Photoshop :: Raw Files Saved To JPEG Via Bridge But Now Some Won't Open In CS5?
Oct 23, 2012
I saved Raw files to jpeg via bridge but now some of the jpegs won't open in CS5, they only open in bridge? How do I get them to open up in photoshop instead?
I'm trying to open JPEGs into PS from Bridge. No images will open in PS UNLESS they can open in ACR first. I have my PS preferences set to not prefer ACR for jpegs. Bridge preferences are to open jpegs in ACR. Up til today, that's worked perfectly - I can use ACR from Bridge, or right-click and go directly to PS without opening ACR. Now, if I right-click and select PS, nothing happens (PS is open, but no picture loads). If I double-click, the image opens in ACR, and if I then select "open image", PS comes up, but no image... It's like PS will ONLY open an image through ACR. I have already reset preferences on both Bridge and PS, and cleared the Bridge caches, with no change in performance.
I opened and modified several JPEG images with Photoshop CS2. Now none of these files can be opened by Photoshop or any other program. All of the files seem to have a non-zero size, but when I try to open them in Photoshop, it does not generate an error, it merely offers to create a new file with the same image properties (size, etc) as the saved image on disk.
I've also tried several other programs to open these files, and none of them can open them. FYI, one thing that all of the files have in common is that they are all saved with the absolute minimum compression settings.
I recently saved an image on Photoshop CS6 as a PNG file so I could send it as an attachment to a client (who uses a Windows computer). They told me the file wouldn't open and instead showed as an "Unknown File".
I tried opening the file on my Windows computer, as well as a JPEG version to test out, but both came up as "Unknown Files".
The only way I could transfer the files I saved in Photoshop was to export them as PNG through the 'Preview' application.
Is there a reason why these normal formats won't open properly?
I'm having a problem when I use "save as" after working on a tiff in CS. It ends up in a "file" file that I can't open again. Does anyone know if it's a CS or a XP problem. Or something to do with pretty large files?
Every time I save a picture in Photoshop as a JPEG, then right click on it and say "open in Internet Explorer", nothing displays. I have to open the file up in MS Paint, overwrite it with "save as...", open it in IE, and only then does it display properly. I tried a whole variety of settings when saving as a JPEG but nothing seems to work. How do I fix this?
Windows cannot find C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS3/Photoshop.exe
I installed Photoshop CS6 Upgrade (64bit and 32Bit) to my PC which ran CS5 Extended. When I deleted CS5, Bridge stopped opening files, whether I double clicked on the file or did Open with: I get the same error message.
I am using CS4 Bridge When I double click on a JPG file it opens in Photoshop. I prefer to edit my JPG files with Bridge camera RAW. At present, I have to right-click and choose 'open in camera RAW'. Is there a workaround for this?
I changed my preferences to remove the check-box "prefer Adobe camera RAW for Jpeg and TIFF files" , restarted Bridge and tried to open a JPEG from bridge directly into photoshop. But double clicking on the image in bridge opened "paint".
So I change the Bridge preferences back to Prefer ACR for JPEG again, restart Bridge, and then bridge tells me that it cannot find Photoshop CS2. CS2 is not even loaded on this machine anymore.
So then I go to the file type associations preferences and "browse" to the CS3 version of photoshop, restart bridge, and double click on a JPEG and it again says that CS2 cannot be found. I change the association again using the "browse" to CS3 and then it opens the image up in "Paint" again.
Why won't Bridge open JPEG's in ACR anymore?
Why won't bridge open JPEG's in Photoshop CS3 anymore?
I work in a collaborative environment. I've upgraded to CS6, but those i work with are working in photoshop cs5.1. Will they have problems opening files i create or save in CS6?
Whenever I try to open the Brushes panel, the Bridge window pops up. I know that Bridge is a media manager, so I'm not sure why is it opening. I really need to edit the brushes and I can't find a way to do it. Is there a way to disable bridge or another way to open the brushes panel that won't open bridge?
