How do you take a text image with a white background and make it invisible so when you put it on top of another image, only the text shows. The text has a shadow and a reflection, and it is it's own image.
Also, does photoshop have any kind of wordart? I used powerpoint to add shadow and reflection and glow to my text, but it would be perfect if photoshop had some kind of alternative (I'm sure it does, I just couldn't find it).
I have a PNG image with only one layer as a start point. It has a faded map on it.
I have a second PNG image with a hex grid on it. I do colour to Alpha to establish transparency on the hex grid for white filled hexes (others are not filled with white).
Now, I wish to overlay a portion of the first image with the faded map with the non-transparent part of the second image.
So I select by colour (for the hexes not filled with white) on the second image (the overlay) and I then paste to the first image (after creating a transparency layer and selecting it to receive the overlay).
I see the desired overlay section (minus any transparent stuff as expected), however it is centered over the map in the first image, not where I want it to be. It is a floating selection and must be anchored. So I select the anchor icon in the layer dialog and I think I anchor it into the transparency layer on the first image (that's what I'm trying to do anyway).
And then my problem:
I want to move the thing I just pasted in to the right place with respect to the underlying faded map. I attempt to use the move tool, but all I move is the background map (pretty much the opposite of what I want).
Nothing I do seems to let me reselect the pasted-in overlay so that I can move it.
Why I can't ever reposition the pasted in overlay? It should be in the transparency layer I created but even if I select all, I don't seem to be able to move anything other than the background image.
I have one main image and what i now want to do is have a much smaller image, that will overlay the main one and place it in the corner say of the main image, so you can see both images,
Is it possible to use the crop tool but have an image fill overlay instead of a grid overlay? I do a lot of photo editing where the image has to be in certain boundaries but also has a complicated background, and I'd like to reduce a step.
My Art teacher has just got Photoshop Elements 4.0, and needs to know how to 'overlay' one image on top of the other, for example, placing a leaf over a picture of a face and fading it slightly so that you can still see the face.
I have two versions of a photo. One is the original, untouched version and the other has a translucent overlay on it. How would I go about isolating the overlay (for reuse)?
how to Overlay an image on another image (as another layer, for example), that can be used with Actions ? I've just got Load image > resize > recolor > overlay image > save as... action now, but no idea how to Overlay the logo on top of the loaded image.
the problem with this is that due to the copy-paste action, the watermark logo is centered, which is not how it should be. i suppose i could put a black 1px dot in each corner,
I need to overlay a transparent image of a tablet over about 50 images from a folder - is there any automated way to do this? I can use either Photoshop or Illustrator
There is a touchscreen monitor in my car.It allows custom background wallpapers to be loaded via USB.The touchscreen automatically adds what would appear to be about a 25% alpha black layer in FRONT of the image so the touchscreen controls and icons are clearly visible.The problem is, I don't know what values I'm supposed to adjust on my image in order to get it to look the same way it does on my computer screen.Would you adjust the brightness? Contrast?Or is this simply not possible because the ~25% alpha black tint is placed OVER the wallpaper?
I am trying to add the orangy-morning/evening overlay to an image.
I have a high resolution version of this image and I'm trying to add an orangy overlay so it looks like the morning/evening, so it looks like the third image below (Making a high resolution version of it).
I've tried playing around with hue and saturation without much success.
I'm trying to take an image and overlay it onto another image, which I can do just fine. The problem I am running into is that the image exceeds the borders and becomes nothing more than a dotted shape losing all its color. What I want to know is how do you expand the border so that the image once again becomes visible?
If I have a picture with a transparent overlay, along with a nontransparent version of the overlay, is there a way I can remove the overlay from the original image?
One application for this would be removing GUIs from video game screenshots.
In Graphics Editing software like Photoshop you can rotate an image ever so slightly to the left or to the right. I'm trying to super-impose a png of a head onto something and I would like to match the angle of the original head.
For the background image halfway down, there's a totem pole sort of "merged" in with the color. But it's not simply an overlay blend mode or opacity change. It has essentially seemed to adopt an entire palette based on the background color itself.
