Photoshop :: I Cant Delete .psd Files
Jun 28, 2004my computer wont let me delete or move .psds. says a program is using it right now.. but photosop is not open...
View 3 Repliesmy computer wont let me delete or move .psds. says a program is using it right now.. but photosop is not open...
View 3 RepliesAfter this error when I click cancel to delete the files and start again shows the same error deleting the remaining files.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've upgraded from CS to CS4 and find what I think are local cache files in photo directories from both versions. It appears CS wrote AdobeP8M.md0, AdobeP8P.tb0 and AdobeP8T.tb0, while CS4 writes .BridgeCache and .BridgeCacheT. Can I delete the many GB's of Adobe P8* files with no ill effects? I no longer use and have uninstalled CS.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to, in an action, copy the file name and paste it in a text field.
I also want to delete files after a batch action.
How do I delete temporary files of adobe photoshop elements 8 from my computer before setup?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to delete files in the photoshop organizer (version 12) but keeping the message, "The requested operation could not be completed because the catalog is currently locked by another process." It won't let me add new photos to the organizer either.
View 8 Replies View RelatedUploaded photos to Elements 11 but instead of individual photos they went to Contact Sheets, now can't upload same photos as I get message saying they are already in Catalog. But can't find them. Do I need to delete Contact Sheets and the upload photos in . NEF format into Elements 11 for PP? If so how do I do this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do you delete the recent photos from the (file drop down) under recent open ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt appears when I copy a folder of photos up to a server, it's also copying some hidden files that nobody can do anything with, causing problems. For instance, say my folder name is Photos, I just drag and drop the entire Photos folder onto the server. But if inside Photos i have a dog.jpg and cat.jpg file, there are also hidden files names ._dog.jpg and ._cat.jpg. it's those two hidden files that are causing problems when people go to work with that it something in OSX I need to change?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow can I delete or apply ratings to files in bridge cs6? It stopped working and I don't know why.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am running out of space on my SSD that elelments likes to place all the cache file onto. Is there a way to delete the older cache files just keeping the most recent which I assume has the latest catalog information? Is there a way to move the cache files to a different location that has more space keeping the system in its current state?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWith DSLR cameras we shoot tens of thousands of pictures a year and delete hundreds from our hard drives over time. So how do you delete hundreds of missing missing files that still exist in the catalog, which cause the "Reconnect Missing Files" screen to show? Does a setting exist to remove all missing files from the catalog?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI reinstalled photoshop elements 11, and can not delete all the files and photos in elements 11-organizer that I imported, How do I start over?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI having trouble with closing documents and even quitting Photoshop CC. I tried the menu, shortcuts and the close button on the document frame.
Photoshop reacts to the shortcut by marking "file"/"Photoshop" in the menu when i push command+w or commmand+q but nothing happens.
I have to force quit photoshop each time. All other buttons work exept when i try to delete history states in the history panel. Nothing happens when pushing the "delete current state" button.
I downloaded a trial version of Elements 12. I used Elements 6 a few years ago on a PC, now I have a MAC and there's a lot of difference between version 6 and 12. I downloaded all of my I-photo files into the Organizer but would like to delete them now that I realize they are all jumbled up and basically useless. There are 5,000 photos & several hundred folders. I can't figure out how to select multiple folders to delete them from the organizer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDon't know what I did but since yesterday when I download files from my nikon using the organizer to import I no longer get the would you like to delete files on your camera option. How do I reset that? Also is there an easy setting that will cause organizer to be the default when I plug in my nikon?
View 3 Replies View RelatedLightroom will not delete files from hard drive. I "grab" the file(s) in Lightroom and hit delete on my keyboard. The message comes up: "Delete the selected master photo from disk, or just remove it from Lightroom?" I always click "from disk." The files are deleted from the Lightroom Catalog but are not deleted from the disk. I have version 5.2. However, I have had all previous versions. The problem has remained the same with all versions. I am using Apple Mac Pro Maverick 10.9. But I have had each version as they come to market. To state again: Why won't my files delete using the above method?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have just had a new 1TB internal hard drive installed in my PC and then the original smaller internal 500GB hard drive cloned onto it. The new 1TB is now Local Dick C and the smaller 500GB has been changed from C and is now Local Disk F. PSE11 is running from the new C and all my pictures are on both C and F but the catalogue is pointing to F. I want to delete all of the old files on F to free up space since they are all cloned to the new 1TB C, so I want the PSE11 catalogue to point only to the pictures on C. I have tried creating a new Catalogue and importing my pictures from C. The images come in and look connected to C but, when I close PSE11 and then reopen that new catalogue, the image path reads F, as does the original catalogue. So, now I have two catalogues apparently point to F but I want to: 1) have only one catalogue pointing to C; 2) the delete catalogues pointing to F; 3) then reformat F: so I have a clean 500GB old hard drive for future expansion.
