Photoshop Elements :: Set Catalogue To New Larger Internal Hard Drive And Then Delete Files From Smaller?
Mar 19, 2014
I have just had a new 1TB internal hard drive installed in my PC and then the original smaller internal 500GB hard drive cloned onto it. The new 1TB is now Local Dick C and the smaller 500GB has been changed from C and is now Local Disk F. PSE11 is running from the new C and all my pictures are on both C and F but the catalogue is pointing to F. I want to delete all of the old files on F to free up space since they are all cloned to the new 1TB C, so I want the PSE11 catalogue to point only to the pictures on C. I have tried creating a new Catalogue and importing my pictures from C. The images come in and look connected to C but, when I close PSE11 and then reopen that new catalogue, the image path reads F, as does the original catalogue. So, now I have two catalogues apparently point to F but I want to: 1) have only one catalogue pointing to C; 2) the delete catalogues pointing to F; 3) then reformat F: so I have a clean 500GB old hard drive for future expansion.
I am not changing anything in my system. I am using windows 7 and will continue to. No change in elements version (10). how to move my pictures from my computer hard drive to an external hard drive (this will NOT be a back up) but the primary locaton for my pictures. I will keep elements program on my computer and when I want to work on my pictures or download more pictures from my camera I will connect to the external hard drive.
I have to move all my picture files from my internal hardrive to an external hardrive. How do I ensure that Lightroom 4 will find both them and it's own Libraries?
I am running out of space on my internal hard drive on a MACBookPro and would like to move my photoes to an external disk and keep the catalog pointing to them. They are currently in nicely named folders and I would like to keep them that way. How can I do this?
I outgrew my old harddrives and so moved them via Macs DiskUtility. Of course, LR 4 doesn't know where they are. I thought it would be a matter of pointing the old catalogue to the new hard drive, but that does not appear to be the case. Do I need to start from scratch and build a brand new catalogue?
I think this should be straightforward but want to make sure. I use Windows 7 on a Dell Desktop with a 1.5 TB HD. It's 30 Gigs from full which is one more shoot. I have backups on external drives but would like to have all my photos both internal and external for safety sake. I'm currently using lightroom 4.4.
When I install my second 2 TB HD I think all I would have to do is move My Pictures folder (with the lightroom catalog) to the new drive. What will I have to do within the software to let the Program know where it is?
Lightroom can't send items to trash when deleting files on an external drive if the trash bin is empty for the relevant drive on OSX Lion. This was in LR3 and now in 4. You can get round this by making sure the trash is not emptied after deleting a random file or folder but there has to be a better way!
Also it seems to be a lightroom problem more than OS as Bridge can delete the files with no problem.
I've created a BIG catalogue with photos from various drives. And each time I've used "export" to copy the photos to an internal drive on a brand new computer with a huge drive.
I'd like the main catalogue to ALL refer to the files on the new huge drive?
I recently upgraded to an SSD on my MBP, I bought a caddy and swapped out the optical drive for the original HDD internally. Now, I was hoping to move the scratch disk from the SSD to the original HDD, but the HDD doesn't even show up as an option in the Photoshop preferences. The drive is easily accessible anywhere else, and even accessible through the open/save/etc. menus within Photoshop, so OS X and Photoshop both know the drive is there, but Photoshop just isn't showing it as an option within the Scratch Disk options setting.
only have 200 photos in V4. I made the mistake of moving and deleting folders on my hard drive and not in LR, now my folder organization is a mess and doesn't match. Can I delete the catalogue and reorganize my hard drive the way I want it then re - import it all to LR? If so how do I do this. Does this remove the folder organization in LR, as it is not correct either. My catalogue has not been backed up yet. I have HP Pavilion dv7 Notebook and Win 7.?
I transferred my LR4 catalogue from my Mac hard drive to an external drive. Then, I transferred my original photo files (2012, 2011 etc, with subfolders by date) to the external drive as well. Then I clicked "update folder location" on each main folder. In the catalogue under "All Photographs," most of my photos are offline and when I click "find missing photos" they're still offline. When I click the ? on an individual photo, LR can't find it. But when I find its folder on my own, LR won't allow me to select it.
Currently all my photos are stored and developed in my laptop, however it is getting too much for its hard drive. I am thinkinng of moving the entire LR catalog to an external harddrive. How to do this safely and also how to point the LR to its new location when I open it from the icon.
I had the hard drive replaced on my mac. I did a restore from back up drive to my new hard drive. First LR4 couldn't find the catalog so I pointed to it. Then I opened lightroom 4 and it cannot see ANY of my photos. I don't want to link each folder full of photos it will take hours. Isn't there another way to do this so it finds them all at once? Photos are still located in the same location on the new hard drive after restore. Nothing changed except the hard drive.
