I'm trying to figure out what file type/setting I should start saving my files as for printing. I want to have files that will give the highest quality when printing, but not take up any more space on my hard drive than necessary (I want to archive and be able to share the non psd files). What would you guys recommend? Are you losing anything by saving files as jpg? What about the difference between quality level “10” and “12” for jpg (since the file size doubles)?
When I save for the web, select my file type ( png,wbmp,jpeg) it displays the file type as a Gif in the lower left even though the file saves in the correct format. This is the version from the cloud download. Every file type displays this way?
I want to use for an application's icon, and I was hoping that I could create the icon in PhotoShop Elements 6.I do not see any way to do this, however. That file-type option is not available in either "Save As" or "Export."
I did a Google search and saw where I would need to download a plug-in.
OK - so i've done a little bit of an edit to a photo and just wanted to save it to a jpeg so i could use it in other stuff. I was just wondering where this function is?
I've attached an image of the options that are available to me when i select save as.
how to set the default save file type to 100% JPG every time starting at a named folder. What I am looking for is to hit save and it to have pre selected a particular folder / to have remembered the last folder I saved in, and without need to interact with dialog boxes have it save in my chosen format at the quality I want. (i will never need to re-edit).
How to I simplify the list of file types in the Save-As file type list? I use less than six file types. I have no need for most of these. It would be nice to have my top 5 and then the ability to go off-menu if needed for others.
I'm running Windows 7 64-bit.. There is no error message, it just says Corel VideoStudio X3 has stopped working... The video is only 48 seconds long (A test video) 1280x720 and was recorded at 30fps.
I have an NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 Video Card and a 3.4GHz processor and 6GB of RAM
I realise there are pros and cons to this question and the temptation is to opt for the highest quality, but the file sizes are huge. So, my camera files will be mainly 1080 files at 30fps, what will be the best file type/size to save files for future use. I don't really mind the rendering time and space isn't a huge problem, but the variety of file types is bewildering. Most clips will find their way to DVD but I don't want to reduce resolution as they might be used at a later date for Blu-Ray.
When saving my created pictures i mostly choose JPEG save format, but the default type is PNG, Is there some setting to set the default to JPEG instead of PNG to avoid clicking on the choosing the desired file type under dropdown "Save as type" each time?
I’ve been using PAINT.NET, for a long time now.Today, I’ve created an account in the Forum, because I would like to ask, if possible and desirable for the Developers and the program Users, the following:
- make the default Tool - Rectangle Select;
- make the default save file type - JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.jfif);
- allow the users to change the default workspace background color (now, Hex: #C9D3E2);
I have read the Rules and the FAQ.To finish I just would like to congratulate all of you, that have given us this fantastic piece of software (and for free)! I believe it’s the best freeware software available, counting all types for software/utilities/add-ons, etc.
I was wondering if the is a way to go from a Inventor file type to a Solidworks file type. One of our customers is asking for one or the other following file types: .asm or .prt. Â Â
They also mentioned something about "shrink wrapping" the file to all the surfaces.
When I open, edit, and save a .jpg file in Photoshop, I sometimes get the message box asking what quality (1 - 12), etc. I want, and sometimes I don't. If I'm running a batch process, it sometimes stops and presents me that option, and sometimes not. What makes the difference?
After using the type tool on my photograph I am unable to save it in a folder on my desk top. It is saved with the PSE blue logo and I am unable to see the photo with the type tool with my name on the photograph. All I see is the blue PSE logo in the folder.
I've been working on a certificate and i saved it without looking at the file type. For some reason it set the file type to (.5). What is that? Is there any way I can open it again in CS5? Is there a file converter I could use. I just need to basically open the file agian in CS5 so I can continue to edit the certificate. I have tried opening the file with CS5 and CS6 and I get this message: Â "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document."
When I open an image from my NAS, edit the image, and then attempt to save it as the default jpg type I get the following error message: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."
This error doesnt happen with any other image filetype. It doesnt happen with local hard drives. It doesnt happen with unedited images. It just appears to happen with edited images, the default jpg filetype, and my NAS.
When I actually type in ".jpg" at the end of the filename it works.
Its an annoyance i would like solved because I do this a lot.
