recently purchased nikon d7100. after raw files opened in view window of iphoto, could not import these files. i have attached screen shot from iphoto: I have already downloaded the dng converter. How do i get the unreadable file to the converter
I am trying to create a video file for the 1st time with VS X5.The project is 27 mins long and includes jpeg images and avi clips that I have used successfully with VS11+, and film that I have taken with my camera which I have been using for years.It is not HD and I intended to burn a standard DVD.However, at 99% of rendering a message showed saying "Frame 329 is unreadable".I pressed ok.Nothing is showing in the folder that it was hopefully being saved to .Lwr field 1st-DVD PAL-7000 video data rate-384 audio data rate-save as mpeg files -----all properties I have used before with no problem.My only change is now to use 16.9 aspect ratio.
I'm editing MTS files and its H264 video type with a frame rate of 29.970/sec, I'm getting a error that I'm sure you have heard about before, but I can't seem to find the solution. I receive an error stating,'' 914 frame is unreadable'', so if I divided 914 by 29.970 ,shouldn't that give me the second that I have to check for a frame error?
I need to do some editing on captures made using Bandicam before uploading to YouTube, but Corel VideoStudio just refuses to open the video files, telling the format is not recognized. Only Windows Media Player can play them. Since I purchased this computer. With my Pentium D computer running Windows 7, I was able to capture videos with FRAPS and edit them with Corel VideoStudio. Now with that Core i7, even with a NVIDIA graphic card, FRAPS crashes all the times and BandiCam, which I tried as a replacement after the failure of many others (EzVid, Total Screen Recorder, Dxtory), produces unusable video files.
There is absolutely no good way to convert these videos. All Windows applications for this are just pain, offering a multitude of useless and nonsense options and just taking years to process a single video. There are some Linux conversion tools I had success with in the past, but the command line is so complex that it takes hours to figure out. It is easy to blame BandiCam and stop there. I did this error myself before thinking that VideoStudio should be able to open videos in MPEG format. VideoStudio was my only choice, because the other candidate, Premiere Elements, is unusable, with too small fonts impossible to enlarge.
BandiCam is the only way I found to record videos with audio. Other tools are just unusable (Total Screen Recorder even impossible to start), impose music I don't want (EzVid) or make the game freeze temporarily and audio stuter (Dxtory). FRAPS, which was working great under Windows 7, is unstable with Windows 8, making the screen flicker and finally freezing the game all the times. I am to the point of considering the purchase of HDMI input card and recording the screen output with another computer!
Any success with editing Bandicam videos using VideoStudio? Maybe this is yet another Windows 8 issue so I now need a second computer running Windows 7, or REINSTALL everyting again with Windows 7.
I have previously created a project using avi files and successfully burnt a dvd. Now when I reload the project all the AVI clips on the timeline are "unreadable" (black and white horizontal bands) yet they have not been moved from their original folder and all clips are visible on under "video" on the "edit" page. I have even tried relinking but to no avail. All the clips still play perfectly on Media player.
Years ago I scanned old family photos using Adobe Photoshop and saved them as pdf files. Now I don't have the software to open them. I've read online that I may have success if I download software called Image Converter Plus. Should I go that route or will today's Adobe Photoshop software convert them? I currently do not own any of the Adobe products.
I have used a PC for many years and saved files in JPEG with Photoshop CS4 and then CS5 no problem. Recently I bought a mac and upgraded to Photoshop CS6 and then upgraded again to Photoshop CS6 Extended.
Now when I save files as 'JPEG' in Photoshop CS6 Extended they save okay but when I try to open these files in other programs they can't read the file. If I try to attach these JPEG's in an email they send a script and no image.
The only way to send JPEG's by email on my mac seems to be if I right click on the JPEG image and send it that way by email - I can't add it to emails though. Am I saving in the wrong format for a mac ?
First I had problems with my primary scratch settings in which I changed the volumes..but since I bought a new PC I was making some graphics in Photoshop 7.0 and one day it no longer let me open .jpg/.jpeg files no matter how many times I try!
First I had problems with my primary scratch settings in which I changed the volumes..but since I bought a new PC I was making some graphics in Photoshop 7.0 and one day it no longer let me open .jpg/.jpeg files no matter how many times I try! PLEASE HELP!!
I'm hoping someone else knows why this is..I've re-installed many times and it doesn't solve the problem at all. I can open BMP files for some reason yet not .jpgs.
I bought an HP Photosmart 320 and found out too late that there was a bug in the firmware that caused problems when writing to large memory cards. I have fixed the firmware but I have over 100 photos taken before the fix that I would like to salvage. I have found many services that will recover deleted files but none that fix corrupted ones.
