I opened and modified several JPEG images with Photoshop CS2. Now none of these files can be opened by Photoshop or any other program. All of the files seem to have a non-zero size, but when I try to open them in Photoshop, it does not generate an error, it merely offers to create a new file with the same image properties (size, etc) as the saved image on disk.
I've also tried several other programs to open these files, and none of them can open them. FYI, one thing that all of the files have in common is that they are all saved with the absolute minimum compression settings.
I recently saved an image on Photoshop CS6 as a PNG file so I could send it as an attachment to a client (who uses a Windows computer). They told me the file wouldn't open and instead showed as an "Unknown File".
I tried opening the file on my Windows computer, as well as a JPEG version to test out, but both came up as "Unknown Files".
The only way I could transfer the files I saved in Photoshop was to export them as PNG through the 'Preview' application.
Is there a reason why these normal formats won't open properly?
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on a mac. The photos saved in jpeg is only recognised by photo editing software. E.g. photos are unable to upload to facebook, nor view on a PC unless using paint.
I saved Raw files to jpeg via bridge but now some of the jpegs won't open in CS5, they only open in bridge? How do I get them to open up in photoshop instead?
my default process is Adobe RGB. If I save a RAW image (Nikon D200) as a jpeg after adjustments in PS5.5, and I uncheck the "save as Adobe RGB" box, will the image be saved as an sRGB jpeg?
I recently upgraded to PhotoshopCS5.5 and find that I can't print on my HP Photoshop Premium printer. I'm using a MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8. I also am unable to open 2 images at the same time.
When saving images in CS6 I can see them as preview icons of the image in finder by itself, but if I open a file in photoshop to find an image, i only have titles and not the images. ALSO when I go to upload an image to blog or facebook, again I have no image icon of what is there, only a blank space and a file name. I HATE THIS as it makes it takes too much time to figure out where the picture is. I am a graphic artist and a painter and I cannot work like this. Does not matter what type of file.. tiff, png, jpg etc... there is no image to see when opening through photoshop or any upload situation. I am able to see the images from FINDER by itself or if I am placing them into MUSE or INDESIGN.
Why I cannot see them to load on blogger or facebook or to open them in photoshop.
Mac OS X lion 10.7.4 NVIDIA GEforce 7300 GI 256 MB 2x2.66 GHx Daul Core Intel xcon 10 GB 667 mhz ddr2 fbdimm
Every time I save a picture in Photoshop as a JPEG, then right click on it and say "open in Internet Explorer", nothing displays. I have to open the file up in MS Paint, overwrite it with "save as...", open it in IE, and only then does it display properly. I tried a whole variety of settings when saving as a JPEG but nothing seems to work. How do I fix this?
I try to open jpeg pictures in photoshop cs3, i get an error: "Could not complete your request because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type is found."
It has just recently begun doing this, like maybe three days ago. Has anyone ever seen this error, or know how to solve it?
my system specs... AMD Turion tl-60 @ 2.0 GHz, 4gb Ram in vista 32 SP1, nvidia ge-force 7600, main hdd 200 GB 7200 RPM drive, 2nd hdd 80 GB 5400 RPM drive
I was trying to open an image that had already been processed by me in CS6 on this laptop.
When i select the image that i want to open CS6 launches but then i recieve an error message saying that CS6 is unable to open the image. Frustatlingly this does not happen with every image.
One person has said to reinstall the software but i downloaded it from the Adobe site and don't wnt to end up paying twice.
System info Processor Intel(R)Core(TM)i3-2350M @2.30Hz 2.30GHz Installed memory Ram 8.00 (7.89 usable) System type 64 bit
Plug ins Alien Skin - Exposure 4 Anthropics -Portrait Proffesional
I exported images in JPEG format. To get a quick view, (TV Toshiba) I loaded several images on a USB key . To my suprise I could not see the photo edited with Gimp .
