Photoshop :: When Click On Image / It Won't Show Up
Nov 12, 2013
I'll restart the computer, and then photoshop and it will let me work on it for a short time, then it won't pull up an image. I had CS4 and decided to upgrade to the monthly photoshop to see if that would fix it and nope, it started again!
Whenever I click to show the presets folder in Lightroom 5.2 Beta preferences it wants to launch Path Finder to show me the files. I no longer own a current license for PathFinder and want Lightroom to use the normal Finder application. I do not have Path Finder even installed any longer and so clicking the button does nothing at all.
When I right clicked on the top of the photo window (photo info header) in any other version of Photoshop I used to get a pop up menu for the following: "duplicate, image size, canvas size, file info, page setup" Right clicking the photo window header doesn't do anything in CS4. Is this a bug in my system or is there something in setting up my workspace or preferences in CS4 that I'm missing?
i have around a hundred images, all of which need the same treatment in that the saturation needs lifting a little.
if i set up an action to do this with one of them, is it possible to do a batch type process with the rest with one click to do all, rather than opening up each one individually? if so, could someone please point me in the right direction of how to do it?
I almost succeeded in doing this with Photoshop Actions, but can't figure out how to make the file names include the original image file name. In other words, file NewApp.psd should export to NewApp_29x29.png, not MyAppIcon_29x29.png.
Is it possible with CS4 to be able to right click on an image to initiate a particular action? Just trying to make the process faster rather than File ->Batch-> Run?
I have created a psd file with 5 layers. each layer contains a plain un filled box of various sizes. I have created some actions to toggle the visibility of the layers. The layers represent TV format shapes (16:9 4:3 title safe etc). I want to be able to double click on a jpeg and for it to open in photoshop (ok I know how to do that in windows) as the background layer with the other layers I have already created and saved to a psd file on top. Is this possible?
Also. If I have the image with the layers open can I drag an image into it that becomes the background layer?
By double click I want to open a *.TIF image by Photoshop CS2 (for certain reasons). I know how to assign an execution program to a file type in Windows XP. Whatever I do – pointing to the CS2 version – the operating system reverts always to the CS6 version. The same problem for In Design and Illustrator.
i get a 1 pixel size image when I double click the zoom for 100%.Fit screen or full screen is wacky too, not fitting or filling and sometimes going way beyond.
Since installing CS6 about a month ago, when I double-click on an image and PS is closed, PS will launch but the image doesn't open. If PS is already open, double-clicking works properly. This was an upgrade install and I'm running Mac OS 10.6.8.
I have Windows XP/Pro with SP3. In File Options > File Types I have JPG set to open up in Photoshop CS4; alas, when JPG files are either in Outlook as attachments or on the desktop, nothing happens when I double click them. My workaround is to drag the file icon into CS4, and this only works from the desktop, not from Outlook.
I've had to reinstall CS5 after a new Windows installation. Never had a problem with it before, but now I have the issue where if I click on a tool that has sub-tools, it now expands to show them. Before, to access them, I had to click and hold for them to appear. Now with them expanding on the first click, it's interrupting my work flow.
Additional issues have arisen while I'm here, such as, when doing web work, I'll change the rectangular marquee to single pixel horizontal (e.g.), make the selection, do what I want with it, then press M to adjust another single pixel line, but it'll return to the full rectangular marquee, like it resets.
I'm running a test at the moment with Open GL disabled, to test drivers or display issues, but it's doing the same thing.
Just reinstalled Photoshop CS5 after needing to reinstall Windows 7. Now instead of being to just grab the tool I want, it produces the flyout each time and I have to re-choose what I want to use. This is rather annoying and time consuming, if I am using the same tool.
Can it be coming from Windows or just Photoshop. I did try resetting the preferences and nothing changed.
I use cs2 and when in photoshop when i left click on any of the tools for instance the pen tool it brings up the menu to select pen tool, freeform pen tool, etc.. rather than just selecting it. I am use to having to right click on the the pen tool to get that menu, i was wondering how i would change it back. Same thing happens when i left click on all the tools on the tools menu, just used the pen tool as an example.
If I'm editing an image and I click the toolbox (or, say, the docked layers dialogue), if I hover my cursor back over the image and press and hold spacebar so I can scroll around the image, currently I have to click within the image window before it registers my keystroke.
The more intuitive behavior and what I want to be able to do is just hover my mouse cursor over a window and and keystrokes or scrolling I perform happen within that window. This currently happens if I scroll using my mouse scroll wheel, but not with keystrokes.
I'm using single window mode in Gimp 2.8, though I've also experienced this issue in non-single window mode when using Gimp 2.6.
I'm using Lightroom 5.0 on Windows 7 64 bits and noticed two new bugs or problems that didn't occur before, on the import dialog: when it opens should go to the last used import preset, like in the previous versions of Lightroom. Instead it goes to none. Also the images are not visible: I allways have to hover my mouse over the thumbnails or even I'll have to click on a thumbnail to make the image (preview) appear..
I recently upgraded to PS-CS4 from CS3 and notice that I can only view one image on my screen. Is there a way to view more than one image on the screen at the same time? I cannot seem to find a way to change this feature.
I have an image of a room, and I want to add the ability to click different parts to zoom in (by scaling up background image) and have the relevant information appear. I don't know if the best way is to have all the "camera zooms" and information on one timeline (have to manually animate everything dissapearing, fiddly), or to separate them into symbols and call them up?
I believe that somewhere on +$(this).data('largeimage')+") is the mistake. But I can't find it.Moreover, how, the thumbnails, can be displayed as a table of 4x5?
I have two menus that I use often and I would like to add them to my mouse buttons. Attached is a picture of the two menus I like and the two buttons. The Shift + Click has the correct menu already (Osnap menu2) my problem is adding my custom menu to the CTRL + Click doesn't work. I labeled Osnap Menu 1 and 2, 1 being the custom menu I have use in the past and 2 being the default osnap menu that comes with the cui file. How to get the second button to read my menu rather than both read the same osnap 2 menu?
I have Photoshop CS2 and Macromedia Fireworks 8 but am more comfortable with Fireworks, so I'd prefer to do this in that program. What I want to do is make part of an image a hotspot and set it so when the user rolls over that hotspot, another little image pops up in it's place, possibly with a link. Is this possible with either programs?
When I try this, PSE 11 opens but the image doesn't show up. When I go back to Aperture, I find a .psd version of the file I attempted to edit in PSE11.
Since we updated to CC, I have a very good chance of this not working evey time I try it. Maybe 10% of the time, it will select the word/line as it should. My prefs are identical for this feature as they have for the past several version of InDesign. My partner also has trouble with copy/paste in InDesign and Illustrator as well.