Photoshop :: My Images Dont Show On Cs4

Nov 12, 2008

i dl the trial i open it up and i open an image a PSD and nothing shows but a black screen
the only time i see the picture is when i hold on the mouse but the soonest i let it go it goes back to black.

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Photoshop :: Dont See All My Brushes

Jan 21, 2008

i have Photoshop CS3 Extended and i have collected about 700 brush sets and have putt them all in the brush folder.

the problem i am haveing is i cant use them all.

what i meen is when i open the brush selection menu i dont have any way of scrolling acros to see them all.

i have taken a screen capture to show you what i see.

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Photoshop :: Dont' See Fonts After Adding Them

Feb 9, 2005

I have this text problem. I added a few new fonts to my sys and dont see them when choosing the font.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Tools Dont Work

Mar 31, 2009

for a while now, my photoshop tools wouldnt work. it was only the tools that involved "painting" like the brush tool and quick select. after reinstalling, they would work but suddenly they'd stop again. eventually i figured out that it was the pen for my wacom tablet. every time i used the pen, it would make the mouse not work untill i reinstalled the program. this means that a setting changes (pen pressure or something) when i use the pen and it doesnt change back when i use the mouse. i cant deturmine which setting changes.

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Photoshop :: Hotkeys Dont Work?

Apr 18, 2004

Ive got Photoshop CS, and none of the hotkeys are working, according to the hotkey settings they're all there and should work.. but none of them do.. not even simple things that should work like cut and paste..

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Photoshop :: Pictures Dont Print Right

Jan 22, 2007

I use laptop to print pictures and graphics.

I send my designs to a commercial printing company. Usual case is, is that the pictures turn out too dark or too lite, and sometimes it is due to the fact that the CMYK colors are overaly saturated causing all these colors layer to overprint and make it come out too dark. On my screen I dont see those oversaturated colors, I see a picture that looks good on screen. When Im using flat color somewhere, I have a swatch book that I use to assign number to each color and so the results are always great. But you cant do that with pictures, with pictures you have no idea. I use a color picker and set it to 5 point average to measure color, but it really doesnt tell me much. How can I measure a whole picture and be able to tell if the output looks oversaturated or undersaturated or too lite or too dark?

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Photoshop :: Error Message - Dont' Save PDF?

Sep 27, 2012

After the latest patch installation, Photoshop CS5 ext. (12.1 x64 on windows7 64bit) don't save the files on the PDF format. The message: "the file is already open on other application"

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Photoshop :: Printing Problems With CS3- Prints Dont...

Feb 12, 2009

My prints dont match what i am seeing on the screen when using CS3. I am using windows xp and printing on a epson 7800. I never had this problem before i started using CS3. I have calibrated my monitor.

I have the standard version of CS3 not the extended. I read a arctical that CS3 prints darker then what is on your screen. The solution if you have CS3 extended is to increase lightness just before printing, but what if you dont have the extended version, what do you do?

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Photoshop :: Cs4 Tools Dont Follow The Path I Want...

May 17, 2009

Im having issues with cs4. When i use a tool (paintbrush, eraser), it randomly applies it somewhere else. For instance when trying to paint precise lines while following and edge  the brush will apply itself randomly somewhere else. It always happens when i release the mouse button and then press it to start using again. I could be painting a horizontal line, let off the mouse button, repress it and all of a sudden the brush paints a vertical line 3 inches away!

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Photoshop :: Dont Put Copyright Or Period In File Name

Nov 4, 2007

I like to put © in my file names, but I saw some warning recently about something about it wont work in some browsers.

Does any know the definitive dangers in putting © symbol or a period in files names.

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Photoshop :: My Filter Options Dont Work Anymore.....

Sep 18, 2004

i just got photoshop CS and at the beggining all the filter options workedbut now they dont anymore when i want to make some wind i cant because the button is like gray(cant press it)......

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Photoshop :: CS4- Images Don't Show Up

Nov 25, 2008

Running: Vista Ultimate x64 and CS4 Photoshop x64.

I go to bridge to get an image. Can be RAW or JPEG. I know the files are good since I used them on CS3.

When I open the image, I get the "box" that the image is in, the image name in the upper left corner and a grayed out box. There is NO image however.

Now if I grab the box and move it, the image shows up, but once I ungrab the box, the image goes away.

So it just isn't displaying the image.

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Photoshop :: How To Show Two Images Open In CS6

Jan 31, 2013

How can I show two images open in Photoshop CS6  - next to each other?
Going through the screen modes by pressing F like in Photoshop CS5 doesn't get me there. That screen mode with the floating windows seems to be missing. I need it for comparisons and for dragging layers between the two images. 
Is the floating window screen mode achievable in CS6 or how else can I put two opened images next to each other on Photoshop's workspace?

