Photoshop :: Beam Of Light - How To?
Aug 17, 2004Any tips on creating a beam of white light going from point a to point b?
View 9 RepliesAny tips on creating a beam of white light going from point a to point b?
View 9 RepliesI've learned a bit about lighting since I started this project and currently I saw no other way but to use PS.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI know there are many ways to create light beams or God beams.There are several tutorials and net has many brushes.I just want to make a simple tapered brush in Photoshop CS6 so that If I click at a source like window then shift click at another place I get a 'tapered' beam, smaller at origin and flaring to larger size, like a flashlight beam
it should be easy with shape dynamics and all, but I am not able to figure this out.
i need to create a light ray image that's going to come off of a huge "hollywood light". i just need a big yellow diagonal beam that gets wider as it goes on.. sorry if this sounds confusing, but i dont' know how to describe it. i would also like it to fade?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to animate a casino-like light board made of tens of light bulbs/leds. I thought the easiest way to do it would be creating a matrix of bulbs arranged by material ID and then design a pattern in multi sub-object materiel so I could somehow scrub through it and achieve animation effect. The material modifier allows to change ID for the whole object only and MaterialByElement shuffle ID`s in a random manner.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
Attached Thumbnails
How do you lock the pivot point of a light to the light itself? I thought just adding a Axis node would move the light and pivot point but the pivot does not move. Is there a way of parenting them together?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I use the standard Revit can lights in a wood joist floor with drywall applied to the bottom? If I place in a suspended ceiling, can lights light up just fine. However, if I use them in the floor space of a wood joist floor, the light itself gets covered with the floor. How can I get the light to cut the floor out so I can see the light when it is rendered?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how to create a beam of fire....or an object surrounded by a ring of fire.....not unlike one in strych9ine's avatar. Maybe he would be able to explain it better.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to model a curved beam but I am having problems as it doesn't snap to the roof line I have already.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am creating a beam system. I click the "beam system" button on the structure panel. However, it then goes into sketch mode without stopping to allow me to select "automatic beam system" and/or "Tag on Placement." Fortunately, I can see that "automatic beam system" is already selected in the split second that flashes before going to sketch mode.
However, I do not have the opportunity to select the "Tag on Placement." I am really new to Revit and thus I am wondering if there is a different way to possibly turn on the tagging since the way I know is not an option.
This is quite weird because revit architecture 2013 is showing this error. In order to see beam in my architectural layout, we are changing the cut plane value in the view range. With this step I can see the beam but not the cut pattern of the beam..very weird. Also, one more thing, just to check I copy pasted beam modeled in revit 2011 in revit 2013 and I could see the cut pattern. So is something wrong with 2013 beam revit family?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been screwing around with beams in Revit for years and still have issues with the gaps at the connections. There is a shape handle and a structural component end. Either way, the beam decides where it wants to end. If I put two precast beams end to end, resting on an inverted tee girder that needs to have the 9" tee portion extend between the two joists, Revit doesn't like that and does its own thing. I move one, the other follows. I move both far enough away from eachother, then drag one end to where it needs to be, cool, then when I drag the other...boom...they snap together. Yes, I'm aware of the "start and end extension" in the properties window, this is incredibly time consuming and if one of the beams are switched around, I need to remember if this end was the start or end. In addition, the structural component end will go initially where it wants to, so there's no guarantee that if the parameters are correct, the beam/joist will be.
Can I remove all "rules" that beams have so I can place these correctly?
I am creating custom beam shapes, but when I change one type, it changes them all. How do only change the shape of one beam?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to calculate bending moment stress thru "Beam and column calcultor it shows an error that is Wk and Jk is missing. Ok that is fine. If we put values for both we will get the answer. Because I have come to know thru inv discussion that many material in the CC do not have these values.
Now my question is when we insert a part for example from content centre (CC) and do FEA analysis on this part. It shows some values like deflection, stress etc etc. How is that possible? one side it is not doing in the beam calculatio but other side in FEA it is doing that.
It means we are not going to rely upon these results in the FEA. It is the same CC, same inventor, how should be trust the result in FEA.
I have a beam that is simply supported and I am needing to do FEA analysis on it. Simply supported on the ends with a load in the middle. Hand calculations show deflection is 2.256in. FEA shows delfection as 1.247in.
I think the problem is the constraints that I have placed on it. I have one fixed constraints at each end. One of these needs to be fixed and the other needs to be able to move horizontally. How do I set this up to get the correct results?
I need to beam complex P&IDs for client viewing. The drawings are in AutoCAD2012. I find it difficult to zoom and pan to the desired place. Beaming individual component P&IDs is also not an option as the client usually wants to see the enitre layout first. The entire layout, when beamed is unreadable without zooming. I was hoping for a solution similar to drilling down in databases (clubbing of data when we at the top levels and then the ability to view details when clicking on a particular cell); where only the important lines and symbols are shown at the top levels so that they can clearly be seen on beaming.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe beam is continuous. The connection details are not important. They're some kind of plate welded to the beam and bolted through the column web. I don't need it to be able to do structural calculations.
