Photoshop :: Vista Aero Basic = Cursor Lag

Oct 28, 2008

My studio makes video games so we often work in 3ds Max 7 & photoshop simultaneously. 3ds Max doesn't work very well with Vista Aero enabled, so those of us with Vista run the Aero Basic scheme.

Photoshop CS3 & CS4 actually run way SLOWER in Aero Basic. You'll see this while zoomed in using the airbush. Even the cursor jumps across the screen without any tool being in use. If i change my cursor to 'standard' or 'precise' in the preferences the lag will go away.

There must be many others that have noticed this problem. Has it not been fixed because its not possible? No one figured out what causes it? Many users that want maximum performance out of their workstations will disable aero. I'm sure this is embarrassing for adobe because it effects very high end machines.

Running in full Aero Mode is VERY smooth but I cannot use that because i need Max running too.

I'm running on a Nvidia 9800GTX. Same problems on other earlier Nvidia cards too. No ATIs here.

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Photoshop :: Vista 64 Bit And 32 Bit. And CS4 Basic

Dec 3, 2008

I have both 64 and 32 bit Vista UL. would I see a advantage installing the
64 bit windows?

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Photoshop :: Ps4 Lag Fixed By Turning Aero Off

Jan 2, 2009

Just installed CS4 Master Suite and immediately experienced the kind of lag that is being described on this forum, and elsewhere.

Specs: EVGA 680i/E8400, 4Gb, ATI 4870 1Gb (8.12 driver - latest), Vista Ultimate 64-bit, OS/PS running off Velociraptor with 2nd Raptor for scratch file.

Turning OpenGL support in Preferences>Performance did nothing to solve the problem. This is even with Cache levels set to 8.

However, what did alleviate the issue was turning Aero *OFF* and reverting back to Windows Classic Theme.

- Right click on desktop

> personalize

> theme

> select "Windows Classic"

Changing themes from Vista->Classic *while* PS CS4 is open alleviates all lag.

Admittedly, I can't believe that Vista's Aero gets in the way *that* much - perhaps someone has found a way to tweak Aero settings.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - OpenGL Doesn't Work If Disable Windows Aero?

Oct 30, 2012

why doesn't photoshop cs6 opengl work or work worse if i disable widnows 7 aero?

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GIMP :: Flashing Cursor / No Movement Of Cursor

Dec 14, 2012

My cursor appears and disappears while in GIMP as I move the cursor over the canvas. I can make the cursor appear but only if there is no movement of the cursor. It makes no difference which tool I select, the size of the canvas, or the level of zoom.

Please note that this only occurs in Gimp, and none of my other applications. It started when I upgraded from openSUSE 12.1 to 12.2. I'm assuming that it has something to do with my input device configuration, but I could be totally wrong.

I have a total of 3 input devices - Core Pointer, Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse, and Virtual Core XTEST Pointer. Both the Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer are DISABLED. Core Pointer is the only one enabled. Enabling Optical Mouse and XTEST Pointer give me other problems in Gimp and need to remain disabled.

For the Core Pointer, Mode is set to SCREEN, a message says that 'The axis X has no curve', and the following Axis Settings:
X 1
Y 2
Pressure none
xtilt none
ytilt none
wheel none

In Gimp Preferences->Input Controllers, there are three active controllers - Mouse Buttons, Main Mouse Wheel, and Main Keyboard.

OS: Linux 3.4.11-2.16-desktop i686
System: openSUSE 12.2 (i586)
KDE: 4.8.5 (4.8.5) "release 2"

Display Info:
Vendor: Intel Corporation
Model: G33
2D driver: intel
3D driver: Unknown Gallium (9.0.1)

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Convert CUR Cursor To Mac Cursor

Feb 27, 2014

In Xcode, we have to define cursor as:
resource 'CURS' (16001) {
    $"00 00 00 00"
    $"18 00 3C 00"
    $"1E 00 0F 00"
    $"07 80 03 C8"
    $"01 E8 00 FC"

In Windows we use .cur file, simpler.
I want to convert .cur file to the mac format above, how?

