I have both ImageReady and Photoshop but have never got the chance to actually tinker with any of them. Now, however, after seeing how much the programs can do, I really want to go serious with the programs. So I have a bunch of questions:
1. Photoshop, is it a generally easy program to learn?
2. Do you need to buy a book/tutorial or any of that stuff to really handle Photoshop or can you just tinker with the program and in a few months be able to handle it like a pro?
3. How do you add a border to an image using Photoshop?
4. How do you add letter or even a sentence in an image using photoshop?
There are some questions I have about screen redraw in CS4. First off screen redraw without GPU acceleration is much slower than in CS3. In the "advanced options" of the GPU settings there is the option "color matching".
If I turn it off I don`t have the option to softproof anymore. That is turning softproof on or off doesn`t change the colors anymore. If I turn it on, I can softproof again but I get banding in a black to white gradient. Slight, but noticable. To see the diffenrence that the settings make you have to close and open the document again.
1/ On a non-English keyboard, some shortcut keys like [, ] and ~ can only be reached through the AltGR tab, and are therefore useless. Is it possible in CS to make one's own shortcuts for brush size etc?
2/ Does the histogram tool live-update when one uses tools like Levels or Curves?
3/ Are we still met by that backwards compatibility popup when we save?
4/ Do the precise pointers for brushes still hide on greyish works, forcing one to press the spacebar to see where the cursor is?
5/ How well is 16 bits really implemented? Case: Can I, in 16 bits in CS, duplicate an RGB image, switch the copy to LAB, copy the lightness channel to the clipboard and paste this in the original in an alpha or a layer mask or on a new layer?
6/ Do all filters work in 16 bits mode, and if third party ones don't, do they still work in PS? Filters like KPT3 (remember the problems with 7), Xaostools, ..
I have noticed some annoying things about initial interaction with PS that I wanted some quick feedback on:
* I know PS can not use layered PNG. Is there any tool out there that can convert these to PSD with layers intact? I have a ton of old work that is in that format and will cry if I have to recreate everything.
* I noticed that the select tool is very picky in PS. If I am working on a layer or object, I can not select out of that object to activate another layer or object. I have to confirm changes (annoying pop up) and select the object or layer from the layer panel....EVERY TIME. Is there a way to change this behavior?
* The text tool is defaulted to show in PT. Is there a way to change this to default in pixels? I am using Photoshop for the web in most cases, not print.
* The status bar (bottom left in Mac) can show document dimensions, but it is always in inches. Can I change this to pixels?
1) is there a way to "save for web" only user slices? without the auto slices? 2) is there a way to 'copy' the slices (all of them together) from one file to another?
With my new Wacom I'm really getting into more experimentation with brushes, which led to several questions I'm hoping you'll help with answers or clarifications.
1. Based on what I've read it appears that I can create any number of brush sets for myself using an existing set as a model. If this is correct then I'm assuming that I can create these setss for most used or any other category? Do I understand this correctly?
2. In creating the new brush set, I think I read that I need to "delete" the brushes in the set but that they will not really be deleted? Is that so or should I make a copy first?
My PS is starting to get a little out of control and I hope one of you guys can steer me in the right direction with this.
I do quite a bit of stuff in hi rez (300 dpi) switching back and forth between actual pixel view and fit on screen modes. Recently my "fit on screen" mode wants to keep getting bigger and bigger and no longer snaps back to the correct screen size. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
The other question should be pretty simple. I want to change the default blending options. Things like stroke, inner and outter glow color etc.
At the bottom of the document window, the information displayed seems to only be able to show one item, is it possible to show multiple items avoiding clicking on there to cycle through them all to see the information?
Why is my image showing 732K in the document information, but mousing over it while it is closed showing 69K. Am I misunderstanding the file reading size, i.e. 1048 bytes is 1mg?
Can you get certified on any version of photoshop or do you have to start at Photoshop 1.0? Once you're certified does your certificate "expire" ? Do you have to retake a test? If so how often?
I'm not well versed in color matching so I use an application called Color Wheel Expert to help me choose matching colors and what not. For awhile I've tried to figure out how I can accomplish the same sort of thing simply using Photshop's color Palette/Picker, but haven't been able to figure it out.
Is there a simple way to determine a color's complement, triad, etc while selecting a color? What about getting 'shades' of a particular color? I know you just add white to get shades, but how do you accomplish that inside the color picker?
I think I fully understand what levels are, and I no longer just mess with the sliders til I get what I want. I know what each does and how to use the ALT key modifyer to detect clipping. But I got some questions about other Photoshop (*choir sings*) features..
I don't understand what these are. Are they like levels for colors? I notice there is a Red, Green and Blue curve adjustment, but I'm not sure what it does and how to read the graph where I put dots and curves on to modify the Color Curve.
I am trying to create a web page with a header similar in shape to the one pictured below. I plan to use PS6/Image Ready to create the background and nav system , then slice it and add text w/tables and html. I've tried using the pen tool to draw the header, but then I can't fill it. Can anyone suggest a good tute or point me in the right direction?
I have a JPG image that I want to edit with photoshop 7. I know that if I edit directly the JPG image and save again as new JPG image, the quality of the new saved image will be degraded. Experienced user know that because JPG is a lossy format.
I want to retain the quality of the edited image. Then I heard that the TIFF format is a lossless format that support compression.
I am creating a quiz in edge with 10 levels - each level asks a question dealing with a particular topic for that level. To make it more challenging/random, I want to allow each level's question to pull from a pool of 2-3 possible questions for that particular level (rather than one general pool for all 10 questions).
