Photoshop :: Why Does Rasterized Image Turn White Using Halftone Filter
Jul 10, 2013All of a sudden my images turn white when I go to apply sketch halftone to image.It worked before.
View 1 RepliesAll of a sudden my images turn white when I go to apply sketch halftone to image.It worked before.
View 1 RepliesI've deleted my PS preferences and restarted, and I cannot get this filter to do what is was just doing a day earlier. It doesn't matter what the foreground/background colors are, nor does it matter what the resolution of the file is. I've experimented with every variable. The filter effect changes the filled layer to a solid color of the current foreground color. No lines, dots or circles at all.
I'm trying to make lines in a filled layer, or a rasterized text layer.Adjusting the sliders has no effect at this point, but the other Gallery filters DO work, oddly enough.
I've used this filter effect many times over the years, and it just started acting wonky. This is PS CS6, on Mac OSX 10.8.5.It seems to be unpredictable or temperamental. Is there a reasonably-priced plugin that will create lines that are completely adjustable?
I'm using a two channel multi-channel file, and am trying to achieve an effect using the Halftone Pattern filter.
I apply the filter to one channel only (which has an image which I've increased the contrast, to deliberately blow-out the white areas). The other channel is just a flat block of background colour. The problem is that this filter applies itself in a horizontal manner only - and I want an angled pattern.
So I have rotated the image channel 45 degrees and then applied the filter ass before. Which works great and give me the effect I want.
The problem is because I have rotated the image 45 degrees, the corners of the image now exceed the canvas, and when I rotate the image back to it's original angle, I've lost the corners of the image.
So why don't I just increase the canvas size before rotating the image?
Well I did, but the strangest thing occurs when I apply the filter (same setting and selection as before). The filter acts quite differently, most notably in the (deliberately)blown out areas of "white". Before increasing the canvas size, the line pattern would taper into nothing in these areas. However, after increasing the canvas size, these areas become thick lines, instead of tapering to approxiamate the tonal value (white) before having applied the filter.
how to make it the way I want.I want the same exact effect as the "Color Halftone" filter in Photoshop makes, but what I'm searching for is a way to change the traditional dots to a costume shape.I tried other alternative solutions, like pattern overlay, in blending options.
here the shape of the halftone effect is circles which is what I want to change, but I want the same effect with the varying sizes, and the colors.
This is the patter i want to use, but it doesn't have the same effect with the colors, because it's just a pattern over a colored area. and the sizes doesn't vary either. The shape in this pattern is the one I want to use instead of the circles, that is the stock one in Photoshop.
way to turn a color image to black n white,
I use enhance > color > remove color ,
on a picture. i can turn a blue object into yellow, green or any other color. and vice versa.
To do that i know 5 different ways, or combination of those methods.
1- Hue/Saturation
2- Color Balance
3- Selective Color
4- Replece Color (Similar to Hue/Saturation)
5- select the area, create a new layer, paint the selected area on new layer, blend the new layer with "linear burn".
but when it comes to black, i can't change the black to another color with any of the ways above. So i was wondering if it is possible to turn a black object into white without killing the texture. Or cleaning the object from colors, making it colorless.
best way i know so far is playing with "exposure" settings. but this time the objcet on the image is becoming blure and loosing its texture.
Here is the object i m trying to make white (or colorless). Do you know any way to do it?
i need to make that shoe as white/colorless as this one below.
I have some old black and white negatives I would like to caonvert to make prints. How to do this in Elements_7?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have created a somewhat complex vector using image trace and i now have a black and white image. I wante to use the color halftone filter to create a black and white halftone pattern but everytime i use the color halftone filter to get the results i want, nothing happens. When i click on the vector the halftone filter appears in the appreances panel but the effect does not show on the image on my artboard. why cant i get the filter to show?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI didn't realized that as I'm importing images, the 'background' was defaulting to white. I'm working a couple images right now, in which the transparent setting is really needed. I found where to change the default, but not how to change it for existing images in PS already.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create contour cut lines on rasterized images using Illustrator CS4. I have been changing the PNG files to TIFF files and saving with preserve transparency and then placing them in Illustrator. From there I live trace a copy to make a vector outline of the image, but I am uncertain what to do to make it so that I can upload my file into FlexiSign, make contour lines from that file, print, and cut. Everytime I save the file into AI format and bring it into FlexiSign it just contour cuts a rectangle around the image instead of making an actual outline of the picture.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to recover a B&W, fairly high-res image made up of only black and white pixels (a halftone, but individual pixels, not circular patterns for printing). The goal is to make it look more or less like a regular greyscale, so it loses that grainy look when printed. The detail is there, it's just muddled by this.