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Photoshop :: Basic Layer

Feb 19, 2009

I open an image/ Background layer. I duplicate that layer, and apply a Levels adjustment that I'm happy with.

I decide to do an "effect" layer such as sharpening, etc., but I want to be able to control the effect of the "Sharpening" Layer with the Opacity Slider, without effecting the Levels Layer below.

If I Duplicate the Levels Layer, or select Layer New-"Layer Via Copy" for the Sharpening Layer, moving the Opacity Slider, on the Sharpening Layer, will also effect the degree of Levels adjustment on the Levels Layer, as it's a Duplicate of that layer.

"New Layer", or "New Layer From Background" doesn't seem to work either?

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Photoshop :: Basic Editing

Jan 14, 2009

i am just wondering what basic edits everyone does to their photographs before they hand them over to their clients? Mostly i try to get my photos the way i want them in camera, but always try to play around with contrast and brigtness and sharpness and ive just started to mess with curves....what does everyone else do? Or does it mainly just depend on the photo?

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Photoshop :: Basic Questions

Mar 2, 2007

I have both ImageReady and Photoshop but have never got the chance to actually tinker with any of them. Now, however, after seeing how much the programs can do, I really want to go serious with the programs. So I have a bunch of questions:

1. Photoshop, is it a generally easy program to learn?

2. Do you need to buy a book/tutorial or any of that stuff to really handle Photoshop or can you just tinker with the program and in a few months be able to handle it like a pro?

3. How do you add a border to an image using Photoshop?

4. How do you add letter or even a sentence in an image using photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Basic Brush

Aug 23, 2004

The way that I cg is very simple, new layer+lasso tool for filling in areas+simple brush tool to fill in all areas missed. Only the last few times I've tried to fill in any missed area's my color is coming out darker everytime I go over it as if coloring with a marker.

Before it stayed one color and i was able to fill in area's quickly and with the exact color that i've chosen. I'm not sure as to how to get it back the way it was and I have no idea what I have done to change it. Anyone that can help I would greatly appreciate it.

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Photoshop :: Basic Fill

Nov 10, 2008

filling an area with a pattern.

I have a simple image that is a black and white cut-out of an object. I have been trying to find a way to fill the white area with a piece of an image I have of an animal-print.

What is the easiest way to fill that area with the pattern?

Maybe make it so that the black and white cut-out actually performs like a cut out and you could just put the layer of the pattern underneath the cut-out?

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Photoshop :: Basic Color

Feb 13, 2006

I am making an image which will act as a border for a website. So i am using a color to blend to two together.

Which i thought would be easy seen as i had the HEX code for the color i was using. I have set the background of my page to the color (#CCFF99), and i have tried to fill in my image with the same color, but when they are both on the page, they look like a completly different shade.

Am i doing something wrong, or am i asking too much that i want the same shade on both an image and a page. I thought that was one of the plus points to HEX codes, so that i could have the same shade over and over!

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Photoshop :: Basic Question

Nov 25, 2004

I am rather primitive in both my PS usage, and my gif-making skills. I make animated gifs by stringing together a series of images. I have found that the final result looks better if I resize the individual "frames" beforehand, rather than just adjusting the final gif as a whole. there any way I can save tons of time by loading a series of images into PS, and making an "all-encompassing" command? Meaning...can I tell PS to resize all ten images to the same proportion automatically, rather than doing it one at a time? Or, even better...can I re-size AND convert the images to "gif format," with a few deft strokes of the keyboard?

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Photoshop :: My New Backround * BASIC *

Aug 6, 2009

i've created a backround. I know it's very basic stuff. Just wanted some feedback on what you thought of it.

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Photoshop :: BASIC TASK

Apr 13, 2004

Well how can I work with photoshop, when after I save TOP LEFT it locks the image and I can't rotate it to make the other corners?

Everything is locked and I'm quicky getting frustrated here and wondering why I paid money for something that won't work they way I need it to.

I mean using Namo web editor wasn't this hard, it was easy right out of the box, and every button worked how it was suppose to and did not lock the image or lock up at all.