I made a test. I made the same action (crop) on the same images with different retouching programs. Than I exported the images in JPEG, loaded on USB key, to see them on TV screen . The software I tested
I have recently upgraded to X6 from X3. After design work I would export the file to jpeg for client approval. I used Apple Mail 5.2 to attach the jpeg file but my problem is the client cannot open the file. It just turns out blank with a little cross. I cannot figure out what is the problem during the export process. I have no problem at all with X3.
Re: Icon issues in Bridge CS3 and also with Photo Downloader that have never been there before.
So, these are the issues. Just one of the folders that previously would show thumbnails now only shows DNG icons, and none will open in Photoshop to let me work on previous image. Issue #2 - can't download images with Photo Downloaders - both my wife's Canon G9 only shows CR2 icons, and my Nikon D300 only shows NEF icons - neither of these issues had appeared before or been an issue. Third issue. None of my Bridge folders - even those with regular thumbnail immages- will open now - get a message that says words to the effect of Photoshop doesn't recognize this type of file. Computer is a Mac, with OS 10.5.8
I recently tried to make more room on HD, so must have taken some critical files/commands out by accident. I'm sure that in trying to correct things have made things even worse- as may be noticed by the two snapshots I've attached. The first is one from a library from my user section. The second library image is from my hard drive. Hopefully you and others aren't laughing or crying too much over what you see - redundantcy, etc! All of my energies have focused on taking photos, obviously none to proper setup/use of organizing things on my Mac. I am most anxious to getting back to working with and saving images.
I recently upgraded to the Nikon D600. With that, I’m unable to open RAW images in the programs that I currently have (PS Elements 9). Does Photoshop Elements 11 have the correct software (Camera Raw 7 and higher)? Or will I need to get the full version Photoshop CS6?
I'm trying to work with TIFF images got from Image Pro Plus butGIMP 2.8 doesn't open them, I found that's a problem related to Image ProPlus because misses some tags. Also, I tried with ImageMagick using:
The first works fine, just with some warnings, PNG image was createdsuccesfully.
The second doesn't work and in any case if I do:
convert "prueba 1.tif" -identify
convert: incorrect count for field "DateTime" (27, expecting 20); tagtrimmed. `prueba 1.tif'. convert: prueba 1.tif: unknown field with tag 40001 (0x9c41) encountered.`TIFFReadDirectory'. convert: prueba 1.tif: unknown field with tag 50288 (0xc470) encountered.`TIFFReadDirectory'. convert: prueba 1.tif: unknown field with tag 50291 (0xc473) encountered.`TIFFReadDirectory'.
I have CS1 i have saved a JPEG pic to PSD and when i upload it for an assignment the pic isn't aywhere, if i go to My Pictures it is there as a PSD file, even if i have saved the original to JPEG it wont open, i have altered the pic using LAB (converting a pic to balck and white).
1) From LR export to PS 2) Do all essential editings. 3) Save. File become 'xyz.tiff' now. (I want to keep this as master copy) 4) Crop to 4r, Save a Jpeg copy as 'xyz 4r.jpg' 5) PS save it as a copy, but do not automatically open the Jpeg copy. The tiff remains opened. I have to manullay Open, browse to it, and open the Jpeg. The 'Open Recent' list also do not list 'xyz 4r.jpg'. 6) Do 4r sharpening for the 'xyz 4r.jpg', save it.
Basically the files I want to keep and worked on is like this: NEF -> xyz.tiff -> xyz 4r.jpg -> xyz sml.jpg(maybe)
Now, it there a way in step (5) to have PS save the JPEG copy, and automatically open it? I don't care if the Tiff copy remains opened or not, I am done with it.
I'm using a Mac. My windows friend sent me a jpeg of a piece of art we're working on. It looked fine in the web browser. It looked fine in Preview when I opened it, and it looked fine in Photoshop. But when I save it from photoshop after adding just a small thing to the image, the whole thing comes out a bit brighter. I have no idea what's doing it. I've tried Save For Web and Save As and it comes out the same each time. I have played with color settings in the past slightly, but it was my understanding that only affected how photoshop displays the image and I wouldn't expect it to change an image I imported then exported again.
