AutoCAD 2013 :: White Number 6 Visible On Top Of Blue Color?
Nov 4, 2012
I have created a shape which has a solid blue color.I then used the text tool and placed the number 6 in white color on top of the blue.My issue is the number is only visible when i place the cursor on is like it is hiding behind the blue color.How to have the white number 6 visible on top of the blue color?
Ok so i have this image (Attached) im trying to remove the blue rectangle and the white rectangle leaving the blue swirl on the white back ground, iv tried using content aware but it comes out really bad, maybe im doing it wrong will some one be able to look at this for me, maybe it came out wrong because i have the blue swirl and content aware doesn't work correctly with it .
I am working on drawings in which some of the text is in yellow which is great on a black background. After printing the yellow becomes very hard to see on white paper. I know I know I could change the color of the layer before plotting but I was hoping for a seamless way of doing it. Is there a way to display colors in yellow and plot in blue similar to white/black?
i have 1000 eps files to work with and i dont have the time to go to each one and change the color from blue to black! all are different shapes so i need a batch command that will keep the white, white and change any other color to black!
I'm using PSE8. I was using Filter>Render>Clouds and it was working for me. I must have done something because the clouds that are rendered are black & white not Blue and white. My photo is of course a color image. How I can correct this or what I need to do to get back to the default setting that will render blue & white instead of black and white?
how proDad wasn't visible. Looking through the X5 install folders, I see a bunch of New Blue filters not visible either. The attached image shows the filters in the vft_plug folder, that aren't available within the program.
It is likely that I don't use dimensioning often enough to get familiar but I think X6 is harder to use than previous versions. I do like being able to pick various arrowhead styles or tickmarks. Still trying to figure out why dimension numbers are blue and how to change that back to black and resize.
I am having difficulty with the display of my point numbers and description when plotting. I am doing piping desing and utilizing Civil 3D points for the coardinates and elevations to display in a point table. For my viewport, in the properties dialogue box, under the Shade Plot option, I have selected Legacy Hidden due to needing my pipes to display properly only to have my points not display properly. If I opt for Legacy Wireframe or As Displayed, my points display correctly but my pipes do not. Any clue as to how I can have both display properly?
I just completed a major photo scanning project and added a bunch of folders of dated pictures to lightroom. However when i expand the top level folder I can not longer click on the bottom set of folders (can scroll and see them). My collections are also not visible with the top level folder expanded. Clicking a couple times on some of the bottom folders - trying to get them to select results in lightroom locking up, steadily increasing in memory usage (got above 8GB), and crashing.
I have tried creating a new catelog, reinstalling, and reverting to 4.4 from 4.4.1 (thought 4.4.1 might have been the issue), to no luck. The only thing i can come up with is that maybe there is a max number of folders that can be displayed? For the record I have 1705 folders within one top level folder.
System specs: Running Lightroom 4.4.1 64 bit on windows 7 64 bit. i7-3770, 16Gb Ram, 256GB crucial m4 SSD for catalog, 6TB Raid 0 WD Red Drive array for images, paging disabled.
I'd like to change the white background to sky blue, to the left of the woodpecker in this photo I took.
I've been trying selections and then refining the edge with various settings. I've tried a selection with the barely recognizable branch on the bottom left and without the branch in the selection.
Once I have a selection with a refined edge I've been using Image>Adjustments>Saturation to change the color with the Colorize option checked on.
I can't get the white background to light blue without making it obvious. The blue sky and edge of the tree just doesn't look right (I forgot the term).
Would anyone have some advice on how to change the white background to a natural blue sky color and have it merge well with the bark edge? Removing the left bottom branch from the photo would be fine.
I attached the full photo scaled down to 500x375 and a larger section of the left hand side.
I understand the technique for changing colors of an object (New Adjustment level | Hue and Saturation). The question I have is I am trying to change a t-shirt color from Blue to a white color. I have used all the adjustments and cannot get close to white.
I have about 200 pictures that have a white background that I need to change to blue. Normally I would use the wand, crop it with the pen or do a color selection. The only one that is working is the pen but it is taken way to long and was hoping someone would know on a better faster way to change the white background to blue and possibly even making it a action so it wouldn't take that long.
I am using a pdf underlay to trace over and whenever the crosshair or pickbox enters a white area it does not shift color to black to remain visible. This leaves me picking randomly trying to guess where the crosshair or pickbox is. If I change the 3dconfig to disable hardware acceleration, the color shifts, but the pdf is whited out. Not to mention the fact that by disabling hardware acceleration, I'm wasting the expensive video card on the machine. Is there a workaround? updated driver? service pack?
Is there some good way to do this when there are subjects that have many small features, sure as leaves or bird feathers? I have tried different selection methods and feathering, but always wind up with halos or sudden changes at the boundary, that necessite huge amount of detail work to get rid of,
I have a strange blue line with a white border that isn't part of any layer that won't go away, and its thickness scales with zoom. What is it, what is it used for, and how do I get rid of it?
Have great pic of Christ Of The Andes. Huge statue in foreground (gray color), and all white sky in background because of overcast day. I want to change the sky color from white to blue. Formerly, in Elements 4, I could do it easily with the Magic Wand tool. I recently upgraded to Elements 11 and, to my shock, find there is no Magic Wand tool. I am running Windows 7. I tried the Brush tool and, while it selects the correct area, I can't get it to insert the blue color. It is not a choice of color offered. Only gray. I also tried via a new layer, but could not get that to work either.
I have this photo taken in tungsten light, but there remain reflections from the outside light (the sun) which of course appear blue-magentish.
I thought maybe mixing with yellow-green could eliminate them. Actually I only need to decrease their saturation and thus become like other whitish reflections..
I am hoping to create a canvas for my wife of our baby girl for mothers day. I have a photo that I wish to make black and white whilst maintaining the blue eyes of our baby.
When I select MANY objects on screen with the selection floater open, the selection floater scrolls through endledss combinations of white and blue jumping up and down the list. This can take ten or fifteen minutes!!! How can I get this to act properly (other than the obvious close the selection floater before making any selections).
Our engineering department users are facing this problem that the hatch patterns are not visible. Everytime they have to use the FILL command when they open any drawing. They are facing this problem with some dwgs, when anybody else opens the same drawing this happens again. After that they are unable to see the hatch patterns in any drawing. After using FILL it becomes visible but restrting the AutoCAD reverts the setting back so they unable to see the hatch pattern again. After opening that dwg in all files they are unable to hatch.