We have recently upgraded our lab where I work to CS6. Previously we were using Photoshop 7.0. The issue I have relates to an external piece of software that queues prints to a large format photographic printer. This software is, picky, about the JPEGS it receives.
The JPEG's saved out of CS6 do not process through this software. The JPEG's saved out of Photoshop 7.0 do. I can strip the 'APP markers' from the CS6 JPEG's using Irfanview and this resolves the issues with the CS6 files. This is not good workflow.
I have tried creating a blank Photoshop file in CS6 at the relevant dimensions and pasting the image data on to it then saving as a JPEG in CS6. This suffers the same problem. So I believe the issue is related to the extra data put in the JPEG headers from CS6.
I have as yet been unable to find a way to reduce / eliminate this extra data.
From what I can find on adobe.com they don't really offer any support? I am in Australia and there is, from what I can see, no one employed by adobe to provide support. $1200 worth of Photoshop and no support!!! Good work if you can get it .
If I shoot RAW + JPEG, and I add EXIF data to the JPEG files outside of Lightroom, when I import the RAW + JPEG pairs will the metadata I added to the JPEG files still be there?
I'd try it myself, but I don't actually have the equipment to do this right now.
I was surprised that opening a jpeg and looking at meta info, if I just added a word. PS ask to resave the file at what setting. Too much of a nuisance.I know I could go back to the tiffs or psd, but these are watermarked already
I have been using Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) with my Canon EOS 30D, an 8 MP camera, for a while now. I would make non-destructive changes to the raw file (.CR2) in ACR where the changes would be stored in an adjoining .xmp file. Jpegs of the unedited and edited camera raw files would be created so I have a before and after versions of the images that can be viewed anywhere.
Now I have a Canon EOS 5D Mark III, a 22 MP camera and the raw files are much larger. I’m looking at using camera raw on jpeg files for some for my more casual photo shoots in order to save disk space. From what I have read, I can use ACR on jpeg files and that the changes would be stored in the metadata in the jpeg file. Is there a way for the changes to be stored in an adjoining .xmp file so that the original jpeg file is not modified, much like it is done with the .CR2 files?
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5 on a Windows 7 machine. All software is up-to-date.
Also, I have found that Adobe’s camera raw handing is different than the raw handling of the photos using Canon’s software (DPP). Is there a way to make ACR closer to what Canon’s software does?
I am transitioning to using RAW files more often. I add metadata, including GPS info, captions etc. Then invariably I need to get JPEGs to someone and have to go through the hassle of exporting the RAW as a JPEG with the metadata.
Is there a way I can get that metadata into the sorta sidecar JPEG file on my Mac without having to go through the export process?
I suppose I could designate the preference that on import the RAW and JPEG were treated as separate files; could I then just copy the metadata in? I haven't really worked with separate JPEG+RAW before. Would it happen automatically if I stacked them? Haven't really explored that.
It just seems that every time I have decided to use the RAW invariably I need the JPEG and if I don't have LR available (say I'm working on someone else's computer but accessing my own files)
I'm using an Eye-fi Pro X2 card in my D5100. At present Eye-Fi haven't been able to resolve the fact that geodata isn't added to the Raw (nef) file so I am shooting in Raw+jpeg. Is there a way to sync the metadata from the jpeg to the nef file within LR4? Will this be written to the raw file, to a sidecar file or the LR database?
Lightroom doesn't import my GPS data - it is there in the RAW (NEF) and jpeg files but doesn't show in the Metadata within Lightroom. Nikon View NX shows the data but I want to use Lightroom!
customer service said repeatedly that it cannot be done. I accidentally set it up when I first installed it and it is showing up in all my exported pics. I only want to put in on select exported pics. and, what if I want to change my copyright?
I already know how to remove backgrounds from images, and create a transparent background. However, I need to be able to use the resulting image in another program called Scratch. And as far as I know, it does not accept .tiff, .pgn, .psd or gifs.
How do I completely remove that background so that it doesn't show up white in other programs when I save it as a .jpeg?
How can i remove the white space from this JPEG image (attached to this post) so that I can overlap it with another image without the white space showing?
The image is actually saved as a rectangle with the white space on the top right hand corner, where it curves.