View 6 Replies View RelatedVideostudio has left a lot of large proxy UPX-files. What happens if I delete these files to recover the disc space? Will VS create new ones if necessary?
Hopefully I can delete them, but if not can I move them to another disc?
I see I have some Files with a little notice on top saying 1of2. Now when I click the delete option, it only offer the usual way to delete from catalog or move from disk, but where do I choose to just delete one of the duplicates?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn "Folder" I can delete file without problem. However, this is not possible from Collection. I wish to be able to delete files from collection as well. Moreover, when I delete a file in the Folder I do the following:
- Select the files to delete
- Press "Del" on the keyboard
- Click (with my mouse) on "Delete from Disk"
On Mac, I can not use the keyboard to confirm the deletion. It does works on Windows.
LR 5.3 has been running fine since I updated several weeks ago--Mac Mavericks
Is it safe to uninstall the old 4.4 App,catalog and previews ?
probably isn't an X4 issue exactly, but when i'm done editing a video file in X4, i'll close the file and insert the next video file to edit. when i go into windows explorer to delete the first file i just finished editing, it won't let me delete it because it says it's currently in use. How to delete it without having to close down X4 to do so?
View 11 Replies View RelatedSometimes after editing jpeg files in PaintShop Pro X5, attempting to save them raises an error and they can only be saved to a different file name. After closing out of PSP, the original file cannot be deleted in Windows Explorer. Shift-Delete removes the file from the list momentarily, but a refresh brings it back. Normal delete (to Recycle Bin) raises an error that admin authority is required, but clicking to proceed fails. Starting Windows Explorer as administrator does not resolve the problem. Process Explorer doesn't show PSP or any component of it that I recognize still running (and perhaps having exclusive control of the file). After a reboot, the file can be deleted. I have observed this problem on both machines where the software is loaded and registered. Both machines are malware-free. Both are running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium. Could very well be a Windows problem, but I don't have a similar problem with files that are created or modified with any other application.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do you delete saved image files from Gimp once you are finished with them ?
My 'Document History' is so cluttered with unwanted files they are now appearing on my Desktop ! I have used edit - clear ... but the files remain as a blank transparency & I cannot find a way to remove them entirely.
We have set up Revit 2013 and it works fine for creating folders and subfolders. I followed the Autodesk process step by step on creating a new file in the revit server. Everything is fine, but when I hit save an error message appears saying that the file cannot be saved. When I log into revitserver i see the new file, but I cannot delete, lock it, or use it at all.
How we can lock the files to be able to delete from the revit server?
As a side note:
Unless Autodesk is planning on getting rid of revit server they should really invest into the documentation and troubleshooting.
I am running a batch action that deletes some art from WMF files, and then saves them. When I run the batch, I am prompted to save an .AI file which is named the same as the WMF files that I am processing. This occurs every for every file, stopping the batch to prompt for saving the .AI file.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI decided to use my external drive and imported my pics to lightroom 4. I went through a few and flagged (rejected) several. When I tried to delete them, I get the prompt that asks if I want to remove from the library or permanently delete from disk. I choose the latter but then nothing happens.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've searched here and found several people getting this failure and just want to add that I'm having the same problem. I have the latest everything, full stop ... I get the prompts and nothing happens in the end. The photo stays in the catalog. I have resorted to removing them from the catalogue, but they're staying on disk.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible through VB or VBA to delete links to external files?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have created a few presets for exporting pdf files. Now I want to delete some of these presets and I don't know how to do it.
I do have Illustrator CS4 on mac 10.8.4.....