I think I recall a way to create this effect in Photoshop, but in GIMP I'm stuck. How would one go about making that "color overlay", given any regular picture and a colored background? I'm doing this for a website, by the way.
I am attempting to create screenshots from an old video game and one part of the game includes a semi-transparent overlay layer that I would like to extract into its own image. I am able to render each layer separately in the emulator I'm using, but the screenshot tool is only able to export the final rendered image, so the transparent layer, when rendered alone, still results in a screenshot where it has been merged with the game palette's background color. I have managed to get 2 different copies of the overlay image using 2 different background colors, but I don't know the transparency percentage on the overlay. Is it possible to extract the original semi-transparent overlay with its original colors and transparency levels knowing the original background color? I can get more screenshots with different background colors if that would work. Also, the overlay only has a 5-color palette, so it's not a terribly complex image. I'm attaching the images I have with the background colors included as separate layers in each.
So I was oot and aboot yesterday and I took a series of pictures of a drummer in action. It was a rapid series, like five pictures covering five seconds of him rocking out. I want to combine all those five pictures into one ... "master" picture. My idea for the "master" picture is one single picture, where you can see his arm and body movements (and the drum cymbals moving) from all the five pictures.
That's probably a terrible way of describing it, but that's what I want to do.... I tried layering the pictures together as overlays, but while that combined all the images together, the end result was too blurry to make anything out.
I must have dreamed this but I thought I saw that LR 5 had the ability to create a cropping overlay from an image. My goal is to create a quicker way to place a date on 5x7 and wallets so that it works for both prints. I want WHCC's wallet guide as an overlay.
I have a shape (of a splat) and want to use an image to 'paint' it with, so that the image only overlays the shape and the rest of the background that is not part of the shape is transparent - how can I do this.
Is there a way to overlay a transparent background png image on a solid or mesh that already has a material assigned? i.e. a chrome object with a decal applied. I have tried creating a new material using my png file as the image but have not been able to overlay it on an object where I want to see the material underneath.
With Gimp 2.8 (Mac) I have made a 3D text with a YouTube tutorial. It looks like the Pulp Fiction logo. [URL]...........
How do I overlay a grungy texture, so the letters look 'older'?I tried making the texture image the top layer in the list on the right and then this: right click -> layer -> transparency -> color to alpha.But then, the 'see-through' texture covers the entire square transparent background! Not just the letters...So, how do I add a transparent texture layer over a shaped image that has a transparent background?
I have found what I can only assume is a bug. I have a PSD file that when opened in CS5 looks as it should. When I open it in CS6 any shape with a gradient overlay displays as black. When I choose Save for Web it displays correctly in the save window, but the file displays the shapes as black in the regular Photoshop view.
I used to use Ps normally, but since I've reinstalled my Windows recently so I had to reinstall Ps as well. However, when I used Gradient Overlay, it didn't work out correctly as it's supposed to do: no matter how I configured the option, it just filled a solid color instead of a gradient (as number 1 in picture). When I clicked reverse, it filled with the other solid color. Number 2 I used Gradient Tools to make it easier to compare.
We just upgraded at work to CS6 and overlay blending isn't working like it did in CS5.
Overlay used to multiply values below 50% and add screen above 50% regardless of what the layer underneath looked like. I'm not sure what's going on now.
Am I the only one seeing this? Is there a setting somewhere to get it back to working the way it was? I haven't seen any documentation on the change and a search of the support shows no one else complaining about the same issue. But me and my coworkers are all seeing the same issue.
I am working with DVDit pro 6.0 and I am trying figured out how to make a background menu and the overlay layer that goes with it.
I am able to make an overlay layer with the following path: Layer/New/Layer and choosing Overlay in the Mode section. The thing that I don't understand is how to work with this Overlay layer .
I understand that the overlay is the subpicture but i'm a little lost. For example, if I have a button which is a picture and I want that the overlay color would be yellow. How to make this work?