For some reason my CS3 does not show perfect greys. Even when I convert to grey scale the picture looks a little redish. It also prints like that. Whats going on? Because this has not happened until recently.
My hard drive died and I purchased a new hard drive. I run Vista Business and have both PS cs3 and PSE. Both programs show my grayscales as shades of purple. It also prints as shades of purple. But I have other photo editing software and it shows grays correctly and prints correctly. Does anyone have any suggestions? It use to work okay before the new hard drive was installed. None of my other software is acting any differently.
I have two layers. One is set to red color, the other to blue color (using ctb). I have both layers defaulted to 1 mm line weight thickness. Blue is continuous and Red is dashed.
When printing the blue layer prints at the correct weight of 1mm, while the dashed red layer prints at a much smaller thickness. All line properties are set to default or bylayer (this is not being caused by the lines having individual special properties).
I have recently installed CS3 and it seems every picture i throw in there will get a reddish tint to the skin of the person in the photo. Makes everyone look like they have a sunburn. I'm not sure if its some filter that is being applied or what. In the windows preview for this images I do not have this problem. Paint and Adobe Bridge CS3 also do not have this issue.
I just want to have the necessary scales, so don’t want to add to the template.
The command function is basically to allow me type the value of the scale and based on that, adjust the properties of the scale. (Name appearing in scale list - Paper Milimeters - Drawing Meters)
Acad2004, Acad2008MEP Acrobat Pro 6.0 and 8.0 -and- CutePDF Writer
Merge Lines in PC3 'Device and Document Settings Tab' does not work when creating PDF's - but the same CTB works fine if I print to (2) different plotters and (3) different printers. We use gray for backgrounds and use black thicker lines for detail work. For many years we have had to make sure to send the backgrounds (gray colors) to the back (draworder) before plotting. It is not practical to do this every time we plot. I'm willing to use another program to create PDF's but I haven't found one that works.
Example: CTRL+click on grey channel theoreticly (by my theory) make selection from white depending on its value. So cuting out must leave transparent greyscale image. But it don't (okey, it do, but changes black value):
The same selection inverted and filled with 100%K gives correct result: Is my "theory" about CTRL+click selection wrong? Becouse for my point of view, both ways should give same result.
How do I change the default toolbar background from dark gray to light gray in illustrator CS6? In the older versions, the toolbar backgrounds were light gray. It easier to read on light gray backgrounds. THe same question applies to Photoshop CS6. InDesign CS6 has light gray backgrounds.
My company is switching from ctb files to stb files. With the ctb file, we make concrete hatch with two layers. A top layer with the concrete hatch pattern and a background layer with a solid hatch patern. The ctb file concrete plots the concete hatch black and the solid background hatch light gray. I am using civil 3d 2013 and the hatch allows a seperate background color mask. I am trying to make all my concrete layers (Top of Curb, Curb Flowline, etc.) a certain color scheme, i.e. shades of green. I would like my on screen concrete hatch patern to be a green color with a gray background, but plot the concrete hatch black with a gray background. I can not figure out how to do this without making two layers. Is there a way to use one layer and utilize the background color mask to show on screen green and gray, but plot black and gray?
Why does a black through white gradient created in an RGB document have a B channel that differs from the R and G channels?
In 8-bit mode, only some of the "grays" have a mismatching B value and there seems to be more of them when the gradient is created by Gradient Tool than when it is a Gradient Fill layer. The difference seems to be 1 in the cases that I've seen.
In 16-bit mode, I see the B differ from R and G by 7 at black, gradually reducing to 0 at white.
Before someone says, "Why make a fuss about small discrepancies?", I'm asking why there is any difference at all.
Unfortunately I am using ACAD 2000 so bear with me and the only ACAD training I have is a 3 day crash course at the local software reseller.
I am attempting to plot a drawing that was created from a template into a .pdf but it is plotting colored lines instead of black lines.
Here is some background info. My template is set up as a .dwt which I will save as a .dwg when I begin to make my drawings. Plot style table is “monochrome.stb” and I have selected Adobe .pdf as my plotter configuration. I then select the “Properties” then go to “Custom Properties”, “Paper/Quality” tab and then select “Black & White” as my color.