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Photoshop :: All Images Show Darker In PS Since CS4

Oct 24, 2008

After installeing CS4, all my images now look darker in PS. They all look at least 20% darker. I still have CS3 installed, and when I look into CS3, they images now also look darker. But when I flip back to Windows, all images look ok.

I thought it might be Adobe gamma - which I had disabled previously because it conflicts with my color spider calibrator. Sinec installing CS4, I looked in the startup folder of windows, but Adobe Gamma is not there... So I wonder what could possibly be affecting the way the images are showing in PS.

I tried a few different proofing methods in PS, but to no avail (only MAC proofing shows the image closer to what it should look like, but it's still not it).


Nvidia 8800 GTS

All latest drivers

4 GB ram (xp sees 3.25GB)

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Images Do Not Show In Photoshop CS4?

Mar 11, 2013

Running Lightroom 4.3 on Vista, I cant pass processed Canon EOS 6D RAW images to Photoshop CS4. when selecting to edit in CS4, Photoshop runs but no image appears. There is no error message. In Lightroom Photoshop editor preferences it makes no difference whether I select PSD of TIFF. Is thsi because CS4 is passed an incompatible RAW file... if so whyt no error message?

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Photoshop :: Show Pixels When Resizing Images

Mar 2, 2012

where is the button to show pixels when resizing images? Microsoft paint has it on default but Photoshop cs4 doesn't.

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Photoshop :: Opening Images - Window Is Not Big Enough To Show It All?

Nov 8, 2013

When I open a picture in photoshop, the window is not big enough to show it all. When I drag it to my retina monitor on my laptop, it scales down. Why can't adobe figure this stuff out? It used to be that your image would open as large as possible on your monitor, and would show the entire image.

If it was larger than your monitor could display, it would scale it to 66.7% or 25% etc so it would fit. I liked that better than this way - now you just see the top corner of your image and have to drag the window larger to see it.

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Photoshop :: Images Won't Open / Show Up In Pieces?

Feb 18, 2013

I recently downloaded and installed Photoshop and I am having trouble opening anything. Any image that I try to open wont show up,I can see if fine in the thumbnail on my layers palette but nothing on my actual workspace. Sometimes it will open but it will only show part of the image and as soon as I try to move it or even click on it, it disappears. Also if I open the image in a separate tab and try to drag it to my original work space, it will show up in pieces or sometimes like a tiled image. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Im hoping it is a setting or something simple..

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Photoshop :: JPEG Images Won't Show Up On Web Page

Jul 8, 2004

I am creating some .jpg buttons in photoshop. At first, I could create a button and then do an <img src="location"> and the image would show up. But for some reason, now when I create a button and save it as a jpeg, and then do the <img src="location"> the image won't display. And I am positive it is looking in the right place for the image.

What I have to do is save the button as a .jpg and then copy that .jpg image and paste it over an old .jpg button that I have previously made that would show up. I would save it as the new button name then. After doing that then I can see the new button created.

I don't know if it is the way I am creating or saving the .jpg's that is doing this, or if I accidentially changed a setting in Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Mini Bridge Doesn't Show Images

May 3, 2013

when in photoshop mini bridge doesnt open bridge and mini bridge doesnt show images,just grey boxes with file names

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Photoshop :: Why Do Images Opened In CR Coming With CC Always Show 2 EV To Bright

Aug 12, 2013

Why do images opened in CR coming with PS CC always show 2 EV to bright? The same images opened with CR coming with my PS CS6 on another machine open almost perfect every time.

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Photoshop :: Edge Of Transparent Images Show White

Nov 27, 2006

I created an oval logo from scratch. Its a gif. I saved it using the "save for web" option under the File menu. I use this logo for our website. As long as the logo is placed on a page with a light background it looks ok. But when I put it on a page with a darker background, the image is outlined in white. Its getting very frustrating. This is happening with any image that i give an transparent background.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Show Thumbnails Of Large File Images

May 22, 2013

How can I get Elements 9 to show me thumbnails of my large file images? When I tweak them with CS5 Elements won't show them in the Organizer.

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Lightroom :: Adobe 3.2 Does Not Show Any Images

Sep 9, 2010

I just updated to Lightroom 3.2 this week. It worked fine the past few  days. Then last night, it started kind slow, then showed images shown in  Library grid/strip view for any images. But it still show meta data.  And no images in Develop tab. But if I move the mouse on the image area,  the RGB values in histogram (upper right) still changes with differnt  values. Just no images. And it still shows the shooting data.
I reinstalled it twice and oit still behave the same.
Then  I build a new catalog. I see images only in the pre-import screen. Once  a folder is imported, no images in this new catalog.
I also  tried to clear cache, removed preferrance, and then create a new  catalog. When I tried to import my images, there is a little triangle  showing on top of each image, clicked and it said" Lightroom has some  difficulty import the image file".
But PS CS5 Bridge and PS CS5  works just fine. I can actually right click on a grid (even though not  seeing the real image or preview) and edit in PSP CS5.
BTW, the  day before yesterday's problem, I was watchng the new Lightroom tutorial  from this site (which I bought) and adjusted preference,... I don't  know whether such a change of setting may cause Lightroom having  difficulty seeing images.

