Photoshop :: Generate Generic Buttons Off A Text List From An Outside File?
Mar 30, 2007
I have like nearly a hundred generic buttons I need to make. The size of the button is the same only the centered text needs to be changed for each. It seems silly to have to copy/paste/output them from my text file one by one. I did some Google hunting but don't think im using the right keywords to find what im looking for. Anyone have any advice or links to learning about automating this process in PS CS2?
I have some blocks (different exit signs) in a drawing. I want to make a table or excel sheet that sums up the number of equal blocks in the drawing. How can i make this?
I curently have a rule that generates a part list automatically in a drawing. the problem is that I want the rule to be continuisly running but it keeps generating 2,3,5... parts lists. I need an if statment to check if a parts list already exists.
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True On Error Resume Next ' Set a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Set a reference to the
How to I simplify the list of file types in the Save-As file type list? I use less than six file types. I have no need for most of these. It would be nice to have my top 5 and then the ability to go off-menu if needed for others.
I use my parts list to generate a total length in inches of the same part that is used in several places in my assemblies. I then export it to excel, convert it to feet, etc. I've been doing this for some time now and it works great. The problem I am now having is I forgot how I got this magic to happen and I need to set another part to appear with it's total length in the list. From what I remember I set the QTY column in the parts list to show the length of the part and then I set the parts list to merge the same parts. For the life of me I can't remember how I did this. How this is done correctly?
All of the parts are created by the frame generator if this matters.
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
would it be possible sometime in Paint.Net to save/export to the clipboard the history box as a text list of what we did ?
since I use many effects and settings in a given PDN, I sometime wants to write me some notes about how i did something and the steps i used to do it, before my old memory lets me down.
I know that the PDN it self has the history, but now I need to go over all the list and manually write/type down in notepad the list , which most of the time is very long.
Having the ability to save/export the history box text to a file or to the clipboard, make it easy to edit the list and keep track/notes of steps and ways to do something.
I don't need the settings used in the effect/adjustments , but just the TEXT names of the steps taken as shown in the history box.
I have just edited some photos for a friend who was short on time, and now she would like a list of the steps I took in editing. Is there any way of listing those steps in a text file I could send her?
I have a text file with a list of image tile names with their bottom left hand easting and northing see attached. I have a lisp that asks for the name of the image then should insert the image at its coordinate with a predefined scale and rotation but it isn't working so I would like an alternative method to test.
Generic lisp file that summaries areas of hatches in a table,
I’m wondering if there is a lisp file that can read the boundary of the study area and the hatches and stick there areas in a table as shown in the attached screenshot
The areas of the roads are derived by subtraction the total area of hatches from the area of the study area.
The dwg file is attached
This is very frequent sort of work and takes a lot of time to be constructed. I’m already using fields to perform this kind of work.
I made a button for my personal website, along with a "header" graphic. Nothing fancy, but I'm wondering how to center text in the middle of a circle I made. For example, I made a circle and want to put a D in it.
Photoshop generator nice to have features for future roll-out would be: Check box or similar for transparent PSD file to generate the whole canvas area, not just the image area.The ability to generate to a specific folder, including on a networked drive within a shared environment.Ability to generate to no folder at all, place in the same location that the PSD file is located Ability to generate an animated GIF.
i'm trying to generate a path constraint for text to create a Pf source to highlight the perimeter of the text. i have fused the text vertices together to generate a continuous path. however, when constraining the Pf source to the path it only follows one letter. any assistance would be grateful
Is it possible to change the so outdated text buttons in my "Create" panel with visual icons for easier identifying. Haven't you ever been so frustrated reading trough a pile of text just to click your desired object type instead of the more streamlined way of just clicking an icon? The brain perceives and makes out visual data faster than reading text. I can't believe that it has not been implemented yet. It's the 21st century for crying out loud!
Here's my idea: [URL] ...
How to do this and replace them with icons? May be a script or something?
I am trying to make an active button using the Create-Buttons-Round Button Script Fu menu item. I then select the colours I want, select Active and Pressed, and then hit create. The buttons look perfect, except for one thing ..I need the buttons without the Text. But if I enter no text in the text box when creating the button, I get this error:
Quote Error while executing script-fu-round-button: Error: ( : 1) Procedure execution of gimp-image-select-rectangle failed on invalid input arguments: Procedure 'gimp-image-select-rectangle' has been called with value '-1.500000' for argument 'width' (#5, type gdouble). This value is out of range.
I have an Ergodex DX1 keyboard and I'm wanting to document the layout of the keys for the various games I use it with. So, I need to generate up to 50 buttons with labels and then move and rotate them into position for each game. I would like to put the key number really small in one corner, the keyboard key assigned to it, small, in another corner, and then the then the function within the game, larger, and close to the center.
I've built blanks for the buttons, with space for those three pieces of information. But getting the text lined up time after time is a bit tedious.What is the easiest process for placing text consistently when dealing with dozens of buttons?
I envision something similar to a macro, that loads the blank and then positions the text tool for the first field, with some way to trigger the jump to the next field. I suppose a macro for each field would be simple enough.
How do you generate vertical text in X5? In Photoshop CS5 the text tool has has the option for vertical or horizontal text. I haven't been able to figure it out in Corel. I'm sure I am missing something simple. In the paragraph formatting dialog box there is a vertical text option that is greyed out (not axctive) so it looks like the verical text is intiated using another method.
I have just installed Inventor 2013. How can I fix the UI Ribbon cutting off button text? I have attached a photo demonstrating the problem. I cropped the screen shot to only show the ribbon to cut down on excessive image size.
When I import the XML file, it then askes me to re-connect. All that works great, but it does not generate a sequence with the subtitles.
I have a company create subtitles for my company and they use swift/softel program. They send me the XML + all associated PNG files. We've been using Final Cut for years, but are trying to switch to AP. In FCP it generates a sequence that matches the timecode they exported.
a civil engineer sent us a .dwg file for a site survey. However, the .dwg contours are just showing up as a series of overlapping rectangles. He attached two .txt files, one for elevation point locations, the other for tree locations. Both give coordinates... i.e. :452,2718.7202,2509.7896,569.4979,GL etc. I know that the .txt file is giving locations, but I do not know how to generate plines etc. from the given coordinates in the .txt file. I downloaded ascponit.lsp, but i'm not sure if this is meant for this...
I opened a 1024x1024 image in GIMP, and manually broke it up into fully black and fully white sections. I'd like to output a file which is just a simple binary array of 8 bit numbers, such that every black pixel in the image has the value 0, and every white pixel has the value 1. This way, I can open it in my C program and then load the array into memory using the fread function.
I haven't been able to work out how to do this. I need to avoid using any files with metadata in them...And unfortunately, even the ppm format has a handful of characters at the beginning. Is there a way to do this?
Say there are 4 compositions in an html file. Is it possible to create a few navigation buttons in the html file, so that when a 3rd button is clicked, the animation jumps to the 3rd animation. Something like JQuery slideshow, but the difference is, each composition is animated instead of a static image.