Photoshop :: Where To Find Content Dialog Box Without Shortcut
May 17, 2012
When I use the shortcut in CS 6 "shift + delete" the dialog box does not show up the selection actually disappears. Where to find the content dialog box without the shortcut.
I have PS 7.0 , I am running dual monitors. When I open my unsharpen filter, i can't find the dialog box. I have the same problem with new adustment layer levels. I have tried moving , hiding tools and can't find the dialog box. I have to end the program through the XP task window. I have never had this problem before any suggestions.
Currently when you press the caps lock button while you use a brush you get a circle marking the boundary, I would like it to always be like this without pressing the CAPS LOCK. how can alter this behavior?
One of my customer is using Autodesk Inventor 2009, windows XP
He has a problem with the ''place from content center'' dialog, it suddenly missing all the content library from the dialog box but it worked fine on the day before this.
I need to change the shortcut commands but cannot find the file or how to do it in AutoCAD LT 2012. I had to reinstall due to a virus in my computer and I cannot remember how to do this, it has been too long.
I want to find a shortcut to be able to slice off the corner of an object (see picture below). Is there some sort of build in function to do so?
I have been manually doing this by (1) creating a square surface (2) re-positioning it over the corner and (3) using the slice command to ultimately slice off the piece and delete the excess.
As you can surmise, step (2) [re-positioning that damn surface over the corner], takes FOREVER.
I'm currently updating a LOT, and I mean A LOT of old forms, I have to replace the old Helvetica fonts for a new set we bought recently, and I realised that the Find Font dialog box is no longer "extensible". Is this now a "normal" behavior for Illustrator? Is there a workaround, or a preference somewhere I missed?
If this is a choice from the developers, let me say that removing features IS NOT a good way to go!In the meantime I'll revert to CS5 for that particular batch..If CC is going the same way I.E. removing features instead of improving old ones I'll pass..
I'm a consistent yet still newbie user who uses GIMP in lieu of other photo editing programs. how to get my Toolbox and Tool Options to seam back together? I somehow pulled them apart, and when I click on 'Lock Tab to Dock' it does nothing, they're still separate.
We are trying to use the "Underline top line" option located in the Content tab of the Modify MultiLeader Style dialog in AutoCAD 2012 (See attachment).
The minor issue we have is that there seems to be no way to adjust the gap between the text and the "underline". In regular dimensions, there is a dimvar called DIMGAP that controls this distance. Is there any way to control the distance between the top line MText and the "underline"?
I head over to the icon in the top-right corner, "Corel guide". Then I go to the tab "Do more".From here I can download frames, patterns, preset shapes etc. However, I cannot find the downloaded content after installing. I have restarted PSP afterwards, but to no avail. I would try to uninstall and reinstall the packages, but I can't find a way how to do it.
I am using Windows 8 64bit, and the latest update for PSPx5.
I have multiple documents using text as symbols. I need to change a ® 2013 to a ® 2014 within the symbols. Without having to go into each document and double click on the symbol or break the link, is there a way to do a batch find and replace that will search within symbols to change text?
When my colleague opens one of my assembly's which has content center items in it his inventor cannot find them and vice versa. I am assuming my content center items are coming from my hard drive and not a server from the same place as him. How do you set it up so both our computers take content items from the same location?
I can't find the "Curvature settings" dialog box. Selecting and right-clicking the spline in scketch mode I don't find "Setup Curvature Display" command in the menu. Also, if I click on "Display Curvature" I can't see the curvature itself.
In AutoCAD Architecture 2012 (AutoCAD 2012) I want “Entire drawing” selected by default in “Find where:” in “Find and Replace Dialog Box” instead of “Current space/layout”.
This didn't used to happen, but now whenever I open an Illustrator file, the "Find Font" dialog opens as though the fonts I'm using aren't found. Not sure what it wants me to do because no matter what I try nothing resolves. I simply click the "Done" button and go about my business. And there are no problems. Why is this happening? and why now? My fonts are always loaded before I open the file, the file looks and handles just fine.
Mac OS 10.5.5 CS3 Illustrator 13.0.2 Suitcase Fusion 12.1.7
I recently did a pack and go on a top level assembly. Kept folder hierarchy. Included linked files. Included referenced files. All OK so far.
Then opened the assembly in the “Pack and go” folder I created to put it, and it cannot find all the content center parts, such as the ASME eccentric reducer and M24 bolt – see attached i.e. I had to resolve the links. I know they came over with the pack and go as they are in the “Libraries” folder.
When I issue the Wblock Command I can not find the Dialog box to select objects and file location... This happens in the Layer Dialog when I try to change the color of a layer, the Color Dialog box can not be found. When I use the Block command the dialog box pops up, so I can see it.
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut or marking menu shortcut for visibility? It would be really convenient to be able to shift-click several objects and toggle the visibility of them. I have a mouse with numerous buttons that are mapped to commonly used IV features, but I cannot find a way to map a visibility toggle.
I'm doing an evacuation plan of an office building. The drawing itself is in the model space, obviously. The fire extinguishers and escape routes are added in layout.
The problem is that everything that I add in the layout ends up beneath the drawing in model space. I.e. the walls of the building are shown in front of the fire extinguishers which makes my evac.plan look like poop.AutoCad Architecture 2013.