I need to submit files in JPEG for printing. I started with a 105 MB TIFF file in PS and when I save as JPEG on quality 12 I end up with a 5 MB JPEG. Does this sound right - I am wanting an A3 print.
I have a fully current version of Photoshop (ICloud). When attempting to open some jpeg files and pdf files, they remain ghosted and will not open. I think it may have to do with the settings in the 'open' window but i don't know what to do. ?????
I am trying to continue an assignment that I started at school today, but the Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) that I have on my laptop will not let me open any files. Not, JPEG, TIFF, PSD, PNG, nary a one of the photo types can be opened. It doesn't give me any signs of trouble or error messages. It just wont let me open a file or make a new file. I just sits there in all its power staring me down. why must Photoshop all of a sudden despise me so?
Why are my photos not saving as JPEG files? When I select JPEG, they save in my folder as Photoshop files which I cannot email and most people cannot open on their computers.
My camera out put is in JPEG I have no choice. While I can process jpeg with no problems in CS5 is there a better way to do this? would I be better off converting the JPEG to either tiff or psd and then process the file and then reconvert back to jpeg as the final product. I have heard so much about "lossy"(jpeg) vs "non Lossy" (tiff and psd) which are the ones I want to use?
I try to save a few files in JPEG format in batches:
1. First, under Action, I open a file and include what functions to perform
2. then I save it in JPEG format which prompted a dialog box that asked for quality.
3. after I'm done creating the Action, I run the Action in batch mode.
But for each file, Photoshop generates that JPEG save dialog box for quality. this means that I have to click or press enter for every single file even while Photoshop is processing in batches!
So how do I supress that dialog box when running in batch mode and let photoshop save everything in JPEG format without pausing and at the quality I have determined when I created the Action?
I have PSE12 set up as my default program for all JPEG files that I open. When a JPEG is double clicked, the program opens but the file does not. I have done the following:
Gone to Control Panel/Programs and set up PSE12 as the default program for all JPEG filesRight clicked JPEG files, selected open with and selected "C:Program Files (x86)AdobePhotoshop Elements 12" as my go to program for all JPEGSUsed a program to clear all PSE11 references out of my registry
I've been using an old version of Photoshop for awhile (Photoshop Elements 5.0) and it hasn't been buggy until now. I made a photoshop file, saved it, and when I tried to save it as a JPEG I get an "cannot complete request due to a system error" type message. It's a normal file, simple layers, contrast, brushes, etc., but I've tried opening normal JPEG files, drawing on it, and saving, still nothing.
When I want to save a jpeg file into the same folder I opened I click 'save as' and the wrong folderopens but with the correct file number I am working on ready to save.I have to search in pictures and re-open the correct folder to save into.
The photo also appears in the wrong folder and I have to delete it from there.I have been using PS3 for years and this has just started happening for no reason.
I have been using Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) with my Canon EOS 30D, an 8 MP camera, for a while now. I would make non-destructive changes to the raw file (.CR2) in ACR where the changes would be stored in an adjoining .xmp file. Jpegs of the unedited and edited camera raw files would be created so I have a before and after versions of the images that can be viewed anywhere.
Now I have a Canon EOS 5D Mark III, a 22 MP camera and the raw files are much larger. I’m looking at using camera raw on jpeg files for some for my more casual photo shoots in order to save disk space. From what I have read, I can use ACR on jpeg files and that the changes would be stored in the metadata in the jpeg file. Is there a way for the changes to be stored in an adjoining .xmp file so that the original jpeg file is not modified, much like it is done with the .CR2 files?
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5 on a Windows 7 machine. All software is up-to-date.
Also, I have found that Adobe’s camera raw handing is different than the raw handling of the photos using Canon’s software (DPP). Is there a way to make ACR closer to what Canon’s software does?
I scanned, as a tiff file, a full-center spread of a large newspaper. This had to be scanned in eight sections, the pages were so big on my A4 scanner window. When I joined all the sections up in Photoshop CS5, the size of the file was huge (about 21 inches by about 19 inches) It is also digitally large (about 320 MB, since the resolution is 300 dpi).
Because I want to keep the composite photo but don't want the file to be so digitally large, yet need the good resolution, I thought it would be a good to save it as a JPEG file, which would give me the dimensions I need but not be so digitally bulky as the original. On pressing the drop-down menu for Saving As, the JPEG option did not appear in the dialogue box. Why is this, and how may I save the file in JPEG format?