I can not open CR2 file in CS4 or Bridge. The CR2 images show in the preview window when I click the "open" button under "file". When I select the image to open I get "Unable to complete your request because it is not the right kind of document." I have uninstalled and re-installed the software, installed all the updates and get the same results.
I shoot in RAW, and have always edited my pictures in Camera RAW via Elements 8. I recently upgraded my old Dell to a new Mac, and now I'm having trouble. I cannot seem to open the RAW files in Elements, this is what I get when I try to open a file with Camera Raw (I know it says Photoshop Raw, but I do have Camera Raw selected):
When I try to open a RAW file in Adobe Bridge, it's not even an option, it's grayed out. BUT, it will let me open jpegs in Camera Raw in Adobe Bridge! So confusing. So far I have tried updating the Camera Raw plug in. I followed the directions exactly, but no dice. When I look at the "about plug in" section on PSE, it shows that it is the updated version, But when I look at a jpeg in Camera Raw through Adobe Bridge, it says Camera Raw version 5.0.
I am not able to see or open Raw files from my Canon 40D in either Photoshop CS3 or Bridge CS3. At first I was able to open RAWS in Photoshop and then I followed directions on the internet at how to manually replace a Camera Raw Plugin so I could open it in Bridge and now neither of the apps work with RAW. In photoshop It says that the file is not supported.
I looked up what plug in I needed and it said 4.2 for a Canon 40 D. I also followed the instructions in the read me file that was with the plugin download. No results from it. I even tried to switch it back to the old plug in to see if I could atleast get back the capiblility of opening it in Photoshop even though bridge was not working...still can't open it in either. What am I missing?
I installed Photoshop CS6 - 64 bit, but Bridge keeps opening up photos in my CS5 that is still on my computer. How do I change this so that it will open the photos in Photoshop CS6?
I am having a problem with opening some files in Photoshop. I am using Photoshop CS5.1 Extended (Version 12.1) and have Windows 7 64 bit SP1 OS.
I am trying to open a few templates I made in PhotoShop for a client and they worked fine when I used them 3 weeks ago. All were saved as .psd documents. Now when I go to open them they no longer have the PS icon (to show they would be opened by PhotoShop). When I try to open them I get "Could not complete your request because it is not the right type of document." I have had this problem once before but it is confusing to me because 2 of the other similar .psd files I saved at the same timeframe(separate elements for the temlate) are perfectly fine, only the ones I need do not want to open.
I checked file properties and it claims these files are now Windows Shell Common Dll files.
All old saved files open OK, last 2 Days all saved files cannot open, but image is on thumbnail tried importing...says cannot import empty file..what have i done?
First I had problems with my primary scratch settings in which I changed the volumes..but since I bought a new PC I was making some graphics in Photoshop 7.0 and one day it no longer let me open .jpg/.jpeg files no matter how many times I try!
First I had problems with my primary scratch settings in which I changed the volumes..but since I bought a new PC I was making some graphics in Photoshop 7.0 and one day it no longer let me open .jpg/.jpeg files no matter how many times I try! PLEASE HELP!!
I'm hoping someone else knows why this is..I've re-installed many times and it doesn't solve the problem at all. I can open BMP files for some reason yet not .jpgs.
I can't open files saved in X4 in v9. I couldn't figure out the text tool in X4 & saved the file so I could finish in v9 but v9 says it is not a valid PSP file. This is very frustrating since I need to be able to use v9 until I learn X4. Second, I have 64 bit version of Thumbnail view installed but it still doesn't allow me to see all of my PSP files in Windows Thumbnail view.
I am trying to continue an assignment that I started at school today, but the Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) that I have on my laptop will not let me open any files. Not, JPEG, TIFF, PSD, PNG, nary a one of the photo types can be opened. It doesn't give me any signs of trouble or error messages. It just wont let me open a file or make a new file. I just sits there in all its power staring me down. why must Photoshop all of a sudden despise me so?