It's gotten so that I have to shut down photoshop and restart just to do anything or create another layer to unlock an image. Then, none of the buttons won't work after the 1st working, I click on elliptical and it does nothing, but display a double headed arrow.

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Photoshop :: Basic Color

Oct 29, 2006

I'd like to create a picture with colors that are "dirty" and not highly saturated. How do I get these kinds of colors?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Restoring Basic Brushes

Apr 22, 2012

restoring my brushes, in taht I have been adding brushes to my brush palette. I've added and deleeted brushes.  I want to essentially start all over with the Photoshop CS5 basic brushes.  I have clear out all of my brushes and tried to restore them, however, I noticed that the star brushes are not there.  I can't seem to find them. 
through a process that will 1) let me clear out all of my brushes ... and ... 2) restore CS5 basic brushes (which includes the start brushes)

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Photoshop :: Basic Color Profiles

Oct 11, 2012

I've tried saving images with sRGB color profile, Adobe RGB, and even NO color profile.
While each test has yielded various saturation levels (sRGB seems more saturated than Adobe RGB), the one single constant in all of them is that IE displays more (too?) colorful images than FF.
I understand that IE doesn't color manage while FF does, but that hardly explains the results I'm getting. If I don't color manage a document, shouldn't it display the same way in IE and FF? And how to explain that the sRGB profile documents are more saturated in IE than the Adobe RGB ones, if IE cannot read color profiles? And why does FF display *both* sRGB and Adobe RGB as less saturated than these same images in IE?

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Photoshop :: Basic Image Extraction

Feb 23, 2009

how to crop a section of an image and paste it into another picture. Im pretty lamen when it comes to PS so the easier the better. What i am trying to acheive and learn, is to outline the shape of an item in a picture and copy that shape to the clipboard, to paste onto another picture. EG in the pic below id like to separate the BARN and GRAIN SILO form the background, so that i can paste it into another pic.

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Photoshop :: Pen Tool -Basic Line

Feb 25, 2008

which is to make a simple line with the pen tool and have it fill in. When I make three points it connects the first and last to form a triangle, but I'm not trying to make a triangle, I want to make an "L" shape. How can I make it fill just two (or three) points to make a straight line?

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Photoshop :: Some Basic Tips For Texturing...

Jun 23, 2003

Pretty much my main downfall when it comes to working with Photoshop, is my lack-of-expierence with texturing.

For example, I'm trying to figure out how to make a gray-ish type metal texture.

Basically, are their any *general* tips to get me going, on texturing? Using the metal example?

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Photoshop :: Another CS4 And Vista X64 GPU SLi...

Jan 9, 2009

I am running Vista x64 Ultimate on a QX6850 system with 8GB of RAM. I also have 2x XFX8800GT graphics cards running in SLi with the latest Nvidia drivers (181.20). Dxdiag testing provides no errors.

The GPU support features in CS4 x64 (and x32) is greyed out with the text wording of no support in Photoshop standard. Based on some of the threads posted here, I tried enabling or disabling some settings in the Nvidia control panel, but the only one that seem to enable the GPU support is to deactivate SLi completely (which sort of defeats the purpose in 3D graphics).

Does CS4 support an SLi setup? If not, will there be any difference in performance with SLi disabled and using the CS4 GPU support vs the other way around?

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Photoshop :: Vista SP1

Feb 21, 2008

Service Pack 1 for Vista is available. I just installed it. Other than it reset the native resolution on my main monitor, it went without a hitch.

Recently, it seems, that Vista has been lamb-basted (what does that actually mean) as a nasty OS. It is not, I have been using Vista Ultimate 32/64 without incident. SP1 is no larger than SP1 for XP (in ratio to installation size).

Any one who says that you should choose XP over Vista for a new computer installation is nuts.

Vista is a fine OS, having used it for the last 10 months I can confirm that is rock stable. I now use the 64 bit version exclusively, it has matured very quickly and is a great way to run a system.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Vista 64

Jan 5, 2009

Under Vista Ultimate I cannot get Photoshop CS3 Extended to run, it will open up and then just sit......Adobe Bridge CS3 2.0.0975 opens and works just fine. So does Lightroom 1.41.

