Photoshop :: Multiple Shapes In One Layer
Apr 26, 2005i want to have some shapes in one layer in order to control the bledning options all together!
View 9 Repliesi want to have some shapes in one layer in order to control the bledning options all together!
View 9 RepliesIs there a way to set a layer style across multiple shape paths? For instance I've needed to overlay several shapes with a gradient, however I don't want the gradient to start and stop on each shape individually as if I set the style on each shape, I want the gradient to go across all layers as if they were one shape all together.
View 6 Replies View RelatedUsing the drawing tool (line, rectangle, etc.), if I draw a second shape, the first one disappears. What is the procedure for keeping previous shapes before drawing new ones?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working on a graphic that has a circle with many small circles around it. All the circles are on seperate layers and were made with the shape tool. How can I change the color in all the small cicles at once? Isn't there a way to chage the attributes of multiple shapes at one time? I swear I saw this somewhere in my books but cannot find it now.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe explanation of the reference book:
"Select Transparency Shapes Layers to restrict layer effects and knockouts to opaque areas of the layer. Deselecting this option, which is always selected by default, applies these effects throughout the layer."
What is the meaning of applying effects throughout the layer?
When I deselect this option, I can never see any effect applied ...
Layer Style dialog box > Transparency Shapes Layer ...
I've looked on the help files and other references but i still about its profit,
how can i test it?
Basically i used to pen tool to draw a shape, i rasterised it and put an inner shadow on it using the layer styles, now how i could erase a corner of that shape without the inner shadow moving around the part i've just erased because i'm trying to blend it into the background
I hope you know what i mean, im sure if you opened photoshop, drew a shape, put inner shadow on it and then tried to erase a corner of it you'd see what i mean by the inner shadow moving into the part i just erased.
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
View 12 Replies View Relatedso, first off, am using photoshop CC on windows 8,
here's my question: they improved the layer filtering option to photoshop cc which is great, but it's activated by ctrl+double clicking, since i do vectors in photoshop i use ctrl+clicking to select shapes and move points, so when am working on my vectors and moving fast, i always activate and deactivate the layer filtering option, which is very annoying, i cant work as fast as i did in cs6, any way to change the shortcut or activation method for this option?
what i have notices so far is that when you ctrl+doubleclick on the path of a shape is switches filters that layer. so then i have to turn of the layer filtering thing to find my other laye
plase plase plase, how can i deactivate completelly this option, i have a lot of work to do and this is annoying me sooooo much.
Let's start with a blank canvas. I draw a straight line down one side of my image using the pen tool (not freeform). It creates the line. I Ctrl/Click away from it to complete the path.
Now I want to add some layer effects to this pen line and nothing happens ................ Can anyone shed any light on why this might be happening?
I often have to import shapes via illustrator export/import. Then I have to scale all the shapes up to real world 1:1 size.
I typically just grab all objects and use the SCALE tool...but I hear that is actually the WRONG approach?
So I tried scaling all the objects at a sub-object level. i.e. select ONE object, yellow highlight vertex, segment or spline... then scale up.
Is it possible to select multiple/all my shapes and scale up this way? When I select all of them, my modifier stack obviously disables and cannot select via sub-object (vertex, segment or spline level).
I tried grouping. modifier stack disables still. Do I have to ATTACH each one to another (multiple I guess via list?) and then scale all them via SEGMENT level?
Is there a easier/faster way to do lots of objects imported like this...or is this the way to do it?
Is there a way to darken the color of multiple shapes all at once? Eg, If I had a number of shapes all in different, pastelle colors and wanted to see how those shapes would look in more prominent, darker vertions of themselves, how would I do that?
E.g., turning the light purple of the shape below to the dark purple in the image.
How to make a basic wire frame-like (just the supports) layer for this tunnel.
