Photoshop :: Import Complete Images With All Variations Selected Under Cameras Picture Style Settings
Sep 4, 2012
When shooting Canon 5DII in JPG, Adobe Elements and Lightroom both import the complete images with all variations selected under the cameras Picture Style settings.When shooting in RAW, Adobe ignores these variables and imports ONLY the RAW image directly from the image sensor, ignoring all settings selected under Picture Styles. This is true in both sRGB and AdobeRGB.There is nothing about this in the Canon 5DII manual.This makes Picture Styles useless when shooting in RAW !?
I am a Canon shooter and a seasoned Lightroom user. About a month ago my Mac stopped allowing me to import images from my CF card into Lightroom. I have worked with Mac and Adobe to no avail. At this point I know that my Mac can see the card and will me allow me to download images into iPhoto. It will generate thumbnails in Lightroom, but will tell me that it's unable to read the images when I try a complete import. If I switch users on my Mac to a dummy user, I am able to import the same images off my CF card. I didn't changed any settings, at least not intentionally.
This issue occured shortly after update to 4.2, but not directly after. I am using windows 8.
The issue that occurs is after importing images they are adjusted automatically to develop module cross process 1. After dealing with this annoyance for a bit of time I realized that I can not even "RESET ALL" the images to delete the adjustment. In delving into other images that have been in my database for quite some time, I have tried to "RESET ALL", which resets images to CROSS PROCESS 1. I have never set import to automatically adjust.
I just imported approximately 1500 raw images shot with my Nikon D800. Approximately 75 of the files would not import and I got LR4 unable to import message for those files.
All images were NEFs and most seem to be in clusters among the 1500 files. The images all show up in CS5 Bridge and Camera Raw 6.7 and open just fine in Photoshop CS5. They will show up in LR4 if I convert them to DNGs.
I just figured out that this is happening only with images that were shot at a 16:9 ratio, all other images were shot at the default 2:3 ratio. I would still like to understand why images shot at 16:9 won't show up in LR4.
I have a folder filled with 900 PSDs. I want to print them all at once, in order preferably, without having to open up each PDF one at a time and selecting print.
I tried creating a batch action by recording print. However, once it opens too many tabs (around 280 or so within photoshop) the program creates an error stating "could not complete your request because too many files were selected for opening at once"
I recently tried to compare images taken with a Nikon D300 (12.3 mgapixel-small sensor), D800 (36 megapixels-large sesnsor) and D4 (16.1 megapixels - large sensor) using the LR4.1 Compare function with not very satisfactory results (iMac 27, Lion). I took 4 images each of the same subject with a 60mm f2.8 Nikon lens on a tripod at F8, at 200,400,800 and 1600 ISO and imported the images into LR. Selecting images of the same ISO and using the Compare function, they all looked pretty much the same so I viewed them at 1:1 and 2:1 trying to get a closer look at the fine details to check for sharpness and noise. Regardless of how I cropped the images, I couldn't get any of them from the different cameras to be the same size on the screen in the closeup views. I presume the combination of sensor size and megapixel capture on the sensors caused this problem but I don't have the technical expertise to either understand (or care). Is there a way in LR to overcome these differences?
I am currently trying to cut out a word from another word in Illustrator. I have managed to do this several times before but both options I have used in the past simply are not working for me today.
As you can see from the attached image, I have 'cut out' the word 'I'm' from the word 'hungry'. (You can see straight through to what ever colour, fabric etc is underneath the logo).
Today I am trying to update my logo and the usual methods aren't working for me.
1. Type > Create Outlines > Divide 2. Object >Compound Path > Make
Usually I can simply delete the 'cut out' text from the image but I keep receiving an error messages that I don't understand.
1. "The filter cannot complete because more than one object is selected" 2. "Can't make a compound path. All objects in a compound path must be paths, and they cannot be brushed or part of an object."
I am a complete novice and I have never encountered these errors before. What used to be a simple 3 step cut out command is now a nightmare. I must be doing something wrong, maybe I have missed a step and not realised?
When I add media to elements 9 slide show, some of the pictures are cropped at top and bottom. The pics show fine in organizer. How do I get the complete pic added to slide show?
How long to complete the import of 1TB into PSE8.0 into organizer on a new big fast Win7 machine/ The little hour glass in the lower left hand part of the screen continues to turn real slow
I read that it's not possible to import a style (styxml file) into the style editor through the API, there is no dedicated command.
However I'm wondering if there's a a way to have the internal name corresponding to the button as we can do for the ribbon buttons (there's a sample code which does this).
So is it possible ot get the internal name of a button inside a dialog box (style editor here) or is it really hopeless to think I can import a style with a macro ?
I have a LR4.4 catalog that contains thousands of edits and all my publish services. File size is 1.2Gb. I used the LR5 beta and would like to import the edits from that catalog as well as the edits and services from the LR4 catalog.
Here is what I have tried. Open the LR4 catalog in LR5, tell it to upgrade the catalog for use with LR5. This step works without any issues and the edits and services are present. Now I tell LR5 to import from another catalog and select the LR5 beta catalog. LR begins processing but will never complete. Once it gets to checking for changes in duplicates it seems to hang. Checking the Windows Task Manager reveals that LR5 is still processing, but I have let it sit for over a day and it will not complete the process. I have also optimized both catalogs before attempting the import again, but that seemed to have no effect.
The system should have plenty of processing power being that it is an overclocked 6 core Phenom II running at 4.25GHz with 16GB of RAM, but it seems to just never finish.
In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?
how to create a fuzzy fiber, a string, (think of yarn that is used for knitting sweaters), and only found a link to creating rope. I want to create a soft, fuzzy piece of yarn. I've experimented with several brushes and found the chaulk brush and grass brush work pretty well, but when I try to apply a bevel, it flattens the look so it is unrealistic. Please suggest what I should do in my layer styles.
No picture selected for editing out of iPhoto shows up in Photoshop Elements 11 (trial version) even though Photoshop Elements is opening when selecting a picture for editing with external editor in iPhoto. Does this have to do with the trial version of PE 11?
When the 'up' arrow appears in a thumbnail and comes up with the message:
The metadata for one or more of these photos has been changed by another application. Should Lightroom import settings from disk or overwrite disk settings with those from the catalog?
What exactly does that mean? This seems to happen every time I export an image to PS (CS5) and return to LR. What exactly has changed? What settings are being imported if I choose 'import settings from disk'.
How does one display obscured lines using different linetypes in the 2D wireframe setting under visual style settings. I need to adjust this setting to view all drawings as 2D wireframes in the viewports in all layouts for more accurate dimensioning (which I do in paperspace)?
I am working on a document - about 100 pages, mostly text with a couple of images.
Unfortulatly Indesign keeps crashing when I change the settings in the paragraph styles. eg changing the indents on a list item, or the amount of space before on the body text.
I am on Indesign creative cloud, and Mac Version 10.9.2
i have taken an picture from the internet,and from RGB i have converted it to CMYK the background is supposed to be black as well as the picture that fades into it. after i print the final image,i can see 2 variations of black on my image all though both blacks have same colour value.
I often use the Image>Adjust Variations option in Photoshop but do not see the option in Photoshop CS6. I know we are still only in the BETA stage but I hope it is not going to be dropped. I like to use it for quick fixes on small portions of the image every now and again:)