Photoshop :: Eps Files->freehand->acrobat

Dec 28, 2004

I save .eps files in photoshop 7.0., open them in freehand MX,
make a .pdf and some pictures don't appear in the .pdf
(but the old ones do). I tried the whole process (from scanning on) but it doesn't work.
I installed the new full versions again...
any idea about the export preferences or preview formats (freehand says it doesn't accept TIFF previews..!?)

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Illustrator :: Files Don't Show Up In Acrobat File List When Trying To Combine Files Into Single Pdf?

Sep 24, 2013

Illustrator files don't show up in Acrobat file list when trying to combine files into a single pdf

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Photoshop :: Adobe Acrobat Files

Mar 31, 2005

I created a magazine cover in ps the saved in .pdf format I am wanting to a a few artles I wrote and saved to .pdf and combine the. Like Mage cover, index page , articles about 8 saved.

I want them all in 1 .pdf combined instead of having to dl multiple files.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Open Freehand 11 Files?

Feb 24, 2013

I've used Illustrator for several years and it did it until..CS6... and now it notifies me that it is an unknown format... in both the Finder and Bridge. In Bridge I've set FH11 filetype preferences to CS6 and in the Findera FH11 file was selected and in teh Information Panel, Illustrator 6 was chosen as well as 'Open with...Change All'
I have plenty of Freehand files that I convert on as needed and I don't want to install CS5 just for that purpose.

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Illustrator :: How To Open Freehand 8 Files In CS6

Jun 18, 2013

You used to be able to open Freehand 8 files in Illustrator CS4 by changing their extension to .eps, but that trick appears to no longer work with CS6. Any trick with CS6 to get them to open?

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Illustrator :: Convert Freehand Files In CC?

Feb 28, 2014

I have a new IMac on OS X Mavericks.  I am to to the CC level.  I have 25 years of Freehand files that I need access to.  How can I convert these files to get them open in CC. 

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Illustrator :: CS5 No Longer Importing Freehand Files?

Sep 9, 2010

I've been using CS5 for a few months and have been able to import Freehand 10 files without any problems.  About a week ago, I tried importing a Freehand file, and it won't open in Illustrator.  I still get the "Freehand Import Options" pop up window, can still click the OK button, but nothing happens.  I've tried re-installing Illustrator, but it hasn't changed anything with the issue. 

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Illustrator :: How To Manage Or Convert Old FreeHand Files

Nov 19, 2008

Any possibility to manage or convert old FreeHand files (from 1.0 version and above) in Adobe Illustrator format?

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Photoshop :: Freehand & PS Interaction

Feb 1, 2004

What method do you guys use for exporting Freehand(MX) files into Photoshop (CS)?
I've tried exporting as editable eps, psd(v. 4 I think it is) and simply to cut and paste, but everything comes out terrible when transformed from vector to pixel.

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Photoshop :: Why Do Freehand Curves Come Out As Jagged

Aug 9, 2013

I've been using photoshop for about five years now, but I've just started to get into freehand drawing mainly as a way to hone my skills for my Flash animations. Everything was going fine until I hit a bit of a speedbump. When I start to draw curves by hand, the beginning is always jagged. There will be a straight line that makes a sharp turn and then goes into the ellipse that I want. I turned off smoothing. I'm using a Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet, Is there some brush configuration that I should be using to stop this from happening?

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Photoshop :: Importing A PS Element Into Freehand

Oct 28, 2007

I simply want to import a piece of scanned line art from Photoshop 7 into a
document in Freehand 9.

The line art, which is black lines, needs to be white inside of the boundary
of those lines against the solid color background of the Freehand doc. For
simplicity, lets say a ball, drawn with a black line, which is white inside,
sitting on a blue background. (Yes, I know I can draw a ball in Freehand,
it's just for the example.)

What I have tried:

In Photoshop, I select the white space around the ball with the Magic Wand
then chose Select > Inverse to get the ball selected. Then I go, Layer > New >
Layer via Copy, which creates a new layer with just the ball, white inside
and no white background around it. I see the gray checkerboard pattern where
the ball isn't.

But when I go to my Freehand doc and choose File > Import and bring in this
Photoshop element it appears on the solid color background as a white rectangle (the PS canvas, I guess) with the ball in it. I don't want the stupid white rectangle, just the ball.

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Photoshop :: Freehand Drawing With Curve Support

Jan 2, 2009

Is there a way within PS to support freehand drawings. What I mean is a support in that way which makes hand drawed curves more smooth. You know what I mean. I think Marcomedias Flash does such things. Is this also in PS availible?

