AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List - Generate Total Length In Inches
Jun 7, 2013
I use my parts list to generate a total length in inches of the same part that is used in several places in my assemblies. I then export it to excel, convert it to feet, etc. I've been doing this for some time now and it works great. The problem I am now having is I forgot how I got this magic to happen and I need to set another part to appear with it's total length in the list. From what I remember I set the QTY column in the parts list to show the length of the part and then I set the parts list to merge the same parts. For the life of me I can't remember how I did this. How this is done correctly?
All of the parts are created by the frame generator if this matters.
Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
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Aug 7, 2013
I was using virtual parts to add nuts and bolts to a drawing in 2013
I can make a VP bolt in the assembly, no problem, set it's size, weight, etc.
In the VP itself, there is no option for number of bolts I want it to emulate. For arguement's sake the weight was 1 pound per bolt (they are big bolts).
I can go into the BOM and say quantity 60, hit done and save the assembly.
If i open the drawing, the parts lists shows 60lbs for the 60 bolts total - which it should when summing the weight.
The problem is the BOM/assembly. If the weight of my assembly (without bolts) is 10,000lbs, the assembly sees the VP weighing 1lb and says the total weight is 10,001 lbs. Am i going to have to pattern a fake part to get this to work right? Shouldn't the total weight take into account the quantity set in the Bom??
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Jan 25, 2010
Is there a way to get a summary row in the parts list to show a total of the 'mass' column?
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Apr 24, 2003
How I can get my parts list to show a total weight? Obviously, getting the weight of each part into the parts list is easy. However, I have not been able to find a way to automatically get a total weight for the entire assembly.
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Oct 4, 2012
I curently have a rule that generates a part list automatically in a drawing. the problem is that I want the rule to be continuisly running but it keeps generating 2,3,5... parts lists. I need an if statment to check if a parts list already exists.
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True On Error Resume Next ' Set a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Set a reference to the
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Jul 30, 2012
where I can obtain a freeware lisp routine that lists the lengths of all the polylines on a specific layer or within a selection set? I want to avoid list if possible as there are rather a lot of polylines!
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Mar 1, 2013
In our “Parts list” (or BOM as we call it) on our .idw’s we have field for “LENGTH”. For example, we use round tubing. We would list the cut length of that piece of tube in the “LENGTH” column. As it stands now, we add “LENGTH” as a custom iproperty in the .ipt. Then in the drawing we add that property to the parts list to capture the length. This works fine, but I’m wondering if we can eliminate some steps by capturing the actual dimension from the sketch to automatically populate the “LENGTH” value. Needless to say, this would eliminate room for error (less typing) and will update the value automatically if length is changed or if the part is copied. I suppose the same would apply for “WIDTH” on sheet metal parts... How do I do this?
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Apr 26, 2013
I use flat piano hinges on doors for many of the machines we build. I would like to be able to calculate the total length of multiple doors on a single machine. We buy these hinges so it needs to go on a buy out parts list.
So here is my problem:
To make it a useable hinge I build an assembly from two hinge halves.
This allows me to check for interference within the machine when the door gets opened.
I set the BOM structure of the assembly to purchased so it shows up on my buy out list.
Both halves of the hinge are set to normal.
There are hinges of different lengths on the same machine.
I can link a parameter of one of the halves to the assembly to show length of the hinge but I cannot set the BOM base qty on the assembly to that parameter so Inventor can add up the lengths.
When I group the items in a buyout parts list the result is "0." The individual assemblies show the correct length because I use the "length" parameter that is linked for the QTY in the parts list. But I cant "add" the lengths and have a total whe I group them.
I need to have mixed units in this list. Some things are bought as Each and these hinges are bought in length.
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Jan 21, 2013
I have a feeling this goes way back to the first release of INV we had (release 14?). Basically the merged FG member length seems to be calculated using the member centre line instead of real lengths. See the attached Pack-N-Go.
The view on the left is a Merged FG member. The view in the middle is individual FG members based on a line of symmetry in the same sketch. Both are placed using the mid point option in the FG dialogue. The views on the right are the 3 separate members used for the middle view.
