Photoshop Elements :: Option To Delete Files From Camera Is Disappear?
Sep 12, 2013
Don't know what I did but since yesterday when I download files from my nikon using the organizer to import I no longer get the would you like to delete files on your camera option. How do I reset that? Also is there an easy setting that will cause organizer to be the default when I plug in my nikon?
is there an option to delete photos after importing from a camera or smart phone? For example, import selected photos from a camera and then delelte those photos on the camera after importing them.
When I plug my camera in, its a Panny TZ25 in this instance, Aperture opens on my Mac and I can see the photos on the camera, Lightroom does the same if I open it but my trial version of Elements 12 doesn't see the camera, the import option is greyed, but if I select "open" I can open the remote disc icon and view the folders on my camera. I assume there is a problem with a twain plugin of some kind ? I would have thought 12 would have had the camera in its list by default. It did in LR as I mentioned.
I am trying to adjust the white balance using photoshop elements 11, all the information I have come across tells you how to do it using the camera raw plug in. This has been updated and still I do not see it listed when I click on the file menu. I take photos of antique gold lockets using a light house and even though the custom white balance is set on my camera the photos are still coming out too canary yellow. I need to be able to adjust the colors so that they are more antique rose gold looking and have been reading different articles and videos on how other people adjust the colors and would like to try a couple of the ways I have seen but am unable as the camera raw plug in is not showing up as an option.
When i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?
I am trying to delete files in the photoshop organizer (version 12) but keeping the message, "The requested operation could not be completed because the catalog is currently locked by another process." It won't let me add new photos to the organizer either.
Uploaded photos to Elements 11 but instead of individual photos they went to Contact Sheets, now can't upload same photos as I get message saying they are already in Catalog. But can't find them. Do I need to delete Contact Sheets and the upload photos in . NEF format into Elements 11 for PP? If so how do I do this?
I am running out of space on my SSD that elelments likes to place all the cache file onto. Is there a way to delete the older cache files just keeping the most recent which I assume has the latest catalog information? Is there a way to move the cache files to a different location that has more space keeping the system in its current state?
With DSLR cameras we shoot tens of thousands of pictures a year and delete hundreds from our hard drives over time. So how do you delete hundreds of missing missing files that still exist in the catalog, which cause the "Reconnect Missing Files" screen to show? Does a setting exist to remove all missing files from the catalog?
I have read in numerous articles that I can open jpg files in ACR from within Elements 11. They all state to go File>Open, then browse to the jpg you wish to open, select Camera Raw from the file type and select the jpg. When I select the Camera Raw file type then all the jpg images disappear in the selection area or if I click the jpg first and then select Camera Raw and open then it says file not found. Am I doing this wrong or are the articles I am reading incorrect?
I have PSE 11 and it will not import Canon RAW files directly from the camera. It only "picks up" the jpg files. However, it does recognise Canon RAW files which are already on my hard drive.
I downloaded a trial version of Elements 12. I used Elements 6 a few years ago on a PC, now I have a MAC and there's a lot of difference between version 6 and 12. I downloaded all of my I-photo files into the Organizer but would like to delete them now that I realize they are all jumbled up and basically useless. There are 5,000 photos & several hundred folders. I can't figure out how to select multiple folders to delete them from the organizer.
I have Photoshop Elements 9 and just purchased the RX-100. Currently the .arw raw files the camera produces are not supported in Camera Raw. When will Adobe be supporting this format?
Tried importing files from memory card with pics taken in both JPEG and RAW. Imported JPEG's but not the RAW pics. It has accepted RAW files before. First time using Nikon D800 camera.
I have a new camera, Canon SX50 which produces RAW images called IMG files. I tried to open one in Photoshop Elements 12 and it says it does not handle that file type. I have Windows 7 x64 operating system. I tried to find updates for Elements 12 and don't see any. (I thought I needed a Camera RAW update). What do I do?
How can I have PS Elements 10 accepting the -.raf image files from my Fujifilm X10 camera? I guess there is an update for it somewhere but I cannot find it.
I just reinstalled PSE12 and LR5 and cannot open raw files in PSE12. The error message says my camera is not supported. Im using a Canon 70D, my raw format is CR2, and Elements tells my my Camera Raw plug-in is Version 8.