Photoshop :: Missing Files
Apr 17, 2009
I opened my catalog in Photoshop 3 for the who knows how many times and all looked fine. When I click onto any of the photos they appear grainy and have a broken orange box at the mid-bottom of all of them. A box then comes up 'searching for missing file" and nothing is found.�I have no idea what happened but really need to restore the pictures.
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Oct 3, 2012
I recently installed Mountain Lion on my imac. It proved to be a nuisance so I formatted the drive and reinstalled Snow Leopard. I copied the applications folder from a backup to the Snow Leopard drive. I reinstalled CS6. On each load I now get the message:
"One or more files in the Adobe Application Support Folder are missing."
I'm then told to reinstall CS6. I've done it twice with no progress.
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Dec 12, 2013
Whenever i select a pic in organizer i allways get message "searching for missing files" when i want to fix the pic and can not get beyond this point. Tried import from card reader but the result is exactly the same.
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May 30, 2013
Not all the photos in my windows folders are appaearing in Elements 11 media view. In one case only 1 photo appears in media view but 42 appear when I press "reveal in explorer"
If I choose File|Get photos and videos I get the message "Nothing was imported" with "file already exists in catalog".If I choose "Find all missing files" I get the message "No media to be displayed"
I tried "Repair catalog" but this did not solve the problem.After searching the internet I tried renaming C:ProgramDataAdobeElements Organizer Catalogs My Catalog humb.5.cache and a new one was created (over twice the size of the original) but stll not solving the problem
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Oct 9, 2012
How do i reconnect missing files without deleting them from catalogue
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Nov 10, 2012
I have Photoshop Elements 10 that I am using with Windows XP Service Pack 3, a Pentium 4 CPU with 3 GHz, 2 GB of RAM and 48.6 GB of free disk space.
Yellow question marks continue to appear on the top left of some images in one of my catalogs even though these images have not actually been moved. The Organizer searches for the "missing file" and finds it quickly but why is it "missing"? I have gone through the albums in this catalog, completed the missing file searches on all the images so that no yellow question marks appear and when I go back to the catalog the next time I find the yellow question marks are there again! What is making the found file become lost again?
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Aug 15, 2012
I have upgreaded to Elements 10 and when doing the catalog conversion many of the folders in the new catalog are missing the files(photos). When I right-click on those folders and try to add the files I can see the missing files attempting to transfer but on completion I receive this: :The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this folder"-BUT-the files are NOt in the folder in the catalog. They are in the folder on my computer as I am able to access them easily-They simply did not end up in the catalog's respective folders. I am using Windows XP Pro and all my Folders and Files are on an external drive and are saved there when I download the photos from my camera. I have not had this issue before--How might I get these files into the folder in the catalog?-I tried setting up a new catalog and attempted to convert again with the same results.
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Apr 20, 2013
Even though I select All Files or all the files listed as missing, or even individual files, when I click on Reconnect I get the message "No files selected". How do I get beyond this to reconnect the missing files?
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Apr 20, 2013
PSE 10 Organizer on MAC OS LION 10.7.5 - Suddenly yesterday ALL of my photos are "missing" according to Organizer. I can view all of the thumbnails, but there are yellow question marks in the upper left of each thumbnail. Click on the thumbnail and it starts searching for the missing file. I have multiple catalogs, and the same problem is showing up with them as well. Using reconnect results in a message indicating the file already exists in the catalog. The physical photo files are on the hard drive, and are viewable using the File Finder and Preview.
Properties points to the correct folder on the hard drive. Nothing has moved. I tried "fixing" and "optimizing" the catalogs, but it says no problems found and nothing changes. I tried adding new photos to the catalog using FILE>GETPHOTOS FROM> FILES OR FOLDERS. The files were added to the existing catalog, but upon viewing the new thumbnails, Organizer says they are missing also. I ran another test where I created a new catalog and added some of the same photos that are already in the other "non working" catalogs. The new catalog seems to be working fine. I have 10's of thousands of photos, all categorized the way I want them.
