Photoshop Elements :: List In Organizer Of Thumbnails Without Name?
Oct 2, 2013Can the Organizer give me a liist of all pictures without a name? I can see the option to get list of lots of other categories but not the name.
View 1 RepliesCan the Organizer give me a liist of all pictures without a name? I can see the option to get list of lots of other categories but not the name.
View 1 RepliesIn my new Elements 12 I can not see thumbnails in the ALL MEDIA screen. Only rectangles with an hour glass. If I double click one of these I get a full size picture.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Ements 10 Orgainzer and Editor. Suddenly, yesterday, every time I click on a picture in Organizer, it grays out and turns into a gray square with a broken gray photo shape inside it. The same file opens up fine in the Editor and the thumbnail still appears in my My Pictures folder. It opens fine in Picasa. Why this is suddenly happening? The files are .tif and some have been Edited and saved, including some with Adboe layers, but this should not effect the Organizer. Is there something that needs to be reoptimzed or done. It is making the Organizer completely worthless for me.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently installed PSE11 and Premier 11. After importing my media files I found that the MP4 files from a Samsung HMX-W300 did not have thumbnails in the Organizer and only the audio would play, not the video. All the other video files I had were ok. The Samsung files also played just fine in Premier 11, WMP and Quicktime player. why they won't play from within the Organizer? My computer is running Win 7 64 bit.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying PS Elements 9. I've imported my pictures into the Organizer but some of the pictures don't have thumbnails. Instead they have a placeholder graphic with a flower on it and a blue triangle with an exclamation mark. I don't see any explanation of what this might mean. These pictures did not generate errors when they were imported. The pictures were scanned photos, just like the ones that imported correctly.
I've tried deleting the pictures from the catalog and reimporting. I've tried updating the thumbnail. The picture can be opened and edited in Elements but even if the edited photo is saved as a copy, it does not display a thumbnail.
Can't see several thumbnails in photoshop elements organizer grid but when I open a non-viewable thumnail in the editor I can see it in the grid.
After opening the image in the editor it appears in the Organizer grid.
The videos are there, but I just get the hourglass picture. If I doubleclick them, they'll play just fine. But I have no way of quickly scanning thumbnails to pick a movie.
While we're on the subject of thumbnails, I can only see thumbnails for my pictures if I make them larger. If I try to make the thumbnails smaller, they just won't ever show up. I have about 1800 video clips (very few longer than 1 minute), and about 10,000 pictures.
I have a mac with the latest version of Snow Leopard. Since yesterday, when I upload photos to Organizer, the image thumbnails do not generate at a small thumbnail size. Each image has an hour glass on it but the thumbnails of the images do not generate. Thumbnails of images will only generate when I zoom into 1, 2, or 3 images in the oragnizer catalog window. When I want to zoom out to have more thumbnails appear in my catalog window, an hour glass appears again on each thumbnail. This problem only occurs with the images that I have uploaded or edited with PSE since yesterday.
View 1 Replies View Relatediin organizer, can't open thumbnails, only look like egg timers, unless I only zoom high and open one at a time?
View 4 Replies View RelatedRecently I installed the Photoshop Elements 11. Imported some media, and no problems with thumbnails.Only the next time I tried to add media, the thumbnails show 'hourglass' .. when I click on the hourglass, the photo's are there. I've tried to update thumbnails, uninstalled and reinstalled the software, and still the problem exits. I have a Mac OS 10.6.8 system.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to display captions under the thumbnails in PSE 11 Organizer? If so, how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe thumbnails in my Organizer are slow to load, and if I move the slider bar to the left to show more thumbnails they are replaced with the hourglass, and the comment 'building thumbnails' appears bottom left. The thumbnails do not reappear unless I increase the size to five columns or less.
I have disabled media analysis in preferences; I have run a repair on the catalogue; I have selected all the photos and selected 'update thumbnail'. None of this has worked.
I am running PE9 on a Mac, and have about 20,000 photos in my catalogue.
Some of the thumbnails do not display a picture in Organizer but only in Editor which makes it very difficult to organize and choose which to work with.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just installed Photoshop Elements 11 and the new photos which I have taken are displaying as hourglasses in the organizer. When I click on the photos they display as a photo. How can I get then to display as thumbnails in the organizer. I have windows 7
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just bought a new computer with Windows 8 and an SSD-Harddrive and installet the Photoshop Elements 12 trial version. I copied my RAW-files via LAN to the SSD-Harddiskdrive. Now when I import these into the organiser some pictures are fragmented. If I check the pictures in the windows explore with the RAW-codec the particular picture is alright.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy Elements 8 has suddenly stopped generating thumbnails in the Catelog Organiser when more than 4 photos are viewed - how do I cure this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy AVI Video clips are not showing thumbnails in the PSE 11 Orgazizer.
