Photoshop Elements :: ALL Photo Files Missing And Will Not Reconnect
Apr 20, 2013
PSE 10 Organizer on MAC OS LION 10.7.5 - Suddenly yesterday ALL of my photos are "missing" according to Organizer. I can view all of the thumbnails, but there are yellow question marks in the upper left of each thumbnail. Click on the thumbnail and it starts searching for the missing file. I have multiple catalogs, and the same problem is showing up with them as well. Using reconnect results in a message indicating the file already exists in the catalog. The physical photo files are on the hard drive, and are viewable using the File Finder and Preview.
Properties points to the correct folder on the hard drive. Nothing has moved. I tried "fixing" and "optimizing" the catalogs, but it says no problems found and nothing changes. I tried adding new photos to the catalog using FILE>GETPHOTOS FROM> FILES OR FOLDERS. The files were added to the existing catalog, but upon viewing the new thumbnails, Organizer says they are missing also. I ran another test where I created a new catalog and added some of the same photos that are already in the other "non working" catalogs. The new catalog seems to be working fine. I have 10's of thousands of photos, all categorized the way I want them.
Even though I select All Files or all the files listed as missing, or even individual files, when I click on Reconnect I get the message "No files selected". How do I get beyond this to reconnect the missing files?
After wiping my hard drive, re-installing all the programs & files, Elements Organizer does not have any of the catalogs or data I have input on thousands of pictures. There must be a file with all the data to reconnect the photos to the data in Elements9.
I have moved a catalog of 150'000 pictures (with associated pictures) to from an iMac to a new Macbook Pro. I used (in Elements 11, same version on the old system) "reconnect missing files" to update the path to the new location. Most files did reconnect perfectly. However, some of them cannot be reconnected. The message I get is
"The files cannot be reconneceted because the file already exists".
The reality is that the same file does not exist. Only an identical named file in a completely separate directory path form another year is present (I use more than one camera and the filenames start all at DSCN001.jpg). How can I fix this, otherwise I cannot complete the transfer of the library.
Moved back catalog of photos from an almost full internal hard drive to a new larger external hard drive. Elements Organizer is now unable to locate tagged photos on the new hard drive. Is it possible to re-connect the photo tagging?
I am using Lightroom 2. I have many photo folders on an external drive that show as off-line when I open Lightroom. I can see the photos in Lightroom but can not do anything with them.
How do I reconnect this folders that show off-line and have a ? mark?
I have thousands of carefully organized images in my organizer. I moved the files (no I didn't do this with the software as I didn't know that was an option . . i've moved files countless times in the past with no issue). With this move, my catalog is frozen. I can reconnect many of the files. But on random files, the catalog freezes and will not reconnect. I have to restart and try again (which generally does not work). I tried moving the photos back and starting over, but that has not solved the problem. The catalog and software is now largely useless
Fired up LR this morning and the folders all have the dreaded grey ? next to them. When I try to reconnect however, the data drive does not appear. Please see screenshot below -- it only has Desktop and subfolders showing for selection. I can't even see D: from within LR.
I have checked the data drive (D:), it is connected and not asleep or anything. I can see all files in it from Windows Explorer without any hiccups or errors. No changes have been made to system or hardware prior to this disconnect in LR occurring.
My original files are all still there, but I can't reconnect the foldres in LR.
I am running lightroom 4 under mac OS X 10.8. I recently moved my pictures to a new xternal drive. I was able to "find" the first couple of folders but now when I select the question mark with control click by the time i slde the mouse over to the window that opens it closes again. I have tried decreasing the mouse sensitivity no joy. I have tried other vermin and same situation.
I accidently deleted some files where photos are stored. Can I somehow reconnect from previous versions of pse that are backed up on cd's. I am running pse 11.
In Photoshop Elements 10 running on a Windows 7 (64bit) machine, I have stored my photos on a NAS, the catalogue itself is on my Windows desktop machine. After having renamed the NAS outside of PSE, I can't find out how to reconnect my photos.... The NAS (the old NAS name) is now shown as an offline medium. how to reconnect them?
I cannot find my photo effects folder in PS Elements 10. All of my actions are missing. I have looked in spotlight, other folders and cannot find my folder.
How can I reconnect the hundreds of images that have become disconnected? One at a time takes ages. If I uninstall and reinstall Elements11, will the program automatically re-populate the organizer?
since upgrading from photoshop elements10 to 11, i cannot now sync my photos to my apple tv with Photoshop the dropdown tab in itunes is missing.i have uninstalled and re-installed Photoshop elements and iTunes but no luck .
I use an iMac, Lion OS and Lightroom3. I store all my photo files (approx. 50,000) on a Drobo RAID system. Apple replaced my iMac HD. I connected an external 750GB G-Drive for Time Machine back-up. Since there was not sufficient memory on the G-Drive, I set the Time Maching to ignore my Picures. After moving the pictures over to the Drobo and deleting the Pictures on the iMac HD, my Lightroom files went missing. I used the Locate File option to find one of the missing files. Before I initiated this, the folder in the library showed 640 files. After locating the missing file, the folder shows 0 files. The missing file is now showing and available.
I seem to have made the mistake of moving several images around outside of Organizer and now they are lost - or disconnected. I've tried the Reconnect feature and after running for nearly an hour not a single image has been reconnected (I need to reconnect over 500!). I've tried to manually browse but where to look for them. I am a Mac user, and I do have these images backed up on an external drive.
I was watching a tutorial about PSE 11 and then noticed that under my photo in the organizer I do not see the date, time, & star option. Do I have to turn something on to see them. Also I do not see a place under the photos to put a caption. I'm using a mac book pro.
Has a fix become available for the 'advanced dialog box' option in PSE 9? My partner has just changed his laptop and now realises that PSE 9 won't give him the option of pre-selecting photos, due to the smaller screen. The laptop won't display at 800 res. The height of the screen is too small. He's annoyed because this problem will affect all users of PSE 9 who get a new laptop with a smaller height screen, which is most new laptops!! It ran perfect on the old Sony Vaio..... till the graphics card went seriously dead! Has this problem been resolved with PSE 10 or 11? If so, it might be worth upgrading to one of those.
Whenever i select a pic in organizer i allways get message "searching for missing files" when i want to fix the pic and can not get beyond this point. Tried import from card reader but the result is exactly the same.
Not all the photos in my windows folders are appaearing in Elements 11 media view. In one case only 1 photo appears in media view but 42 appear when I press "reveal in explorer"
If I choose File|Get photos and videos I get the message "Nothing was imported" with "file already exists in catalog".If I choose "Find all missing files" I get the message "No media to be displayed"
I tried "Repair catalog" but this did not solve the problem.After searching the internet I tried renaming C:ProgramDataAdobeElements Organizer Catalogs My Catalog humb.5.cache and a new one was created (over twice the size of the original) but stll not solving the problem
I have Photoshop Elements 10 that I am using with Windows XP Service Pack 3, a Pentium 4 CPU with 3 GHz, 2 GB of RAM and 48.6 GB of free disk space.
Yellow question marks continue to appear on the top left of some images in one of my catalogs even though these images have not actually been moved. The Organizer searches for the "missing file" and finds it quickly but why is it "missing"? I have gone through the albums in this catalog, completed the missing file searches on all the images so that no yellow question marks appear and when I go back to the catalog the next time I find the yellow question marks are there again! What is making the found file become lost again?