The Merged length shows 722 mm whereas adding the 3 member lengths (RH view) equals 740 mm. 18 mm short, or 2 sets of 9 mm (shown in the middle view) which represents the end cuts to the middle member in the RH view.
Windows 7 x64 -64 GB Ram, Intel Xeon E5-1620 @ 3.6 GHz
ATI FirePro V7800 2 GB, 180 GB SSD & 1 TB HDD, Inv R2013 PDS Premium SP2 Update 3 (Build 200), Vault 2013 Workgroup Update 2 (Build
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Nov 22, 2012
i have an already edited part list (because there are parts that come from different assemblies and other ones that don't have to appear in that part list) and i like to show the total weight of my drawing, that doesn't correspond with any assembly.
So, there is any possibility of summing up the values of a part list column.
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Mar 30, 2012
On the main sheet of my drawing I have the overall Parts List. Shows almost all parts except for the few that we don't want to list. On the second sheet I inserted a Parts List to show only parts that are shown in a detail on that page, made the rest non-visible.
On the main sheet there is an item (#13) that has a QTY of 3. Two of those Three are optional parts. What I'm trying to do is insert a custom part into the Parts List, give it an item number of 13A and put in the description "OPTIONAL", then do an Override in the balloon to show 13A.
I get it in the Parts List, Apply it, close it, save the drawing. Looking at the Parts List, item #13A is there, but item #14 is gone. I go back into the Parts List and 13A is there and there's a blue box around the item # and the description. I uncheck Static Value and number 14 shows up (item # and the description).
Then I go over to sheet two, open that Parts List and it lists 13A at the bottom with all the info I added in sheet one and it's non-visible. Go back to sheet one, open the Parts List and there is no 13A to be found.
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Aug 21, 2012
My parts list on my idw do not update when I make changes to the model. Specifically, I have deleted a bolted connection on my design and replaced with a different components but the parts list table does not update - all I see is a lightning bolt in the browser next to the parts list but I cannot update it here.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Dec 9, 2013
Is there a way to display the density of materials that are assigned to varius parts in the parts list on a drawing? I don't need the mass of the parts I just need the material density to show up next to their respective parts.
For example, if I have a part with [steel mild] material assinged to it (no matter the size) I need a column in the BOM on the drawing to show: 490.684 lbs/ft^3. "Worry when there's something to worry about."
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Jul 10, 2012
I have an assembly with a lot of purchased parts. I need to create a buy out list for purchasing. I've done this many times in the past and have a template set up for this purpose.
So now the problem, In this assembly, I have subassemblies showing up on my parts only parts list.
One of the subassemblies cinsists of two purchased parts. Both parts are set to purchased in the Bill of materials. If I do a parts only list on this assembly, it works as expected, showing two purchased parts. However, if I put that assembly into a higher level assembly, A parts only parts list shows the assembly instead of the individual parts.
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May 3, 2013
IV 2010 Suite
Been working over an idw MANY times due to project lag.Today I opened it up and tried adding balloons to an already ballooned assembly.
The parts list has not changed, and is "structured".But, if I try adding balloons, they tag each part, not the entire assembly.
Also, I verified this by trying to add another parts list, which defaults to "parts only".
I can't show my data set, b/c it's HUGE, plus it's proprietary.
IV 2010 Suite
Digital Storm PC:
EVGA & Intel components
Win 7 Pro 64 bit
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Sep 22, 2011
I have a .idw that I'm trying to make a parts list on. I select parts list and highlight everything. There are two screws that are not showing up on the parts list. I cannot select them manually either. It's acting like they are not there. Even if I do a complete parts list (adding the assemblies parts into one big list), they still don't show up.
How can I select these parts? What is wrong with them that they do not show up in the parts list?
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Oct 5, 2011
I have some blocks (different exit signs) in a drawing. I want to make a table or excel sheet that sums up the number of equal blocks in the drawing. How can i make this?
I want to connect this tabel to excel 2010.
I use AutoCad LT 2012.