I recently updated to Corel Draw service pack one (X5 suite). After this update the background color has changed into a light yellow when I try to export to jpeg format (see attached screen shot). In the matte color menu in the export window I have the option of changing this color. All colors are there except White! (or transparent). This is driving me nuts. I would just like to be able to export to jpeg with a White background. I have changed no settings, only installed service pack 1.
How to get rid of the yellow background/matte? I am considering uninstalling Corel Draw, then reinstalling without installing the service pack.
I have a jpeg with a white background and solid colored clipart image. I need to remove the colored part of the jpeg image with magic wand in illustrator cs6 and make it a vector image. The magic wand doesn't seem to do anything in illustrator. I did it in Photoshop and saved it as a PNG with trnsprnt background opened it up in illustrator and it was all jagged. It is such a simple image, only two colors, blue on white.
How do you add markers on the timeline? Also, can I add markers to individual clips so I can line them up? Example, have a beat to a music lined up, and on a video I got something I want to align with the beat, can I place a marker on the audio and another on the video?
I use another NLE and VSP X6U. One thing that I would like is timeline markers. Why? I do quite a few videos where the transitions have to be on the beat of the music. I do this with timeline markers that are placed on the 'beat' of the music. I can then move the in and out points of a video or image and it will "snap" to the position of the marker.
Also, I can label these markers, so I can use them to "remind" me of what I want to do between them.
With VSX3 DVD production done by DMF 7 SE , are chapter markers added in the project timeline useless as we have to redo all chapters when transfered by VSX3 into DMF 7 SE ? or is there a way to have the markers trigger a chapter as before ?
We as a company have just made the step towards Revit and I have been given the task to start using it and getting things to be presented as our company standards.
I have took a bit of time to create our section markers. They all seemed to work great and ticked them as complete off my list till I tested them and realised they are numbered. Is there a way I can get my section to be alphabetical e.g. section A-A, B-B etc.
I am putting together ROW markers using a process found on the Being Civil blog. The Marker setup shows on the Assemblies fine, I go through the corridor section editor and I can see the marker at the proper location for the ROW. The ROW marker will not show up on the section views, Not sure if I missed a step but everything seems to work up to the point of putting them on the section views.
I seem to have a random, we'll say error for lack of a better term. I have a set of Point Styles with a Description Key set up for our survey points. When I import the points from a csv, I have 9 points that do not come in with the labels in the right spot. The label is supposed to sit next to the point style (see included image) Instead they sit 1 unit away. If you look at the included image you will see a point called COMH that is inserted correctly. Right above it is a point called WTMH that has the label coming in far to the right of the point style. Both the COMH and the WTMH have the same settings in the description key, and other than the block for the point, the same settings in the Point Style. I have completey re-written the description key, as well as re-created all the point styles, but this keeps happening. I have even re-created the block drawing and redefined the block in the dwt as well as an existing drawing.
P.S. I have added an image of the description key coding as well as the point style for the COMH andthe WTMH.
I suspect I may have hit a hotkey shortcut for hiding the visual aid for selected objects.How do I change it back? I cannot see anymore which element (object, anchor, path, etc.) that I have selected on my artboard.
When I started LR4 the first time it offered to migrate my LR3 (3.6) catalog. I accepted and it seemd to work fine. I now opened an older collection and noticed that all my markers (accepted, rejected, unmarked) have disappeared.
Let's say I have 4 sequences, of which 2 are multi-cam. I go through each sequence and add my Markers. How can I locate these sequence markers without opening each sequence and looking at the Markers panel?
If i have a clip on the timeline and i doubleclick it to bring it up in the source monitor and add markers. The markers appear in the clip in the source monitor, but they the markers don't show up on the clip in the timeline. Never had this issue with CS6 (or FCP). Is it just a setting? Or this is a bug in Premiere CC?
I am evaluating Video Prox5,and wanted to know if it nis possible to place cue markers on Audio track as an aid to sync particular points of video and Audio.
I have created several chapter markers in the video timeline and when I go to share and create a DVD or blu ray disk I see the chapter markers are reflected in the the create chapter menu which is what I would expect. I don't want to create a whole disk but I want to create a video file like mp4 that includes the chapter markers as part of the video file. I believe that the mp4 format supports chapter markers based on this page [URL]
I can't seem to create a video output file that also includes the chapter markers. Is this possible in video studio x4 or am I forced to create a DVD or blu ray disk with a menu structure in order to preserve the chapters in the resultant output?