Photoshop Elements :: Creating A List Of Missing Files In Organizer?
Sep 10, 2012
It is a pity the dialog of the 'reconnect missing files' can list the missing files in a small window, but there is no option to export the list with full paths as a text file.
Knowing that the list is saved somewhere (probably in the catalog folder) I have searched if I could find how the information about missing files is stored in the Organizer. Natural candidates like the catalog.psexxdb and thumbs.5.cache sqlite databases did not show anything showing they stored the information.
So, I had a look at the thumbs.5.cache, which is interesting. It shows that two sizes of thumbnails are stored there, and that the criteria for matching are date taken and file size.
Now, I compared an optimized version of that file with a reconstructed one (I deleted the cache file).
Interestingly, you can see which media_id still have the matching criteria. I conclude that the other media_id are the missing files...
If Photodrawken is looking at this post : Could you check this supposition and see if a sqlite query could extract the list of the missing media?
It will be interesting to see if the next PSE version has a better handling of missing files... Seems that LR handles that problem much better.
Edit: The 'status' field in the thumbnail_info_table of the thumbs.5.cache database seems to be set at '2' for missing files.
I have been running PSE 10 for a while with my Canon 60D, windows 7 and I have never had an issue with importing CR2 files to my organizer. Now all of the sudden they will no longer show up in the organizer or rather there is the icon with a question mark, and the "mssing file" error. When I use the downloader from my card reader I can see them in the preview screen, but when the downloader is done and the files are in the organizer, get nothing but the aforementioned icons.
I installed to the DNG converter as suggested, but that did nothing as well. So, I finally gave up, purchased PSE 12, installed it and guess what, still no luck. I have updated the RAW converter to the latest version and as near as I can tell I have done everything suggested. Like I said earlier, I can see the pictures clearly in the adobe downloader when I import the files from my memory card and I can open the pics fine in the Canon software, I can even open the picture in the Editor if I go through the editor; but I can't do anything with the picture in the Organizer.
Organizer starts searching for missing files. files that i have deleted, and the programme just keep on forever searching for those already deleted files. When i try to turn off that function, the organizer just stops. Running the program on Imac 2010.
I have Elements 10 Core Version 10.0 Language Version 10.0 fully updated (or so Elements reports on asking to check updates) running in Windows 7 64 bit.
I have over 20,000 photos on C drive in jpeg or fine jpeg format mainly shot with a Nikon D70 over several years. I took photos last Friday/Saturday with a new Nikon D7000 (jpeg) and uploaded to Elements 10 (C drive) via SD card reader. They uploaded OK, were saved to Elements Organiser and I deleted some, edited others and emailed several. Today these photos are missing and possibly other shots taken after 10th Feb 2013 too some of which might have been taken with the D70.
Both Elements Reconnet and Find Photos and Videos fail to find any photos not already in the Organiser. I tried Recuva to search the PC's hard drives for deleted photos. It didn't find any as such - only eBay etc jpegs.
I have 120kb copies of the emailed photos attached to the emails in the Outlook Sent box. I noted the reference number of a photo and searched Windows 7 for it. Windows doesn't find it.
Before I looked at Elements today Windows was installing update KB2656351 concerning NET framework 4 and we had a power cut part way through. I have no idea if this is relevant but I menton it in case it is.
There are no photos in the Organiser after 10th Feb 2013 and there should be several hundred. I can take the loss as they probably weren't vital photos but I am very keen to know where they went to do my level best to ensure it doesn't happen again with more valuable photos.
I have phoned Abobe but they only support Elements 11 now, they said. I have searched without success both their FAQ's and the FAQ's on this forum.
I am using Ements 10 Orgainzer and Editor. Suddenly, yesterday, every time I click on a picture in Organizer, it grays out and turns into a gray square with a broken gray photo shape inside it. The same file opens up fine in the Editor and the thumbnail still appears in my My Pictures folder. It opens fine in Picasa. Why this is suddenly happening? The files are .tif and some have been Edited and saved, including some with Adboe layers, but this should not effect the Organizer. Is there something that needs to be reoptimzed or done. It is making the Organizer completely worthless for me.
I'm trying PS Elements 9. I've imported my pictures into the Organizer but some of the pictures don't have thumbnails. Instead they have a placeholder graphic with a flower on it and a blue triangle with an exclamation mark. I don't see any explanation of what this might mean. These pictures did not generate errors when they were imported. The pictures were scanned photos, just like the ones that imported correctly.
I've tried deleting the pictures from the catalog and reimporting. I've tried updating the thumbnail. The picture can be opened and edited in Elements but even if the edited photo is saved as a copy, it does not display a thumbnail.
Just a few days ago I had about twelve folders of photos in my Organizer. Now I have only two folders that have content. When I click on the other ten folders I see this message in the Media Browser, "No media to be displayed."
I have both Adobe Premiere Elements 11 and Photoshop 11 which I got three weeks ago. The only thing new on my computer is the software that came with my Nikon camera - NX2 - a photo storage and photo editing program. My photos are still in my Windows Pictures program.
When creating .WMV from a slideshow in Organizer (11), the photographs aren't showing up. They seem fine in the slideshow, but when I output to .WMV I get the audio but not the pics. I have done this many times before and it has worked fine, not sure why it isn't working now.
