Photoshop :: Retain Transparency And Set Background Layer With PNG-24 Files
Jun 18, 2008
Retain Transparency and Set Background Layer with PNG-24 Files
Whenever Flickr converts a PNG-24 file to a JPG, the transparent background of the multilevel PNG gets converted to black. I do not want this. I want PNG-24 file to retain its transparency and have a background color set for handling JPG conversion.
I heard this can be done by creating a 100 percent transparent white layer, setting it as the background layer, and flattening the image.
I've just landed some contract work where I will design glass forms/containers and render realistically. Also, I need to retain transparency so I change backgrounds. Â I'm more adept with Photoshop than Illustrator, but would like input on who likes which program for this task, why, and where I can find excellent tutorials before I start spending my tutorials dollars.
I'm making a theme for a site and one of the solid color images has rounded edges through use of transparency levels. How do I replace the blue with orange (or any other color) but retain the original transparency levels of every pixel?
I have a style/font combo that really i like to use for text. Â My goal is to use it regularly in the future on/with new backgrounds. Â Currently I have the text on a background. Â All I want to do is (retaining the text) replace it with another background.
I'm having issues with importing an image I created in photoshop that has a background transparency into another photoshop project. The part of the image that should be invisible, is not.
Lightroom / rightclick / Edit With / Edit in Photoshop... Â This renders the image in LR and then opens it in photoshop, which is fine, how it flattens the image to a locked "Background" named layer. I'd much prefer the file name to be with the document in Photoshop. Â Mostly because having file names is important for retouching or various other types of compositing.
When you open mulitple files into Layers from LR, each layer retains the file name. Â I would like to open a single image and have it retain the file name.
OR PERHAPS... include a command that opens an image from lightroom and puts it into the current active Photoshop document, which would be a great way to add additional images to a comp
I often drop many pictures onto a background picture. Before dropping them in I isolate the relevant parts using the background eraser. Then drop the photo in. In all my other versions (I'm using v 6 now) the sections that were erased on the pics were transparent such that the photo they were dropped into showed through.
Now the erased sections of the pics I drop in are not transparent but have a solid color. Where is the setting?
I have a red block and on that block I have some lines which I have in white but they need to be transparent as this design is going to be printed on tshirts of different colours and the colour of the tshirt must show through the transparent lines. Im not sure how to make them transparent though, when I convert the white to tranparent you see only the red.
Windows, PS CS4. I'm trying to erase part of an image such that there is nothing there. However, when I erase the part of the background layer (I have no layers below it, and none above occupying the same space), I do not see the chequered transparency pattern, but dark grey. This grey also remains part of the image as if it were a colour rather than being transparent. To be specific, it is the white between the borders of a comic I am trying to erase..
I notice the tranparent background flashing intermittently when I zoom or use any of the functions like layers, levels etc.   I am using a new Win 8 system and have updated both photoshop CS6 and my video card drivers.Â
i have an image which is a large scanned hand-drawn housing layout, simply black pen outlines on a white background.
is there a way i can automatically turn the whole white background into transparent? i know how to use background eraser, but it would take me about a week to manually go round the whole image picking out the white bits.
I'm working with Photoshop CS6 Extended and in the last two days have started to have problems with some files.One of the main layers gets a strange pattern over the top of it and at closer inspection relised that the pattern was infact transparent, allowing you to see through to the background layer. Â This is my current set up:
The explanation of the reference book: Â "Select Transparency Shapes Layers to restrict layer effects and knockouts to opaque areas of the layer. Deselecting this option, which is always selected by default, applies these effects throughout the layer."
 What is the meaning of applying effects throughout the layer?  When I deselect this option, I can never see any effect applied ...
I was just wondering what the practical difference was between the Opacity of a layer and the transparency of a layer. They seem to have the same effect, but I reckon that Adobe wouldn't have seperated them for no good reason.
how to get rid of the transparency in a layer? I don't mean flattening it, that just puts it on a white background, I want to preserve all of the colour information, but just get rid of the transparency.
I recently upgraded from PS7 to SC3 Extended and am not completely familiar with it yet. I colour my line-art in Photoshop, and in order to do that the way I like to I have the "Preserve Transparency" button selected which is normally under the "Layers" tab but is annoyingly not there. Does anyone know how to re-include that option into the tab,
I am trying to paste a layer of a bridge over a river, however, the bridge is almost transparent. I need the top layer to be solid over the background. How can i do this?
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I formerly had been using CorelPHOTO-PAINT, but have since then moved on to better things.
In CorelPHOTO-PAINT, there is a tool called the "Interactive Object Transparency Tool." This tool was simple: you'd select an object (layer) and click a start point, you then would move your cursor in the desired direction, clicking once again to complete the function. The further away the second (or end) point was, the more gradual the transformation to transparency.
I know CS2 has a Gradient Tool, but that involves colors, and I want to gradually and directionally decrease the opacity on a layer without involving color.
I recently upgraded from PS7 to SC3 Extended and am not completely familiar with it yet. I colour my line-art in Photoshop, and in order to do that the way I like to I have the "Preserve Transparency" button selected which is normally under the "Layers" tab but is annoyingly not there. Does anyone know how to re-include that option into the tab, or how to turn it on somewhere else?
What I want to do is create a sort of “transparency layer mask”, meaning that this layer will go on top of all my existing layers and will make an area transparent according to the mask. Kind of drilling a hole to transparency through all the layers underneath. I see that you can do similar things with adjustment layers but I couldn’t make one for transparency. Even better would be to be able to specify which underneath layers this layer will affect.
I'm working on an assignment and I was wondering if anyone knows how to make a cross-layer transaprency effect. By that I mean two seperate layers that gradually fade until they meet somewehere halfway inbetween. Kinda like a gradient, only with opacity.
I have a large psd. The bottom most Layer can be a background layer is it possible to flatten just this layer to make is a background layer as this may make the file size smaller. Im working in PH5 on a Mac.
this is my problem: Â Pic 1. I have an image I want to use as a background, however the image is not complete. I need a part of pic 2 to fullfill it.
Pic 2. The colors around the object doesn't match the colors of Pic 1. Â Normally it would be best to cut the object out. However in this case it wouldn't look nice (the object is mixed out (in color) with the rest of the image). If I cut out something the object won't look "proper".
My question: Â How can I blend pic 2 on pic 1, using the original object from pic 2 (as it is), and at the same time blend the colors around it, so that it matches that of pic 1 / or simply remove it somehow?
How is it possible, to take the brightness of every pixel from the background, and transfer that to the upper layers transparency. (The upper layer is for example all blue). As I said before, I know that this works. I tried everything out and asked Google a lot of times, but I just can´t figure it out.
What I can remember doing there was just take the blue layer and transfer it to another picture. I was wondering because i didn´t do anything special.
How do I create a blank layer to be used as my "Background Layer" in CS6? I need to do this action before importing anything because once an image is imported, the image is automatically set as the Background Layer.
I was editing some .png s that are transparent other than the picture itself in the middle, what i would do is edit it and save it and it would keep the transparent/invisible background thing. Now when i save the png it automatically makes the background white, i go through and erase all the white but it is regenerated when i save the png again. i dont think i changed any settings, what do i do?
Specifically when I lasso a section of a screenshot and move it, I would like to leave behind a chosen background color in its place. This was easy in Paintshop but I can't figure out how to do it here. Instead, I seem to have to grab another selection, copy it and put it over the transparent part. Simple enough to do but cludgy. Looked at the manuals and couldn't find a mention.