URL....I am using PSE 12 as a photo editor for Aperture 3.5.1 and the photo is duplicated (as a tiff) in Aperture and PSE editor opens with the image. When I close the file and say to save the file it brings up the save as window.  I tell PSE 12 to "on first save -- save over current file" it now brings up the "save as" window and won't save over the file (changes the file type from .tiff to .tif)
I have Photoshop CS6 and Elements Premiere 11 and both were showing estimated file sizes properly up until a couple of weeks ago, and both stopped at the same time. Using Image, Mode I have verified on both that the images I am trying to save are 8 bit and not 16 bit images. I am on Window 7, 64bit.
From the start, I wasn't able to save to jpeg without getting a dcm extension (no jpg extension). However, if I saved to Multi-picture Format, I would get the familiar .jpg and everything worked fine for a while. This morning I cannot find a file format in "save as" that results in the .jpg file extension.
Paint.net seems to default (at least for me) to saving pictures as PNGs. I would like to change the default save type to JPG - how do I do this? And how do I change other defaults like scan types, etc?
[CS6 Extended]I want to click with the mouse on a symbol (normally it should be I disk symbol I think) to save mychanges instead of use of File->Save or Ctrl+S. Â But the problem: I can't find a disk/save symbol in Photoshop andalso don't know how can I get it.On "Window" menu I can't get a word "Save" to checkmark it.How can I get a "Save" symbol in Photoshop CS6 Extended?
I would like to ensure that all my SVG files are UTF-8 when saved, but they sometimes come out as ISO 5589-1 (the defualt encoding)Â Is there a way to set & lock this somewhere, somehow?
I designed artwork for a large banner (84" x 32") so my AI artboard is that large. As you can imagine, with all the text and graphics I used, this file size is 22.8 MB. I need to email this art to the printer, but the file size is too large to email. How do i go about reducing the file size in AI so it still maintains large format print resolution? Will saving to a PDF lose the print quality?
I have a number of PSD files I've created and I'm trying to save them as PDFs. I can Save for Web and Devices, I can save as a .gif, .eps., and every other format I've tested, but I cannot save as a PDF. I get the error:  "Could not save a copy as (filename) because the file is already in use or was left open by another application."  I'm running Adobe Master Collection CS5 with Photoshop CS 5.5 (12.0.4 x64) on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I have a 928 GB HD with 697 GB free.  I have rebooted and tried saving the files immediately after I reboot. I have killed my virus scanner. I have killed a number of other possible culprits including Acrotray.exe and CS5ServiceManager.ext  I have run Process Explorer as recommended by Microsoft and found no applications using the file. I've also tried saving the file to my external hard drive and/or renaming the file with only rare luck.  The boards seem to suggest Adobe isn't taking responsibility for this and pointing it back to the OS or other software. How/where to kill whatever process it is - but at this point, all my indicators point back to Photoshop.
No matter what I do, or where I've checked, I can't get text to show up on my either jpg or psd version of an image. The text box isn't too small (checked that), text is black on white background (check), even changed fonts to test that. I'm working on a PC, Windows 7, CC and/or PSCS6 -- tried them both.
I've just now installed Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 4. File types PSD and TIFF work fine, but I'm completely unable to associate JPG, JPEG or any other variant with the Photoshop program such that I can double-click on the photo file and open Photoshop and the photo. I can associate JPG with either Bridge or Lightroom, or several other programs, but when I browse to Photoshop and select Photoshop.exe nothing happens, not even an error message. Â Operating system is Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 32-bit. There is 4GB of memory in the machine, which is a Dell Vostro 1720 laptop.
I scanned some images using Phtoshop CS2 and saved them in Photoshope as jpgs. But apparently photoshop interpretted the end of the file name that I typed as a file extension - so a file that was called Portrait-06.22.1999 - was saved as a "1999" file as opposed to a jpg file. I can view these images in Windows Photo Viewer or Windows Live Photo gallery but they won't open in Photoshop. How do I change the file type so photoshop will recognize them? I tried just to add a JPG extension to the name of the file but that did not work. Also those photos that had this problem but were listed under "open recent" - I was able to get back in and save again as jpg and now they are fine.