I have created symbols out of each question - and played with a few randomizing options - but I am a tragically front-end designer
I've just got a job in that requires file names including a full stop (8.6 for instance). This was never a problem with my old version of Adobe but now, if I save a file like this it then becomes unrecognisable to Adobe when I want to re-open it. Yeeeeeek this is not good.
Second question actually applies to any version of Adobe I've sampled after my lovely 5.5. When you use CTRL T to free transform, for instance, you get the litte tabs appear that you can click and drag for manipulation.
In 5.5 the tabs would appear at the edge of the file window even if the actual size of the layer was way bigger than this window. Now they appear around the layer rather than the window so, as the layer is usually a lot bigger, I have to keep zooming out of the file just so it becomes small enough within it's window for me to be able to see and use these tabs. I hope that makes sense - rather hard to describe. This is driving me mad and I'm wondering if there is a setting I can use to change this.
I open an image/ Background layer. I duplicate that layer, and apply a Levels adjustment that I'm happy with.
I decide to do an "effect" layer such as sharpening, etc., but I want to be able to control the effect of the "Sharpening" Layer with the Opacity Slider, without effecting the Levels Layer below.
If I Duplicate the Levels Layer, or select Layer New-"Layer Via Copy" for the Sharpening Layer, moving the Opacity Slider, on the Sharpening Layer, will also effect the degree of Levels adjustment on the Levels Layer, as it's a Duplicate of that layer.
"New Layer", or "New Layer From Background" doesn't seem to work either?
i am just wondering what basic edits everyone does to their photographs before they hand them over to their clients? Mostly i try to get my photos the way i want them in camera, but always try to play around with contrast and brigtness and sharpness and ive just started to mess with curves....what does everyone else do? Or does it mainly just depend on the photo?
The way that I cg is very simple, new layer+lasso tool for filling in areas+simple brush tool to fill in all areas missed. Only the last few times I've tried to fill in any missed area's my color is coming out darker everytime I go over it as if coloring with a marker.
Before it stayed one color and i was able to fill in area's quickly and with the exact color that i've chosen. I'm not sure as to how to get it back the way it was and I have no idea what I have done to change it. Anyone that can help I would greatly appreciate it.
I have a simple image that is a black and white cut-out of an object. I have been trying to find a way to fill the white area with a piece of an image I have of an animal-print.
What is the easiest way to fill that area with the pattern?
Maybe make it so that the black and white cut-out actually performs like a cut out and you could just put the layer of the pattern underneath the cut-out?
I am making an image which will act as a border for a website. So i am using a color to blend to two together.
Which i thought would be easy seen as i had the HEX code for the color i was using. I have set the background of my page to the color (#CCFF99), and i have tried to fill in my image with the same color, but when they are both on the page, they look like a completly different shade.
Am i doing something wrong, or am i asking too much that i want the same shade on both an image and a page. I thought that was one of the plus points to HEX codes, so that i could have the same shade over and over!
I am rather primitive in both my PS usage, and my gif-making skills. I make animated gifs by stringing together a series of images. I have found that the final result looks better if I resize the individual "frames" beforehand, rather than just adjusting the final gif as a whole.
Anyway...is there any way I can save tons of time by loading a series of images into PS, and making an "all-encompassing" command? Meaning...can I tell PS to resize all ten images to the same proportion automatically, rather than doing it one at a time? Or, even better...can I re-size AND convert the images to "gif format," with a few deft strokes of the keyboard?
Well how can I work with photoshop, when after I save TOP LEFT it locks the image and I can't rotate it to make the other corners?
Everything is locked and I'm quicky getting frustrated here and wondering why I paid money for something that won't work they way I need it to.
I mean using Namo web editor wasn't this hard, it was easy right out of the box, and every button worked how it was suppose to and did not lock the image or lock up at all.
It's gotten so that I have to shut down photoshop and restart just to do anything or create another layer to unlock an image. Then, none of the buttons won't work after the 1st working, I click on elliptical and it does nothing, but display a double headed arrow.
restoring my brushes, in taht I have been adding brushes to my brush palette. I've added and deleeted brushes. I want to essentially start all over with the Photoshop CS5 basic brushes. I have clear out all of my brushes and tried to restore them, however, I noticed that the star brushes are not there. I can't seem to find them.
through a process that will 1) let me clear out all of my brushes ... and ... 2) restore CS5 basic brushes (which includes the start brushes)
I've tried saving images with sRGB color profile, Adobe RGB, and even NO color profile.
While each test has yielded various saturation levels (sRGB seems more saturated than Adobe RGB), the one single constant in all of them is that IE displays more (too?) colorful images than FF.
I understand that IE doesn't color manage while FF does, but that hardly explains the results I'm getting. If I don't color manage a document, shouldn't it display the same way in IE and FF? And how to explain that the sRGB profile documents are more saturated in IE than the Adobe RGB ones, if IE cannot read color profiles? And why does FF display *both* sRGB and Adobe RGB as less saturated than these same images in IE?
how to crop a section of an image and paste it into another picture. Im pretty lamen when it comes to PS so the easier the better. What i am trying to acheive and learn, is to outline the shape of an item in a picture and copy that shape to the clipboard, to paste onto another picture. EG in the pic below id like to separate the BARN and GRAIN SILO form the background, so that i can paste it into another pic.
which is to make a simple line with the pen tool and have it fill in. When I make three points it connects the first and last to form a triangle, but I'm not trying to make a triangle, I want to make an "L" shape. How can I make it fill just two (or three) points to make a straight line?