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Photoshop :: Curved (beizer Interpolated) Freehand Painting?

Jul 30, 2005

I am using PS 7.0, and what I would like to be able to do use the paint tool, but have it connect the mouse samples (or in this case wacom tablet samples) with a bezier curve instead of a straight line. This is necessary because the sampling on the wacom is not good enough for fast drawing/painting, and the problem becomes much much worse when working zoomed out at 25% or so when working on a large canvas. Is this possible? The image editor that Macromedia makes for working with flash (I forget what it's called now) can do this, so it shouldn't be too hard, right? What about photoshop CS?

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Photoshop :: CS2 And Acrobat 8.1

Apr 29, 2008

When starting CS2 the programme loads to the end and about three seconds after a message appears.

An error has been detected with a required application.

This does not happen with Image ready. I have installed PS7 and this is not affected.

Searching through various sites I found that CS2 can cause conflicts with Acrobat 8.0.

Error "...Model subsystem..." when you start Help Center from any CS2 application


When you start the Help Center from an Adobe Creative Suite 2 application (Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, Photoshop, or Acrobat), you receive one of the following error messages:

-- "Model subsystem error: 1016" -- "Adobe Help Center cannot start. model subsystem returned this error: 1105" -- "Model Subsystem 1146: Adobe Help Cannot Start" -- "Model subsystem error: 1017" -- "Adobe Help cannot start: Model subsystem error returned this error: 1030"

-- "Adobe Help Center cannot start. model subsystem returned this error: 1"

I get the Model subsystem 1146 error.

I've re-set preferences and reinstalled the programme some ten times.

I still can't use Photoshop CS2 I really need Photomerge for my work.

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Photoshop :: PDF Editable With Acrobat Pro?

Jun 24, 2013

I have saved a psd file as a photoshop pdf and opened with Acrobat Pro.  Is it possible to edit the text in Acrobat? I have read online that it should be possible, and when I open the file it shows the fonts as embedded, but the 'Edit Document Text' option under 'Content' doesn't allow this.

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Photoshop :: Reducing The Size Of Acrobat PDF

Oct 19, 2013

I have these PDF catalogs which are about 20 - 50MB each.  Some of my customers are not comfortable browsing online so a digital catalog (here) works better for them... The same people generally have bad internet connections so I need to re size these PDF's so they can be downloaded rather quickly.
Starting with a 20MB PDF, I open all slides within Photoshop.  I batch process the images from 300dpi to 96dpi , and shrink the size from 24 Inches across to 15... All the images are saved in a new folder, opened back in Photoshop and a new PDF is created.  Considering both size and dpi has been clipped by a fairly large amount, you would think that the new PDF would be smaller... But its not, the 20MB version ends up around 60MB afterward.
I don't feel like purchasing Acrobat Pro because I know this should work within Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: (PDF) Acrobat X Save Optimized Option?

Oct 14, 2012

When using the "Save Optimized" dialog in Adobe Acrobat X, we can see that Acrobat strips out a LOT of stuff from the document to make the size as manageable as possible. But I can't for the life of me find the checkbox corresponding to whatever it is that strips LINKS from the document.
When I use the "Save Optimized" option, then try to view the document in Reader, I can see the cursor change to a hand when it hovers over what SHOULD be a link, but there's no url attached to the link anymore. Clicking does nothing. "Save Optimized" kept the link there, but stripped the info of where the link is supposed to take the user.
what to uncheck to make sure links remain intact after a "Save Optimized"?

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Photoshop :: Blue Tint Added From PS CS3 To Acrobat...

Jun 27, 2008

Since I've upgraded to CS3, I've had this problem. Every document I design in Photoshop will look perfect but will add a blue tint to the canvas when converted into a PDF. It will do this whether the file is a PSD or JPG. It doesn't matter if it's text only or text and a photo. It only puts the blue tint on the actual PS canvas area, so if the canvas size is 5x7 and the document size I choose for the PDF is 8.5x11 then the blue tint is only on the 5x7, not the outer edges of the PDF - it is white.

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Photoshop :: How To Open Adobe Acrobat Reader...

Aug 20, 2009

how to open adobe acrobat reader without having to open photoshop? i keep getting this message when opening pdf files. "adobe acrobat was installed as part of a suite. to enable adobe acrobat, please start another component of this suite(such as photoshop)

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Photoshop :: MSIE Acrobat Plugin Error

May 5, 2005

I have 5 psd's that I want to create a 5 page PDF with.

I save each PSD as a PDF using PhotoShop and then use Acrobat to create the finaly PDF from multiple files.

