Photoshop :: Resizing Multiple Images To A Lower Quality
Sep 11, 2008
I want to re size a lot of images to a lower quality. Is there a way of doing this process without having to open each individual file time after time. All the images are different sizes. I just want to lower the size of the file for putting in a pdf catalogue.
How can I take a small image in Photoshop and enlarge them without changing the quality. When I resize or enlarge images they get really blurry. How can I resize or enlarge a small image in Photoshop without changing the quality?
How can I take a small image in Photoshop and enlarge them without changing the quality. When I resize or enlarge images they get really blurry. How can I resize or enlarge a small image in Photoshop without changing the quality?
I've got all these huge size images taken with a digital camera that I want to shrink down to 640x480 or so for upload to my galleries at I'd hate to do them one by one.
I have a folder that has about 100 photos. They are 2048 x 1536 and are around 1.2 MB in size. Also, their orientation is mixed. Meaning, some of them are horizontal (landscape) and some of them are verticle (portrait).
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
Upgrading from PSE 10 to 11, I noticed that when I watch my images with the organizer in PSE 11 in full screen view mode (F11), while the images load faster, they are shown in a lower quality than in PSE 10 or any other version of PSE that I owned before. In PSE 11, after the initial viewing in full screen (in the "fit screen" mode), when I click with the mouse on an image to display the "100%" view, there is a delay and the program says "Loading...", after which the 100% view in the full screen mode appears. When I then click another time with the mouse on the image to get back to "fit screen" mode, I get an image of better quality than during the initial view!
So it seems like the program first gives a faster, but lower quality view of the image in full screen mode, and only after the user requests a 100% view, it actually loads the image with full detail, which is then preserved when going back to the "fit screen" view. This is a serious issue for me, because I also use PSE organizer to present my pictures to other people, and I don't want to show them some lower quality versions of my images, but the full quality ones, without having to first choose "100% view" and then go back to "fit screen".
How can I make the PSE 11 organizer give me a full-quality full screen image right away, as this used to be the case in PSE10 and before? (I have both versions, PSE 11 and PSE 10, now on the same computer and tested this to confirm that the PSE 11 initial full screen view is of lower quality than the PSE 10 one. Also in PSE 10, there is practically no delay for displaying the "100%" view afterwards, indicating that the image was loaded with full detail right away.)
We are having this problem with all 8 of our AutoCAD stations.
If we go to Tools / Options / Open and Save / Thumbnail Preview Settings, in the "Sheets and Views" panel, the "Performance-Accuracy Slider" is set all the way to the right, which the Information Panel lists as "Update thumbnails when saving drawing".
This makes our SAVEs very long.
We can slide it to the middle and our SAVEs become very quick.
But we have to remember to change it for EACH drawing we open.
I forgot on the last one and has been saving for half-an-hour so far.
Is there any way to keep the slider in the middle for each time we open?
Somehow I ended up with duplicates in my library. Some could be compressed jpg versions that were emailed to people. Is there an easy way to determine which are the better quality versions so I can delete the others?
I want to resize an image without loosing picture quality but I'm not making it larger - I'm making it smaller. For example, there are small stars in the background which seem get deleted when I resize it.
But here's the thing - After resizing it (but before "confirming" my changes), it looks perfect. Then I hit enter and then it deletes certain details. Basically I can look at the image at the size and quality I want in PS but I can't save it that way. And it's not a matter of saving it with a higher quality level, it happens as soon as I resize. WTF?
Im getting married and took some pictures with my fiance so we can create a save the date to send out. Her brother was the photographer who has a very expensive and high quality camera. Took those pictures and opened them in these pictures open up to be about 75 by 45. I might be trying to do the impossible but im trying to get it down to be able to fit on a 4x6 picture but everytime and way i try it always seem to pixelate it.
Some images in threads are now showing up with the lower portion of the picture blacked out. Its like there is a limit on how large the image can be. Many times what the posting memeber is trying to show is blacked out.
I want to resize dozens of jpeg photos so they are all the same size. Rather than doing them one at a time, is it possible to do them as a batch in PS CS5?
I am trying to resize multiple photos by using the batch option. I have created an action and then go into batch and select that action. It's not working. Anybody have any ideas on how I can resize my photos all at once??
My camera is often used to take pictures in different events for my college. I am required to email those pictures to a person. But before I send them I must resize them all to 580 by 435. The way i currently do it right now is i go to "Image Size" and resize each individual picture from there. I was wondering if theres a way to just be able to resize all of the pictures in a folder to a specific size without having to do it one by one. it would make my life alot easier since its usually about 20 pictures at a time.
I am working on pdf file, in which all the assets has been created in illustrator. I am opening that file in illustrator, and by save for web option exporting the images. But somehow the images as not proper. There are some colour related issues and also the images are not proper.
Is there any other way around so that I can extract those without loosing the quality ?
I take photos of jewelry and work with them in Photoshop 6.0. I'm trying to take photo of very small items in closeup mode. If I print them out at normal size, they come out very clear but if I resize them so that I may fit many shots on a 8.5 X 11 inch page, the become very blurry. How do I resize closeup shots in photoshop so that they come out clear at smaller sizes?
I am using Photoshop CS (older version). I am having a problem with resizing images. Prior to sending this, everything was working okay and now nothing will resize. my file path was file menu > automate > batch > and then I would choose my source and destination for the resized images.
In the end, all the newly resized images would stay the same size as before.
reguarding digital photographs. I have been working in Photoshop for 10 years, but I just started serious digital photography. I purchased the Canon Eos Rebel XT 8mp camera. My question is what is the best way to resize images? The camera produces 3456 x 2304 pixel images. Which comes out to 48 x 32 inches at 72 dpi. I have tried the Bicubic Smoother and Sharper settings. For example I am designing a magazine cover with one of these images, obvisouly it needs to be a high res image for printing. What is the best way to size down that image? On the flip side, I want to print one of those images at 24x36 for a poster design, alsohigh res printing. What is the best way to size that as well? I am just looking for a workflow and getting the most out of this great camera.
This is probably a basic one for most people, but I'm pretty clueless... I've got a fairly large image (3000px) that I need to scale down to 500-ish px. How do I best go about doing this without getting that awful 'halo' effect? I've tried gradually scaling down without much success.
I am in the process of resizing Tiff images to JPEG thumbnails, 640x433 pixels. The problem is finding the best solution to do batch processing. I have archived my "Clouds," files on 10 DVDs so far and still have the original folders on my HD.
I want to now resized them to archive on CDRs, for distribution to stock houses etc., thus I need your assistance. The integrity, color, quality has to mirror the original images.
Formerly using other image software, I have just loaded up CS2 and have a quick project to output that has about 1,000 images in it. All the images need to be stretched width wise by about 133%. Can someone direct me to a quick way to do this on ALL the images quickly instead of one by one as I did with my old software? The images are all .BMP's
Also, and second to the above, if someone can direct me to Adobe CS2 tutorials either free online or purchasable on DVD that would be quite helpful.
I have approximately 7000 images they are either 400 pixels tall or wide or 450 pixels tall or wide. This are product images and Amazon requires the images be 1000 pixels wide or tall. Is there a way to automate the process so PS recognizes longest side and it height/width and enlarges to 1000 pixels. If so, what is the magic formula?