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Edge Animate CC :: Images Don't Show Up?

Nov 25, 2013

I put my Edge Animation on a website I have made hotspots to show images and text when you click them.Sometimes it shows the text ,but the images don't show up.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Images Exported Don't Show Up In Folder

Aug 14, 2012

I am attempting to export several CorelDRAW 15 projects to JPEG so I can send them to my publisher, but I've run into a couple of problems...

The first being that the images never actually export. I go to File->Export, select the file type, and then click OK on the options page. The options page just closes and nothing shows up in the destination folder.

The really weird part is that if I try to export the same file again, Corel spits me a message saying it all ready exists and should I replace it. I double check the file path on both ends to make sure I didn't just export to the wrong place and that isn't the issue.

I even went swop far as to check the directory in question in Windows Command Prompt to check for some strange ghost file that I've never heard of and it says that the folder is completely empty.

And then it got even WEIRDER. I right clicked the folder in question to check the properties and, to my amazed shock, it showed the folder containing 4 files and a little over 7 mb (the expected number). Upon a quick search in the start menu, the imported picture ACTUALLY showed up looking perfect with a file address leading to the ghost folder. 

Now here's the fun part: I figured maybe it was just a display glitch that I could fix by just moving the folder to an other one, it then proceeded to give me this error:

" The action can't be completed because the file is open in another program. Close the folder or file and try again."

It didn't say what program, but I assumed cleverly it was Corel. I closed it and nothing changed. So I then went to the Task Manager to see if a Corel process is still running... Nope... Nothing. Corel -- as far as the computer is concerned -- is no longer running and I still can't get my files that may or may not be there.

Additional Notes:
Running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Pentium Dual-Core Processor 2.7 GHz
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Get Images To Show Up

Feb 9, 2012

I can't seem to get images to show up in 2012. Not all images... just ones that I receive from other folks using LandDesktop 2009. They are usually images of terrain.

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Lightroom :: Images Don't Show Up Edited When Uploaded?

Jan 5, 2014

I would edit some light work on my images and then export it into a folder. It would look fine and have all the features that I edited. Whenever I upload it to other places, it wouldn't take the edits I made and it shows up as the orginal image or maybe a darkened version of it (I'm not sure). The only place that actually takes my edited images as edited, is 500px. For facebook, there were times when I uploaded and it didn't take my edits, but when I exported the image again to a higher resolution of Jpeg, facebook would take the edits.
I wanted to print some photos so I uploaded them to costco or shutterfly, but the images are not the way I edited in Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: 3.3 Doesn't Show All Images Of A Folder

Dec 30, 2010

I have used Lightroom since version 1.0 and at the moment I am using v3.3.
Now I have following problem and I can't find a solution for it: In the Navigator I have synchronized my complete folder where I store all of my photos. This folder contains more than 50000 photos already in many subfolders. But now I found some subfolders not showing all their content. I can see in the Navigator e.g. 216 pictures beside the folder name but in the preview I can see only 3 pictures! And I found some more folders which doesn't show their full content.
I tried to sychronize the single folder again but Lightroom says there were no new pictures and also no missing pictures to remove from the folder. If I open the folder by the Windows Explorer then I can see that all the files for the 216 pictures are there! So there must be a problem with the lightroom database!
But now I don't know what to do to get the pictures displayed in the library again.

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Lightroom :: The Images Show As Grey In The Preview?

Dec 26, 2011

When I import images I cannot see them in the previews.  I have set 1:1, standard, and minimal but it makes no difference.  The images show as grey in the preview.  When I go to the develop modual I can see the image I select but if I select another image the first goes gray again.  For some reason I cannot render previews.  Have I turned something off or on?  Can I render previews after importing images?  The files show up as DNG in my hard drive.

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Lightroom :: Catalog Images Slow To Show Changes?

Mar 13, 2014

When I am viewing my images in the catalog, I don't know why it takes so long for my edited pics to render. It takes about 5 seconds. Is this normal?
I have tried increasing my cache size, auto xmp is off, I have build standard previews, I have upgraded to a faster hard drive, I frequently optimize my catalog.
Ideally, I want to be able to flip through all my catalog images fast without waiting for the developed pics to show.
The only thing I can thing is maybe storing my cache and catalog folders on my external hard drive is slowing it down?

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