Photoshop :: Opening CS Files W/embedded Sub Folders In Phtshp7
Jan 9, 2005
opening CS files with embedded subfolders, as you know the Photoshop CS version allows you to have multiple subfolders within folders. But the problem is the shop I work at requires us to work in Photoshop 7 for backward compatibility issues. What happens is when I open the CS files that have embedded subfolders will get lost or combined.
Question: Is there another way to rectify the problem with out opening the file in CS and manually move any embedded subfolders out to the outer hierarchy ? So when I open the CS file all of the layers will show up properly?
Trouble with embedded OLE DWG objects in word 2010 not opening with AutoCAD 2012
We have a user that can't open some OLE DWG files from within a word document. He had 2010 AutoCAD LT on his machine for a while then was upgraded to 2012 AutoCAD (non LT) once that was there LT 2010 was unistalled. since then he has not been able to open certain embedded OLE files within Word. Other users that have other ever had AutoCAD 2012 have no issue opening this embedded DWG files.
i found this thread (URL....) which sounds exactly what is going on with my enduser. But the fix provided is for AutoCad 2000-2012 not the LT versions.
I have AutoCad LT and I can't find a way to scroll through folders full of drawings without opening each one. I have the Autocad Viewer but I can't find a way to make it do this, what are you pros doing, I know there has to be something out there. The rest of the world has way to view file i.e. Photoshop has Bridge, Nikon Has View NX, I do photography and there's a ton of ways to view images even at full res .
how I can see if some .ico files are embedded with multiple sizes? I used the .ico plug-in and selected to embed all sizes, but I am not sure if this works. I'd like to be able to confirm it.
The color workspace of Lr is linear ProPhoto. If we have a TIFF file with the embedded color profile, like ProPhoto 1.8, does Lr use embedded color space (Prophoto 1.8 in this case) as workspace instead of its standard workspace?
My question is, isn’t Illustrator supposed to use and save just one instance of an embedded image regardless of how many times it i used in an document?
A senario: If I import and embed an image and I save the document I get a pretty small files size. But when I copy this image internally in the document, say that I copy the image 10 times, I get ten times the file size. Is it supposed to do that? Why doesn't it just save the image one time?
I retouch all my images in photoshop from lightroom so they appear next to the raw file in lightroom when I come back. Depending on where the images will be printed they can have a different embedded profiles. without having to include the profile used in the naming of the file my question is:
Is there a way of viewing the file's embedded profile from within lightroom without having to re-open in photoshop to see?
I create vector drawings in Microsoft Office Visio and I need to be able to convert raster images from PDFs into vector images compatible with Visio. I've tried tracing the bitmap with various options but the line quality produced when saved to a .svg file is not adequate for our needs. Images from a PDF that are not embedded work perfectly by saving to a .svg file, but the bitmap comes in as one unusable entity. Simply put, can X6 convert embedded bitmaps from within PDFs into vector files?
Deleting temp files, if I can just do a blanket Erase, or will this potentially damage autocad drawings. My temp file is on my local drive, but all of our drawings are stored on a network drive. It seems to me I remember these things storing up over time with crashes, etc. But as they build up performance seems to dwindle.
These files range from .tmp files to Texture folders, .cvr files, and nonsense names like A$C5DCD5F31.Can I just window and Delete All?
This after an install of CS6. They do appear in the flyout menus, but every folder inside the preset folder are apparently empty. I open the install file and found all the preset files there but for some reason they didn't load. ???
My new CS5 HDRPRO & Photomerge from Tools & Atuomate would not accet files and was giving me dialog boxes that did relate to the action or would not load the files.
After level one of trouble shooting then more work with a Sr.?Tech last night we isolated that the folders and method of transferring my images from my Nikon D7000 may be causing the HRO & Photomerge function from not accepting image files in some Folders.
A. Could be the port in my MacBook Pro has failed & is corruting the files.
B. Could be that when I take the origional image files out of the folder created by the Nikon Photoshop does not like that.
C. Photoshop does not like image files after they have been moved from one folder to another.
Somehow my Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 has been corrupted. The photos I added are scattered throughout several folders. And when I open a file, the wrong folder name appears at the top of the display. It seems to have pushed files down through the folder tree, moving previous files into folders that are about 5 folders down. I was going to reinstall, but I received a warning upon "uninstallation" that I need to deactivate my access number, but I don't know how to do that.
We are new to Adobe Photo Elements (version 8) and are having trouble bringing files into our catalog. When we go to Files> Get Photos and Videos> From Files and Folders, we can select a folder in the root, but then it disappears from view and we can't navigate down to a subfolder.
We anticipated that the folder pane, which looks a lot like Windows Explorer, would allow us to navigate the folder hierarchy until we found the folder or file we wanted to import or open. Apparently, this is not how it works. In our case, we do not want to catalog the whole folder hierarchy, but one of the subfolders.
