Photoshop :: Lost Guide That Shows Size Of Eraser/brush/etc [Preferences: Show Cursors]
Jan 16, 2008
Ive had this happen before but after restarting the program it usually came back.
the circle that outlines the size of the brush has disappeared, so all i have is the little + sign.
i tried cntr+alt+shft at start to reset it, but its still the same.
Suddenly my CS2 has started to act up. First, after opening a file and start to do a background erasing, the brush shows up as crosshairs.
after a brief time of working with those limitations, when I click on the downdown menus, they get highlighted, but nothing drops down. If I try to close the file or the program, all I get is a warning "ding".
I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.
shortcut that i can not use since two days. To redim the brush size it is possible to use the shortcut ALT + right click. This is very useful when doing painting or drawing on Photoshop. The problem is that i no longer have the possibility to use this shortcut, and i do not know why. My keyboard is correctly set up and i even reset Photoshop, but still nothing.
I'm using a Wacom Intuos2 tablet with GIMP 2.6.12, and it works fine except as the subject says, the eraser works like a brush. In Photoshop, I don't recall exactly what it does, but I believe switching to the eraser (meaning flipping the pen over to the "eraser" side" switches from the foreground color to the background color, so that it effectively works like an eraser.
How can I do that, or something similar, in GIMP? I've searched everywhere and most of the posts have to do with getting the tablet recognized (check) and implementing pressure (check).
the brush, stamp brush and eraser tools are giving me a hard time the actual working area from the tool is so much smaller than the outside frame of it URL....
i'm using cs6.the picture i'm working with was enlarged to 400%.the brush, stamp brush tool was at size: 12px, hardness 100%.opacity 100%
in the presettings i saw the brush was set to normal size.also i played with the jitter sizes, to no avail.
Today when i started LR it acted like it was the first time again. it asked me for my country, serial number and registration info again. Once it started I found that all of my preferences, identity plate settings and things like that are gone. All of my photos are still there but something changed.
For some reason photoshop at times will only let me erase or draw within the confines of a specific layer. It seems to happen randomly without me accidently hitting a hotkey of some sort.
For instance in the image below, I was drawing and randomly I noticed I could no longer draw. It would only let me use the brush/erase tool within the confines of the line work I had already established. The only way I have been able to correct this so far is to completely restart photoshop.
what I'm trying to do is make a selection and, with either the paintbrush or eraser, put a single coat of the selected brush texture on that entire selection.
I've downloaded some really great brush sets and I want to apply one of them to the whole canvas as if I've painstakingly gone over the whole canvas and applied one coat of the paint brush or eraser. All the Google explanations refer to the smart brush which I can't seem to find. Perhaps its no longer in CS6?
I have recently moved a catalog from a PC to a mac (after 5+ years using PSE on a PC). I transferred (using PSE11 restore catalog process) 25,000+ photos across using the instructions from adobe and had it all working perfectly for a couple of weeks.
Recently all the photos in my catalog have become 'missing files'. The catalog is located in a custom location on the internal drive being '/users/marcus/pictures/adobe/organizer/media/media/'
pse11 now thinks location is '/volumes/public/users/marcus/pictures/adobe/organizer/media/media/'
The /volumes/ directory contains references to files on network drives (and show up under 'Shared' in finder). I have no idea how PSE11 decided to think all the files in ther catalog were on a network drive.
When I reconnect the file manually, then the program returns the error "The file exists in the catalog."
This error appears to be the one referenced here: [URL] ... being kb404560 but these are mostly windows based solutions. I have tried the suggested solutions without success on the mac
I suspect the problem occurred due to OSX's stadard process of mounting virtual drives to install new programs but this is a guess as I am new to macs. I have unmounted all recent drives
I am running OS X 10.8.4 on a late 2012 27 inch iMac 3.4GHz i7 mac with 8 GB of memory.
I was using my eraser and airbrush tools on a small image on a larger layer and I moved the image and, after that the eraser and paintbrush tools stopped working on all layers. When I went back to a previous version of the file the tools worked fine.
All brushes have been reset and are set the same. We are running CS5.5 Master Edition on a brand new 27" iMac 3.4 ghz Intel Core i7 Quad core using a Radeon AMD HD6970M.
This is a sample of how the tool is not using the entire diameter. This could be either erasing or painting a color.
I recently had to delete my preferences file and I had forgotten how much I had customized my Photoshop (CS5).Now, however, I can't remember how I changed some of the default settings, such as the location of brushes, gradients, patterns and shapes, that I keep in a central location. Used to be, that if I wanted to replace the brushes, It would open to this location where I actually store all my brushes, not the default location on the C drive.
Everytime I try to use the brush, it automatically becomes uniform, 5 pt round. I change it to what I want, and as soon as I use the brush, it jumps back to the old settings. How can I change the settings and have them stay so I can create multiple strokes in succession without having to go back and change each one? It's so frustrating.
I was working in Photoshop CS6 and I must of accidentally clicked on something. My layers palette went from showing me a picture of what was in each layer to only showing a brush in every layer. Now I can't see which layer is what.
I've tried Googling a fix but I can't find anything. Here is what it now looks like. I want each layer to show me what is actually on that layer.
I have searched google, PDN, and hades for a solution.
I am fairly new to PDN but love it so far.
I am creating a logo for my company and wanted to "cut" an object in half and place a saw blade in the middle (to give to appearance that it was cut). I thought about duplicating the layers, placing them apart and using the eraser or brush to give a jagged look?
When I open Photoshop all my actions are there. But after using the program for a minute or two and then clicking the icon in the top right for ALL my actions, I find that I now have only one-panel of actions in alphabetical order and it only goes through part of the Cs. Closing the program brings it back to normal, but again, after a few minutes use, most of the actions are again inaccessible.
having trouble with my brushes--I use to get a round circle for a bursh, now I am just getting cross hair brush. What did I do to change it and how do I change it back to the round circle?
I have contacted Adobe about issues with Photoshop brushes recently. My issue is that the brush size is smaller than the circle that represents the brush. In other words, when I hoover over the area that I want to paint or erase with the circle and then click, the painted or erased area is smaller that the circle. It's really frustrating when fine tuning an image, you never know how close you are to what you want to correct. This is only visible when you zoom in quit a bit. I worked with an Adobe tech for over an hour and he could not simulate the problem. Then he finally asked if I was using a retina display, (he was not).
When I try to use the brush tool when in Actions, an outlined version of my watermark shows up on my image instead of the brush applying the Action. I do not know what I did but it is super frustrating... how do I remove?
I must have fat fingered something and I now when I click on the Eraser Tool or the Brush Mask Tool instead of getting a circle or square, I get and icon of the tool instead. They still work but they're harder to use without seeing the circle or square depending on what's selected. I've been using Corel for many years and never had this happen and I can't figure out how to switch back.
I created a collection called, "favorites." The catalog indicates there are 48 images in that collection; however, the images do not show up. (This seems to be different from the "missing" problem - I understand how that can happen...) don't know where to look and don't know if I have lost those images somehow? I have approximately 25 other collections, all of which seem fine.