I'm using the student edition of PS6 Extended. The settings are Window>Arrange>Float all in windows. There were two image boxes open, and both of them were plastered against the left side of the screen, and every time I grabbed one to move it, it slipped back to the left as soon as I released it, and in ever-increasing increments, to the point where I couldn't even see the picture anymore.
In the program window, it looks like its been pushed way in on the full image in the source window. No matter what I do, I can't get it to appear the same as in the source window...
I want to have a gif animation working on a web page - and I want to put a window frame around it so it seems like you are watching the animated image through a window looking into a house. (like a window peeper)
What I need to do is take out the four window pains (or all if I have to) to make the actual pains transparent to show the gif image working.
I am not sure how I can get to superimpose the window frame image OVER the gif image.
I am using Photoshop CS4 on a 32bit vista Q6600. When I installed CS4, I had a graphics card based on a 8600GS. Photoshop run fine, even in openGL.
Not I upgraded the graphics card to a 9600GT for better performance. CS4 still starts, but when a photo is loaded, the photo appears correctly in the navigator, but the main window where the photo usually appeared remains grey, as the background. When moving around this window, the photo appear, but as soon as I release the mouse button, the window turn grey again...
When I deactivate openGL in CS4, everything seems to work.
I am having the latest NVidia drivers installed 178.24 (with both graphics cards).
every new image opened in CS4 opens as a maximized window, with portions of the image hidden behind the right-hand panels ... and so for each new image, I must execute the menu sequence Window - Arrange - Float in Window, then re-size the resulting window.
Is there any way to set my preferences here as a default?
I just got CS6 and went to use the lens flare. The window is so small, I can't see where the flare is being placed. Is there any way to enlarge the image in the tiny window?
Recently while working in multiple windows, when a image is moved for one window to the next, it is resized automatically form its original size , to a new size (ex. Orig. 5x5 to 4.2x4.2).
How can I keep this from happening, so my image retains its original size?
Before PS4, I could open image files in their own windows. In PS4, when I want to open more than one file, these open with tabs and any new file I open is added to the tab queue. It is annoying to right click on each tab so each file is in its own window. Is there a universal preference to change this annoying behavior?
Using a Windows environment with Photoshop CS4 Extended.
I am using an iMac with up to date software. I import photos from my SD card. It creates a file in "my folders" but image does not appear in organizer window. I have tried restarting the computer as well as uninstalling and reinstalling the application.
The only files that appear under "Media" are the music files. There are 8 other pre-installed folders (animals, flowers, holidays,etc) but highlighting them does nothing.
We had a possibility to see images preview in Open File dialog window of Photoshop CS5 but in new CS6 version there is not such possibility. Should I forget about that nice option and use Mini Bridge?
preferences -> perfomance as follows: use graphics processor: ticked advanced settings: drawing mode: advanced everything else in advanced is also ticked
problem:if i drag an image on my secondary (image editing) monitor the images saturation/color changes while i drag it. on mouse release it goes back to normal.this doesnt happen on my primary (system etc) monitor.yes i could probably workaround making my editing monitor my primary monitor, but i don't want to, because i want it free of windows bars and similar rubbish.
im working on a PC , with windows 7, with photoshop CS5 i searched everywhere for answer , but none was given.. people did mention this problem, but for different photoshop versions , and, i had it good till i dont know what happened and changed it, so i believe it is fixable but people understood it wrong.
anyhow, the problem is, when you try to maximize the image window (assuming you changed it from tabs), the window maximize all over the screen, over the tools and title bar.
instead of staying inside the workspace.as i mentioned, it used to be like it , but something happened and now its all over the thing.i tried double click the hand tool, all sort of things with the "F" and Tab shortcuts, the arrange documents thing on the top, even trying to restore default setting but nothing really did the trick.
i tried to look for something called "Application frame", that somehow suppose to do just that, under window->Application frame, but its not there. again, it used to be ok so i know there is still hope..
here it is restored, under "fit screen" option, notice it only get the hight right, i would not call it "fit screen" but what ever..
red circels show the title bar and tools..
and this is when i hit the maximize button and unleash hell, red circles are where the title bar and tools were, not so nice and cool..
i noticed none of the others gave pictures, so i gave it a go..there are no words to describe how annoying it is.