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May 13, 2013
I have installed the Canon camera software, Gspot and Quicktime. When I started computer next morning, it works!?
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May 25, 2013
With DSLR cameras we shoot tens of thousands of pictures a year and delete hundreds from our hard drives over time. So how do you delete hundreds of missing missing files that still exist in the catalog, which cause the "Reconnect Missing Files" screen to show? Does a setting exist to remove all missing files from the catalog?
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Feb 28, 2013
What prompts message 'photoshop elements 9 cannot start or continue because of missing files, reinstall. When attempt reinstall I have to deactivate my current software. Will this mean I have to forefit the ability to put the software onto a laptop.
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Sep 10, 2012
It is a pity the dialog of the 'reconnect missing files' can list the missing files in a small window, but there is no option to export the list with full paths as a text file.
Knowing that the list is saved somewhere (probably in the catalog folder) I have searched if I could find how the information about missing files is stored in the Organizer. Natural candidates like the catalog.psexxdb and thumbs.5.cache sqlite databases did not show anything showing they stored the information.
So, I had a look at the thumbs.5.cache, which is interesting. It shows that two sizes of thumbnails are stored there, and that the criteria for matching are date taken and file size.
Now, I compared an optimized version of that file with a reconstructed one (I deleted the cache file).
Interestingly, you can see which media_id still have the matching criteria. I conclude that the other media_id are the missing files...
If Photodrawken is looking at this post : Could you check this supposition and see if a sqlite query could extract the list of the missing media?
It will be interesting to see if the next PSE version has a better handling of missing files... Seems that LR handles that problem much better.
Edit: The 'status' field in the thumbnail_info_table of the thumbs.5.cache database seems to be set at '2' for missing files.
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Apr 16, 2013
I work with photos that I put on desktop. I open them with preview, make a copy, and paste them into other software. When I am through with them and don't want to use them again, I usually move them from the desktop to the trash....that's when I get the (?)(missing file) notation on my photo in organizer. Is there a way to remove them from the desktop without moving them to the trash. Using macbookpro os x 10.6.8
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Oct 9, 2012
How do I reconnect missing files without deleting them from catalog?
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Oct 23, 2013
I have been running PSE 10 for a while with my Canon 60D, windows 7 and I have never had an issue with importing CR2 files to my organizer. Now all of the sudden they will no longer show up in the organizer or rather there is the icon with a question mark, and the "mssing file" error. When I use the downloader from my card reader I can see them in the preview screen, but when the downloader is done and the files are in the organizer, get nothing but the aforementioned icons.
I installed to the DNG converter as suggested, but that did nothing as well. So, I finally gave up, purchased PSE 12, installed it and guess what, still no luck. I have updated the RAW converter to the latest version and as near as I can tell I have done everything suggested. Like I said earlier, I can see the pictures clearly in the adobe downloader when I import the files from my memory card and I can open the pics fine in the Canon software, I can even open the picture in the Editor if I go through the editor; but I can't do anything with the picture in the Organizer.
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Jan 2, 2013
I have moved a catalog of 150'000 pictures (with associated pictures) to from an iMac to a new Macbook Pro. I used (in Elements 11, same version on the old system) "reconnect missing files" to update the path to the new location. Most files did reconnect perfectly. However, some of them cannot be reconnected. The message I get is
"The files cannot be reconneceted because the file already exists".
The reality is that the same file does not exist. Only an identical named file in a completely separate directory path form another year is present (I use more than one camera and the filenames start all at DSCN001.jpg). How can I fix this, otherwise I cannot complete the transfer of the library.
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Dec 8, 2013
Organizer starts searching for missing files. files that i have deleted, and the programme just keep on forever searching for those already deleted files. When i try to turn off that function, the organizer just stops. Running the program on Imac 2010.
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Feb 19, 2013
I have been saving a project in a separate folder and it would place it there as uvs130219-001.mpg. It would save three different file. One is the uvs file, another is a .upd file and the last is the .vsp file. Now all of a sudden it is no longer doing this. All it saves there is the .vsp file and not the others. I have tried search and it finds it nowhere. It has to be there somewhere because I can close out the project and then open it up and the clip will be there.