I ran into this issue when saving black and white pictures from Raw file. Camera RAw 7.3 opens normally just like always and lets me save picture in color.It lets me save picture in BW, but the JPEG tha comes out is corrupted file that looks like this (see below):
When i try to open that corrupted JPEG in Photoshop 6 I get an error message saying:"The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because ICC profile is invalid. Ignoring the profile. "
I have noticed a common trend among my .JPEG saves from Photoshop, they all seem to appear darker than when they were originally viewed and edited accordingly in Photoshop.
I don't know much about Color profiles and such, I have gone through the settings briefly, but do not want to mess anything up!
I've used photoshop to paint for many years (I'm a production artist for children's television) and never had this kind of thing before. It could be a total coincidence, but it seemed only to get like this since I upgraded to Production premium CS6.
I have the newest Nvidia drivers, the latest photoshop and production suite updates. I've tried turning off GPU acceleration and I've calibrated my monitors and cintiq several times using the Spyder 3 Elite calibration tools. I've created 8bit, 16bit and 32bit images and the problem persists no matter what. Other stats:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280M
This is a 16bit image saved as a jpeg, but still a relatively accurate example of what I see in photoshop. In fact it looks better here. It was created using a low opacity brush with hardness set to zero.
Shooting with a Nikon D70 in Raw mode - tweak in raw - looks good - open in PS CS2 - still looks good then save for web and the colors wash out dramatically(unacceptable). What gives?
if I can on account of the file being raw and the jpeg looking like yuck.
I shot some images in RAW, edited them in Photoshop, saved them as JPEG before sending to a client. When the client opened them on her computer there were two problems:
1)they came out dark, and 2) when she tried to upload them to her blog on the WordPress platform, she said they completely lost all the editing I had done.
I have block colour (or image) and text overlaid, fine. But save to Jpeg and the block color around the text becomes speckled. Other than saving as a higher quality what (if anything) can I do to prevent/minimise this?
While asking about text; is there any way to make the boundary of a text box irregular on one or two sides; say a box shape but jagged at one side so that text flows around a "protrusion"?
I am importing images saved in both Raw and JPEG format at the time of capture. There seems to be a color shift - toward green for the JPEGS and red for the Camera Raw images. Why is this happening?
Just come back from a lengthy trip with about 900 photos from 3 different cameras. Did most of the jpeg's in LR 5, but waited with the Canon raw files for PS CC. All appeared to go well, with first adjusting them in PS CC camera raw, then opening some on PS CC. Saved most in PSD format. However, some of the less important ones, such as information photos, were saved as jpegs, from within PS CC.
This is where the trouble started. Once finished, I went through them all in Bridge, using full screen preview. The ones saved as jpeg, appeared tiny, instead of full screen. Trying to open them, resulted in an error message, with something about a marker not being there. Before panicking, changed the extension from jpeg to psd - and the filed opened in PS CC without any problems. Saved the files as jpeg, using a different name and this time they were all ok.
So it would appear that there is a problem saving a file with layers as a jpeg, without first saving it as psd
I am trying to print a photo on my Canon MX870 that has been edited (cropped and a few slight lighting changes) in Elements 9 , the colours look good on the screen but when I print it looks different, . I have the colour settings from the Edit menu set to "always optimize for printing". The file information shows the camera data as colour space sRGB.
I am using canon inks (all full) and canon matte photo paper and I selected the matte photo paper on the paper type in printer settings.
I have printed good photos before on this printer (I think using photo gallery) but was not using photoshop elements at the time. Does it make any difference if the photo is saved as a jpeg file or a pse file?
I'm running LR4.3 and CS6 on an iMac. I open a raw file in LR4, then open in CS6 from Lightroom. Edit a little, save as a jpeg, close, and the file does not come back into Lightroom. Either in a folder or in the collection. TIF and PSD come in... but not jpeg.
So I try to import the image. It does not show up in the folder as a non imported image... or at all. Then, I open my hard drive from Finder, go into the folder and there it is.