Photoshop :: How To Import Gradient Map Settings From One Computer To Another
Jan 8, 2013
Quick question How do I import my gradient map settings from CS3 on my old I mac into my new Mac that uses CS6? Is there a folder somewhere that I can just copy and paste?
At home I still have the trial version (I wait for 4.2 to see if it will be much faster before buying it) and today I do some photo development at work (we also have 4.1 version).
What I'd like to know is it it's possible to import the processings settings of each photos to my own catalog ????
Here is how I did my work:
At home my raws are on an external USB drive and I import my pictures from this disk: path is I:Mes photos<subject + date of the photoshoot> My Lightroom catalog is in it's default path (user profile, my pictures).
At work, I put my photos on a temp director c:MyRawPictures and import them into lightroom.
Now how can I export the development settings from the lightroom at work and import them in my home setup ?
I saw a menu "import from another catalog". can I use this one ? If yes, do I need to copy the "Lightroom catalog" folder ?
I just installed PS-CC and LR5 on a new computer after a catastrophic failure on the old one, which was running PS-CS6 and LR4. Is there a way to recover my custom settings and presets from a full backup of the old computer and apply them to the new applications on the replacement computer? I have full backups, but no export data for any of the settings or presets. And because the old computer is dead, I can't just run an export.
My computer HDD died :-( Luckily, I have made full HDD backups quite regularly and haven't really lost anything.
However, I'm making a clean install of everything to get a fresh start. Over the years, I have built up quite a large set of LR Develop and Export presets along with several custom lens profiles and camera colour calibrations. Having started from LR2 then upgraded 'in place' over the years, I have a feeling the files for all these might be scattered all over the place on my Windows 7 installation/appdata files.
Apart from the obvious catalog file, where else should I be looking to get my fresh LR5.2 installation looking like it used to with a full recovery of all my various profiles and presets?
I think I found a few in my backed up %appdata% files but there is so much in there, I don't know what is essential and what is just 'junk' from older versions.
I have a new computer with 2012 Autocad LT. My settings are from 2010 Autocad LT. I can only figure out how to import my settings if they are from my current system or migrate my settings if I have an old version of Autocad installed on my computer which I don't. How do I get my 2010 settings into my 2012 autocad LT on my new computer?
I hate having to setup one pc to all the autocad setting that we need and then having to go do 27 more. I want to take my exact setup, menu, system variables, colors, file locations...everything and apply it to 27 more computers. We have tried using profiles but it only coppies over a few things and some are still missing. Is there are way to copy everything?
This issue occured shortly after update to 4.2, but not directly after. I am using windows 8.
The issue that occurs is after importing images they are adjusted automatically to develop module cross process 1. After dealing with this annoyance for a bit of time I realized that I can not even "RESET ALL" the images to delete the adjustment. In delving into other images that have been in my database for quite some time, I have tried to "RESET ALL", which resets images to CROSS PROCESS 1. I have never set import to automatically adjust.
how I can move a user from one computer to another and have them keep all of their settings in AutoCAD Architecture 2013.
We are upgrading user laptops. I have used the Windows 7 Easy File Transfer utility on the first couple, but it does not appear to copy the users AutoCAD settings. When they open AutoCAD for the first time on the new computer, they have to set up all of their toolbars, etc again.
I have even tried copy and paste of theWin 7 AppData Local, LocalLow and Roaming folders ... but even that does not tranfer over the toolbars, menus, etc...
make it so that when a user logs into the new computer and opens AutoCAD, it is exactly as it was on the old computer?
I want to know if I can get a compacted guide into quickly and effectively save all my autocad settings in a computer to be used elsewhere.
My personal settings include:
1. alias 2. autolisp that are loaded in the cui 3. an escape autolisp that is part of the right click context edit menu 4. re-arrangement of short cut menu (i.e addition of dimension linear, dimension aligned, plot) 5. new menu with new macros 6. option profiles 7. plot styles 8. hatches 9. libraries of block 10. palette 11. workspace
I know the list is long and can be longer and most of the time as I switch from one computer to another, there is the same repetitive task of copying, resettings and so on. Are there any effective way to transform an autocad post with all my settings at once, that effectively save all the settings and the files and the blocks and templates and effectively load all of them onto a new working post.
Somewhere it looks impossible, at least in its totality but who knows this may be possible.
One of our drafters recently got a new computer. We installed AutoCAD 2013 on the new machine. He was using AutoCAD 2012 on the old machine.
After exporting the settings from 2012, I attempted to import them into 2013. The migrate tool throws an error that insinuates you must have the old version installed on the same computer in order to migrate the settings. The import tool states that it can only import settings from the same version of AutoCAD.
