Photoshop :: CS6 - OpenGL Doesn't Work If Disable Windows Aero?
Oct 30, 2012why doesn't photoshop cs6 opengl work or work worse if i disable widnows 7 aero?
View 6 Replieswhy doesn't photoshop cs6 opengl work or work worse if i disable widnows 7 aero?
View 6 RepliesI installed yesterday the trial version of the CS6 Master Edition on two computers and the photoshop doesn't work on none of them. Both computer is running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bits.The message appearing is like that:
"Could not open a scratch file as the file is locked, it is not necessary to have access permissions or another program using the file. Use the command "Properties" in Windows Explorer to unlock the file" (translated from portuguese, not well writter even in portuguese...) other issue identified, the uninstal of CS6 Master Edition blocks the alteration on the Photoshop.
The photo sharing feature in PSE 10 does not work in Windows 7. Nor can an image be attached to an email, PSE 10 appears to be seriously flawed and not fit for purpose.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFollowing a hardware change, photoshop automatically re-enabled a feature I had deactivated, the OpenGL acceleration.
I gave up on it 18 months ago because of one thing that incredibly irritated me, the crazy "inertia" when we moved elements.
Let's say you have an open document. The image is too large for your photoshop window, you only see a part of it.
So, you keep the Space key held, and you drag and drop with your left mouse click.
Without openGL acceleration : the moving ends as soon as you release your mouse.
With openGL acceleration : the moving gradually slows down until it comes to an end, meaning you have zero control over your work window.
And, well, that's enough of a bother for me to give up on OpenGL acceleration.
Any way to get rid of this feature ? I searched everywhere I could, I think I tried every one of photoshop's options, but to no avail.
I converted my operating system from Windows XP to Windows 7 and I cannot get my Epson Perfection 4870 photo scanner to work with it. I downloaded the driver and it took, but my scanner does not appear in Elements 11 as an import. I used Elements 3 and 7 before and these worked fine with the scanner.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAccording to URL....I should be able to sample a color from the desktop. This doesn't work when I try to capture a color from a web page displayed in IE 10 (desktop mode).
It does work with Chrome, and I suspect other browsers as well (haven't the time to try them all).
after having installed Autocad 2006 LT on windows 7 64 bit, i cna't execute it because it gets the error "unhandled access violation reading 0x0000 - Exception at 621b40h".
Tried every option in Windows program execution compatibility option but no success. Obiouvsly user is administrator.
get this software running on windows 7 64 bit?
Why my Block command does not work anymore?
I type in the command ( I'm an old school typer, hate the buttons ) BLOCK....then the next thing that happens is (after hitting enter of course), my crosshairs instantly turn into the Windows arrow.
I wasn't playing with any switches. I was just trying to make a little block with a number in it.
Yes, I restarted AutoCAD, restarted the computer, did not reload in AutoCAD.....AutoCAD 2011 by the way.
I run Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
I have to do a WBLOCK to make the blocks I need to bypass this odd behavior.
I recently got a new computer and loaded my Photoshop CS4 on to it and the features of Open GL such as holding down the z key and using the scroll on the mouse to zoom in and out and also the left and right bracket key inceasing or decreasing the size of the brush do not work. The new computer is using Windows 7 64 bit and has an AMD quad core with 8 Gb RAM. I checked to make sure that Open GL is selected in the Edit>Preference>Performance where it also tells me that the graphics card does support accelerated graphics for Open GL.Â
View 6 Replies View RelatedUsing on this test system:
Photoshop CS4 ExtendedATi FireGL V3400Windows 7 x64 RC Build 72294GB RAM My graphics card meets the required specification for OpenGL in Photoshop CS4, but it is not enabled (greyed out). Has anybody else had problems with CS4 OpenGL in Windows 7 x64? As a Microsoft Action Pack subscriber, I will actually be required to fully upgrade to Windows 7, a month after receiving it in mid-September. If this is a problem due to CS4 not being fully compatible with Win7
I am experiencing suddenly an odd behavior with Photoshop CS5.Everytime I open a new window in photoshop the window goes outside my screen.I have to go each time to the system preferences on my mac and switch for a second to another screen resolution to bring back the window to my screen.I have found out that when I disable OpenGL in Photoshop the problem goes away. But still, I want to use OpenGL.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am not a fan of the application frame. I disabled it because I want my files in separate windows the Mac way. But when I open a second file, it appears as a tab in the first window. I hate these tabs. I want my files to open in a separate window, the same way I have always worked. Can Photoshop CS6 be made to behave like previous Mac versions?
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust installed CS4 Master Suite and immediately experienced the kind of lag that is being described on this forum, and elsewhere.
Specs: EVGA 680i/E8400, 4Gb, ATI 4870 1Gb (8.12 driver - latest), Vista Ultimate 64-bit, OS/PS running off Velociraptor with 2nd Raptor for scratch file.
Turning OpenGL support in Preferences>Performance did nothing to solve the problem. This is even with Cache levels set to 8.
However, what did alleviate the issue was turning Aero *OFF* and reverting back to Windows Classic Theme.
- Right click on desktop
> personalize
> theme
> select "Windows Classic"
Changing themes from Vista->Classic *while* PS CS4 is open alleviates all lag.
Admittedly, I can't believe that Vista's Aero gets in the way *that* much - perhaps someone has found a way to tweak Aero settings.
My studio makes video games so we often work in 3ds Max 7 & photoshop simultaneously. 3ds Max doesn't work very well with Vista Aero enabled, so those of us with Vista run the Aero Basic scheme.
Photoshop CS3 & CS4 actually run way SLOWER in Aero Basic. You'll see this while zoomed in using the airbush. Even the cursor jumps across the screen without any tool being in use. If i change my cursor to 'standard' or 'precise' in the preferences the lag will go away.
