I am working on pdf file, in which all the assets has been created in illustrator. I am opening that file in illustrator, and by save for web option exporting the images. But somehow the images as not proper. There are some colour related issues and also the images are not proper.
Is there any other way around so that I can extract those without loosing the quality ?
I have a quick question about animated gif's in image ready. I have been making some gif's latley in image ready and i have noticed the animations at "no delay" are a tad choppy in their execution. How do you make them go through their movements more smoothly? Is it a different software? For example, I notice that some "smileys" execute with very little choppyness if any... whats the difference.
well i just upgraded from photoshop 7 to CS2 and of course imageready too. so i was working with imageready cs2, trying to make a gif, when i realized that the movements werent smooth like they were in 7. heres how a IR 7 gif looked when i made it:
see how its all smooth and the fading is continuous?
well heres something i made using CS2:
in the CS2 gif, the fading is like, frame-by-frame ish. how come it didnt do that when i used IR7? im using the same steps on CS2 as i did on 7.
I only need to shrink images down from 350x490 pixels to 62x87. When I use the image resize in photoshop i get pixelated and quite blocky results. ) Any idea on how to resize these images to match the previous quality.
How can I take a small image in Photoshop and enlarge them without changing the quality. When I resize or enlarge images they get really blurry. How can I resize or enlarge a small image in Photoshop without changing the quality?
How can I take a small image in Photoshop and enlarge them without changing the quality. When I resize or enlarge images they get really blurry. How can I resize or enlarge a small image in Photoshop without changing the quality?
I work in PS CS2, and I would like to know some basic techniques for "cleaning" this jpegs as being extracted from a dvd often look quite fuzzy, so that they look quality enough to print on a larger scale! edit: oh yeah and can someone also redirect to a good tool for capturing stills? I used vlc player so far, but it only gives out png's...probably not the best format.
At work I use mac and a wacom tablet. The lines when i use a brush are very smooth.The problem I am having is occuring on my PC at home. For some reason the brush edges are not smooth (even when i draw a staight line).
In the image attached, you can see the yellow lines done at work (using mac and wacom) and the white lines on my home PC (windows and Huion tablet).Do you think its a settings issue? My home computer has 4Gb of ram and an Nvidia graphics card.
Imagine a normal brush, say 40 in size. if i stroke a bit fast, like normally drawing, and making round shapes, arcs, it isnt really curvy as it should.....it kinda gets some steps whn i stroke really fast...this doesnt happen in other progs....is thee a way i can make a round stroke be really round?...
Bringing in 12mp images from Nikon camera and losing quality (blurry edges, low quality, etc). Is there a setting I can change or is this what we have to deal with on ps touch?
I'm starting to work with big format photos much more these days. I'm designing albums which will contain a few pics per spread. When designing the pages sometimes i need to CTRL+T (shrink or enlarge) the images. So the question is, do these images lose (print) quality with all the CTRL + T?
I want to re size a lot of images to a lower quality. Is there a way of doing this process without having to open each individual file time after time. All the images are different sizes. I just want to lower the size of the file for putting in a pdf catalogue.
I save my image into jpg/gif or whatever, it tends to lose a bit of detail or rather "smoothness." The image looks very nice and smooth in PS, but whenever I save it to use on the web, It looses a bit of its smoothness. Is there some setting or technique to fix.
One thing I notice is that when I use the Bezier curve tool in GIMP, when I stroke the path, the result is a jagged messy looking line. In Photoshop however, when I stroke the path with the pen tool, the result is a much cleaner, smoother line. Is there a way to get a smoother result in Gimp like Photoshop does?
When I edit images on Photoshop It looks clear and crisp, I save as an PNG file and then upload it to eg. Facebook or tumblr the images then look really grainy, bluured and pixelated!
I Have my graphics processor as "Normal" and I haven't messed about with the settings much!
