Ok so i have this image (Attached) im trying to remove the blue rectangle and the white rectangle leaving the blue swirl on the white back ground, iv tried using content aware but it comes out really bad, maybe im doing it wrong will some one be able to look at this for me, maybe it came out wrong because i have the blue swirl and content aware doesn't work correctly with it .
I have a clipart that a friend drew for me that is black and white. I scanned it, added to it and saved it as a .psd. I used a reduced size clipart to add some color. I than decided to add color to the full sized clipart using the bucket tool. The color picker will not allow me to choose any color other than blacks, grays, or white. It worked fine with the first clipart but nothing after. I tried in Elements 6 and just purchased Elements 12 hoping that would be the ticket.
i have 1000 eps files to work with and i dont have the time to go to each one and change the color from blue to black! all are different shapes so i need a batch command that will keep the white, white and change any other color to black!
I'm still working on old family photos (it's a long-term project). This one is from my parents' wedding album, and it's an original black-and-white photo from 1952:
Maybe it's me, but I just don't like all those different gray tones, and I would love to get my mother's gown whiter (which it still is, BTW). I have tried a few things to even things out:
- Brightness/Contrast - Threshold, Levels, Curves (I have to admit, I don't know what I'm doing with these; it's sort of hit-or-miss) - Auto adjustments - Fuzzy select to try to get the darker pieces more like the lighter ones, but the adjustments I just listed aren't doing what I want and are hard to see anyway; I thought the Bucket tool might work but I don't know how to use the gray area I want as a fill color.
I'm using PSE8. I was using Filter>Render>Clouds and it was working for me. I must have done something because the clouds that are rendered are black & white not Blue and white. My photo is of course a color image. How I can correct this or what I need to do to get back to the default setting that will render blue & white instead of black and white?
I have an image where i chopped seperate parts of different pictures, desaturated all 4, but on the one, there seems to be more "grays" in the black and white photo... i want the grays to be more black. Messing with the brightness and contrast isnt doing it...
I'd like to change the white background to sky blue, to the left of the woodpecker in this photo I took.
I've been trying selections and then refining the edge with various settings. I've tried a selection with the barely recognizable branch on the bottom left and without the branch in the selection.
Once I have a selection with a refined edge I've been using Image>Adjustments>Saturation to change the color with the Colorize option checked on.
I can't get the white background to light blue without making it obvious. The blue sky and edge of the tree just doesn't look right (I forgot the term).
Would anyone have some advice on how to change the white background to a natural blue sky color and have it merge well with the bark edge? Removing the left bottom branch from the photo would be fine.
I attached the full photo scaled down to 500x375 and a larger section of the left hand side.
I understand the technique for changing colors of an object (New Adjustment level | Hue and Saturation). The question I have is I am trying to change a t-shirt color from Blue to a white color. I have used all the adjustments and cannot get close to white.
I have about 200 pictures that have a white background that I need to change to blue. Normally I would use the wand, crop it with the pen or do a color selection. The only one that is working is the pen but it is taken way to long and was hoping someone would know on a better faster way to change the white background to blue and possibly even making it a action so it wouldn't take that long.
Is there some good way to do this when there are subjects that have many small features, sure as leaves or bird feathers? I have tried different selection methods and feathering, but always wind up with halos or sudden changes at the boundary, that necessite huge amount of detail work to get rid of,
Have great pic of Christ Of The Andes. Huge statue in foreground (gray color), and all white sky in background because of overcast day. I want to change the sky color from white to blue. Formerly, in Elements 4, I could do it easily with the Magic Wand tool. I recently upgraded to Elements 11 and, to my shock, find there is no Magic Wand tool. I am running Windows 7. I tried the Brush tool and, while it selects the correct area, I can't get it to insert the blue color. It is not a choice of color offered. Only gray. I also tried via a new layer, but could not get that to work either.
I have this photo taken in tungsten light, but there remain reflections from the outside light (the sun) which of course appear blue-magentish.
I thought maybe mixing with yellow-green could eliminate them. Actually I only need to decrease their saturation and thus become like other whitish reflections..
I have a strange blue line with a white border that isn't part of any layer that won't go away, and its thickness scales with zoom. What is it, what is it used for, and how do I get rid of it?
I am hoping to create a canvas for my wife of our baby girl for mothers day. I have a photo that I wish to make black and white whilst maintaining the blue eyes of our baby.
I have created a shape which has a solid blue color.I then used the text tool and placed the number 6 in white color on top of the blue.My issue is the number is only visible when i place the cursor on it..it is like it is hiding behind the blue color.How to have the white number 6 visible on top of the blue color?
When I select MANY objects on screen with the selection floater open, the selection floater scrolls through endledss combinations of white and blue jumping up and down the list. This can take ten or fifteen minutes!!! How can I get this to act properly (other than the obvious close the selection floater before making any selections).
I am confused about when trying to make a photorealistic composite. Say of a man face with real goat horns and reals cars compositited on his face.
I know I use layer masks but to blend the images into his face do I use the eraser tool on the mask or go to the mask layer where its red and use different shades of gray?
I'm using PSE 11 on a MacBook Pro. My Blue Skies have too much green in them for my preference. I'm sure there is a way to change this, but how? Also, can I change the default 'blue skies' to something more to my liking for a long-lasting remedy?
I've set up my machine months ago to connect to SDE 9.2 from Civil 3D 2009 and it's worked all along. Recently, however, it stopped working. I can connect and view all the layers the same as before, but when I select a checkbox beside a layer to query and hit either "Add to map" or "Add to map with query", the button greys out and nothing happens. This has worked on this machine for months (even with 2008), but now it stopped. As far as I can tell, nothing has changed with SDE either. Is there a log anywhere I can view for errors?
I have a Grayscale image where pixels are either white, transparent, or nearly white. My issue is, I need to convert this image such that:
1. All colors are converted to solid white with with an alpha channel (##FFFFFF) 2. The image looks unchanged
For example I want to convert a pixel that is FCFCFC to FFFFFF, but change the alpha channel so that they look the same. I'm assuming a black background.
I want to place a "Parts Only" BOM view of my Parts List. In the Parts List dialoge box, when view or document is selected, BOM View grays out and defaults to "Structured". This issue is new to my work station and is not an issue to the other stations. Why? How can I fix?
I'm running Windows 7 64Bit running Adobe CS5 Master Collection. But ever since I allowed CS5 Photoshop to control my printer (HP Photosmart Prem 310-C) to do a test print of a graphic that I created all of my Blues print a violet/blue color, no matter what color blue. It has even affected MS Word & MS Project when I try to print blue colored font or Gantt Chart blues will no longer print blue, but will print the same blue/violet color. I've even tried a brilliant blue which will all view great, but prints the same shade of violet blue! All my colors and Blues will view great! I've calibrated my monitor and I've reset my printer several times and still the same thing! I never had this problem before I downloaded Adobe CS5! A strange thing is that I can run check printer test and the data & image that is stored in the printer will print blues perfect, including running a copy direct from the scanner bed and it will produce perfect blues. I almost feel as though Adobe CS5 has possessed my PC and printer, how do I get it back to printing like it did before installing CS5 Master Suite?