When this is opened in Internet Explorer, i get errors. When I save the file to my desktop and then open it, it works fine.

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Illustrator :: Freehand MX File - Converting To AI

Jan 7, 2014

I have 14000 Freehand mx file and need to be able to open them in Illustrator cs6.... how can I convert them to ai files ... I do not have CS4 or CS5....

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Photoshop :: Get Multiple Object Using Edit Objects From Acrobat X Pro To CS5

Apr 12, 2013

Get multiple object using "Edit Objects" from "Acrobat X Pro" to "Photoshop CS5"? Refer below:
Selecting the multi object (Acrobat X Pro):

Click Edit Objects => Displays below option, click OK:

Opened only one object instead of above multiple selected - in Photoshop CS5

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Photoshop :: Error 1324 + PDF's Are Defaulting PS Instead Of Acrobat Reader

May 25, 2009

I recently installed a trial version of Photoshop CS2 which was on a disc lent to me. I am now regretting this action because when I go to open a PDF file it defaults to Photoshop instead of Acrobat Reader. When attempting to un-install this trial version of CS2 I get an error message "Error 1324. The path 'My Pictures' cantains an invalid character"  

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Photoshop :: Adobe Acrobat: Adding Multiple Pdfs As One

May 24, 2005

I have several pdf:s that I'd need to combine as one pdf. Is that possible even? I only have acrobat reader,

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Xara :: When Draw Circle In Freehand It Fills In

Oct 2, 2011

Well, I bought Xara Designer Pro 7 the other day, and I'm trying to get used to it. One thing it's doing that really bugs me is that when I draw a circle or an oval in freehand, the circle fills in with solid color!

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Illustrator :: Open Old Freehand 9.0 File Into New Version?

Feb 12, 2014

How can I open an old Freehand 9.0 file into the new Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Freehand Import Of CS5 Broken After Installing CS6

Aug 19, 2012

on my windows 7 machine my freehand import of Illustrator CS5 and CS4 is broken after installing cs6 creative cloud.
I can still select a freehand file to open and the dialog box appears, but after choosing OK nothing happens. No file opens and no error appears. It doesn´t depend on the freehand file because my other machine with CS3 can still open these files.
What can i do  to repair illustrator? - it´s part of a master collection install.

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Illustrator :: Text Along Path Conversion From Freehand

Oct 24, 2008

Any workaround for text along path conversion from freehand to illustrator?The problem is text along path in freehand which is slightly moved along path.The result after conversion to illustrator is an invissible (exept a red+ where the text should be)text. Sometimes you can't even correct the problemtext so you had to place hundreds/thousends of text (streetmaps) again after conversion.

Exporting the Freehand file as illustrator 7 gives a much better result for the text part. (the art works is in this case seperated into lines and fills)The message I get opening the illustrator file in CS3 is that legacy text should be updated, clicking the update button and text is looking way better and there is less text to replace.Opening the Feehand file in CS3 doesn't give me this method.

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Illustrator :: Retaining Numbers In Freehand Graphs

Jan 9, 2014

I have several Freehand bar graphs and line graphs that I need to convert to Illustrator.So far, I have saved the files to Illustrator 7 and then opened them in Illustrator CS2.
But the numbers underlying the graphs don't seem to come through.How can I keep those numbers intact, bringing them in from Illustrator so that I can go back into them and update numbers to generate the bar graphs and line graphs in Illustrator?

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Illustrator :: Transparency From Imported FreeHand File

Aug 13, 2012

I converted all my FreeHand files. Some have transparencies. Illustrator shows the transparencies, but does not recognize them in the Transparency panel. It says they have 100% opacity even though they appear transparent. I assume this is just how they got converted. Is there any fast way to make them recognize their original opacity % as set in FreeHand?

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Photoshop :: Adobe Acrobat 9 - Share Folder - Opening Read Only?

Nov 22, 2012

[URL] We have a client who are using Adobe Acrobat 9 and have .PDF's saved in a Share Folder. Is the creator of the document but is still faced with the read only prompt when trying to save the document after making an edit (e.g rotating). Upgrading to Adobe Acrobat 9 isn't an option.
Folder permissions in both Share and NTFS is okay. User's profile has full control of the folder it is being saved in. I've also ensured the reading pane is Windows Explorer is off when they're opening it.
Have run a repair on Adobe Acrobat 9 and tried with other documents with the same result.Saving locally does not have the same issue. using .PDF for Adobe Acrobat 9 in a Share Folder environment.

Server is SBS2008 and user's PC is Windows 7 Professional.

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