Photoshop :: Why Do New Windows Always Open Up Pinned To The Top Left Portion Of Screen
Nov 12, 2013
I have disable the application frame in Photoshop CC and now all new windows open up in the top left corner of my screen BEHIND all of the brush and tool setting windows. How can I change this?
I'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4) you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
i just started seeing the very top portion of the taskbar in full screen mode. It is just a thin line that gives you access to the taskbar without minimizing CS6. I am running Windows 7 64 bit on a loaded PC.
I'm using Elements 9.03 with Windows XP. When I download videos from my Sony HandyCam, the video portion of the file does not play back, only audio. Is there a setting I can adjust or do I need to use a more recent version of Windows?
Now that I know how to get my screen menu to appear, I would like to edit the standard screen menu to one I replaced it with in previous versions. In the past, I would edit Acad.mns or Acad.mnu and replace the screen menu section with my new screen menu.
Now Acad.mns and mnu don't exist and I presume I have to customize Acad.cuix, except I can't find any reference to screen menus in the cui editor to be able to customize the screen menu.
Apparently the issue has been happening since as far back as CS2. The flashing text cursor is only visible in the upper left hand portion of the screen. If the text your are attempting to edit is on the far right or bottom of the screen, the cursor vanishes. Some people have suggested zooming in and out, but this only appears to solve the problem because the art board may get nudged into the "good" portion of the screen. I did a screen shot and found that the cursor is only visible in about a 930p x 600p area of the window (not including toolbars). Incindentally, the is the same size that the window defaults to when initially opened. On a HD monitor, this amounts to a very small space.
I've used Elements for years and just got 11. There are only 8 tools shown on the tool bar (and not move tool). How to I see all the tools on the left side of the screen? Resolution is better than recommended.
I am finally getting used to the operation of CWC and find it usable, but one thing bothers me. The page layout only fills the center one-third of the screen.
I having an issue with CC.When electing in the preferences to not open image in Tabs. The images open with only about 25% of the image area showing. Forcing me to (command) 0 for full to screen preview or (command) +/- to see the image.I am not talking about seeing the image at 100% resolution just the entire image within the floating window without having to command before view.
Sidenote: Adobe Customer Service is all based in India. I spent 4 hours on the phone only to hear that this is that way photoshop works. There would be no logical explanation for this. Since the first version of Photoshop this has not been the case.I think this should be called view porn with wife in the room mode. Other than that I see no point.
I'm on CS6 on a year old iMac. Plenty of RAM and memory. For some reason all of a sudden, the tools on the left hand side of the screen won't work. All I get is the hand. What I hit or what happened. I've re-started PS, the computer and reset Bridge. How to reverse what happened?
Perhaps the page is too large and the tools are above my screen. I can't access them, can't "Import" any of my pictures. I've been in "Edit" and done work there.But this is the first time I've tried to use the Organizer.
I recently upgraded from ps elements 10 to 12 and have noticed that all of my albums from 10 have disappeared, but to the lower right of each photo thumbnail there is a red album icon, and if I hang my mouse over it, it tells me what album it is in, but the album isn't listed on the left of the screen. I really do not want to recreate these albums, as it would be almost impossible. I am dealing with over 2000 photos over several years (downloaded from discs from the last several years). I need to have these albums back to print, delete, edit, share.
My pse9 organizer screen shifted a half page left and I can not seem to get it back. The computer has windows 7. I restarted the computer. I removed pse9 and reinstalled it. The editor screen works ok.
An animated email signature where an image of an arrow moves from the left to the right of the screen - easily done with a few frames and animation in gimp the arrow needs to move behind a paragraph of text which has the persons name, work address, email and phone numbers.
So the question remains is it possible to have one fixed frame (persons contact details) in a project of say 20 frames (which make the moving arrow behind the text)?? AND can
Moving a photograph from one folder to another creates two copies, one in the destination folder and one in the originating folder.In grid view, right clicking on a discarded photo and choosing delete from disk no longer works as the photo deleted does not show in Lightroom but in windows the files still remains on the hard drive.
In the first few months these two features worked properly but no longer respond in the same way. I tried Alt delete and the photo was removed from Lightroom but not from the original folder.
Problem: Whenever I work on a file and try to save it as a psd file i get the following: "Cannot save as "C:lah.psd because the file is already in use or was left open."