Toady I've noticed that Gimp opens high quality jpg images in lower quality than their original ones.I made sure by opening the image using another software, and it gave me apparent good jpg quality that i expect.Please check attachments (see the red button).Noting that when i saved the opened image form Gimp using the maximum quality (100%), it saved in a lower quality that was on-screen visible when it was opened. it is a bug?
I've been playing around with autocad rendering, I have the bowl which is revolution of a profile but it is 'ruled' looking. I changed the options in preferences to some higher numbers and regenall and everything smoothed out but the bowl. is there another setting somewhere for this? Also the spacers on the table are chrome, but are not showing the material.
Are there any good video tutorials for redrawing logo such as the one I'm including. Some of my clients don't have the original artwork and I'm stuck with having to redraw small images to get better quality.
I will make an application for windows 8. So in the application, i will use traffic signs. However i need to seperate the icons one by one and save all of the icons one by one as "png" so how can i do this? you can download "AI" file by this link:[URL]
Our customers have given us some black and white Monochrome Bitmap images at 400 ppi (see attached sample) and 600 ppi of some scanned black and white engineering drawings. Some of the small text on the drawings is not very legible because open areas are filled in with black. Some of the vertical and horizontal lines are ragged (digitized) on the edges. Is there any way that I can improve the visual quality of these Monochrome Bitmap images in Corel Draw (which I use) or Corel Paint (of which I'm not very knowledgeable, or adept)?
Problem: All images are poor quality. I've tried clicking on enhanced view. That didn't work. This is across Draw, Photo Paint and Connect. I tried to alter a logo in Paint a year ago. I thought maybe it was just my machine causing the problem. But, I emailed to my brother and it was just as blurry on his machine. I've tried to look at Clip Art and the vector images are really bad--especially ones from previous versions of Corel.
When I make a standard print of any object, I normally offer two or three views, I also include an isometric view of the object that I draw in a 3-D program, and I cut and paste a screen shot of that image into my Autocad file. I do this for the few of our Brothers who have a problem reading standard blueprints for their own reasons. After cut and paste, I find that the image quality is extremely poor, with ragged and unclear edges, I am not sure but I think the poor quality edges are called tesselation. Is there a solution to this condition?
Just noticed that when I save a job as a pdf in Illustrator CS6 the images become pixelated. The image is currently 300dpi in photoshop. I have tried several methods. I have to scale it down small, but I can't figure I've tried different settings with the pdf.I have also scaled it in photoshop and still doesn't matter.
In Bridge you can enhance imported thumbnail images to a high quality, however in Lightroom 3 or 4 this does not appear to be the case, with images appearing of a lesser quality. Is there a process in Lightroom which will enhance thumbnail images to a high quality as in Bridge.?
Basically I made an animation sequence on Autodesk Maya and rendered the sequence as 2000 jpeg images each representing 1 frame, put it in one folder and on Adobe Premiere imported and dragged the folder into the timeline to make a moving image so in other words my video is made up of hundreds of jpg images.
Now on the editor it all looks HD and fine but when I export it via file > export > media, in order to match the sequence to the screen I must click on 'match sequence settings' which will snap the whole movie into the window rather than have it widescreen and once I do this I can't modify anything else such as codec, etc (codec is automatically set as MPEG -Frame and the output automatically is mpeg), is this normal? Why is it mpeg ajnd not avi...
So once I export the video with these settings (image uploaded) the quality is ok but not as good as what I see in the Premeire editor, why? What can I do to improve the quality?
On the other hand if I don't click on match to sequence settings and personally customise the paramaters such as avi, I use max settings for many things but after exporting my picture quality actually goes worse compared tomatch to sequence settings? (which has less parameters)
Why is this happening, all my jpeg images are high quality 720p and I should just be able to export it as normal...
I am trying to make a cut-scene to get into Unity so the codec is important as well.
How can I make my video best quality as possible being mpeg or avi? What settings do I need to play with?
I have attached the original DWG file that I am trying to get into 3DS Max. When I imported it, in the Import Options box, I played with Auto Smooth and Curve Steps and it didn't seem to work.