i'm on but rather a layer that is turned off in a folder above. Does anyone know if there is something i can do to reset my layer properties?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Non-transparents?

Oct 25, 2005

if you paint bucketed a layer flat, then drew into it with eraser, revealing the transparent background, is there any way to quickly select the untransparent parts?

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Photoshop :: Selecting By Transparency

Jun 30, 2009

Is there any way to select pixels

based on transparency? For example, can I select all the pixels in an image that

are 50% transparent? I was surprised that I can't find a way to do this. I can't

even find any readout or anything that indicates the transparency of a given pixel,

or any recognition of transparency at all.

I am using CS3.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Highlights

Nov 11, 2004

I can't get Ctrl + Alt + ~ keyboard short cut to work which selects the highlights in an image. The problem is that on my keyboard I have to press Alt Gr to make ~ so can't use Ctrl + Alt + ~ . How can I change the short cut? I know that you can select the highlights by "Select -> Color Range.. -> Highlights" but the result is not as soft as with the short cut. Are there any other ways to select the highlights?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Layers

May 4, 2008

I used to be able to select a layer by clicking on the layer in the image. Now I have to click on it in the layers palette. How do I correct this.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Just The Dog, Due To Her Hair

Jun 27, 2006

ive been trying to select just the dog from this image for a while now. i played with the channel mixer and found that at high contrast the red channel allowed me to select the dog best, but i still am having great difficulty with the dogs hair out around her legs and head. how would you go about it? it might not be the best image for this as the chair is brown and also the dog is brown.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Highlights

Nov 11, 2004

I can't get Ctrl + Alt + ~ keyboard short cut to work which selects the highlights in an image. The problem is that on my keyboard I have to press Alt Gr to make ~ so can't use Ctrl + Alt + ~ . How can I change the short cut? I know that you can select the highlights by "Select -> Color Range.. -> Highlights" but the result is not as soft as with the short cut. Are there any other ways to select the highlights?

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Photoshop :: Selecting An Eye And Moving It?

Jun 16, 2007

I have two photo's of the same cat, in one of them the eyes look a lot better, so I'm trying to select and move the eyes to the other photo. Should I extract the eye and move it?

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Photoshop :: Selecting On The Destination Image

Oct 31, 2013

I've been trying to follow Dave Cross's method of making my selection on the new Background.  I've tried cropping my RAW image, opening it as a Smart Image and moving it to the Destination Image.  Also I tried opening it as an Image.  I can't understand why I can't make a selection on that Layer in the Destination Image.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Files In Bridge

Oct 3, 2013

When I click on a file in Bridge to view within Bridge the file Opens in Photoshop. This has only just started to happen and is a real do I revert to only opening in Photoshop with a double click

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Photoshop :: Selecting Color Triggers F1 Key In CS4?

Jul 26, 2012

This problem happens when I am using a brush and try to select a foreground color by clicking on the "Set Foreground Color" in the toolbox. The "Color Picker" appears, I choose a color, click "OK," and then a never-ending number of Firefox windows begins to open with the Photoshop help page (as if I repeatedly pressed the F1 key extremely quickly). I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del and quit Firefox or the opening of windows won't stop.
This doesn't happen every time I use the color picker to select a foreground color, but whenever it happens, that's what I'm doing.
I'm using Windows XP Pro x64 with 6GB RAM, Photoshop CS4, and a Wacom PTZ-631W tablet.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Smart Objects

Jul 26, 2012

after resetting photoshop prefrences i noticed one problem, after resetting i cant select smart objects such as UI Kits or even text objects when i select the move tool and try to select it it doesnt select and show box around it why ?

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Photoshop :: Selecting Background Of Object?

Jul 2, 2012

I selected an object (a hand) using the magic wand tool and filled it in, black.  I want to select everything else in the image (other then the hand I just filled in), and fill it in white.  What is the bes way of going about this? Can I fill in the hand white, and so some kind of inverse of the image? (The background is of an office, so lots of different colors and objects).

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Photoshop :: Selecting Highlighted (not Top) Layer

Sep 21, 2012

Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere.  If I have a psd file with 10 layers, sometimes I want to quickly move an element around but, regardless of what layer I'm working on, or which layer is selected, my "selection tool" will grab whatever layer is the top one, or the whole "group" is the layer is in one, instead.  So, usually, I have to reorder my layers to make the adjustment and then reorder them again.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Layer Visibility

Sep 11, 2013

In <CS6, you could click down on the eye-icon in front of a layer, move out of the layer tab group, move up a couple of layers, and then go back in, to deselect that layer too.
In CC, when you do this, it'll deselect all the layers in between as well. I'm sure this is working as intended, but it was a ridiculously useful "bug" (feature!) when it wasn't working this way.
Use-case: to instantly switch between one set of layers and the other. I know there are other options to do this with, but there's just no real reason to "remove this feature" (correct this bug?) because you already *had* the option of deselecting everything you move over in the first place.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Multiple Frames At Once

Feb 14, 2012

Adobe says, that you can select a group of frames, edit 1 frame from the group, and it will apply that for the rest of them. In order to do this, it says have one frame selected, the Shift-click another one. I had a frame selected, and then I shift-clicked another. Nothing is highlighting.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Using The Magic Wand

Mar 8, 2007

I want to select an area with the magic wand, the magic wand icon disappears and there's a rectangle icon by the curser. At that point, the entire image is selected, not just the area I'd like. I've adjusted the tolerance to 70.

I'm using photoshop CS2 with a mac.

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