AutoCAD LT :: 2006 Doesn't Work On Windows 7 64bit - Exception At 621b40h
Dec 6, 2013
after having installed Autocad 2006 LT on windows 7 64 bit, i cna't execute it because it gets the error "unhandled access violation reading 0x0000 - Exception at 621b40h".
Tried every option in Windows program execution compatibility option but no success. Obiouvsly user is administrator.
I just got a new Imac for my workspace and I am running AutocadLT 2006 on the windows virtual machine. When I open files from my shared network they are coming up without any toolbars???What can I do to fix this.
Just installed CS6 on my new workstation and Photoshop; it freezes upon opening.Every other program I have installed has worked flawlessly, including the rest of the CS6 Suite and Lightroom 5.Both Windows and the Adobe Suite have all available updates already installed.Computer is a new HP Z420 Xeon Workstation, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, 16GB Ram.
In Photoshop CS6 (64bit), when using the brush tool (with a brush with pressure sensitivity activated), I quite often get a line drawn at the max width selected, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. Everything goes back to normal after I start drawing another line, and happens again after a few lines. It's quite random. Â Â I don't have this problem in any other software (Illustrator CS6 64bit, Painter XII, Sketchbook Pro, Zbrush, ...). I have already checked and I've found some other users on other forums with the same problem.
One example, with a picture of the problem: [URL] Another one, exact same problem: [URL] Some of those users seem to have solved their problem by installing an old driver (6.1.5r3), but they had that problem with Intuos TABLETS in the first place, not a Cintiq 24HD... I have tried that, but unfortunately the driver is not compatible with the Cintiq 24HD. Â Â To test this out: I've been able to reproduce the problem 90% of the times I've tried. if I keep the pen at 1 inch from the display so that it's still recognized by the screen but it's not drawing, then wiggle it a bit, and then I slowly move to the screen and tap it (as if I was starting a line with very low pressure), the problem appears and it makes a large dot, as if there was no pressure sensitivity. As I said the test doesn't work every time, but almost. Â Â This is an image of what happens when I try and make dots in Photoshop. These are done trying to push the pen with the same (low) pressure. The big ones are from when the issue appears: [URL]Â Â I have tried the pressure test in the Wacom utility software and it seems to work fine, it never jump to full even when I try the method I've just described. In the diagnostic page of the Wacom utility software the pressure is always correct, even when in Photoshop there's the brush sensitivity issue. Â note: I've already tried to completely re-install my computer + the Adobe software + the lastest wacom driver for my Cintiq 24HD, and the problem is still the same.
I installed yesterday the trial version of the CS6 Master Edition on two computers and the photoshop doesn't work on none of them. Both computer is running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bits.The message appearing is like that: Â "Could not open a scratch file as the file is locked, it is not necessary to have access permissions or another program using the file. Use the command "Properties" in Windows Explorer to unlock the file" (translated from portuguese, not well writter even in portuguese...) other issue identified, the uninstal of CS6 Master Edition blocks the alteration on the Photoshop.
I type in the command ( I'm an old school typer, hate the buttons ) BLOCK....then the next thing that happens is (after hitting enter of course), my crosshairs instantly turn into the Windows arrow.
I wasn't playing with any switches. I was just trying to make a little block with a number in it.
Yes, I restarted AutoCAD, restarted the computer, did not reload in AutoCAD.....AutoCAD 2011 by the way.
I run Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit.
I have to do a WBLOCK to make the blocks I need to bypass this odd behavior.
The photo sharing feature in PSE 10 does not work in Windows 7. Nor can an image be attached to an email, PSE 10 appears to be seriously flawed and not fit for purpose.
According to URL....I should be able to sample a color from the desktop. This doesn't work when I try to capture a color from a web page displayed in IE 10 (desktop mode).
It does work with Chrome, and I suspect other browsers as well (haven't the time to try them all).
I converted my operating system from Windows XP to Windows 7 and I cannot get my Epson Perfection 4870 photo scanner to work with it. I downloaded the driver and it took, but my scanner does not appear in Elements 11 as an import. I used Elements 3 and 7 before and these worked fine with the scanner.
Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only works on Windows 7.