There must be many others that have noticed this problem. Has it not been fixed because its not possible? No one figured out what causes it? Many users that want maximum performance out of their workstations will disable aero. I'm sure this is embarrassing for adobe because it effects very high end machines.
Running in full Aero Mode is VERY smooth but I cannot use that because i need Max running too.
I'm running on a Nvidia 9800GTX. Same problems on other earlier Nvidia cards too. No ATIs here.
The PS I downloaded from CC doesn't work -- no illumination and some other functions -- I deactivated and re-uploaded -functions and then crashed agian -- computer is new and shouldn't be the problem.
View 6 Replies View RelatedFirstly - when I create a document at 48x48 at 72ppi, it comes out as you would expect, 48x48 on a screen. However if I enter 48x48 and try to enter 326ppi, it doesn't adjust the canvas size at all.
Also when I have my 48x48 72ppi document open and go to image > image size, and adjust only the ppi to does nothing! What should be happening is the canvas become 72:326 ratio larger to reflect the new ppi, or in other words, make the canvas size larger in proportion to this so when you take your new 326ppi image to the iphone it is retina at 48x48...however this is clearly not happening.
In Photoshop CS2, I select Help > How to fix and enhance photos > to touch up spots, scratches, and wrinkles. Instead of help on that, Adobe Help Center 2.1 shows up with nothing in it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to install Photoshop on my computer, but I keep getting an error at the beginning of setup that says it cannot continue.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an old version of the creative suite that is all right for what I do (information for a charitable organisation for medical research) installed in 2008. For quite a while now every once in a while when I start up I get a screen asking me to register. But since I already am registered Adobe just said to click on later and go on working. But this morning the screen is empty so I can't click anywhere. I've tried restarting and even turning off the computer and trying to restart my day.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have photoshop extended CS6 since yesterday and today when i was going to save an animation, go to file- save for web, this appears "the operation could not be completed".
View 3 Replies View Relateda few days ago Photoshop disabled my 3D features with the new Macbook Pro has 4G of DDR3 RAM...what am I missing here?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOpenCL doesn't seem to work for me. I have it checked in prefs, have the latest drivers, and a GeForce GTX 660M. Yet when I run an iris blur filter, it's extremely slow, and only uses 1 CPU. Under System Info, it lists the video card and OpenCL 1.1.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI've just upgraded to Photoshop CS6, and did the update to v13.04. Get a message with Save for Web: "The operation could not be completed. A write permissions error has occurred." There is a bug fix for v12 for exactly this, but CS5.5 (not sure which version of 12 it was) worked fine on this machine. On a Macbook 17 inch running OSX 10.7.5 with 8gig Ram and 2.5 Ghz I7.Â
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I tried to add text it doesn't really work. For example: Let's say I type in "Whats your name?" It won't show I typed unless I go click on a different tab and then go back to it. And the question mark will be in the front instead of in the back. And if I try to erase it, it won't erase.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a copy of CS6 Extended and upon installation it is only the regular version of CS6. I do not know how to install the extended features,
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a Geforce 8600M GT in my Macbookpro 10.6.8 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Core with 4GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM. I tried using it for 3D in PS6 but it doesn't seem to be 'enabled' and OpenGl unavailable. In the preferences in PS it states that graphics hardware unavailable and that I should upgrade my driver or card but on the adobe specifications for PS6 my card seems to comply and I can't find anything to update.
View 11 Replies View Related how to overcome the horribly sluggish load time for photoshop CC?That is, when the app loads, it takes at least a minute before I can load a file, most of the time 2-3 minutes.I am running a quad processor 2.4GHz computer/8G ram that's less than 6 months old. Seriously adobe... This is ridiculous.
It seems like all your content works similarly too. the "Creative Cloud" app is something of a joke. Takes 2 minutes to load, andother minute or 3 to show info, and when an app needs an update, well, jsut look out. You're in for a long wait while adobe chugs along at 1980s connection speeds. (I am on a 24 down 7 up connection, there's no excuse)
Suddenly the Alt key doesn't work with Clone and other Tools. When it's pressed, it shows a double arrow (black/white)cursor and a selection is not defined ...
View 10 Replies View RelatedI was working on a new file yesterday , and when I tried to switch to imageready it took too much time to do , but couldn't do So I saved the .psd file and then tried to directly open it in imageready cs2 then it said :
This file can't be directly edited in image ready ,switch to photoshop ?" and there was a button of switch !
So I thought maybe it's the file problem , So I opened a new document and tried to switch to imageready but the same problem ?
II am not able to start trial period of PS CS3, freshly downloaded and installed on clean Vista x64. It used to work but I reinstalled OS after SP1 and no success since. After clicking on 'I want to try for 30 days' I'm getting 'A problem was encountered while trying to load the trial period for Adobe Photoshop CS3'.
View 16 Replies View RelatedI am trying to run it from Bridge or from Photoshop. Photoshop stitches the images but when the process is done the document closes, resulting in no image.
Purging the selection / folder cache in Bridge prior to merging doesn't help.
Resetting the PS preferences solves the problem but only temporarily. The issue appears again when you try to make up another panorama.
I tried it on 4 RAW shots. Then on another set of 6 RAW shots.
Operating System: Windows Vista 32-bit
Version: 6.0 Service Pack 1
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:4 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2
Physical processor count: 4
Logical processor count: 8
Processor speed: 2666 MHz
Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Video Card Renderer: GeForce GTX 260/PCI/SSE2
Built-in memory: 3060 MB
Free memory: 1161 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 1589 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %