Photoshop :: How Can I Use A SPECIFIC Font(s) With XHTML Or .CSS
Feb 20, 2005
I'm back in action and more motivated than ever before. I've come to the realization that my current job is not the carrier path I want to continue on. So with that said; back to the web for more answers to my many questions.
My questions have to deal with formatting of text using XHTML or CSS. :] [list]Can I us a specific font such as ?OCR A Extended? or some other random font that may not be associated with most computers?
Could I install a font pack on my server and access it through a .CSS? This way if the end user doesn?t have the font on their machine it will still be displayed?[/list:u]
I am trying to make a logo button for my site, but unfortunately I have no idea what font to use for the logos. I have attached some examples and was hoping that I could get some help.
I'm trying to extrude some text with the font type "CommercialScript BT". In Inventor 2011 this was not a problem. In Inventor 2012 and 2013 I get the error:
Create extruded feature failed Part4: Errors occurred during update Extrusion3: Could not build this Extrusion
Self-intersecting loop found in this profile. Remove the intersection by adding a sketch point at curve intersections or by changing non-profile geometry to construction geometry.
Is there a way to solve this? I have tried to extrude other fonts without any problem. I can also extrude one single letter with the font "CommercialScript BT" without any problem but as soon as I writes a word I get the error.
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ulitmate 2012 Sp1 / Vault Collaboration 2012 Sp1 HP EliteBook 8560w Intel(R)Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 2,0GHz 2,0GHz 16GB RAM Windows 7 X64 SP1
I've had a simple lisp I've been using for years that suddenly disappeared. It required that you identify a block name, tag name, and the value that you want the tag to be. All of this is performed via command line, so it is scriptable. Since I lost it, I've been experimenting with -attedit. This command comes frustratingly close to what I'm looking for, except it only appends an existing tag, or replaces a specific string within the tag; I can't get it to replace the entire tag, regardless of its value.
1> Any lisp routine that does what I describe? or 2> How to make -attedit replace a tag value without regard to what the value currently is (like a * wildcard)?
I tried Nexus font (finally) and don't see why people have mentioned it. I don't like it and uninstalled it quickly.Which font manager do you think is better than Font Nav?
What I want to know is if there is a way to make a hotkey or at all save specific options for specific tools. Let's say I'm using the 'Paintbrush, Opacity 70%, Hardness 075, Size 4.00' as my "standard outline tool". Can I some how save that preference (and any other tool such as "Specific Eraser Op. 100%, Hard. 100, Size 10.00) so that I can easily switch between "Ouline Brush" and "Specific Eraser" . Maybe to the 'f-buttons'
I'd like to be able to make maybe 5 specific tools:-Outline Brush
-Small Eraser -Big Eraser -Detailed Color brush -Big Color Brush.
I've a problem with "DWGtoPDF"-Plotter of Acad2013. I give the textstyle "arial" in Acad and plot it to PDF. In the PDF-Sheet i see the Fontname "ArialMT" in the document-options. I want to give the PDF's away and fear, that he gets an error while opening.
After opening a file from another designer, this Chinese font has taken over my "omens – regular" font file. Anytime I use it, it converts to this font and each time I need to change a font weight, I must do it manually. As you can imagine, I use our company font all day so this slows me down quite a bit. Have you heard of this? It seems like some sort of font virus. I've researched removing it, yet can't seem to find the original font file to get rid of, which is even weirder."
We tried moving the font family to the trash, emptying the trash, rebooting the machine, and re-adding the font family and it still is happening.
I had posted in another thread about wanting to clean up a signature and make it look more font like. I tried that and it seemed to be pretty difficult due to the amount of random in a hand written signature.
So I think I'd like to approach this from the other direction. I have a font I like but I don't want it to look like the font (way too common). Is there a way to alter the font (not the entire font set or even to create a new font but just for a one word Logo)?
I'd ideally like to connect two of the letters and also modify the shapes of the letters just a bit.
Is there a way to specify a given system font that should be substituted for a given missing font? For example, the document I'm working with contains CourierStd and CourierStd-Bold which are not installed on my system. I would like to set Illustrator so that any time a document that contains these fonts is opened, Courier New and Courier New Bold are substituted automatically.
An eps file opens without any problem with the preview as .pdf on Mac OS 10.7.5In illustrator when I open the same file, the main font is not recognized and no warning said the font is not available.
How do achieve this effect. I want to create tv distortion, but not in the form of noise. Like when things get stretched, distorted, and look all jagged horizontally. Very similar to when you are losing a video signal.
I need to cut a section out of an image in a predetermined aspect ratio e.g. I want to be able to zoom into the image at any level then use some kind of tool to hover a box which is the right ratio over the area I want and basically copy it into a new document. The idea being I can then resize the new image based on size e.g. width 250px while keeping the aspect ratio, I want to do this with many pictures in order to get a consistent look on the page.
I remember in Elements 9 I was able to convert a color photo to black and white and then with the paint brush I could go and paint in the original color on just specific areas. How is that done in PS5?
Something in my Photoshop cs 6 seems to have changed ... only allows me to save photos to "pictures" and not specific folders in pictures except for recent favorites.
I am creating a chrome emblem using Photoshop's CS6's 3D tool. On the face of the surface I want a specific reflection (an image of city street with people walking, etc.). I want to be able to control this reflection by moving it around on the surface so I can control what is reflecting.
I'm in CS6. I want to crop a photo to a specific size. Example. I have a photo 14X12.5. Use unconstrained 12X12 cropping. The result is 12.5X12.5. Not what I want. How do I crop to the specific size of 12X12 deleting part of the photo?
When I first got CS5 I was having problems with color management. Not sure how to explain this, but the colors in the preview pane differed drastically after I clicked on the photo to edit . That is, as soon as I clicked on the photo I wanted to edit, it turned out much duller. the reds suddenly become brownish orange. and they're not raw, so that's not the problem. Although I shoot in Adobe RGB I set the color management to SRGB and (I don't remember what else I set) and when I clicked on a photo to edit, I would get the message where I had the ability to discard the icc profile (no color management) and that's what I chose. there were all my rich colors, and it was worth the hassle of doing that with every unedited photo.
I turned CS5 on and everything had changed. Now I'm back to seeing the dull colors in CS5, even the one's that I already edited. I have some photos with rich red, they're fine on my website, but in photoshop dull brown.
I'm temporarily back to using Corel, because for some reason it has no problem displaying the correct colors. So it's something going on with PS. I think somehow, though I don't know how, maybe some setting got changed. But am desperate. I've tried all sorts of combinations. using the adobe setting, switching things on and off and dull, dull, dull.
I hope I am able to adequately describe what I want to do!
Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and people used film in their cameras, here is how I used to mark my clients' photos for cropping:
1. A photo proof would be on the table. 2. I would put a cardboard device over the photo. 3. With the device I could make a rectangular window of various standard frame sizes, like 8x10 or 5x7. 4. I would put the "window" over the photo wherever it was most pleasing, and then, with a pen, mark the outline of the area to be kept. 5. The photolab would then crop the photos accordingly. 6. The photos could then be printed to fit perfectly into frames.
Whew! Does that make sense?
Now: How do I do the equivalent in Photoshop?
I do NOT want to simply "resize" the photo. I want to CROP WITH THE FINAL SIZE IN MIND.
It seems like you could do this with the crop tool, but I can't figure out how.