I make brushes for sale. I make versions vor CS2+ and I make larger brushes for CS6+.
I think I should probably make the brushes in CS6 to be good for CC and CS6, but thought I'd ask if it's possible to just make them in CC. Would save me having to keep CS6 on my computer.
I have created a slide show in Image Ready and it functions correctly. Except.....when I put it on my web page in either Photoshop or Dreamweaver it doesn't work.
I have photoshop 5.5 and it works totally fine with my bosto kingtee tablet. I recently tried downloading the CC trial to test it out and I can click buttons in photoshop with the pen just fine, I can draw with the mouse just fine, but it doesn't put a mark on the canvas with my pen. I then grabbed a cs6 trial, same deal. Seems only 5.5 is working for me. I've reset the brush settings and preferences, I reinstalled my pen drivers.
I've been creating album covers for a few years now. I've always used my own art work, and the stock brushes in photoshop, but I've been wanting to branch out and expand my brush collection.
I'm looking for brushes I can use in my artwork for my personal sale and profit (I'm guessing it would be commercial work?).
I've downloaded brushes from deviantart.com and the brushes I downloaded had the message that I could use them as long as I credit the artist in which I got the brushes from, but does that give me the right to use their brushes in my work that I sell? Some artists specify that their work may not be used for commercial work, but other artists only say they require credit for their work if used.
I've looked at downloading images from istockphoto.com to create my own brushes, but it says I can not use the images in my own work for personal profit/commercial use. Code:
Okay, so after a month of struggling to get Potoshop CS6 Extended Teacher Student Edition to work, I was playing around, downloading brushes and actions. The actions work. But I can't get the brushes to. I download them into the downloads file and then move them into program files > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64bit) > Presets > Brushes
There are some other folders. The other one is in program files > Adobe > Adobe Bridge CS6 (64bit) Program Files (x86) > Adobe... And In that is Fllash player, Photoshop Utilites - CS6, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Extension Manager CS6, Adobe Bridge CS6 and Acrobat 5.0
In the program files and not Program Files (x86) And then when I moved the files into the brushes folder, I got something that said "You'll need to provide administator premission to copy to this folder." And then it asks to countunie, skip or cancel.
i put them in the brush folder, and inside the brush folder there is another folder called "adobe photoshop only" with some other brushes that came with it, i tried putting them in there too but still, they don't show up when i used the brush tool :(
I'm having trouble with 2 problems in Photoshop CS. My first problem is that my keyboard shortcuts don't work, at all. They are turned on, but still do not work. Ive even tried setting my own, and those wont work either. Can anyone tell me how to fix that? Secondly, my brushes don't work. I have to set the brush to be over 100 just to see like a 5 pt line show up on the canvas. Ive tried everything!!!
My photoshop brushes only work on a black background. And they only work as white. I figured it was just the one group, but it isn't. It's ALL of them. Did I do something wrong? Or what's up with it? When I downloaded them, they showed the preview of the brushes in several colors. Yet mine won't work. Why is that? (btw, i'm using photoshop CS1)
My brushes suddenly won't work at 100% opacity. The opacity will change if I change the slider but never actually reaches 100%. For instance if I'm using red one click will get me pink like I'm at 20% opacity, it will get darker as I increase the opacity slider but never quite reaches 100%. At 100% it is still a shade of pink.I have to click like 10 times to get it red. Everything else works fine, pencil,eraser, etc. I have checked all my settings and can't figure it out.
downloaded upgrade versions CS3 on septate computers. She is taking a class in Photoshop using the Adobe Classroom in a Book as a text. About a month ago she started to have problems getting selection tools and brushes etc. to work. None of those types of tools work at all now.
She has downloaded the latest upgrades. We have completely removed Photoshop from the computer, and reinstalled it twice. The computer is scanned for viruses and bots. All other applications work fine. She is now having to use my computer to complete her class work.
I have attached a simple model to detail what I am having trouble with.
I have constructed a sheet metal tube by first creating a flat sheet face and then by folding the sheet with two, 180 degree bends and large radius. I am doing it this way in order to simplify the drawing of the cutouts that are required in the "real" sheet (with many more cutouts than in the sample I have provided.)
When I try to add work points or work axis to the holes shown in the sample, only the holes on the second bend will accept the work features, the holes on the first bend will not - giving the error:
TEST.ipt: Errors occurred during update Projected loop failed because of multiple vertex solutions Work Point8: Could not build this Point Copy Point Zero or multiple solutions for Point Copy Point. Use Redefine Feature to change its definition.
I am using the work point as reference to the center of the hole in order to position a rod.
When I try to use my brushes with actions in Photoshop, such as Save the Dress, Ying-Yang, or Foundation, they won't work. I've tried resetting the brushes, changing the opacity, restarting the program, and unlocking the layers. It was working perfectly, but suddenly just stopped. When I click on the image, it doesn't do anything. There is also a small black box next to the action the I am using in the history box. When my brushes were working, that box would show in white where I used the brushes on my pictures, but now it doesn't register anything that I try to do.
i have no problems installing new brushes when using windows, you simply extract the brushes in the brushes folder of course I am doing exactly the same thing with my linux machine but I cant seem to get the brushes when i restart Gimp in linux. I even tried extracting the brushes in a couple of other folders within the Gimp/brushes folder. Still they fail to appear ?
I have created city/landscape artwork using photoshop line and box tools. If you go to URL... then click on the link that says (click here to view Gotham City) you will see one of the images I am talking about. Can this image be made to look the same in vector.
There is a way inside Illustrator to send back or front the anchor points of a path?
In the image below was createad with Pen Tool starting from left to right but if i want to bring some of these crossing points back and forth from each other, is it possible?
Like in the middle one to send it back from the other behind it?
This morning I was trying to get the color dynamics to work with the paint brushes. It seems that in 2.8 the "Color to Gradient" dynamics tool was taken out. (However, in the dynamics there are many cool options to choose from, just not gradient.) So getting frustrated, I searched the web after someone mentioned the "Color to Gradient" dynamics and I found this tutorial on creating a "Color to Gradient" dynamics from the dynamics editor.
I am interested in grouping and sorting brushes according to size, shape, whatever.
Right now when I add a brush library, they just stack on top of one another.
For example let's say I have a round brush with a 10 diameter, then next to it a round brush with a 20 diameter. If I make a 15, it goes to the bottom of the list, and I have to scroll all around. How can I group them?
I suspect I would have to make my own brush library with my brushes how I want them, then save that and load it?
to making Gifs, but just took some black text, made bg transparent, changed resolution from 300 to 72. text is huge so have to make it smaller with bicubic resample. but then text looks very jagged and awful,
I do quite a bit of Photoshop work but it is simple. I am trying to re-create the look of this image but struggling on it. I did some that were close but the look was off.
The black layer is added in, any tips on how it is done and what tools are used to go around the relief so well?
for some weird reason all of a sudden the adjustments I make to my images in ACR are not carrying over when I open them in CS5. I've cheked the Adobe website to make sure I have the latest versions of both ACR & CS5 & I do. Any thoughts on how I can correct this? Very frustrating to adjust 10 - 15 wedding images in ACR then they're right back to the original image when I open them in CS5.
When I save photoshop documents on my Mac they are unable to be opened on windows. This happens roughly 60% of the time. The only way I have learned to resolve this problem is to create a new photoshop document, copy all of the layers into this new document, and save it again. The Mac is new - about three weeks old. We save all of our files on an external harddrive backed up on the Mac. All of our computers run CS6.
I have a rather lenghty action that was made for me in photoshop cs2. we just upgraded to cs3. is there any way to import this action from cs2 into cs3? or does it have to be re-written?