Here is what I have observed as I have been troubleshooting this:
The files are MJPEG. When I double click on it in the organizer window, I get audio, but no video. If I open the file for edit in Premier Elements, the video thumbnail shows up in project assests and the video correctly plays in the Premier Elements editor.
If I double click on the files in Windows Explorer they open up in Quicktime Version 7.
The thumbnails for the files show in up windows explorer when I browse to the folder they are in.
I selected a file in PSE, chose 'Export to New File" and the file that I created by doing that showed a generic Quicktime icon without the thumbnail in windows explorer. When I double click on that file it correctly plays in Quicktime. Selecting "Update Thumbnail" has no effect.
what is going on with the organizer that might be causing this beavior or is this a know limitation of PSE Organizer. What is the point of having the organizer supporting video If I can't see the video without opening it in the Premier Elements Editor?
why I can't view jpeg thumbnails in elements 10 organiser???
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been using PSE 11 for about 6 months with no problems, however, yesterday the prog froze and I had to switch off and re-boot. Now all new uploads are displayed in the organiser as egg timer icons. These will open, but only one at a time when double clicked on. I am on Windows 7. I have uninstalled PSE 11 and re-installed but the problem persists. I have uploaded a very small jpeg and got the same resuilts, which seems to rule out a RAW problem.
View 2 Replies View Relatedthe organizer doesn't present thumbnails in alphabetical order which is crucial for my business as everything I do is based on a running number. There fore I like to suggest to Adobe to create a patch where this problem is fixed. Its a shame that Elements 11 doesn't contain this function as it has any way been improved in so many other ways.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe files are Mpeg4..I just upgraded some PSE 11 catalogs to PSE 12 and all functions and tags imported fine. When I import video only into PSE12 organizer, it will not generate a thumbnail image. I imported the same files into the old catalog using PSE11 and the thumbnails will be created. I have even gone a step further and converted the PSE11 catalog after imports were made, and PSE12 will now have the thumbnails. Eventually PSE11 is going to have to be uninstalled.
View 6 Replies View RelatedCan I open folder with thumbnails instead of list, etc.?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt is a pity the dialog of the 'reconnect missing files' can list the missing files in a small window, but there is no option to export the list with full paths as a text file.
Knowing that the list is saved somewhere (probably in the catalog folder) I have searched if I could find how the information about missing files is stored in the Organizer. Natural candidates like the catalog.psexxdb and thumbs.5.cache sqlite databases did not show anything showing they stored the information.
So, I had a look at the thumbs.5.cache, which is interesting. It shows that two sizes of thumbnails are stored there, and that the criteria for matching are date taken and file size.
Now, I compared an optimized version of that file with a reconstructed one (I deleted the cache file).
Interestingly, you can see which media_id still have the matching criteria. I conclude that the other media_id are the missing files...
If Photodrawken is looking at this post : Could you check this supposition and see if a sqlite query could extract the list of the missing media?
It will be interesting to see if the next PSE version has a better handling of missing files... Seems that LR handles that problem much better.
Edit: The 'status' field in the thumbnail_info_table of the thumbs.5.cache database seems to be set at '2' for missing files.
How do I transfer the entire organizer of Elements 9 to the empty organizer in Elements 12? By the way, Elements 9 is so defective, it will not even let me back up my organizer in 9. The 9 organizer would let me select a photo, bring it into the editor, print it and then it would crash... then I had to start all over again... the darn thing crashes as it was prone to problems that adobe ignored. Is it better to just re-load all the photos from a fresh folder that is on my desktop? There are 5,000 !
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using PE9. Every time I go to the Organizer (even after switching to another program briefly) the Update box appears, searching Watched Folders for new pics. It always finds them, frequently the same, imports them and then tells me they're already in the Organizer. During this process, which may last 5-15 minutes, I can't use the program.
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View 6 Replies View Relatedthe problem that i have is that all my RAW file thunbnails only show the elements 12 logo can i get the pictures back
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince I upgraded from 11 I've lost the ability to see the PSD thumbnails in either Organizer or Editor.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop Elements 11. I am bew to Photoshop Elements. As one cannot get thiumbnails of psd files are jpeg files as good for accuracy ?
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