Photoshop :: Hide Face Imperfections
Jul 18, 2006I need to modify some human faces in image files.
start for hiding imperfections of the skin?
I need to modify some human faces in image files.
start for hiding imperfections of the skin?
I want to record the facial animation I did in softimage,but the face bones/objects are bugging me out.So how can I hide them for a sec?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can I hide a face in Maya 2012?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to hide the lines between areas created via the split face tool? If not, my end goal is to have an area on a surface appear a different color than the surrounding area, with no lines between. The surface is the face of an extrusion in an in-place family.
Revit 2009
On your face, there are about 20,000 pores, and if you don’t have perfect skin, it seems like half of them turn into some for of unwanted skin irritation, a blackhead, whitehead, rosecea, dry skin, flaking skin, and probably about 1 dozen other things that I have never heard of. Nobody likes these imperfections in skin, especially on photo day. This lesson is going to show you how to remove blemishes using gimp.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to put someones face onto another persons face.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to edit a solid with opening a hole only one face and deleting an another face..
I added a drawing file which has a coloured face solid,I put a circle on blue face and making a hole on this face,and I want to delete red face without exploding solid,after all this I want to mesh this solid with maximum 25 units.
There is any option to merge bottom face of pad eye and pipe curved face... Something like
1. Extrude face to a surface or
2. like notch option available in frame generator ?
N:B - pad eye is made by extrusion and pipe made by frame generator.
All I need to do is merge a circular face to a flat face, so both faces become one continuous face. Is this possible at all?
I have a attached a screenshot to show what I mean. Face 1 needs to be merged with face 2. This is so if I constrain anything to that face it will constrain to the entire face and not either the circular face OR the flat face.
when I anchor the layer face over the background face the floating selection disappears which means I cannot work on the layer face and therfore am unable to erase the layer face into the background face,this is on gimp 2.6
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to use PRESSPULL on a face that's behind or underneath another face. When I use PRESSPULL it always selects the face on top and sometimes I want a face that is behind or underneath that face.
View 3 Replies View Relatedcreat roof with same line on top roof face & roof vertical side face?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have two pictures. i want to take the face of one picture and put it on the face of the 2nd picture
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere is the option to hide the selection in Photoshop CC. I don't see it anywhere?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm working in photoshop CS2 there is allways one big issue bothering me: all the menu's that are in the way (Tools menu, Layers menu, navigator, history). Does anybody know a shortcut to hide those menus all at the same time, and a shortcut to make them reappear?
Another thing that could solve my problem is to be able to zoom in outside of the picture (into the gray area), now I'm restricted to stay zoomed into the picture (so the most left pixel will also be the most left pixel in your photoshop screen, if anybody knows how to change that..
how to hide notes? I use notes a lot when I work with someone else on the same file and I place the little postits near or exactly on top of the area I'm writing about. Is there a way to hide those like you can hide guides? I'm working on a particularly note-rich file and it's starting to look like a porcupine.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a hot key to toggle the visability for all the floating pallette windows?
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen I installed Photoshop CS6 on my Mac, it gave me the option of using the keys CMD+H to hide Photoshop. Without thinking I said "Yes"
What was I thinking. I always use CMD+H to hide selections! I have been looking around in the prefs, bue can't find a way to change it back.
I am using Photoshop cs6 windows version. First of all, see this picture.
Right now I am trying to animate layer masks which are attached to individual layer groups, but as you can see, the deeper layer nest goes, the harder it is to animate , because I can't read names of keyable property and I can't extend the property bar ,like After Effects,to read the full name of key able property in Photoshop. Is there any way to avoid this problem? I really need to animate layer masks.
How can I hide the tool data box that reads out the location in Photoshop CS6? It appears when I move a layer or change the size.
It is very distracting and totally useless for me (I'm an artist - not an engineer). I can't find a setting to remove that black box.
I have not been able to find this in the view menu or preferences?Is there anyway to hide the smart cursors that are now featured in PSCS6?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe marching ants interfere with my selection work consequently I always hide them with command H but this option does not appear available in CS6.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIt's for a treasure hunt. I want text hidden in an image and it should only be visible when turning the contrast (ort something similar...) way up.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've recently started working in the Application Frame and find that I now prefer this way of working.Is there any way to have the Application Frame hide when in another application?I find it annoying that the big, full-frame gray window persists when I'm using other applications.
It obscures the desktop and any other application windows that I'm not using, and so I can't use the Finder as I've become accustomed to using it.If there was a way to have the Application Frame hide when not in Photoshop I'd be a happy camper.
Here is what I'm doing...
-Open an image of a blue eyeball
-Duplicate layer
-Change the color of the duplicated layer eye to red
-Create a Hide All layer mask on the top red eye layer then select a brush...
I have tried white and black color, but when I paint on the mask I dont get the blue from the bottom regular layer, nothing happens and I have tried everything I can think of?
Is there any shorcut, command, magic formula, etc, to hide the black line of the artboard?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCS3
I have by chance got PS to auto hide & show the toolbars and I have now lost it again.
as the toolbars are out of sight and only visible when I need it.
When using the Hide function on the Crop tool I understand the pixels are hidden and the info retained. My question is does the Histogram palette look at the 'big picture' on the Hide function, and the histograms in either Levels or Curves only look at what is visible?
I'm guessing this is so, but was wondering if someone could verify it. I ask because of the difference in the histograms when using Levels or Curves compared to the Histogram palette.
how do you hide a photo?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I hide pictures?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhenever I open up at least 2 files, and move them around, inevitably 1 or more of them ends up behind the screen.I've just found 1 reason for this, but there may be more (I'm not looking for Photoshop problems when I work).
I also sometimes work with 2-3 programs and/or simultaneously being on the Net.Can all of my photos stay in front of the screen even if I most them around?
If I move my mouse pointer to the top Photoshop Bar, the photos start to hide behind the Photoshop screen. I only use Consolidate all to Tabs,or Float All in Windows
A screen-capture illustrating that the photos are in the "Consolidate All to Tabs" mode..1 example of what happens. I've moved the screen to show you the this example.