Is there a setting where I can have this the default, instead of having to check the box each time? Running Elements 7 on my PC, Elements 10 on my laptop (which I haven't yet installed, trying to pare down my backup first).
I have successfully carried out a trial back up of an Elements 6 2000 picture catalog from an XP based PC, using the Elements 6 full back-up process. This process is intended to be used eventually to transfer this and other catalogs onto a new Windows 8 PC installed with Elements 11.
However, in the interim I would also like to be able to access the picture files and the catalog data on the ehd from a Vista based laptop which also has Elements 6 installed. How to do this without carrying out a full restore process that would load all of the files onto my laptop's hard drive.
In transferring the picture files to the end I also seem to have lost the original file structure that was on my PC, as folders have been renamed numerically and are all held individually in the main folder of the end. Whilst this doesn't matter too much whilst the files remain on the end, provided the catalog still know
I have a catalog that is tied to Elements Organizer Sync Agent 10.0. This causes thumb.5 cache to give an error process tied to another process when I try to do anything with this file. I want to sync my catalog files to a second external hard drive.. I want to remove this .
Moved back catalog of photos from an almost full internal hard drive to a new larger external hard drive. Elements Organizer is now unable to locate tagged photos on the new hard drive. Is it possible to re-connect the photo tagging?
When I import images into Lightroom 4 I always automatically backup to my external drive. I then edit my images and usually end up rejecting about 1/3 to half of my images. I delete these permenantly from my PC and the L4 catalogue. BUT they still appear to remain on my backup drive which is now innevitably full. Is there a quick and easy way of deleting these rejected images or syning the master files with the catalogue to free up nearly half of my backup drive?
Using Elements 11 - My photos are taking over my hard-drive and I want to safely transfer all my photos and videos to an external hard-drive. How do I do it without loosing info and/or later having to re-connect thousands of pictures?
My start up disc is filling up and I have to delete a couple of thousand DNG's. When I go to do so, I am told that metadata has to be changed before I can do so. What do I actually have to do ?
I transferred my LR3 files from my WD hard drive to my new Lacie Thunderbolt drive and now I can only get the preview and it says the file is missing. Is there a setting I need to change that I am not aware of?
I can't delete pics from disk. Error say finder doesn not support the volume. Using ext. hard drive and not in collection. New macbook pro with LR 4. Never experienced this problem on PC with LR 3. It appears this is a problem for other users.
I have LR4 in a Mac Pro. I have two internal drives both labelled "Hard Drive 2" (don't ask.) As a result, pictures have ended up on both drives, and my catalog is a mess. To clean it up, I want all the photos on one drive and I want to move LR folders from one drive to the other. I'm working on a big project and there are some 4,000 photos involved. I was going to export the photos from one drive to an external drive and then re-import them to the other drive into appropriate folders.
Somehow I ended up with three catalogs in LR 4 -- Catalog.lrcat, Catalog-2.lrcat and Catalog-3.lrcat. My original catalog in LR3 was Catalog.lrcat. When I upgraded to LR4, Catalog-2.lrcat was created, and this is the catalog that I use. I'm not sure how Catalog-3 was created, but all of the images are grayed out and have question marks on them.
I would like to free up some space on my hard drive by getting rid of -- deleting -- Catalog (104MB) and Catalog-3 (103MB). Is this not recommended? And exactly how do I go about deleting a catalog?
Any easy way to select all my unflagged (unpicked) images and then delete them from the hard drive in LR4.
For example, I recently shot over 400 images of sports for a local paper, and after editing and saving the JPGs for publicaation, I only want to keep about 30 images as Raw files. These were all "picked" (flagged) some of them were given colour labels.
I tried selecting them and then inverting the selection to show the unflagged ones for deletion, but this didn't work.
1) I'm unable to designate an internal drive as a scratch disc (non boot drive). Drive is clean, empty, I've chkdsk'd, permissions set to full, I can read and write files on it, and I'm able to designate it as scratch for Illustrator but PS6 doesn't like it. Says I don't have access.
2) I upgraded to PS6 extended (cloud) and after a week it now hangs during startup at loading Nik Color Efex Pro 4 plugin. Hangs for about 3 minutes before continuing.
I have got elements 8.I have a string of pictures all marked with a question mark. I am unable to put any more pictures in, as it keeps coming up with "corrupt catalogue". I have tried "repair", but with no success. I have uninstalled & reinsallled the program, but the pictures are still there!!I can't find where the pictures are saved on my computer....