When I go to plot the drawing as a pdf and do a preview of what I am about to plot, I see that the lines that make up the drawing are a shade of gray in color. All my lineweights in the layers property manager are set to default. I have attached a blank drawing that is based off of my template.
In both Photoshop and Illustrator the gray colors look brown. However, in Fireworks and other programs the gray colors look gray. Any color management settings to fix this?
when you click onto a selected item to move it or change the scaling, and there is the three arrows that represent X,Y, and Z pop up? Well I pressed something, and now that system shrunk down to the point where I can't move or change the size of anything I select. Below is a .JPEG of whats the problem. I have done everything but wipe my whole computer clean.
I am a very infrequent user of CAD and still do things like I used to do back in the '90s.
I draw in Model space at full scale--except, and this is why I am posting this question, when I have a small detail I want to be visible.
Can I draw a detail in Model space that is a different scale than the main drawing, or do I have to make it 'larger' by using Paper space and a viewport. Like maybe a block or some procedure I am unaware of.
I have several drawings in which I want to use a line type (centrex2) at a specific scale. The scale setting is exactly the same in all the drawings but in some the line type is coming out at different scales, all larger, but not the same or to a set factor. All the entities in question are poly lines (2d).
I have checked in all drawings that:
global scale factor and current object scale in the line type manager are the same (1.0)drawing units are the same (unitless)‘use paper space units for scaling’ is always deselected line type generation is always enabled.
I used the layout wizard to configure 2 vertical viewports as instructed in the manual. Next I try to paste an object in one viewport at a scale of 1:20, engineering imperial. The object appears in both viewports in model space. I only want the object in one viewport and I cannot erase the object in the other viewport, since they both dissappear. I also cannot draw a line in one viewport without it appearing in the second viewport. If I switch one viewport to current paper space the line can be drawn but I want each viewport to be at a different scale. Is there some way around this? Is my AutoCAD LT program capable of doing this?
Yesterday, I sent a drawing that I scaled as 1/2" = 1'-0" in an Adobe PDF, and was told by the receiver that the drawing scale was off by 3-4% when they measured it. Hoping that is was the printer's problem, I sent a drawing from another file to FEDEX, and went and scaled that one myself. Sure enough, it's off. It doesn't matter whether it is windowed or brought in a paper space viewport.
I just started at this company and each time I try to choose a scale for my viewport I am confronted with a daunting list of hundreds of scales to choose from. Most of them have XREFXREFXREFXREF....following them.
how can I reset this to the default list of scales? Or at least purge or edit this massive list. BTW, the same happens when selecting annotative scale.We are on AutoCad 2008.
I have a question about printing an autocad drawing. Currently I have two drawings on the model tab. I have drawn them both 1:1. Now I need to print them both out on a same A3 paper, with different scales. The other one will be printed in 1:100 and the other in 1:50.
I have drawn a pretty good amount on autocad but this is my first time printing/plotting.
We deal with multiple architects at our company, all of whom have different standards for their Linetype Scales (on a drawing at a scale of 1/8"=1'-0" some use 36, others 24 etc).
We need to take their Architectural drawings, remove all of there dimension notes etc and create an empty floor plan we put our designs on.
The issue is that we cannot have all of our symbols work with one consistent linetype. We have to go into the block and manually overide the LTS of the individual item to suite the LTS of the architects drawing.
Is there a way we can insert the architect background as an x-ref and have the LTS of our drawing not effect it? Or possibly a LISP/Script that divides the individual LTS of all their entities by their global LTS so everything looks fine in our drawings.
We have had issues with annotative objects in the past with some of the architects drawings so that is not a viable option.
For a project we are currently working on all files are stored on projectwise, all xrefs run through projectwise, so essentially whatever changes are made are immediately avaliable to everyone working on the job. This is great and all, but, one of the companies dwgs have an average of 11,000 + annotation scales. And those dwgs are referenced into ours. Usually in a situation like this we would just get rid of the annotation scales in the original, but since its run through projectwise every time they open and close one of these dwgs it over rides any changes we made (like getting rid of the annotation scales) We dont use annotation scales and i never have, is 11,000+ alot of annotation scales or is that normal? half the time i open the dwgs with these xrefed in it crashes autocad or takes forever.