When I try to use the hand to scroll an image around in the window in PS CS6, it keeps crushing the image down inside the window and letting it spring back to its original size when I let go. How do I stop it from doing this?
I have just installed Elements 12. I went to open some jpeg images. They appear in the Photo Bin but can't be made to appear in the main window. The Layer Panel shows the background copy of the images.
How can I get my image to center in the Print Preview window? (Epson R2000, 12 x 12, borderless). No matter where or how I change the settings, the Print Preview window shows my image has been cut off on the right hand and bottom edges. Hence, I cannot get a 12 x 12 borderless image to center on a 12 x 12 sheet of scrapbook paper.
Everytime I open a document in Photoshop CS5, these 2 dialog boxes (Image Size, Script Alert) would pop up. to cancel 2 times to start editing. Is there a setting I can disable this?
I need to remove the background image which is visible through a stained glass window and replace it with a soft plain background (simulating an ambient light)
I don't really want to artificially recreate the lead grid design and wondered what's the best technique (masking or otherwise) to preserve this detail? I am considering clone stamp, intelligent fill, masking etc. but first I need to create a source of the grid to use.
Image Option window show up every time I save an image after editing. Is there a way to set image quality at High and this window not to show up each time?
I have been using PSP since it was free shareware so I'm rather familiar with it. I just installed the PSP X4 14.1.05 When I open an image in the "edit" area and have the move tool chosen the image goes to "Fit image to Window" and both "Fit window to image" and "Fit Image and Window to Screen" are grayed out. I have tried the preferences and all else I can think of but can't get the window to fit to the image as it always has so I can be viewing several images at a time and working with them. I did try reinstalling. This is a Vista machine.
After installing GIMP 2.8.4 when launching program all I get is the LAYER-BRUSH Toolbox, no main window No menus,. it seems everything may be opening off screen but im not sure.
When I try to rotate an image with only one layer, the image rotates but the "window" which contains it does not! I end up with the image rotated 90 degrees, but it's cropped because the window it's in, did not move. That window sticks out with a checkerboard pattern. I've looked in the GIMP manual and gone to YouTube for an explanation on how to use the rotate tool but I couldn't understand the tutorials. how to use the rotate tool successfully? I'm a severe dyslexic with low vision so usually, standard tutorials don't work for me.
So the image in my window is not at a 100% and there is a whole lot of white space, it was fine till I added a new layer then it just downsized. Ive attached a photo of what it looks like.
I want my canvas size to be 36X24'' but the last bit is always just white space, which means my image is less than 36 inches long
I've got a problem with basic image editing in GIMP.The screenshots should give understanding. I have GIMP 2.6 on Windows 7.GIMP wont allow me to move anything around in the darker area of this image("IconOverlay.png" - attached).
I've tried reinstalling GIMP as well as deleting the user preferencesfolder. I've also tried copying the image into a new GIMP window and editing it inthat, but it doesn't work. This has never happened before on any other image I've edited.
I've got a Macbook Pro running X11(ver 2.3.6) and Gimp 2.6.11 and have had no problems with either until recently. I'm a professional artist with about 5 solid years of experience using Gimp and I love it. I actually own Photoshop and spend more time overall in the Gimp. But now, all of a sudden, I have no ability to do anything it it except rifle through the menus. Absolutely nothing works in the image window because the mouse will not click anywhere inside it. Its the same whether I use the build in touch pad, a USB 3-button mouse or my Wacom Intuos 3 tablet. I know, or at least strongly suspect, that its a focus issue because I can click on a menu item and drop the menu, but clicking outside the menu onto the image area does not collapse the menu! I've searched and searched and I'm at a loss. My Gimps BROKE!
I have just installed my newly purchased PSC5 extended software. When I try to use the ACR it will load and I can use it but when I try to open, save or cancel my image I cannot. This is because the ACR window is too 'long' for my Sony desktop window and the buttons I am trying to access are in the 'shadow' of the desktop window. When I try to resize the ACR window to access the buttons it will let me adjust it on the vertical window edges but not on the horizontal window edges. I have to reboot the laptop to do anything at all.
I used to be able to maximize a display window and then make the image fit the window and finally shrink the window to fit the image. This seems to have changed recently. What are the equivalent keystrokes to accomplish fitting the image to the window and then shrinking the window to the image?