How does one go about importing settings from one computer running AutoCAD 2012 onto another computer running AutoCAD 2013?
(In particular, the user is looking to migrate over his custom tool palette.)
I have a new computer and was using ELements 9 on the old one. I have downloaded the programme and aslo copied the catalogue over from the old computer. How do i import the catalogue? When I click on Import, it doesnt mention catalogue, only Frame for Video and Wia support.
I made a complex gradient showing all spectral colors in Photoshop. Now I would like to have exactly this gradient in my Illustrator's gradient-palette. Is this possible somehow? At least it is not possible to load the Photoshop-.grd-file into Illustrator.
Of course I know that I can insert the Photoshop-gradient as a picture into any Illustrator document and that is exactly what I intended to do and actually do with it right now. But I also want to use it in conjunction with Illustrators diagram tool, which does not allow to fill the space below a graph with a picture, but which allows to fill this space with Illustrators own gradients. Thus it would be great if there was a way to transfer the Photoshop gradient to Illustrator and not having to start from scratch there again.
Meanwhile I have to copy the graph out of the diagram, putting it on a dedicated layer and there make a clipping mask together with the afore inserted Photoshop-pixel-gradient. This is not very elegant, when you must do this several times...
When the 'up' arrow appears in a thumbnail and comes up with the message:
The metadata for one or more of these photos has been changed by another application. Should Lightroom import settings from disk or overwrite disk settings with those from the catalog?
What exactly does that mean? This seems to happen every time I export an image to PS (CS5) and return to LR. What exactly has changed? What settings are being imported if I choose 'import settings from disk'.
I have .MP4 files in folder Z:Camcorder . I can import them into Pro X3, but that program is very cumbersome for simple purposes. So I thought I'd try Express 2010...
To my amazement, Express doesn't know how to import files! I click on Import Computer, check the box for Z:Camcorder, press the Start button, and...Nothing! No folder, no media contents.
Is Express this much harder to work with than Pro?
I'm working with DICOM images and want to use the "open as volume" option that photoshop gives when you open DICOMs and import to PS. However, it does not give me this option when i open up files. What is the problem here?
I would like to use LR on a second computer. My photos are stored on an external hard drive. How do I import the images onto the second computer through LR and keep the changes that I have already made. I tried and the images were in their original state.
Without any warning my computer simplu shuts down, similar to the effect of unplugging it from the power outlet. No shutdown screen or anything. This happens somewhere during the process of exporting or importing photos.
I had an old phone that I used to connect to my computer but it has been lost for a while now. When I go to import images from lightroom, the first device that Lightroom 4 sees is the old phone. How can I get rid of this device when I go to import images?
I wonder how i can save the import settings in photo down loader to always have same settings when extracting images? It always adjust it self back to default and i need to find my location again.
Also. When working in CS5, and i want to apply e.g sharpening i go to filters and the slide appears, moving down to sharpen the new "window" appears on the left side and not the right.
I import my photos into an external drive, raw format. . My computer has never run so slow. If I process those images, are they somehow on my main computer or still on the external drive?
When importing STEP data, all the body objects a imported as medium quality. You can set it manually to corase or fine. Is there a way to do this during import? I have hundreds of body objects which need to be in coarse. Is there a way to do it with a script, or is there an import option i have missed?
I am having a problem importing a JT model I have. The model comes in however it loses all of it's smoothing groups when it's imported and alot of the vertices are not welded. The importer doesn't have any settings for keeping smoothing properties, and it also doesn't have an option for Welding verts. The verts all right on top of eachother.In the DirectConnect text that I get after importing my object I have the following settings.
I can change the top settings, at import, where they are set to true, but is there a way to keep the face smoothing groups and make sure verts are welded?
When shooting Canon 5DII in JPG, Adobe Elements and Lightroom both import the complete images with all variations selected under the cameras Picture Style settings.When shooting in RAW, Adobe ignores these variables and imports ONLY the RAW image directly from the image sensor, ignoring all settings selected under Picture Styles. This is true in both sRGB and AdobeRGB.There is nothing about this in the Canon 5DII manual.This makes Picture Styles useless when shooting in RAW !?
I have many named UCS settings in the base file but have to apply this setting to at least 30 files... It would be nightmare if I have to do this all one by one.
I am using Map 3D 2010/Civil 3D2010/AutoCad 2010. Is there a way to change the default settings in the Map Import dialog box? I want to "Create Object Data" and "Import Polygons as Closed Polylines" with every shp file I import. It would be nice if I could have these parameters selected by default instead of having to check them both with every shp file I import. Is this possible?