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Oct 24, 2008
I have been able to create an upright with slots and holes to the length of 29-1/4" and via two seperate cut extrusions cause the part to shorten using iParts. I was told that the Frame Generator uses the parameter of G_L to populate the new cut length for use with the parts list. I have been able to create a frame generated part and get the length to populate the parts list however I have not been able to get my upright cut length to show in my parts list.
I did create a new property in my parts list column chooser, my BOM is set to Phantom, my .ipt parameters has a user parameter of G_L/equation of Length which above is listed as 29.25 in. Every thing that I can think of is the same from my frame generated files to my upright files.
Right now my parts list will not even show quantities of any kind. How to get parts list to show the cut length?
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Dec 5, 2013
How Do I find the total length of several objects or separate lines without having to click on each one individually and add them up.
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Nov 5, 2013
I have a large group of lines that I want to get a total length of. Right now the only way that I know how to do this is to highlight them all and use the list command but then I have to go through the text box and write down each line length and then add them up. This is fine if I have only a few lines but when you get into the hundreds or thousands it becomes a monster task.
I tried copying the text box data into a Word document, removing all of the text except for the line lengths and then dumping that into Excel to calculate. This works ok for a hand full of lines but is not really practical.
I know that there are LSP routines that can do this in the full version of AutoCad but LSP is not supported in AutoCad LT.
Is there a way to automate this process in LT?
Or maybe extracting just the length data from a line to a text file where I can send it to Excel and use Excel to add up the lengths?
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Oct 18, 2013
how to calculate the total length of walls.... by one command or i just calculate it one by one.....
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Jul 10, 2012
I use poly lines for wiring, after completing all the routing, i need to calculate the total length of poly line, then wont calculate if line is broken at a point.
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Nov 24, 2013
I don't know if it's good place to post it but finally there's a plugin in Autodesk exchange to count total length of elements. It names 'Tlen' and I've found it very handy.
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Jun 11, 2012
How do I get the library raw material to default the units to be “QTY, not length”? So I don’t have to open every part I bring in to an assy and update it for my BOM?
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Apr 23, 2013
Is there any easy way to get the total length of selected lines (even if they are not "connected") ?
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Oct 24, 2011
I have a plan prepared for CNC steel sheet laser cutting. One factor in the costing of the cutting is determined by cutting time or length of cutting. I want to determine the total length of all the lines in a selection so that I can determine what is the most economical design to achieve my goal. Is this possible in ACAD?
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Mar 26, 2012
Is there a function in Inventor 2012 for Inventor to quickly calculate the combined length of a collection of extruded parts?
What I want is to multiple select a series of extruded lengths in the browser, hit a button and see a total length.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Jan 17, 2013
This would be for standard, not custom cc parts. I read that you can save a cc part file as a template with the G_L parameter set as fractions, and then use it to replace the family template in cc, but that doesn't work (or I'm doing it wrong). It worked once, then stopped? I know there has to be a way of doing this.
I tried exporting values from cc as custom iProps, then tried to populate description iProp with these, but that doesn't work.
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Dec 16, 2011
I have authored a part to the Content Center, but the part is inserted at a standardized length. How do I author the part so that the length can be specified whem inserted, like the structural steel shapes?
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May 11, 2012
It seems like most people output the whole BOM. I only want to data in the Part Number column, preferably as a list of strings.
Here's what I have so far:
foreach (Sheet oSheet2 in aDoc.Sheets){ for (int i = 1; i < (oSheet2.PartsLists.Count+1); i++) { var oPartsList = oSheet2.PartsLists[i]; for(int k = 1; k < oPartsList.PartsListColumns.Count+1; k++) { if (oPartsList.PartsListColumns[k].Title.Equals("PART NUMBER")) { //what goes here??? } } }}
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Feb 4, 2013
I've been using the "Phantom" BOM Structure to roll up duplicate .ipt's when I have more than one sub-assembly within a higher .iam and it has worked well.
Question - is it possible to adjust settings so that the .iam that I "Phantom" itself remains as a visable line item in the Parts List while still rolling up like .ipt's?
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