I was wondering how to outline a shape in a picture and then make the rest of the picture white.
I've included 2 pictures: This one is an example of what I want to do:
This one is the picture that I want to edit (Outline the shoes in the picture and then make the rest of the picture white): It seems like this can't be too hard but I'm really bad at Photoshop.
Like the title says I'd like to know how to darken (or change the color) a specific irregular area of a picture, without afecting the rest of the picture.
I want to darken the color of the thin "vertical!?" lines of this picture, without afecting the remaining picture:
I have a shape (of a splat) and want to use an image to 'paint' it with, so that the image only overlays the shape and the rest of the background that is not part of the shape is transparent - how can I do this.
I'm trying to change the white background on a picture of myself to be transparent. When I use the "Color to Alpha" tool, it works, but when I paste the photo into word/powerpoint/etc not only does it turn the white background 100% transparent but it also makes the whole image slightly transparent.
How can I make the white background disappear without making the whole image transparent? I want to use color to alpha because if I simply use the magic wand tool and delete the white area there is still some white showing through my hair.
I'm working with CorelDraw X3 and want to fill text into a round shape, while keeping it's exact outline. Hence, cutting of parts of words and letters is fine with me as long as the shape is well-defined. Unfortunately when filling paragraph text into a shape, the automatic line breaks lead to a quite irregular shape regardless of font size.
As workaround I arranged a mask in front of background and text but this requires a square paragraph text which is larger than the background. Since paragraph text obviously cannot be cropped with other objects I made the mask size bigger and filled it white. When exporting my document as image everything looks neat, but there must be a better way to do this in CorelDraw itself?
I tried converting the paragraph text into artistic text and cropping this, which works fine for a few words and a small object. But I'm talking around 1000 words here, and trying to crop this artistic text leads to very random cropping results. I guess such a large number of objects and knots is too much for CorelDraw to handle!?
I'm not sure if you can do this but if any of you have seen the Itunes Color Effects app, I'm wondering if there is a way to keep color in one part of a photo while making the rest B&W? I know how to make it B&W & I can't get it to work with the paint bucket or anything like that.
My image is in grayscale though it's recognised as RGB. It contains structures in white which I would like to fill with a colour. So basically, I'd like for all the white in the image to show up as e.g. red.
How do I do that? I'm guessing it must be possible to have a red layer and somehow this will then fill the white, but I'm getting confused with background and foreground filling options and I don't know which transparency options I have to choose.
I am trying to put a rounded rectangle around some text but it only makes a filled shape and covers the text. How do I put just the border of a rounded rectangle around some text?
I'm creating navigational elements in photoshop and I want to be able to adjust the outline by itself, as well as there are some elements that are only an outline with no fill. How do I create shape outlines without the fill?
i have this client and he gave me these 2 logos that he wants made into blackand white outline. can cut around everything and clean it up but its an extreme job.
I'm trying to do the same thing with the outline of New York, by putting a picture of NYC inside the state outline, but I'm not really sure how to go about doing it.
Once I have removed the background from around a picture and save as a .psd it looks perfect. only picture and transparent background - even if I slide a black background behind it all, there is no white outline - just as I want it. Then I delete the background color only leaving the picure and transparent background - I export to a .png from the .psd.
When I re-open the .png and slide a black background color layer behind the picture, I see a tiny white outline around the picture.
Do I have an issue with my erase command or my export to .png-8?
It does trouble me especially during setting "drop shadow", "inner glow" and "stroke". In previous version, if this problem came up, I can solve it by clicking another layer and then double-clicking the original layer to pop up the style setting.
Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.
It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...
The cat is from [URL]...
A general idea of the selected area
What happens when I take out the selected area
So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?
I am very much a Noob at photoshop, this is officially the 2nd time I have used it. I have a small image, I want to rotate it 30 degrees counterclockwise. I also mant to put a small black border (10 pixels) around the outside of it. You can see the one I tried up in the banner on my developing site.
how to title my question...which has been making googling tough. I want to duplicate the outline / two tone effect in my attached picture to a different picture of a car.
I'm hoping there is some filter or steps to pulling this off, without having to draw it from scratch (which isn't going to happen!)
In Photoshop CS6 Adobe has added a white outline to the cross hair cursor (when for example using the Marquee and pen tool) making it a lot less precise than before when you want to hit exact pixels. Is there a way to remove this?
I want to use an image like this (not the exact one), i want to remove the white background and select the outline of the world.I want to then use a inner/outer glow to it to make it stand out on my coloured background.