Photoshop :: Psd Files Show A Preview...
May 31, 2009When I am exploring my "pictures" folder, is there a way to make my .psd files show me a preview of the picture?
View 6 RepliesWhen I am exploring my "pictures" folder, is there a way to make my .psd files show me a preview of the picture?
View 6 RepliesI have Inventor 2014 installed on my computer. My O/S is Windows 7 Ultimate. The problem I am experiencing is that when I open the tutorial files and click to open a file such as VBelts.iam or bearing.iam, the preview of the item will show in the tutorial files dialog box. But, when I click to open it in the graphics area, nothing appears. At the bottom of the graphic screen it will say that the particular file such as VBelts.iam has been selected. I have tried every solution I can think of including making sure in the browser that visibility is on. The problem didn't occur in the previous tutorials. When I clicked open in the dialog box it worked as it should. The problem first occured when I tried to open SkeletonBase.ipt and has continued in the next few tutorials.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to edit a set of titles made in Premiere in After Effects, and after I import the file (as a Premiere file) then load the sequence into the timeline; the preview is just a black screen throughout the entire preview. The titles never show up.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am an experienced cs5 user and just installed cs6. When I select an image in Bridge, I just get an icon in the preview box and the file number. I have never seen this in cs5.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I add a layer to a photoshop file, flatten and save, the preview only shows the layer that I added, not the whole file. See info window below. It causes problems when I send it to other people, they think I haven't sent the correct file. How do I get that preview to update?
View 4 Replies View RelatedChanged printer from HP to Canon today and cannot get into the print from PSE 9 mac - no image on photo. I re-installed PSE 9 and still the problem remains.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have AutoCAD Map 3D 2013. Sometimes the fillet preview doesn't work. The fillet preview is supposed to work like this:
After setting the radius of the fillet, click on one line.
Move the cursor to other line to be filleted and wait for the preview of the fillet to appear. If the preview of the fillet looks good, click on other line to create the fillet. If the preview of the fillet doesn't look good, change the radius of the fillet and try again.
I think that there is a variable that needs to be set.
Where did the checkerboard go, and how can I get it back? It's pretty useless to see glossy materials without it "glossing" anything but a solid color. ha
I'm sure I'm being stupid and overlooking something obvious, like when people ask where those arrow thingies went (the gizmo).
When I import images I cannot see them in the previews. I have set 1:1, standard, and minimal but it makes no difference. The images show as grey in the preview. When I go to the develop modual I can see the image I select but if I select another image the first goes gray again. For some reason I cannot render previews. Have I turned something off or on? Can I render previews after importing images? The files show up as DNG in my hard drive.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running Autocad Architecture 2013. My .dwg has about 15 pdf's in it (from a consultant that does hand drawings that I scan in, and use the image manager to insert into my drawing). The PDF's range from under 1mb, to 10mb. The PDFs are in model space and within my various drawing sheets, I show them in my drawing sheets via multiple viewports. I noticed that when I go to plot a sheet that has pdfs shown in viewports, and click on PLOT PREVIEW, the PDF's don't show up - everything else shows up, linework, jpegs, etc, but not the PDF's! I fiddled with the viewports and noticed that if some part of the PDF's image frame was visible in the Viewport, the PDF would appear in Print Preview. But if the viewport sat directly over the PDF's image frame, the PDF would not show up in the Plot Preview!!!
Could it be I've exceeded the maximum number of Viewports in my entire .dwg? (I have about 16 sheets), Or, could it be some mysterious autocad system variable that I'm running up against.
I've create drawing in model, after design I arrange it in layout tab. Once after finish, I want to print it but in print preview there are some lines show up direct to bottom right of paper. I look into drawing, there are not lines, I check there are no layer turn off
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe thumbnail preview does not show up in windows browser. We use Windows 7 prof. and Acad 2012.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have LR3. Following function doesn't work for me: there is no preview in Navigator for presets.
Should be: " To preview the effects of a preset on your photo, move the pointer over it in the Presets panel and view the effects in the Navigator panel."
“Scale lineweight” issue. When plotting in the office to A2 Printer I usually check the “Scale lineweight” checkbox. In some drawing “Scalelineweight ” does mess with the lines scales showed in the preview and on the paper. why?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are using AutoCAD Architecture 2013 on machines running Windows 7. When multiple AutoCAD drawings are open on most machines in the office the icon in the Windows Toolbar shows multiple stacked AutoCAD images, and when you hover over those icons, all of the open drawings appear in thumbnail across the bottom. (This is a very nice feature!)
