The explanation of the reference book:
"Select Transparency Shapes Layers to restrict layer effects and knockouts to opaque areas of the layer. Deselecting this option, which is always selected by default, applies these effects throughout the layer."
 What is the meaning of applying effects throughout the layer?
When I deselect this option, I can never see any effect applied ...
I have different colored circles that intersect. I want the intersection to be a transparent combination of the two colors. How do I highlight just the intersection to do that?
Basically i used to pen tool to draw a shape, i rasterised it and put an inner shadow on it using the layer styles, now how i could erase a corner of that shape without the inner shadow moving around the part i've just erased because i'm trying to blend it into the background
I hope you know what i mean, im sure if you opened photoshop, drew a shape, put inner shadow on it and then tried to erase a corner of it you'd see what i mean by the inner shadow moving into the part i just erased.
Is there a way to set a layer style across multiple shape paths? For instance I've needed to overlay several shapes with a gradient, however I don't want the gradient to start and stop on each shape individually as if I set the style on each shape, I want the gradient to go across all layers as if they were one shape all together.
I'm working with Photoshop CS6 Extended and in the last two days have started to have problems with some files.One of the main layers gets a strange pattern over the top of it and at closer inspection relised that the pattern was infact transparent, allowing you to see through to the background layer. Â This is my current set up:
I was just wondering what the practical difference was between the Opacity of a layer and the transparency of a layer. They seem to have the same effect, but I reckon that Adobe wouldn't have seperated them for no good reason.
how to get rid of the transparency in a layer? I don't mean flattening it, that just puts it on a white background, I want to preserve all of the colour information, but just get rid of the transparency.
I recently upgraded from PS7 to SC3 Extended and am not completely familiar with it yet. I colour my line-art in Photoshop, and in order to do that the way I like to I have the "Preserve Transparency" button selected which is normally under the "Layers" tab but is annoyingly not there. Does anyone know how to re-include that option into the tab,
I am trying to paste a layer of a bridge over a river, however, the bridge is almost transparent. I need the top layer to be solid over the background. How can i do this?
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I formerly had been using CorelPHOTO-PAINT, but have since then moved on to better things.
In CorelPHOTO-PAINT, there is a tool called the "Interactive Object Transparency Tool." This tool was simple: you'd select an object (layer) and click a start point, you then would move your cursor in the desired direction, clicking once again to complete the function. The further away the second (or end) point was, the more gradual the transformation to transparency.
I know CS2 has a Gradient Tool, but that involves colors, and I want to gradually and directionally decrease the opacity on a layer without involving color.
I recently upgraded from PS7 to SC3 Extended and am not completely familiar with it yet. I colour my line-art in Photoshop, and in order to do that the way I like to I have the "Preserve Transparency" button selected which is normally under the "Layers" tab but is annoyingly not there. Does anyone know how to re-include that option into the tab, or how to turn it on somewhere else?
What I want to do is create a sort of “transparency layer mask”, meaning that this layer will go on top of all my existing layers and will make an area transparent according to the mask. Kind of drilling a hole to transparency through all the layers underneath. I see that you can do similar things with adjustment layers but I couldn’t make one for transparency. Even better would be to be able to specify which underneath layers this layer will affect.
so, first off, am using photoshop CC on windows 8,  here's my question: they improved the layer filtering option to photoshop cc which is great, but it's activated by ctrl+double clicking, since i do vectors in photoshop i use ctrl+clicking to select shapes and move points, so when am working on my vectors and moving fast, i always activate and deactivate the layer filtering option, which is very annoying, i cant work as fast as i did in cs6, any way to change the shortcut or activation method for this option?  what i have notices so far is that when you ctrl+doubleclick on the path of a shape is switches filters that layer. so then i have to turn of the layer filtering thing to find my other laye  plase plase plase, how can i deactivate completelly this option, i have a lot of work to do and this is annoying me sooooo much.
Let's start with a blank canvas. I draw a straight line down one side of my image using the pen tool (not freeform). It creates the line. I Ctrl/Click away from it to complete the path.
Now I want to add some layer effects to this pen line and nothing happens ................ Can anyone shed any light on why this might be happening?
I'm working on an assignment and I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a cross-layer transaprency effect. By that I mean two seperate layers that gradually fade until they meet somewehere halfway inbetween. Kinda like a gradient, only with opacity.
Retain Transparency and Set Background Layer with PNG-24 Files
Whenever Flickr converts a PNG-24 file to a JPG, the transparent background of the multilevel PNG gets converted to black. I do not want this. I want PNG-24 file to retain its transparency and have a background color set for handling JPG conversion.
I heard this can be done by creating a 100 percent transparent white layer, setting it as the background layer, and flattening the image.
I have a Hue/Saturation layer with a vector mask applied, and I'd like it to fade from 100% transparency to 0% transparency. How would I do this? I can't seem to work it out.
In Photoshop, I have removed part of a layer via a mask, leaving only one part of the image. Now I wish to save this part as an independent image, png or gif with a transparency. How can I achieve this?
as an alternative to using the magic wand to remove a color to transparency (which leaves fine detail, say in a line drawing, in a very sorry state) i saw someone use the multiply function in layer options to remove all white from a greyscale image leaving black lines over transparency. neat,
Is it able to change the transparency of a layer? I know how to get the value but i can't find how to set a new one! Â Using acTrans = acDocs.MdiActiveDocument.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() acLyrTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acDocs.MdiActiveDocument.Database.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) For Each acObjId As ObjectId In acLyrTbl acLyrTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForRead) Dim MyTransparency As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Transparency = acLyrTblRec.Transparency MsgBox(MyTransparency.ToString) Next acObjId End Using
I added an alpha channel to make it a transparency.
I used the select by color tool.
I clicked white & removed.
I saved. I switched to eraser - but it is acting like I'm trying to erase something off the transparency layer and won't erase anything. I have the correct layer selected in the layers window.
I find myself creating new layers and making them slightly transparent all the time. But when I do this using Gimp it does not work right? This is what I am doing:
Add new layer
use transparency/opaque slider to change the setting
what happens is that the new layer stays solid until it goes below 50% on the slider and then it disappears, above 50% and it is back. It is like the 50% mark is an on/off switch for the layer.
I'd like to achieve an effect similar to the one shown here:
What I need to do...
1.) Take screenshots of various pages of code (did this) 2.) Use masks (or maybe not) to apply some sort of texture behind each screenshot 3.) Use a perspective effect to rotate each page of code to varying extents 4.) Use masks and transparency (or maybe not?) to paste the pages on top of each other in layers
I should be looking up and combining to get there, and with other specifics.
Regarding (1), do I want to capture screenshots of black text on a white background? Or, the reverse? Regarding (2) and (4), are these right?