I have upgreaded to Elements 10 and when doing the catalog conversion many of the folders in the new catalog are missing the files(photos). When I right-click on those folders and try to add the files I can see the missing files attempting to transfer but on completion I receive this: :The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this folder"-BUT-the files are NOt in the folder in the catalog. They are in the folder on my computer as I am able to access them easily-They simply did not end up in the catalog's respective folders. I am using Windows XP Pro and all my Folders and Files are on an external drive and are saved there when I download the photos from my camera. I have not had this issue before--How might I get these files into the folder in the catalog?-I tried setting up a new catalog and attempted to convert again with the same results.
How I move pictures from my files or folders or whatever they are called (pictures I already have in my computer) to Photoshop Elements 11 so that I can edit them. I am having a hard time with this!
Have used previous versions for years but not on this PC. Each time I try to import, it goes through some number of photos, up through 2,00 plus sometimes and then says import failed and I get nothing. It claims the file is the wrong type (only jpgs and psds). I don't know what the stumbling block is or why elements doesn't jut ignore files it can't read and go on to the next.
Is there a way to have the organizer folders set up the same was as Windows Explorer? I have a main folder called Family with sub folders for all the years and in each of the subfolders there could be other subfolders. It wouldn't allow me to click on main folder and get all sub folders. I had to open main folder and then it shows all folders and sub folders separately. They are no longer nested.
Along the same lines, I wanted to create an album of Family with all subfolders, but that doesn't work.that is definitely a short coming which is why I never have used the organizer program, but just PSE for editing.
I have just bought Elements 12. Great programme. I used to use Picasa 3, a good free programme. In Picasa it is easy to move images around in their folders by simply click, drag and drop. This does not work in elements. Is it possible to achieve this somehow?
Today everytime I save a file this message comes up "Folders and files cannot be saved when Autodesk 360 is not running. Start Autodesk 360 and try again"
Why is this showing up all of a sudden and how do I get rid of it or start Autodesk 360.
LR5 stopped listing my previously imported folders/files from my external drive.They show up in the Import dialogue but as the images were previously imported, they are "grayed out" and cannot be reimported. How do I get LR to list them?
Having organized, edited and rated my photos using Bridge CS4 but recently started getting seriously into LR3 I still want to keep that file structure, either in a transitional period or indefinitely.
I normally use Bridge to import the photos, then spend some time creating sub-folders (one folder per event), organizing them. I'm hoping that I can add those (already organized) folders into LR, but can't figure out how. I see how I can import the photos, but I don't want that as I want to keep them all in the same location (they're all organized on the hard drive as I want them), just have LR "see" them so I can further edit and rate them. How do I do that?
I also want LR to understand and see the edits I've made to my RAW files as well as my ratings, keywords etc.
Are there other things I should keep in mind when having my photos work with both Bridge and LR?
I am trying to organize files and folders in lightroom and I am assuming it works the same way as bridge or better yet Apple Finder.
The file structure does not match from finder to lightroom. I am finding so many duplicated files.
All of my imports seem to go into a 2011 folder. I also tried to create a sub folder within 2011 and promote it to the master Lightroom Photos Folder but it does not work. I've been using a mac for over 20 years and this seems just wrong.
My main user folder on the iMac is set to be shared (read/write, including all enclosed files) with my MacBook Pro. The job is a series of one-page InDesign files (they are newspaper advertisements). The IDD files contain a series of Illustrator files with linked PSD files.The idea is that we can both work on the .idd and .ai files in the same folder at the same time.
It's all working fine EXCEPT that whenever an .ai file is opened on the MacBook, Illustrator doesn't know where the linked PSD files are. We can update the link, but when the .ai file is then opened on the iMac and saved, the same thing happens the next time it is opened on the Macbook.
I don't want to embed the PSD files into the .ai files as sometimes I have to modify them and they can be linked to up to 20 .ai files.
G5 iMac OSX 10.7.5 / Macbook Pro OSX 10.8.2 / networked via FireWire cable / file sharing on, laptop user has Administrator status, all files are read/write, permissions include all enclosed files / CS6
1. When attempting to rename a folder, why do I get this message: "The folder XYZ could not be renamed or moved."? It only happens to certain folders but not others. I may come back to that folder several days later and the problem won't reoccur.
2. When moving a group of files from one folder location to another, all but maybe one or two will move. Although I receive an error, I try moving those two again, and they move normally.
Admittedly, I am fairly new with Lightroom but I am totally at a loss to explain what has happened. I wanted to create a new catalog to move some files into. I went File>New Catalog and then in the "Create folder with new catalog" dialogue box, I typed in my new name and hit "save". Boom. Lightroom closed right down. When I opened it back up, all of my folders and catologs were gone. Nothing appears in the navigation section on the left side other than the headings, "Catalogs", "Folders", "Collections", etc and they are empty. In "My Computer" all of the folders are still there with the DNG files in place, but LR will not show them to me. why I can no longer access my catalogs?