Photoshop :: I Can't Find A Tool I Used To Use To Extend The Edges
Aug 13, 2009
Basically, it was a way of extending the canvas size using the edge information of the image. The reason I am looking for it now is that I imagine it'd be a good way of creating a gallery wrap section for a canvas print, taking the edge detail and reproducing it. If you are not sure what I mean, have a look at this image on my blog. It's the technique I'm talking about. I have access to CS3 or CS4.
I'm trying to extend the edges of a number of images to give myself extra bleed room for print. The images have bits that are a little too near the edge and I need more room. The effect I'm looking for is repeating the final edge row of pixels for 1/8 of an inch beyond the original image on all side.
The obvious solution, manually repeating the row of pixels is too time consuming for the number of images I need to format.
The solution would have been simple if the imbeciles at adobe hadn't moved the "extend edges" option to the Oh-So-Useful auto lens correction tab in the lens correction filter. (how I HATE thee, Adobe)... Alas, I'm using CS5 and need an alternative solution.
I want to clone/copy out a background to extend a pictures width.
So far I have: -Lassoed a selection of the background and copied it out - but wierd shading marks were left in the final result (I guess due to shade descrapancies) -Merged all the copy layers so I could treat them as one. -Use the Stamp Tool to clone from a perfect area of the original background but the Stap tool is again creating weird shading lines as I use it (ie, doesnt look like its apply the exact color I sampled from) (I tried narrowing the Stamps Master Diameter also but still got weird results..)
The Stamp tool doesnt seem to be working how I thought it would work. What am I missing?!
I have a Javascript that I have written that builds a interface of buttons in organised groups based on the contents of certain folders. Everything works fine but when you call it from photoshop and extendtoolscript isn't running it always opens it up. I have written a lot of scripts with interfaces and I have never had this problem.
Its not a huge problem for me as I usually have this program open anyway but I intend to have a team of people using this script so if I could stop it somehow it would be much better.
I am drawing with a bamboo tablet a road on a map and the edges of my stroke look bumpy, i.e. not smooth, using the pencil tool.
I have the hardness set to 0. If I hold the shift key and draw parts of the road that are straight I get a nice smooth edge but when I add in the curves I must have terrible shaky hand cos its so bumpy. Is there a smooth tool or something similar?
When I use the gradient tool it has visible transition lines even though I am using the colour to transparency option. When I say visible I do not mean hard edged transition, but the transition is visible on the screen and when printing.
Is this inevitible or am I missing a trick to getting a barely visible transition edge?
How to make the selection using the 'Path Select Tool' to auto fit the image edge to edge. The reason is that I have 9 images that have to be exactly the same size with slightly rounded corners for a website header, one for each country. Is there any way to auto fit?
i looked at every command on all drop-down menusand cannot find "find edges".. i need to find the edges of the objects in the imagei have opened in Photoshop CS4..
For some reason I can't select the "stroke path" option with the pen tool in photoshop to add tapers to my pen tool strokes. I can only get dead lines. why is this not working?
I am trying to take a image from one picture to move to another picture using the lasso tool I keep trying to use the lasso tool and when I'm done it automatically resizes its self to a size I don't want. How do I get it to stay the size I put it at. My goal is to fade the edges and then slide it over to another picture but the whole picture slides over instead of the lasso section.
I have NO idea how I managed to do this, but if I copy a piece from a file, the rectangular changes from square to sort of roundish.
And when I do copy and paste (control C - Control V), the edges of the copied piece in the new file are transparant. Which is exactly what I do NOT want! How can I change this back to the normal way of copying?
I used to use a tool in PS 5.5 that I can't find in PS7. I believe you would select an area, then you could mirror that area onto a different part of the picture, and it even gave you a display window showing you the original area you selected. Does anyone know what this tool is called and where it's located in Photoshop 7?
Im having trouble locating the background erase tool. When the drop menu opens on the erase button, the only options are eraser tool, scissor tool, knife. Where can I find the background eraser tool?
Yes, I know where the options to select the arrowheads are (ex: start/end, concavity...etc). But when I create my line, none of the arrowheads are displayed. Not sure what the problem is? Is there an option I may have inadvertently selected which may have turned these off? I am using in Windows Photoshop 5.5. I've used them on this desktop before, again - not sure what's going on here.
Also, is there an option to add arrowheads automagically to the Pen tool in photoshop?
I can select the Quick Selection Tool, which then presents the Quick Selection Tool and the Selecton Brush Tool options in the Tool Options bar (bottom left corner). But nowhere is there an option for rectangular marquee tool or elliptical tool. (This is for Elements 12)
I was using the Clone Stamp Tool in Expert Editor and then suddenly it was no longer available - It was apparently replaced by the Pattern Stamp Tool. How can I get it back into my group of Expert editor tools?
It seems the bridge tool does not merge edges as one would expect it to. I realize that the workaround is to follow the bridge operation with a merging of the edges on either side of the bridge. Shouldn't such a common operation be done correctly?
I am currently in the process of testing LR4 and use a LR3 library that I converted to LR4.
If I rotate an image from (or to) landscape/portrait I cannot use the crop/rotate tool anymore by pulling the edges. The control sliders work, but not the active corners. If I put the image back to the original position, things work like a charm.