Unfortunately one machine in the office is not doing that with AutoCAD. That machine will show multiple icons and thumbnail previews for PDFs, Word files, etc., but not AutoCAD. Is there a setting that can be changed to make the thumbnail drawings for ALL open drawings appear when hovering over the icon in the Windows Toolbar? (That computer will show a thumbnail preview of the active drawing, but not all open drawings.)
I have a drawing that I created with acad 2010 that has a pdf xref attached. I just updated to 2013. And now when I go to plot the drawing my xref shows up in preview but doesn't show up on the plot.
I can go back to my 2010 version, and it plots fine. What gives?
I have well over 10,000 brushes, couple gigs, is there a good file viewer for abr/brush files?looking for anything to view, organize, combine, etc. abr files, I am getting sick of doing it through photoshop,
View 21 Replies View RelatedI want to preview photoshop cs4 files in windows vista.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI believe it is opening the jpeg preview stored with the DNG. Is this true or does Preview support DNG an RAW natively somehow? The particular image I opened, just to try it, looked brighter and more saturated than opening the same image in a converter.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI shot two D3s last night and downloaded both cards. One the NEF files preview like normal and the other has NEF files that won't preview but open in Photoshop just fine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have reactivated Photoshop CS3 on my new computer. The only thing that is diffirent and irritating is that I have no preview of my PDF files - just the Photoshop icon. When I go to File - Open - I have no preview of the thumbnails. I didn't have this problem on my old computer. Same photoshop. I have now have Windows Vista.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIllustrator files don't show up in Acrobat file list when trying to combine files into a single pdf
View 9 Replies View RelatedAny alternative browser maybe to view/preview giant sized .psb files? I am now working on files from 5 - 20 GB each, 30 - 50,000 pixels, and am stuck using Bridge to go thru them, which takes forever to create thumbnails, and is often unreliable, as every now and then Bridge will just refuse to create a thumbnail for a certain image or 2 and drives me crazy.
Am currently using CS3.
Yes I know this is an older version, I just wish there was a more efficient way to preview large files. PS obviously generates a flattened image preview every time u save, but the previews Bridge uses are fairly low res to my eye, yet it still takes ridiculously long to load each one, which I dont understand if during the save that preview image should be 'in' the file anyway.
Bridge CS3 not updating all the previews.
Thumbnails are fine and reflect the changes I've made in the RAW files, but some previews just show my default settings.
Latest version of Bridge and Camera Raw.
MacPro Quad-Core Two 2.8 GHz Processors
Memory: 4 GB
Mac OS 10.5.3
I've got a folder containing 170 pics. They are all DCS 1.0 files which means that folder actually contains 850 items (4 channels-files per pic + preview file).
I need to open each one of 170 pics and save them as EPS (either binary or JPEG - doesn't matter). If I try to automate it, it actually tries to open every channel instead of opening only the preview file.
When looking at Canon RAW files (.CR2) I can see the previews fine in Preview. Not the same for RX100 arw files. I can see the thumbnails ,
However preview window shows an icon with "exec" in it. Also, adjustments made in Camera Raw do not show in the thumbnails as with other my Canon 5D II raw files.
When working with tif files, I usually put all layers in a folder, and turned off the "eye" on the layer panel. So the size of the tif file would reduce to half.
But there's no way to preview the tif file with its eyes turned off in Mac. Is there a mac plug-in that let you do that?
Being an architectural photographer I create a lot of layered files with many exposures with different lights on and daylight separately. I always save my layered files in a folder called Layered files in the project. I also save flattened 8 bit Tif's at full resolution for my client as a print file in a separate folder along with another folder for web and device optimized files. When my client opens some of my flattened files they tell me the only see one layer. When I open some of them in Preview I get the same result. I only see the last layer I put into my layered file. But when I open the same photo in Bridge I see the full flattened file as I saved it. What can I do about that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to batch print all of them, multiple files per page in thumbnail or so size?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just recently caught up to 2.8 (From 2.4 something or other believe it or not ) and amongst a couple of things I have to say I don't like is the fact that previously when setting a path, if I wanted it to be either perfectly horizontal or vertical I could see by the steps in the path preview line whether it was or not.
With the new version, initially at least, that's no longer the case. As I tend to work with straight lines a lot of the time it's proving to be a bit of a pain. Is there any way to set the path preview line to show the steps again to indicate a straight line.
I need to be able to see those files having the PS extension outside Photoshop in file managers like Picasa. All I see there is a little black rectangle with a notice.
At one time, there existed a way to defeat PS from reserving .psd to only itself, and I don't think those earlier scripts work in CS3, nor do I even have them any more. Any suggestions besides converting to tiff?