I cannot double click a thumb in the bridge and enter Photoshop cs4. It brings up the Microsoft viewer instead. Nothing I have tried corrects this. I can get to Photoshop cs4 through camera raw, but that means opening all jpegs and tiffs in raw. Can anyone help? Perhaps I will need to download the upgrade to cs4 again. But installing the plugins for fractals and NIK software can be a drag. I no longer have cs3, so I can't revert to it
I have Windows XP professional on a Dell, two 500 gig internal drives and a 500gig LaCie external drive
I accidentally deleted Bridge. When I try to run setup.exe from the CS2 installation disc I get: Error 1606 Could not access network location. My network access is live and other programs can connect. In CS2 Updates is greyed out.
Somehow I have lost the ability to size the right side of my Bridge panel. It is too large and I cannot bring the right side border into view to see my Metadata and Preview Panels.Also the numbering of the thumbnails is lost "off the screen".
I installed Mavericks onto an imac running 16gb ram, 3.4ghz HD. I'm running Photoshop CS6 version 13.0.5 & using a wacom with the latest drivers 6.3.7-3. I've had no issues previously but since installing Mavericks every 3 or 4 minutes communication is lost with the keyboard.
By that I mean Photoshop will no longer respond to any keyboard shortcuts. I can keep working in Photoshop, it does not freeze completely but I'm locked into the tool i'm using unable to zoom in/out or any other task via the keyboard .If I exit the app and then return to it the keyboard functionality returns also.
I am also able to jiggle the keyboard back into action by clicking away form the work area and onto another palette. Returning to the work area brings back the keyboard. Bluetooth keyboard & batteries changed too.
LR printed okay for about 1/2 of a job (~300 prints) I have and then this showed up. To finish I have had to "edit in CS5" now for a few days, thusly one image at a time and no info printed on the print either. After 2 days of printing good in CS5 it too began the dreaded "communication error".This did not happen until 2 weeks back. I spent days proving that the printer is "communicating" just fine. New cables, other programs etc. The printer driver has been reloaded dozens of times. The machine has been rebooted daily.
I do not think it has any relevance however, EVGA 655 MOBO i7 860 Intel 16 G ram Corsair EVGA GTX275 video Open GL is enabled in Preferences in CS5 Win7Ultimate
Printer is Epson R1800. Epson drivers installed. LR is 3.6 w/ all updates LR4 beta is on the machine but not what I try printing from.
Using Inventor 2014 and Vault Basic 2014. It was working this morning but now when Invnetor is opened it automatically logs into Vault and says it is successful but the open from vault icon is greyed out. Similarly when opening a drawing from the vault it used to automatically run and open inventor but now seems to lack the connection. Even when manually opening a drawing that is in the vault by downloading it from the browser and then opening in inventor there is no Vault tab on the browser and all Vault commands except "log out" are greyed out. I think it has something to do with the add-in as well as the Vault group.
I am trying to replace an unresolved standard part with a component from a custom content center in a stand-alone installation. I get this error message:
"There was a problem encountered while communicating with the server. Please check the network connection and server status."
I can place the same component from the content center. The content center component family was created as "save to" from an ANSI standard.
purchased the 5.5-upgrade to 6.0 Designpremium. Everything seems to work properly except the bridge, wich won't start as stand-alone - works only as Mini-bridge inside photoshop.
While trying to start the bridge from photoshop ("go to bridge") results in a bridge's crash...
In my former installations (5.0 and 5.1) everything was ok ...
After opening Bridge CS6 (and using mini Bridge), there are no thumbnails showing. I've pointed Bridge to just one folder with less than 5 photos in it and it cannot even display them. I'm running a recent Mac Pro with 16GB RAM and kick graphics card.
Whenever I try to open the Brushes panel, the Bridge window pops up. I know that Bridge is a media manager, so I'm not sure why is it opening. I really need to edit the brushes and I can't find a way to do it. Is there a way to disable bridge or another way to open the brushes panel that won't open bridge?
So, after many hours of work, and many saves, it seams I have lost a PSD file. After the program was responding very slowly, I decided to close and restart. While saving my file, there was a save error. I don't remeber exactly what it said, but it was something similiar to the filename was invalid. I thought nothing of it, since I had saved just prior, and closed the file without saving. When I go to reopen what I though would be the most recent saved file, it is missing. It's not there at all. There is nothing in the autosave folder either. I have yet to restart Photoshop, hoping there is something in the memory I can recover.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
I'm not sure who the Admin for the forum is, hence a general post. About 10 minutes ago I replied to my own thread "Dreamlike Horizon Effect" in order to place it back at the top after posts got swamped by a load of spam posts.
Until I installed Aperture everything worked fine. I would alter an image, use Save As, specify the folder where it was to be saved and then select the type of image (jpeg, png etc). The image was always in the folder I specified. Now when I do the same thing I can't find the image. I use the Finder and it says the image in question is in the folder where I save it but it's not there.
Is there a PS setting that might have been altered when I did the install. That said, maybe the Aperture install had nothing to do with this and it's just a coincidence. Either way all my 'Save As' images are disappearing. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Part 2: Another anomality is that I used to be able to move images from the desktop to a folder. Now when I do that I am just moving a copy of the image and the original stays on the desktop. I did not change anything so how and where do I make the change to actually move the original, not just a copy?
I have an old computer with PS CS installed (an upgrade version based on an original PS 7 install). I now have a new computer (instead of, not in addition to the old one!), need to install CS on that, and cannot for the life of me find the PS 7 install disk. I have the CS install disk, and I have the S/Ns for both, but not the PS 7 disk. The CS disk won't install because it can't find an installed product.
As a result of the Adobe's updater advisement of an update, I updated CS3. Upon initializing CS3 everything looked as if all settings had been reset to defaults, and I lost custom actions. Does anyone have an idea if the actions are permanently lost and if so how to prevent future occurances after and update.
I've just reinstalled Windows on my PC, and have to reinstall photoshop CS2 as well. But, I've lost my install disc. I've called Adobe to get a new install disc, but they only have CS3 and up :(
Is there anyone who can copy the CD for me, because as Adobe said, this would the only option left, otherwise I must upgrade my license to CS4 :-(
error message: "The 3D features require that 'Use Graphics Processor' is enabled in the Performance preferences. [It is]. Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly."
I was working with 3D 6 hours ago and it worked just fine. Now, after the update, it won't.
i lost in PS6 my bar with the three colored 'balls'. And PS stuck on the finder bar of Mac osx. I can not move the complete PS frame any more. I tried already the 'F' key, Tab button with or without the Shift key, restarted my system, but nothing seems to work.
Last week I had to reformat my computer and reinstall Photoshop CS2. I can no longer find a font I was using for a project, and I am pretty sure it was a Photoshop font because I don't think i ever added fonts. It is called "Motorwerk".
I have CS5 installed on my main computer and want to install it on my laptop, but I have lost the box that it came in. How can I get the serial number.
I edited a lot of pictures and saved them somewhere in my external hard drive, but don't know where, i'm afraid i might have overlaid the folder with a previous version of it so, my question is, is there any way to see where you've saved your edited pictures, or, does Photoshop save it in somewhere else besides the folder that you've "save as…"'ed ?