Join won't select a structural column or beam. Align creates a rotation error because of the beam's pitch. The column height appears to only change by the Level, but again the beam is pitched. Setting the height above the beam breaks the beam.
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
If i draw a beam in plan view en define the height, the beam disepare. Is there a posibility that the beam is in place and you can see a dash dot line and two dashed lines in plan view?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can we calculate the formwork of column & beam? Is it possible to add "Height" parameter in Column. Because we add formula into the Family file as below:
Perimeter = (2*Depth+2*Width)
Formwork Area = Perimeter*Height
See attached. What's the best way to model this sloped grade beam? Can I use the sweep?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat's the best way to model a concrete beam that has the fireproofing in it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI suppose I can just toss down a gradient red to white to red but i was hoping to make it look slightly nicer than that perhaps with the halo like effect seen in star wars.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs i discovered, frame generator is a very handy tool to make a frame, and to connect beams to each other.
For a customer we need to build a large frame, The outer beams are connected directly to each other. The beams inside the outer frame need to have a gap because of mounting and welding.
What i am looking for is a kind of tool, where i can add a notch, and after the notch, shorten the beam with 1 mm at each side to make a gap, which is needed for welding.
Inventor gives an error if i add first a notch followed by a Lengthen/Shorten command. How to add a notch and a gap of 1 mm to a connecting beam?
I've been using for a whole now to crop and make clear backgrounds on images and layer them with others. As of late I've decided to take on a more ambitious project: to make an animated gif of a starship using a tractor beam to drag an object into the center of a picture and then leave. I am in the process of searching the forums as how to make an animated gif, and I would like to know how to create a sort of tractor beam effect. It doesn't have to be realistic (as the images I'm using are slightly cartoonish), but enough to look like a blue beam of light is shining (but gradually getting weaker) onto an object.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have recently drawn a steel construction, and I am now in the process of making the drawings. A problem that occurs is the length of beams used for bracing. When I click the two outer points, the lower dimension in the drawing appears. This is the length of the line between the two points. To be able to dimension properly, I have made a sketch with a straight line, which is perpendicular to one side of the beam. This has been used, with the point on the opposite side, to find the true beam length (and is showed as the upper of the two dimensions in the picture).
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to display the section property of a T beam? Specifically, I'm looking for the second moment of area in units of in^4 (Ixx). iProperties provide me with the mass moments for the axis in units of lbmass in^2 under the physical tab (global properties). I'm sure this information is somewhere, I just can't seem to locate it. What am I missing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm Alex and I am new to Inventor. We just switched to Invetor From CAD and have been learning as i go mostly. I have been experiencing problems that are leading to major setbacks due to requireing me to redraw multiple items. With my job we have to use wide flange beams and square columns etc..I'm able to draw the indidviual parts and at times have no problem with anything being offset, crooked, skewed or anything. But I find that I'm doing something in the assembly process that is causiing my parts to become skewed/distorted in the assembly and thus also on my view layouts for prints.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a dynamic block of a steel beam, with a block table, by which I can change the size etc.
public static void InsertBlock(Database db, string FileName, Point3d InsertionPoint, double Rotation = 0)
ObjectId blkid = ObjectId.Null;
using (Database bdb = new Database(false, true))
bdb.ReadDwgFile(FileName, System.IO.FileShare.Read, true, "");
the size will change when I select it. The 150UB18.0 is in the list when you call GetAllowedValues for the Name.
How to successfully set a value? I have looked at
GetAllowedValues().SetValue(object value, int index) but not too sure how this one works.
I try to 'lock' a beam system that I have used for rafters to the underside of my roof.I've successfully got the walls and gables linked in with the roof, and have set up reference planes for cutting of rafters (that should - I think - mean that rafters can move slightly - or change pitch, whilst maintaining same cut extents at rafter ends).
Trouble is - the rafter Beam System does not update with the roof.
My creation approach for the Beam System was to select the underside of the roof as the 'Working Plane' - then edit the boundary to project beyond the walls and form the overhang. I projected it further than I required to provide the excess needed in case I wanted to push the cut plane outwards.
I assumed that selecting the underside of the roof as the working plane would 'lock' the two together, but it doesn't appear to work.Have I missed a straightforward step to link the two elements together ?
I have a 3 node Structural Member created that works... Now the next questions... Can you anchor columns at 3 column grid intersections... then draw this 3 node Structural Beam such that it will anchor also... so that... if you adjust the column grid... the columns and the 3 node structural member will adjust accordingly?
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