Now this happens even if no file is open or I try to save the file with a different name. If i hit Ctrl+S to a psd file, it saves. If I try to save as a jpg file, it saves. But when I try to save as a psd file, then I get the above error message.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I even went back to cs2 but this problem continued to happen in cs2 as well.
I am running Photoshop 6. when i open some files that i have created in the past and make some changes to them, then press the save button. I get an error saying
"The file could not be saved because it is in use or was left open"
Photoshop then forces me to save it as another name.
when i try to delete the original file, I can not delete the file from my windows exploror. When i try to delete the file, it tells me that the file is in use and can not be deleted. I get this error even if i close all programs on my computer.
I've noticed an annoying fact about PS CS6 that never happened in earlier CS versions: If I have a few files open at the same time, and I make a transformation in an image, then move on to antother image, maybe to edit something out of for the first one, when I return to the first image, the change I made is undone, and the image is back to where it was before the transformation. I haven't hit "undo" or any other command in hte interim-I just navigated to a different file and didn't touch the first one for a few minutes. Simply put: if I make a transformation such as rotating something or changing scale, then click on a different file, make changes there, then go back to the first file, it's as if I had never made the last transformation. I ddin't save the file, but why should I have to? I simply left it momentarily. It doesn't happen consistently, and it isn't a deal-breaker, but why does it happen at all? And how can I stop it?
1. Why do Illustrator, Fireworks and InDesign (these are the ones I have checked) open with floating panels, tabs and windows, even in full screen mode... but Photoshop opens nicely in windowed mode with all the panels, tabs and windows fixed?
2. In full screen mode the left ruler is hidden behind the tools panel?! Why?!
3. How can I have Ai, Fw and Id open like Ps opens?
Windows Explorer set to open image files with PSE11, but when I double click on image in WE it launches PSE11, but I then need to click on Open tab in PSE11 to get it into work window. PSE10 did not have this problem
My CS6 open on blank screen only, cant open with image (at les it is hiding behind something on known to me ). Image open OK in Bridge Raw. I did reload CS6, from my CD, but same thing.
I have 3 displays connected to my computer, 1 of which is a tablet screen I don't use all the time. (It gets disabled and put away when I turn on SLI for video gaming, or if I just dont need to draw anything at the moment) If I'm drawing something, I'll drag photoshop over to that 3rd screen and do my work. Later, if I want to just crop or resize an image or do simple image manip stuff, I'll drag the window back over to one of my other two screens. The problem I'm facing is that popup dialogs like the open file, save as, preferences; any new window that photoshop opens, appears on whatever monitor it did last time.
Is there a way to force photoshop to always show those windows centered or at least on the same screen the rest of the program is working on? I've been searching for a while and the closest thing I found was a setting called 'Remember Palette Locations', but it looks like that setting was removed in CS5.
I'm willing to change preferences, run some kind of reset script any time photoshop starts, or whatever, just something that will bring those new windows onto the screen I'm working on instead of where they last were. I sat perplexed for about 1 minute when I saved a picture as PNG. Went to upload it and.. ohp! it hasn't changed! Oh! There is an interlace option dialog is showing on a screen thats TURNED OFF.
Computer info:
2x 24" DELL Monitors (main screens) 1x 19" Yiynova Tablet Dispay (used only when drawing) 2x Nvidia GTX 560Ti Graphics Cards Windows 7 64bit Adobe Production Premium CS5.5
what the maximum resolution would be in order to run Photoshop CS6 on a Windows laptop?I am contemplating whether or not to go with the 2880 x 1620 screen or the 1920 x 1080 one.
The bottom of the window goes off screen so i cannot resize it by clicking and dragging the lower right corner. Also in Navigator I can see that I should be seeing more image as indicated by the red outline. I have tried resetting Essentials, tried opening Photoshop while pressing Option / Alt shift, and nothing seems to work.
When I open "Image>Image size" for example, the dialogue window that opens appear half way off-screen, and I can't access it. The only way for me to close it is to use the Esc button.
Every time I open one of theese windows, they wander off a couple of pixels, until they can't be reached. Sure, I can try to reset their position manually each time I use them, but that's not how it's supposed to be.
I need a way to reset all windows positions. The workspace options doesn't seem to include the dialogue windows, so that's no use.