I have a Plustek OpticFilm 7300 slide scanner. Here's what I want to do:- Create a 4:3 (fixed ratio) frame that I can use to crop the slides. To my knowledge, all of my pictures will benefit from some selective cropping.- Remove dirt specs and lint squiggles from the JPG through software.- Scan slides to JPG, 640x480 pixels, high quality [HQ] (200 - 300 KB/picture).I believe this can all be done entirely within Photoshop, but I haven't been successful in figuring out how. Can anyone briefly tell me the steps needed?Note that I do have other tools (SilverFast, PageManager, VueScan, Irfanview, etc.) which will do all the above, but I've been using these tools and the results have been poor. I've been reading for years now that Photoshop excels in all forms of digital photo processing, so I'd like to learn how do do the task using only CS4! Assuming I get good results, I'll buy the program before my 30-day trial ends (28 days from now)This is an example of the type of slide I'm processing. This picture was taken 42 years ago in Vietnam and was not touched up with software.
I am using photoshop elements 5 to make a slide show. After previewing it there were many RANDOM slides where the picture was no longer there, just a COMPLETELY BLACK SLIDE. How do I recover these? I cannot possibly remember which pictures were in all of the spots.
I am batch scanning 35mm slides 15 at a time using an Epson 1680. I have been playing with the various dpi's and scale to find the best settings so I can cut the slides and paste them into Powerpoint for a lecture. What I have been finding is that when I cut the slide from the scanned image (of 15 in the holder) and place it in my powerpoint slide and then enlarge it, it is too blurry.
I have tried enlarging the dpi to 2400 but the computer won't scan it. I seem to get OK images in powerpoint at 90dpi and 800% scale but I really want them sharper.
How can I do this? Is it best to scan the slides individually and not use the holder?
More importantly, although the slides look OK on my laptop how will they look when they are projected onto the big screen. I do't want them to be too blurry.
I have had a problem occur in the past few slideshows I have tried to produce in Photoshop Elements 10. When I try to export to Premiere Elements or Windows DVD Maker to burn, some slides show up as blanks. I have also had a problem with some musical selections not playing.
How do I prevent PSE 9 from creating and displaying multiple copies of a given slide ? I have not asked for or made copies yet I often find multiple copies of a given slide, sometimes as many as 20 or 30. It's very annoying when trying to edit slides.
I need a tool or option in order to set the time/date of a series of scanned slide files into the date/time sequence of my choice (when browsing with the Organizer in "Thumbnail View" (I.e. in Date/time order).
For those slides that I had sent within slide-trays, I asked the scan shop for the following for the photo-files resulting from the scan:That the name of the photo-files include a trailing number reflecting sequence as the slides within their trays.That the scan timestamp sequence reflects the sequence of the slides within their trays (this was and is important for me, in order to be able to browse within the PSE Organizer through the scan-result of one tray, in the same sequence as the slides within their trays; even when the resulting photo-files are not organized in a PSE Album; and even when being in “Thumbnail View” sequence). Unfortunately, the scan shop forgot about this request and I can therefore not look (in Thumbnail View” mode) at the scan results in the same sequence as the slides within their trays.
I am looking for a Windows Tool (or a PSE Organizer Tool/plug-in) that will allow me to set the time of a series of Foto-Files in ascending time sequence. A tool that will for example allow me to select multiple foto files • then, allow allow me to specify the date/Time of the first photo-file within the selected files to the date/time of my choiceand then add an increment of 1 or n seconds (or 1 or n minutes) to each one of the fotos that follows in the selected series. Question: For a Windows 7 and PSE 8 environment are you aware of such a tool? (the scan shop told me, they are not aware of such a tool)
Two details: When looking (before importing the foto files into the PSE Organizer) with Windows Explorer at a folder containing the scanned photo-files I can see the following: the foto files have both a “Date Created” and a “Date Modified”. But they have not yet a “Date Shot”. I do not know, whether this can make it simpler to find a solution.I tried without success, the following within the V8 Organizer, I displayed the photos in “Folder Location” view (in V8, this will show the foto-files of each folder in file-name sequence),while in Folder Location view, I selected all photos of one folderthen, while still in Folder view I did “Adjust Date and Time of Selected items” --> “change to a specified date and time”.