I am trying to take these to Premier Elements to create a DVD with menus. If I take the slideshow/project, rather than a .WMV, it tells me it doesn't like .jpg and I get some black frames. In the past, if I created .WMVs.
Is it possible to make a new folder inside organizer? Rather than having to make the folders in Finder(OSX)/my Computer (win) and then import them....?
I was watching a tutorial about PSE 11 and then noticed that under my photo in the organizer I do not see the date, time, & star option. Do I have to turn something on to see them. Also I do not see a place under the photos to put a caption. I'm using a mac book pro.
1. Elements 11 Organizer often creates multiple copies of the same picture. How can I stop this?
2. Many pictures has a small questionmark in the upper left corner, stating that the file is missing, even though I can see the picture (a bit blurred, but still). What's wrong?
My ability to share photos using attach to e-mail has stopped working. I get an error message: Organizer could not finish creating e-mail message. Make sure Microsoft is selected as the default program in Windows INternet Control panel. Additionally, I'm upable to check for updates. I get an error message something like "the server is not available..."
I am opening my project on a different pc than I started the project on. Some elements are missing such as materials, material jpgs and decals. Is there a way I can generate list of my custom elements that I need to somehow transfer to this other pc rather tracking manually. When I transfer my custom materials to the other pc how do I get the element to automatically read the material.
For example, I have kitchen cabinets with a custom paint color. I can transfer the paint material to the other pc but the cabinets don't recognize it automatically. I have to choose the cabinets and re-assign the material even though it is in the material list.
Trying to import Nikon NEF-files into Organizer is not possible. I get an error message "Not a valid filename" or "xxx.NEF wil not be imported as it is not a valid file format". I did update Organizer, but that did not solve the problem.
I download files from the card reader with the Organizer GET PHOTOS. It creates thumbnails, makes new folders in My Pictures as usual. When I try th open a thumbnail I get a lost file error. The Organizer can see all files in My Pictures but the ones that it just created.
I have Adobe Photoshop 8.0. I cannot view my Panasonic Lumix .mts video files from the organizer. What do I need to do to be able to view my video files?
What file do I get rid of to dump the organizer and start over again? It trys to hitch me back up to files that are not there and it gets exasparating to try to put it all back together again.
I am trying to delete files in the photoshop organizer (version 12) but keeping the message, "The requested operation could not be completed because the catalog is currently locked by another process." It won't let me add new photos to the organizer either.
I use Photoshop Elements 8 and the Organizer which I find useful in sorting and saving specific images as my wife is an wildlife photograophre and I like to add images to specific files on the right hand side. ie one for plovers another for reptiles etc.
I lost sight of all the files so cannot add further images that I still have to 'organize'.
I am using element 9 and am having problems importing files into the organizer . It has imported most of my images (jpg) from other folders. One folder does not import. I get a message saying the files are not supported or already imported. All the files are jpg's and none have been imported. I have changed the names of some of the files and then they get recognized and imported. Is there a maximum character name for files? How can I tell what files are not supported? The pop up window giving this information is so small I can't read the list. I removed anything from the folder that was not a jpg in case the import process stop when it encounters a file it does not recognize.
I opened Photoshop Elements one day and all of my files are gone. I thought that maybe I had accidentally "archived" them somehow, but I can't find anything that I have ever edited in the Organizer. It's as if I just installed it yesterday. I even tried to search for files with the date range function and it says that there isn't anything from the date range I put in, which was over a year.
Did I tell the Organizer to do something that I am unaware of? Where did all of my pictures and video go?
I wonder what effects the .XMP files have on Photoshop applications. Should I keep them when working in the OS (WIN7) or chuck them? What effects would deleting XMP have?
I am using PSE 11 & Windows 7. Was working just fine. I opened up some RAW photos through the organizer; selected a file to view, and clicked on editor > photo editor to open and edit it. This worked fine, too. It would open in the RAW editing window first (where I make the RAW adjustments like exposure, etc.) and then I'd click open image and edit in PSE 11 just like I wanted to.
I did this for several photos, got up to go to the bathroom, and came back to my cat on my laptop keyboard. Of course.
Now, after rebooting, reopening PSE, rebooting again,I cannot view my photo in the editor. I go to PSE organizer, find my RAW photo, and click on editor > photo editor just like I used to. It flashes "edit in progress" just like it should, flips over to the empty PSE 11 window, and just sits there. Empty. The photo's not showing up.
I've clicked every button/setting/menu I can find. In the bottom toolbar there's the option "show open files" or "show files selected in organizer". When I click "show files selected in organizer", a tiny preview of the photo I'd selected shows up in the lower toolbar, but not in the main gray workspace. Taunting me. I've click-dragged, right clicked, etc. when I just try to open the file from PSE, instead of going through organizer, it doesn't work either.
For no apparent reason my PSE 11 application seems to have developed an annoying glitch whereby part way through an editing process it stops doing as requested in the "Save" options, by not saving edited files as version sets of the original file in the Organiser. The files are saved OK to My Pictures and I then get advised that a file is available to import and I have to import each one, stack it with the original, and put the edited file on top. This is driving me nuts as I have about 1000 photos to edit. My only thoughts are that I have c.30000 picture files in the Organiser (but this hasn't caused any problems in adding new files) and that the problem seems to have arisen since I started editing files directly from within an Album.