I know about the keyboard shortcut keys for the toolbox -- for example, G will activate the Gradient/Paint Bucket tool, whichever is active at that time. I'm wondering if there is a way to use the keyboard to toggle between these two, so I can switch/select one or the other without using the mouse to select.
I just recently discovered the keyboard shortcut for toggling the current layer on and off and it is an incredible time saver. Is it possible to create a keyboard shortcut dedicated to toggle a specific layer on and off regardless of what layer I am working on? I use Photoshop for painting and I'll have a layer set up like an overlay, with my line drawing set to Multiply blending mode at about 25% opacity.
However, as the painting progresses, I need to turn that layer on and off continuously to be able to see my painting without the lines overlayed. I know I lose a lot of time having to go over and turn the eye off and then back on over on the layers pallete. I've tried setting something up as an Action, and had a shortlived success, but when I added new layers or moved them around after setting it up, it stops working. I have to say, it was my first attempt at creating an Action of any kind, so there may be a way to keep it working regardless of what I do to the other layers, Having the ability to somehow dedicate a key for quick toggling of my drawing layer would be another tremendous time saver.
I used to be able to open up 'Windows Explorer'-style boxes to select files and type in file names to save. Now, I must have toggled some option to only do this through the keyboard and mouse.
If I recall correctly, before CS6, I could toggle tools just by keeping on hitting the particular shortcut key. Now I have use Shift + the particular tool.
if there is a way to just push the shortcut key repeatedly to toggle between tools?
The Auto Select Layer/Group feature of the move tool can be really handy when you have a ton of layers. But it also drives me crazy when I forget to turn it off!
Is there a hotkey to toggle it off and on? Ideally, I'd like to press-and-hold to turn Auto Select on, but once the key is released, it would turn off.
Just starting to work with CS6. I click on a path, which shows the path nodes.... then go to the top menu interactive menu bar at the top of the screen to 'click-ON' the checkbox to display the path's transform corner handles.... and discover it is no longer there?
Where the heck did they put it? Don't tell me Adobe deleted this basic and oft - used function and made it a multi-finger, cluster-hump keyboard ONLY command?
Can I get this feature to display at the top menu header bar again?
I cannot stand the CapsLock key. In fact, I modified my registry to remap the caps lock key to ALT-NumLock or something. But every time I use Photoshop, I have to be able to toggle the capslock key to enable disable precise cursors. So, then, I switch back to my primary app (InDesign, Illustrator, Dream weaver, anything ) and I type about 30 words before I realize I still had the CAPS Lock on.
there is a way to remap the precise cursor toggle to another key.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for "Toggle mask visibility"? I can do this by ALT-clicking on the layer's mask, but I would like to assign a shortcut for this on a button on my Wacom Intuos 4 drawing tablet. So far I haven't found a menu shortcut for it, nor have I found a way to add my own (Edit-Keyboard shortcuts) as the function isn't listed there.
As I am using Layer Comps more frequently, i find myself frequently needing to toggle the visibility of layer groups, which contain several sub-groups. I tried all the shift + cmd + option - click variations, but none seems to do the trick.
here an example:
Visibility Type Name OFF Group Row ON Group Button 1 OFF Text Help! OFF Shape Bg ON Group Button 2 OFF Text Help Please! OFF Shape Bg
so what i am looking for is a short-cut so that when i click on the visibility of the Group Row, it will turn on the visibility of all the layers contained.
The double arrowhead to toggle between two and single columns is missing. There is a double horizontal line at the top instead. The double arrowhead at the top of the panel bin window to change view is also misssing. How can I bring these controls back into view?
I have a problem with this command : "Toggle composite and grayscale mask in Quick Mask mode"I know i have to press the tidle key " ~ " to activate it but i'm using an Azerty keyboard (belgium) and i have trouble with it.The only way i can use the tidle key on my keyboard is to press "Option + n" keys.
So in Photoshop, i load a channel selection, turn into "quick mask mode" and then press "Option + n", but nothing happens.If i try with "Command+Option+n", i open the window for a new document.I have tried ALL combination of keys but nothing worked.I have also tried to change the keyboard input to Britain, Usa, etc but it still doesn't work.
I'm using the english version of Photoshop CS6 (Subscription), and an Azerty Keyboard (Belgium) on a Mac Osx Snow leopard.How can i solve this problem ?
GIMP example.docx (Size: 141.1 KB / Downloads: 31) I just found about GIMP several days ago. I really like the features that are offered and cant wait to dive in and play around with it. However, I am getting a bit discouraged because it is not working on my computer the way it does when I visited some u-tube videos. So far I have a problem with the layers. I selected, new, added two layers, therefore I had three layers to work with. When I would toggle between the layers the picture didn't change at all, the screen only allowed me to view the last picture I imported. So, I thought I would hide the third picture and work with the second to see what would happen. I scaled the second picture and it scaled them all (note: the pictures where not linked). I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program and it still did the same thing. I am working with Windows 7 if that makes any difference?
When the modifier panel is active, all of my hotkeys are different. i.e, "q" which normally activates the select tool, switches toggles quickcut instead. How I can turn this off?
So if I am dialing in some contrast or grain with the slider, how do I toggle that slider on/off so I can compare easily, without having to slide it back in forth.
Is there a way to toggle snapping to a layer or xref?
When using object snap and you are drawing with a busy survey xref in the background, the mouse cursor really hunts around a lot on the contour lines and stuff instead of on what I am drawing. But, I would like to see the contour lines as I go, rather than hide the layer.
I resized two images, made a new page canvas, copied and pasted both,opened grid. I can only move one image, can't toggle to other. Layerstack commands are all grayed out, except "reverse layer order" which does nothing. Pg-up/dn keys do nothing. "Align" does nothing.
I've been running into a frustrating limitation with certain keyboard shotcuts for Nitrous display modes. For example, if I try to use my old 2011 shortcut for "Viewport Box Mode Toggle", the bounding box displays on TOP of the current shaded/wire mode instead of toggling. If I change the assignment to the new Nitrous command "Viewport Visual Style Bounding Box", it is no longer a TOGGLE key and to go back I must then use the key assigned to "Viewport Visual Style Wireframes/Shaded" (or classic "Wireframe/Smooth+Highlights Toggle")...
In Nitrous both of these wire/shaded toggle commands do not work properly if you are changing from another display type (such as box). Instead of toggling between wire/shaded, they toggle between wire and the last display mode. So in essence there is no way to toggle between Box and Shaded without r-clicking on the viewport label every time you want to return to shaded mode as far as I can tell. Not being able to quickly toggle Box mode really screws up my work flow, so for now I'm reverting back to DirectX.
When in vertex, edge or poly mode, usually I was able to switch between them by pressing number 1,2,3,4,5. What also was useful, is if for instance I press the same number twice, then I would exit the sub mode. This was very useful. Now in this version this option is disabled by default, similar to the zoom extense all, but I was able to changed this in the UI settings.
When working with mullions, there is a "Toggle mullion join" at the end of each mullion and you have to pick each one individually to toggle. Is there any way to pick a group of mullions and have them all toggle at once?
I am currently using 3D Max 2011 and am having a problem constraining an object to a path. I modeled a lot of the work in CAD and brought it into Max. My problem is that when I contrain the object to the spline it wont rotate through the course of spline. I have checked the "follow" toggle and "allow upside down" but it doesn't make a difference.
Also, I tried to set a different pivot it point for the object to use for the constaint but it still used the default pivot. I made sure use working pivot was active..For the working pivot shot, I had to delet the path constraint in order to show the location