It seems that all selected photos got (exactly?) the same time, Unfortunately this did not work for me. Why that?
After the Time-Adjust, when switching from “Folder Location” view to “Thumbnail View”, the photos of that folder were still in the desired sequence (that looked great and I was happy). After editing one of these photos (and when storing the edited result within a versionset) , the edited version of the photo was still in the desired sequence (this still looked great!). But surprise – surprise..., once I exited from the Organizer and then relaunched it, the Versionset containing the edited Photo changed its position to the end of the series of photos having the same date/time – this was no more its desired position/sequence.
I am wanting to make a grip that slides along a polyline. Similar to the diamond shaped grips used in Civil3d to slide along alignments and pipe objects to pick stations and insert labels. How this can be done in .net.
I'm creating a slideshow in which I want some slides to deviate from the standard duration I've set for the show. I can't see how to do this. Is it possible?
I have a similar question about captions. In general I want to show the contents of the "caption" metadata, but for some slides that doesn't work well. Can I get more control over these things?
I am trying to animate a couple slides in to show their motion. I setup each different position in a positional rep in my iam. They work correctly. Next I went to Studio and created an animation that went from one PR to the next. I am using the sequence like PR "A" to "B", then PR "B" to "C", then PR "C" to "D".
The trouble is in studio it does not work like it does in the assembly. Watch both videos to see what I mean. It is difficult to explain without being lengthy.
The video shown here is what I am trying to show in Studio. See the reply to this message to see my clip taken from Studio.
I have created a couple of collections but when I go into slide show the images are not visible for creating a slide show. Works ok with some collections but not all. Presumably there is a linkage problem. Using v4.4 on a Mac.
I have not yet purchased adobe photo software. Which version is the simplest to accomplish what I want to do and is it simple? Or do I even need photo software. I have digitized my 50 years of slides. They are in large folders on the computer. Each folder is labelled only with a time period. Each image was corrected via MS Photo Gallery and then tagged or labelled with who or what, where and when.
How can I best send them out to the children to view on their computers but with a way for them to select and view only the ones they are interested in out of the thousands. Like " Diana" or "Grand Canyon 2010". We are 75 and not very computer literate yet. We have done this once now and want to take the next step to make it a user friendly resource for our kids and grandchildren
I cannot convert or save my file as a .pdf in adobe photoshop cs4. It wont allow it on the format options in save as. I looked up online and a website said to convert it through the print setup page but it seems as if i cannot even get to the print menu.
What's the easiest way to convert an image from PNG to JPG ..?I've created an action for that (see attached image), but I'm not able to save the JPG version in the same directory as the original image.
We've tried EasyRGB and Bruce Lindenbloom's method and neither is quite perfect. One shifts the color red, giving it a pink hue - the other shifted it more green at times.
Konica Minolta seems to get the conversion best but they have a proprietary software (SpectraMagic NX) and I don't know how they do it. Are there any alternatives?
I'm trying to see if there is a way for me to convert a .psd file to a color-separated .eps file. It's for a T-Shirt design, and it would save me around $100
I have 16-bit RGB tiffs which I must convert to 8-bit Windows bitmaps.When I do Image > Mode > 8 Bits/Channel, Photoshop introduces dithering. It doesn't ask. It just does it.Of course Photoshop dithers to try to simulate the fine 0-32768 of the 16-bit tiff with with the coarse 0-255 of the 8-bit bitmap.But the nature of my pictures don't allow dithering. It can't have pixels that are identical to neighbor pixels become unidentical. So I want the simplest kind of 16-bit to 8-bit conversion -- pixel-by-pixel -- each 16-bit level getting replaced with the nearest 8-bit level.If there's no way to turn off dithering in Image > Mode > 8 Bits/Channel is there some other route to the needed 8-bit bitmaps?
I have a logo that I need to print on a decal but need it to be 300 DPI, crisp, clean, etc... The Font is a Futura Md BT.? Here is a link to the file:[URL]...
I accidently used photo shop to opened a .pdf file and now all of my .pdf file have to be imported to photo shop to open and I am not able to get all the pages. How am I able to correct this problem and use Adobe Acrobat to open the .pdf file?