The best solution I've found so far is a gaussian blur to mix everything together. Sadly, this leaves everything rather noisy. Is there a better way than just blue + noise removal + unsharp mask? Or is this the standard prescription for such an image.
i'm working in AutoCAD 2006 , so the project is that, i have a pdf with contours of an area, i have to rasterize it as a jpg picture, pass it to AutoCAD (i have done this so far..) and then i have to find the X , Y and Z coordinates of some points in the picture. Well with the "ID" command, i found the X and Y coordinates but as Z it gives me 0,0000.. How can i pick a point in the jpg and find the Z? I have to find the altitude!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using the oil paint filter and for some reason it doesn't turn out when I use it. It doesn't seem to be an issue for very very small sized images, if I make the photo smaller it will work just fine. However, for any regular sized images I get this result below. I just got a new computer, so i'm not sure what the issue could be?
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P.S. on Adobe 7.0
I am making a banner for a site Im working on.
I want to use this image in the banner
Is there a way to take all the whitespace inside this and turn it to transparent so the stuff in lower layers shows through this images white space?
This is probably really basic but... I'm a printer and only really use Photoshop for changing RGB to CMYK, clear cutting (with Vertus fluid mask) and things like that. However a lot of the photos I have to clear cut have been done already but not saved (or given to me to use) with the transparency still there. Is there some easy way to turn all the white pixels into transparency? Obviously you'd have to mask any white pixels in the image you wanted to keep. A sample is attached.
View 8 Replies View Relatedhow can i take the color out of a image?
View 4 Replies View Relatedon a picture. i can turn a blue object into yellow, green or any other color. and vice versa.To do that i know 5 different ways, or combination of those methods. 1- Hue/Saturation2- Color Balance3- Selective Color4- Replece Color (Similar to Hue/Saturation) 5- select the area, create a new layer, paint the selected area on new layer, blend the new layer with "linear burn". but when it comes to black, i can't change the black to another color with any of the ways above. So i was wondering if it is possible to turn a black object into white without killing the texture. Or cleaning the object from colors, making it way i know so far is playing with "exposure" settings. but this time the objcet on the image is becoming blure and loosing its texture. Here is the object i m trying to make white (or colorless). Do you know any way to do it? i need to make that shoe as white/colorless as this one below.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a picture of a red velour colored recliner type chair that i want to make white instead of red. I've been messing with the hue/saturation but cant really get it. The thing is that there are parts of the picture where the velvet texture is naturally darker than the rest of the spots, and to keep the chair looking real and 3d, they have to stay a darker color than the white color I want to make it. but when i use the hue options, it just lightens everything on the chair.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an autocad LT drawing with multiple layers - When trying to add a new layer I now get a message saying "A new layer was created that does not match the current layer filter"
Have I inadvertently turned on a filter and how can I turn it off?
Have great pic of Christ Of The Andes. Huge statue in foreground (gray color), and all white sky in background because of overcast day. I want to change the sky color from white to blue. Formerly, in Elements 4, I could do it easily with the Magic Wand tool. I recently upgraded to Elements 11 and, to my shock, find there is no Magic Wand tool. I am running Windows 7. I tried the Brush tool and, while it selects the correct area, I can't get it to insert the blue color. It is not a choice of color offered. Only gray. I also tried via a new layer, but could not get that to work either.Â
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to get the black and white filter layer to work. When I click on "tint" a strong yelowish tone appears. When I slide the color sliders to alter the tint absolutely nothing happens. I have tried clicking on just about everything I can find in the B&W filter dialogue boxes to no avail.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen printing a image in halftone from Corel x5. The image looks great in print preview but if I try printing it prints a solid black page. Â
View 7 Replies View Relatedfollowing image shows up fine on WIndows machines, but on Macs it shows up as balck instead of navy, why? I have tried svaing in PDF, JPG, PNG, and PDF nwith Mac color profiles... what is going on? PS, the navy is #0d1125
View 3 Replies View Relatedmy colred photos turn black and white whenim opeing a new document in photoshop.'
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been using Photoshop for a while now but have recently been invited to design some sportswear. I want to initially take existing clothing and change the colours and add designs. As an example, how would I get this soccer kit to be either all white or white on everything apart from the shorts?
I have managed to get yellow to go white using the hue/saturation tool but dark colours seem like its impossible. I do also want to know how to go from white to a darker colour but maybe I should save that for my next thread.
I am trying to turn a black and white checkered line into a circular shape in photoshop.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to learn how to isolate a colour and turn the rest of the photo balck and white using
1) a RAW file photo and
2) a PSD file photo.
When I work in modelspace, the lines on layer 0 turn white after I have done some text editing and then panned away. The only way to get them back to default colors is to switch to paperspace and then come back to modelspace. It is only changing the display color on the monitor. The colors are still set in the layer controls. I am using Architecture 2009.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a JPG which is a black and white line drawing I want to drop this on a collage where the line drawing shows, but the background must be transparent so other things come through. Essentially, I want to turn the color [ or lack thereof] white to be transparent, and black to be black.
How to do this, or if it can be done.
Is there any way to turn overprint white feature off so Illustrator will not allow white to overprint?
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