Photoshop :: IMac Docking Station Disappears / How To Get It To Stay On Screen
Mar 1, 2012
For the first time since I've had my iMac, the docking station (which is at the bottom of the screen) disappears out of the bottom of the screen. I can bring it back using my mouse, but when I move my mouse somewhere else on the screen, it disappears again off screen.
It only happens after Photoshop CS6 (fully updated i Mac and CS6 - see below image for specs) has been running for awhile. The screen, in dark areas of the display, will have screen flicker like stars twinkling on a night sky. Then the display will completely go black and then back on about every 5 seconds. The only way I can make it stop is to power the i Mac off and then start it back up. Then it's fine until the next time I start Photoshop.
It doesn't do it immediately when Photoshop starts. It's usually about 30 - 60 minutes after I've started it. Also if I open Photoshop and use it and then shut it down I don't have any issues...only after it has been running for a while.
In CS6, full screen mode, the image keeps moving up, down or to the side if my cursor gets too close to the edge of the screen. sometimes I'm not even at the edge of the screen but in the middle of the screen, I move the cursor right, the document goes to the left. In the old days the window stayed put unless you used the handtool to move it around. Is it possible to go back to this mode?
I have a layered vector drawing of an iMac. Sometimes I want to take a screen grab of a website I have created and place it within this vector to put on my website as part of my portfolio.
To do this I use the Apple screen grab command, then I shrink this very large png file and place it on the appropriate layer on my iMac vector illustration. The trouble is it looks terrible once it has been shrunk down to size. You can not read the text or the url properly...
I see websites all the time that have this type of thing and the image looks great. Any tips on how to do this?
FYI I'm working off a 27 inch mac screen, so my captured png image is always huge. The quality is getting lost when I reduce the size of the placed image in Illustrator.
I use an iMac with LR3. I would like to know if it is possible to enlarge the image so as to fill the screen. I have tried Window>screen mode> full screen and pressing L to get rid of panels but there is still a large black margin around the image.
LR has just started to launch in full screen mode on my iMac without any opportunity to minimize it or move to another program. I would like it to launch like it used to where I can control the window size but can't seem to figure out how to get back to that capability. I have an iMac running Mountain Lion. LR is the only program effected as Photoshop still launches the old way.
I am having a problem with the cartoon bubbles in Elements 10. After I create the shape I hit the OK check mark...and the shape just disappears from the screen.
I had my most used pallets in ps2 docked up out of the way in the upper right top, out of my workspace. in ps3, can they be docked there? i don't seem to be able to make them enter that area of the screen..
How can i turn off the insane automated palettes docking. When i touch the wrong place, i dont want it to go crazy and rearrage itself into something difficult to use.
In X5 I was able to easily stack two window dockers on top of each other by double left clicking each title bar of the floating dockers. All subsequent dockers would automatically stack on top of the top most docker. How do I do this in X6? Refer to the attached file to see what I mean. My docking window are stacked to the right of the workspace.
I had my Layer Properties Manager and Properties pallets docked to the left side, and had the Layer Property Manager pop out at a specific height-(tall enough only to show the 10 layers in my drawings) so as to still be able to view most of the screen. Now, the palettes are 'locked' in height- (anchored to the left, but full window height), and I can not re-size it unless I un-dock...but when I re-dock, it goes back to full window height. Does that make sense?
my command bar is stuck in the middle of my screen and it won't allow me to dock it at the bottom of the screen. Nor will it allow me to move or resize it(They're both grayed out.). Yes, the allow docking toggle is enabled and it does allow anchoring both left and right. I've tried everything I could find through F1.
In X2 I always kept my File manager (navagation and organizer) permanently docked on the right side of my PSP window (Shown below) so that photos croped to the working area of the screen were my desired print ratio. It appears that this cannot be done in PSP-X4?
I just wanted to say that it appeared sometime in X5. I didn't install X5 until SP3 was available. I don't know if it first showed up in one of the SPs since I only ever installed SP3. In X4, I work with the Histogram Palette docked below the image at all times so I can monitor what is happening as I work within the various adjustments. If I check/uncheck the "Preview on Image" box, I can toggle the differences on the histogram as I work. This is invaluable functionality. I depend on it for my work. [I wish the Histogram window would give me readouts of Histogram values when I place my mouse over the Histogram window, but that is an enhancement request for another day.] Now with X5, I can ONLY dock the Histogram window over on the right side. This is about the most braindead place for it, as the width is extremely limited, which limits the scale at which change information is displayed to the point of being useless. Seemingly more braindead, while docked, the only dimension in which the Histogram can be expanded without sacrificing image preview size is vertically. Corel has taken what was a very useful tool and rendered it mostly useless. Knowing this is also a problem in X6, I will not be purchasing that version unless it has been fixed, which I gather has not happened yet. I tried to Save an X4 Workspace and Load it into X5, but X5 cannot even open an X4 Workspace. I guess Workspaces are another USELESS "feature" since Corel seems not to preserve basic function across Revs.
So I have my properties pallete and layer pallete docked on the left side of screen. They dont stay open long enough so I was wondering if there is a time setting to stay open then automatically dock themselves back?
I like to have all my palettes docked, however, the Properties Palette won't stay docked after closing and reopening AutoCAD. Every time I open AutoCAD, the Properties Palette reverts to its undocked status (all other docked palettes stay put). Is there any way to remedy this? It's a pain to have to redock it every time I open the program.
I'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
I have used Photoshop 5.5 (on a disc with key) on Windows XP happily for several years. I am now converting to an iMac. Will this version load and work?
I have got the job of my dreams and one of the things I want to do is to stay updated on software and the market in general (I missed the Adobe Macromedia merge for instance)
Is there any good news-site, blog or similar where I can get the info on such matters, Multimedia in general?
Is there any reason the opacity won't stay completely opaque for the pencil and paint tools (and possibly other tools)? I have opacity set to 100% in the options bar at the top as well as the fill and opacity settings on the layers pallette. I can't see anywhere where opacity is being set to less than 100%.
I'm a professional photographers for 20 years. I 've had lots of customer service issues. I find Sandisk to be the worst of the batch. I recommend everyone not buy more from them.
I have the new cs6 master collection and all programs work well and don't cause problems when I shut down my iMac except Photoshop. If I use photoshop, anytime I try to shut down my computer all I get is a spinning wheel and computer will never shut down. This happened on cs5 as well and thought newer version would fix problem but it has not.
I can't print from Photoshop cs5 on an imac running lion 10.7.4- when I try to print to either my Epson or canon printer it says disk error. I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling, downloading the latest patch, and clearing the preferences. Do I need to upgrade my operating system?
I have bought the full version of CS5 for my Mac Book Pro online at the Adobe shop. Yesterday I received a new iMac 27 and I wanted to install CS5 from the Adobe download using my license key. But I can't find the link to CS5 only CS6. How do I proceed to install CS5 on my iMac?