View 2 Replies View Relatedso i know if you want two blend shapes to happen at the same time they have to be in the same node.but what if i want 2 separate nodes? say: one for body shape, one for face shape a blink, and an inflated belly, that i want to happen at the same time? I don't want it to be all in one node, but 1 cancels out the other depending on the order.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have multiple shapes in one group and "squeeze" that group so that the shapes within the group deform? Just like you would an image in photoshop when using transform tool.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've used the blend tool to create 10 circles going from smallest at the top > largest at the bottom. When I Align > Distribute evenly on the vertical axis - the circles aren't evenly spaced. I'm guessing ai is doing the math from the centerpoint? How can I get them distributed so that the space between each circle is the same. F- 10 px from the top of one circle to the bottom of the one above it.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWorking with scientific figures containing circles, squares, etc in CS4. How can I resize many circles to be 1.5 by 1.5 mm, for example, after they have been skewed a bit to make the entire graph the same size as adjacent figures? In other words, I import the graph from elsewhere and to touch it up I have to resize it a bit. Resizing the whole figure distorts the circle to an ellipse and I want to turn it back into a circle. Takes too long to select each shape and indicate the size.
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy basic goal is to fill this overall flower shape with a colour - its made up of individual outlines. Is there a way I can either fill the whole object with a colour, or somehow make a singular outline of the overall shape of the flower. Dont want to use the pen tool t9o make a quiock outline because I want it to be exact to the lines i've already got. I know I could go and delete sections out and join parts together but I was wondering if there is a quicker trick to this that I'm just not aware of?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have created some shapes within a circle and have used Pathfinder to divide the shapes up and have then deleted some.
With the remaining shapes, I want to change the location of some of the adjacent shape boundaries.
I can do this by dragging across some anchor points with the direct selection tool and can then select the anchor point (for both shape boundaries) to move both lines/boundaries together.
HOWEVER, if I want to change the angle of the boundaries by selecting the handles, it seems I can only select the top anchor moving one of the boundaries and not the other thereby separating the lines?
How I can select multiple handles (that should be on top of each other)?
A student of mine asked why you would create multiple layer masks on a single layer.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow i edit them at the same time like it works with linking 2 layers?
or how i apply one layer style to multiple layers is also ok...
I'm working with drawings that have (for example) 1,000 little circles with diameter 1.5mm. I'd like to resize all of them to, say, 2.0mm but I don't want to scale them as this will affect their distance from each other.
Macros: I have tried recording the adjustments on one object but I'm unable to run the macro on another - the macro errors out.
Find/Replace objects: I don't see any options involving object dimensions (although I can "Find All" of my objects by shape or fill).
Corel Draw X4 v14.0.0.701
I work in Ai to build patterns from multiple shapes and colors. At some point in the process, I use the clipping mask to crop away the parts of the build-out I don't want to see/use. Then I copy that cell/tile I want to use, and build repeated pattersn. When I bring all of these tiles together - even at 6400% - no matter how close I get the tiles to each other's edges - flush or even slightly overlapping - there is almost always a white line demarking the edges. Sometimes 3 of 4 edges appear in a centered-x/y axis, but there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it and I can not reverse engineer the cause.
I have hidden my edges. There is no stroke on a box. Even the clipping path has been checked and does not have stroke. What's going on here? This is a huge stumbling block for my business.
I created two three dimensional shapes that are extruded at different angles. How do I
1) move one of the shapes so that it intercepts the other shape and
2) find out where the two shapes intercept each other?
Today, as I was fiddling around with PSPX5, I noticed that every time you create a rectangle/ellipse/pen tool lines/etc, a new layer is created.
Can I modify the current layer without having a new layer added?
This is what I mean
This is what I get See here:
how do i delete all objects in a secific layer like Desktop?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to LOFT multiple ellipse shapes along a spline path to create a door handle. But as soon as I choose 1 section, MAX creates the shape. I cannot figure out how to create the shape with multiple cross sections. I have attached a screen shot and a pic of the door handle I want to create.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing Lasso i have created a good shape that i require in my work. so now i want to save that shape i have drawn to custom shapes so that i can use it later also in my future works.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been using Photoshop to create a series of web pages. I have about 20 such pages right now.Unfortunately, I need to change the navigation menu that is found on all 20 pages.
To make these changes, do I need to change 20 different files? Or is there a way to link one layer group to multiple PSD files so that editing it once results in it changing on all 20 pages?
I am creating shadows for a large file, so my opacity is set to 50%. When I copy and paste shadows (such as or multiple windows to save time) they paste back at 100%. I have to constantly flip layers and change, and its very tedious. Plus, when I get to the point of flattening them all, if they are not all at 100% then whatever opacity they are at BECOMES 100%, so I cant change it again later.
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