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Apr 1, 2012
There's nothing in my materials library. I found the 'fix' on but can't get it to install. Do I need to 'unistall' entire program first?
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Jun 12, 2013
LR4 does not seem to be creating a XMP file for TIF files edited in LR4.
Here's the workflow where I noticed XMP files are missing: 1. Edit in LR4. 2. Open for further editing in PS6. 3. Save as TIF. 4. Further editing in LR4.
I'm expecting to see an XMP file associated with the TIF file. I'm not seeing that in Windows explorer. LR4 is creating XMPs for the edited NEF (NIKON RAW) files but not for TIF files.
Is this a problem (bug) or by design? If LR4 doesn't save a XMP for the TIF file and the Catalog becomes corrupted, does that mean I would loose the final editing step in LR4?
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Jan 13, 2009
We're using AutoCAD LT 2009, so we of course do not have Aeccland.shx. I am aware that I do not have it. I don't particularly care that I don't have it.
AutoCAD, on the other hand, is very concerned. So concerned, in fact, that it will ask me for this file every time I open projects that involve baseplans shapes from this file. I would like to allay AutoCAD's concerns, and inform it that aeccland.shx is not necessary, and it can get along quite happily without aeccland.shx, and any other shape file. I would like to do this very much, as I am currently working on a project with 60 or more separate files I must pull information from to compile baseplans I can use.
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Jul 17, 2013
If uninstalling and reinstalling will get the external files that I am missing now, will properly load on the reinstall. It seems that nearly every tutorial I have tried to do is missing critical external files. When I open the material editor, the compact one, the sample files are there, but they are all blank. That is there has been no material added to the sample. Is there a way I can import the missing external files without having to uninstall and reinstall?
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Feb 22, 2011
At one point, working on a scene in 3DS, I merged in objects from another scene. I only needed a few items and deleted the rest, however every time I load up the scene, it will say that it is missing the files (which it isn't), because I don't want them. How do I get it to get over this loss?
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Aug 20, 2009
I received some drawings from a client that is missing some shape files, it looks for file names like Z.shx when opening the dwg's, I have asked and he says he has the same problems when he opens them so is unable to send these to me, the drawing seems to open fine and I can not seen anything that looks wrong.
Iv also had this in the past with fonts and it will change the font to another one but nags you for it each time I open the file so i would like to know how to stop that as well if its different to above.
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Dec 11, 2012
When I click on some of my images it says "missing files or offline"..get them back into Lightroom?
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Oct 11, 2012
One of my sessions that I've loaded into Lightroom is telling me that the DNG files are offline or missing?
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Dec 19, 2012
RAW to JPEG and RAW files go missing?
I Have started to use Lightroom 4 and importing RAW files into lightroom. To this point its fine, then i export them to Jpeg, again to this point it is fine. NOW !!! when i go back to the location i picked up the RAW files from, thet are not there, have they been saved into another location? or have they been over written?
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Jan 10, 2014
I need locating the missing files within lightroom. When I click on the question mark to locate the files, it opens up a window and I click locate, and then the files are no longer there. This happens even on files that I have not moved out of lightroom. How can I make all of my files appear as they used to?
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Oct 7, 2012
Using Lightroom 4 - files are missing on import. The files have not been moved.
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Apr 24, 2012
Keep getting this message on lots of my photos. I move the majority of my photos to an external hard drive for volume reasons. Even when I have the external hard drive attached I get this message. Seems I can only access photos that are on my computer hard drive. I read through all the suggestions and followed guidelines for clicking on "find in explorer." This does indeed take me to files and tells me where it thinks the file is located. And yes, I can then go to the external hard drive and find the photo. However, all it does is pull it up and does not import it into my LR program. So I still cannot work on the photo or have access to it. I am frustrated as I need to access photos for printing and uploading to stock sites. Lots of good work is sitting in my files and I cannot get to them. And on top of that, if this is the way to access the photo, then I have to do this one photo at the time.
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