I even tried opening PS from these programs, but just the same.

I then installed Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 and that works perfect too.

I have tried removing and reinstalling, repaired and updated but it makes no difference. It will install and also do the repair just fine.
Changing the compatible mode and appearance to Windows Classic (from Aero) makes no difference. I am the only user and administrator.

Has anyone with basically this type of system been able to get Photoshop CS3 Extended (after having these problems) up and running?

PC information:
AMD Phenom 9950 Quad-Core Processor 1.61 GHz
8.00 GB Memory
64-bit Operating System
Western Digital VelociRaptor WD3000GLFS 300GB 10000 RPM 16MB Cache SATA
3.0Gb/s Hard Drive
Vista Ultimate Version 6.0 (Build 6001:ServicePack 1)

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Photoshop :: CS3 And Vista?

Jun 1, 2008

A few days ago I bought a new PC with Vista (MEDION® AKOYA® P36830

Authentieke Windows® Vista® Home Premium, AMD Phenom X4 9500 Quad Core (2,2 GHz),

NVIDIA® GeForce 9600GT, 4 GB DDR2 RAM, 500 GB Hard Disk).

Since I will use this PC for my graphical work I tried to install a trial version of Photoshop CS3.

But... I can't even install the program on the PC !

The setup starts but nothing happens anymore.

In the Task Manager I can see that the process is running but that is all.

I've tried to change the priority of the process to higher and lower with it wont install.

what more can I do to get PS CS3 working before I buy the complete package ?

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Photoshop :: With Vista 64

Feb 2, 2008

I've installed Vista 64 Business on a AMD AM2+ platform with a Athlon Dual Core CPU (BE 5000). When installing CS3 Photoshop everything seems to be fine, no error messages during the install.

I try to start won't open. The Photoshop gray screen comes up with the menu at top, but then it just sits there. Once I got the window with the serial number input, but after entering the number it stopped as well. The only way to close Photoshop is with the Task Manager.

I've tried different installations: Photoshop on a new Vista installation without having any other programs installed (no FW or AV), on a installation with different other applications running and so on. Everytime I get the same result: gray screen and stop!

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Photoshop :: CS4 Vista

Mar 23, 2009

I have been using this combination successfully for over a month when it changed. I tried to open CS4 normally and got the error message "Could not open a scratch file because the file is locked. Use the Properties command in the Windows explorer to unlock the file". This error message is then followed by : "could not initialize Photoshop because the file is locked. Use the Properties command in the Windows explorer to unlock the file".

So I can't open Photoshop -

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Photoshop :: Most Basic Filters Grayed Out In CS5 After New Install

Apr 26, 2012

Just downloaded PS CS5 on my new 64 bit computer. A lot of my basic filters are grayed out and I don't have access to them. Filters such as distort, brushes,artistic to name a few. I did download the 32 bit & 64 bit version.

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Photoshop :: Where To Find Basic Slideshow Program

Aug 20, 2012

Any basic program that would allow me to view folders of photos on my iMac? There used to be a slideshow program you could download for free that offered the simple service of allowing you to click on any given folder and look at each image in a slideshow. There's iPhotos but I don't want to have to pop open iPhoto and add any new pics in those folders as well as add them to photos on my harddrive. I just want to keep my photos in their specific folders on my harddrive and be able to boot up a slideshow program to view them whenever folder I want to.

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Photoshop :: Basic Text Tool Question

Aug 17, 2004

why when I insert text into photoshop doc it has an underline by default.

I click on the horizontal type tool and start to type some text and it has a period to start and then each letter has an underline and the text is not sharp.

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Photoshop :: Crash On Vista

May 13, 2008

I am using PhotoShop CS3 Extended along with MS Vista. for some reason when I open more then one image or file at a time, I recieve a message saying Photoshop has stopped working and then it closes out of Photoshop.

I did not have this issue when I used CS3 on XP.

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