My boss just came in and wants to get a new workstation with Windows 7 64bit on it. We are, however, out of copies of AutoCAD 2007 to install but have many 2006 copies. Will 2006 run under Win7? If so, how reliably? Or should I suggest getting 2012?
My ACAD hangs when I try to open/save. I've reinstalled the computer with only Op + ACAD. The second a explorer window opens, ACAD hangs. Tried different install options for 3 days now.
if open autocad program first, every thing is fine , ribboon is working good. but if derictly open a .dwg file when autocad is not running, the ribbon panel is gone, i tried every method i can find -- reinstall, repair install, type "ribbon" command, reset cui, swich to other worksapce then swich back--- but the ribbon just don't come back.
*all* of my cs4 master suite works great - no issues on any app - except the 64bit version of photoshop... it wont launch at all - and yes i have the 11.0.1 update (adobe updater says everything is current and file properties verify new version on both 32 and 64bit exes) running as administrator doesnt help either. also problem occurs when win7 boots in safe mode. i'm running build 7100 of win7 64bit and have 6gig ram on an i7 system with a gtx 285 so i'd love to utilize the benefits of 64bit.... when i attempt to launch the 64bit exe i get an alert dialog error saying "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application."Â and that's it. never makes it to the splash screen or begins loading any dll, it's immediate error.... and like i said, 32bit version works fine from doing cursory google searches and whatnot, i am led to believe it may be a memory addressing issue which i've been unable to investigate or that perhaps my .net framework was out of date? but i checked the framework issue and win7 includes the newest version...
I just purchased a new PC (with budget limitations) with the following configuration: Â 8 GB RAM DDR3 (1600 Mhz) 1 HD 1TB 7200 RPM (WD) i5 processor 3.00Ghz GPU MSI 630GT 1GB DDR3 Â After reading a lot of material on the web, about using a few physical hard drives for using Photoshop CS5 (I am working on lrage files, 300-800MB), I am wondering if my current conifguration with only 1 HD (1TB) is "strong" enough for my needs ?
How many partitions and size should I prepare when setting my PC ?
If I was able to squeeze another 100$ what should I get ? Another HD for Photoshop scratch disk ? or maybe an SSD ?
When I open the HDR toning filter the top of the HDR controls window is always hidden under the top edge of the screen. I can't reposition the window. This is in CS5 64bit. When I make the same actions in CS5 32bit and in CS6, the whole of the HDR filter window is visible in the normal way.  How can I get to see the whole HDR controls window again in CS5 64bit?
Creative Cloud downloaded and installed PS CC on my win 64 bit system, but it installed the 32 bit version. Is it possible to install the 64bit version instead? If yes, how does one do it?
I have the Adobe Creative Suite 3 and I use Photoshop to create comics and complete drawings. Lately, I have been having a serious trouble with brush lag. The more I draw and color, the farther behind the brush gets from the curser. It doesn't matter what input device I use (Intuos 3 pen or USB mouse), I still have the same issue. I don't really know how to fix it. I know it is not my computer's performance; I have Windows 64 bit, a Sandy Bridge i7, 16 gigs of ram, and a Radeon HD6850. Â I've tried:Restarting my computer before opening Photoshop - Didn't workChecking for Adobe updates - Didn't workUpdating my graphics drivers - Didn't workÂ
I just got the 64 bit version of CS5 after using the 32 bit version, and at first the OpenGL stuff was working, but then all of a sudden it stopped. The 32 bit version recognizes my graphics card and lets me use OpenGL, but the 64 bit version doesn't.  I have Windows 7 64 bit and an Intel HD Graphics Family
I use certain ttf font for creating documents in office products as well as in Adobe Products like InDesign. Since there is a newer version of that font available, I uninstalled the older version in Windows -> Control Panel -> Fonts folder an installed the newer version of that font. Â Now all office applications as well as some Adobe applications (PS, Illustrator) show the new font from the fonts menu. But InDesign refuses to deal with that font. InDesign still shows the old version. Therefore I checked the fonts folder of InDesign. But this one is empty. How can I convince InDesign to accept the new font?
though the Nik-Collection-Filters are listed (and installed) in PS CC 64, they do not work properly. The first visible difference is, that the "panel" of the various filters is not displayed when I start PS, but it is in the 32 bit version.Even if I want to apply an Nik-Filter on an image nothing changes, but it does in 32 bit mode.